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Apex Legends


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Respawn’s rumoured free to play Battle Royale game, set in the Titanfall universe, is set to be announced is today... a teaser at 16:00 GMT with a full reveal later at 20:00 GMT.

Releasing for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


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A Titanfall style Battle Royale would be fantastic. Sadly, word is that there are no Titans, there's no wall running and there are no jetpacks. So pretty much everything that sets the IP apart from it's contemporaries is supposedly not included. We'll see if that's the case but it seems to be taking some cues from MOBA style games with characters who have specific play styles going by the streamers and Youtubers who've been looking for their 15 minutes.

We'll soon find out. Hopefully there'll be a nod towards what's happening with Titanfall 3 somewhere in the stream as I suspect they'll want to get it out there that they're not taking anything away from the development of that game.

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Yeah I was considering opening a thread when I first heard it, before the extra details were known (apparently). I did know about no Titans, but not the title or the planned teaser.

Title would have been "Titanfall Battle Royale" and content would have been this sole smiley: :shakehead

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It doesn't look too too bad, in my opinion. ::shrug: 

Got bored of Fortnite after a (very enjoyable) year with it and Blackout still suffers from annoying bugs, so I'll give this one a whirl tomorrow. 

Obviously, I'm disappointed that Titanfall 3 isn't happening but maybe Apex Legends will turn out to be fun. However, I don't like how there is no solo game mode and squads are only 3 players...weird design choice. 

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Oh sure, subjectively, I'd probably prefer this over Fortnite or Pubg.. Purely because of the Titanfall setting and because I absolutely hate building in Fortnite.. But objectively I can't see a reason for Fortnite players to give this a try. Then again I may also end up in tears if I ever consider playing it, because it's no Titanfall 3. Anyway, I doubt it will run and I don't have the space anyway. If it ever appears on Switch I might give it a go.

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Played two matches just now.

First one went like this: Landed, found a weapon, immediately fucked up and died :laughing: 

Second one: My squad and I actually played very well and as a team. The ping-system is really good. It's easy to use and offers valuable information. Makes playing with randoms quite fun. We finished 3rd place. 


I have to say: This is quite a surprise. Gameplay seems very polished, runs like a charm and it's fun as heck. Wasn't so sure about it being squad-only and "hero-based" but mymy...I'm intrigued.

They already have a roadmap:


I can see myself pay some money for this. Really hope it'll follow a similar approach to Fortnite, i.e. pay once for a Battle Pass and be able to earn enough "currency" to get the next one through it.

I do hope we'll see duo- and solo-modes eventually, though :D 


As far as F2P monetization goes, this doesn't seem that bad. 

I'm cautiously optimistic.

Edited by drahkon
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The game seems to have got off to a positive start. I've been reading the impressions over on Era of those who have played it and many are saying it's a fantastic BR game. I supposed it shouldn't be too surprising seeing as it is Respawn who is at the helm of this. The gunplay, both in and out of the Titans, in the Titanfall games always felt great so if they've managed to translate that over to this game then people should be in for a good time.

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Spent the last 2 hours playing this non-stop.

It's so much fun. Managed to win after my two teammates bailed on me 3 minutes into a match. Had to camp a little and pick my fights, but I ended up winning with 5 kills :peace: 


It's very impressive how polished Apex Legends already is. Respawn definitely deserve all the praise they're getting. However, there are still some features I (and the community) would like to see. But hey, it's only been two days :D 

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I really wish there was some sort of free roam practice mode where I could learn the map and mess around with the guns free of any hazards. My biggest frustration with Battle Royale style games has always been that there's an artificial steepness to your learning curve at the beginning because you have one life and most of it's spent looting rather than in enemy engagements. It creates a sense of panic when you do encounter enemy players in a way that a traditional FFA multiplayer mode doesn't because you have such a limited timeframe to learn the rules of engagement and put them into play. 

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Pretty sure something like that will be added in the future.

Just read a post on reddit how the "no-marketing strategy" was perfect for this. If this game had been announced weeks/months ago with something like "not Titanfall; f2p; battle royale" it would've been dead on arrival. 

I have to agree. This was the best approach the devs could've taken.

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The leaked info coming out before the reveal really didn't have me optimistic for the game but having out in a good few hours over the last couple of days, I have to say I was wrong to be trepidatious as the game is great. It's slick, it's polished and it plays extremely well.

The gunplay and movement are fantastic and the little changes to the formula, such as jumping as a squad and being able to respawn squad mates with their collected banners, really do add to the gameplay and are great additions to the genre. Love the in game communication system as well, so simple but it's so effortless and works wonders.

I'm managing to get in the top 3 regularly with random squads, a lot of 2nd and 3rd place finishes (including one where I was solo for the whole match as the two people in my squad left before we touched the ground) and I got a win on Tuesday night with some great teamwork to take down 14 players between us and using a pinch movement to take out the last squad at the end.

I just wish people wouldn't rush off head first as that seems to be the guff that I'm getting stuck with at the moment and it is dragging things down slightly. It's squad based so taking it slow and working out a plan of attack when you're down to the last 3 or 4 squads is vital but I just seem to get stuck with people who'll run in for the circle with a minute left to go before it closes in and then I'm swarmed as they retreat and give up my position further back.

These kind of games don't usually hold my attention long, and there's plenty of releases on the horizon that will pull me away from this, but it's definitely got it's hooks in for the time being.

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Rather enjoying this, mad how quickly people get stupidly good at these games though, always the champions it flags up at the start of games have hundreds of kills already. Only thing I don't love about BR games for me is getting munched by people who put tens of hours in every week. Surprised this / fortnite / pugb don't do ranked games now the playerbases are so massive.

Definitely a really cool game though, great effort by Respawn on well everything runs when you're in a game. I kind of miss the more chilled out looting at the start of Fortnite / Pubg with their bigger maps, quite nice when you're catching up with friends on PSN. But it has a really nice pace and feel to it.

Who's everyones legend of choice?

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Don't have a favourite legend, yet. It's great that all of them are balanced very well. Except maybe Mirage - community says his ultimate is rather weak. He will definitely be the first Legend I'll unlock, though. Only a few more levels to go :) 

My mates and I managed to win 4 times today. The final battles were always incredibly intense. 

Just now I finished second after my two random teammates left during the drop...played a little defensively but still managed to get 4 kills. Wiped a whole squad with perfect execution of Wraith's Into the Void skill. 


I'm pretty sure I will pay money for this game once the Battle Pass drops in March. Already had so much fun with this and I can see myself playing for quite a long time.

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I've put a couple of hours into this game. I must say Respawn has created a stellar Battle Royale game. It runs as smoothly as you'd expect from the Titanfall developers, and the fact that there has been no hiccups with the game after the insane launch surprise/success is insane. My mate is really, really bad at BR games (and I ain't no good either) so we haven't gotten any wins yet, but I'm enjoying it a lot. I need to finish my tides of war-event in Battlefield before I can devote my time into this game, but that shouldn't take too long.

I enjoy playing as Pathfinder and Bloodhound. Pathfinder's grapple hook just brings me back to Titanfall mode and I love it! And Bloodhounds ultimate is pretty rad. Got some sweet shotgun kills the other day with him.

I also have to give Respawn credit for giving us the ping-system. Holy hell, that system is way over due in the Battle Royale genere. Why has this been so hard to implement for other games? It's a gamechanger, and now it is actually good to play with strangers! As long as everyone does their part, of course :p

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