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Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That is generally the case. Most people who buy the game won't know or care about the issues because they don't follow gaming news. It was the same with Pokemon. The fan base complained about Pokemon being cut, game went on to sell 16 million in a stupidly short time frame. The Call of Duty fan base weren't happy with certain things in one of the games. Game went on to sell millions. Jim Sterling recently made a video about this kind of thing.

I've said this a few times in the past, gamers who do keep up to date with gaming news and voice their opinions on forums aren't the ones who dictate where the market is heading or how well a game sells. It's the masses who have the power and as long as they don't care then sadly nothing will change.

Totally agree. Don't think it applies to AC: New Horizons though.

10 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Probably why Nintendo just doesn't give a damn about rectifying or clarifying the issues surrounding the game. New Horizons will sell millions of copies and probably millions of Switches, too. They know they can get away with it ::shrug: 

Oh please. Get away with what exactly? Providing a backup solution for people? There's nothing to "get away with", why make a mountain out of a molehill.

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3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Totally agree. Don't think it applies to AC: New Horizons though.

How come? The examples I used are where decisions that have angered/annoyed the fan base but the games went on to sell millions. This whole save fiasco has angered/annoyed many AC fans but the game will go on to sell stupid amounts.

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3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

No I just like to call out hyperbole like that and calling this save backup thing a "disaster".

Considering I’ve had all four mainline Animal Crossing games and consider it one of my favourite franchises, the fact Nintendo have done more to convince me not to buy this game than have to make me want it day one should say it all. 

The messaging has been a disaster. Sure, I may be in the 5%, the 1% or the 0.1%. I don’t care. They have put me off this game completely. Will it matter to them, no. 

So congratulations, I guess. Like I said, enjoy the game, and I’ll focus on the words I choose to describe something. If you don’t like it, by all means be sarcastic and arrogant. 

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3 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

Considering I’ve had all four mainline Animal Crossing games and consider it one of my favourite franchises, the fact Nintendo have done more to convince me not to buy this game than have to make me want it day one should say it all.

Bah. I was hoping I could visit your town/island and then we could at least be lonely Animal Crossing players together. Wait...


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6 minutes ago, Nicktendo said:

Considering I’ve had all four mainline Animal Crossing games and consider it one of my favourite franchises, the fact Nintendo have done more to convince me not to buy this game than have to make me want it day one should say it all. 

The messaging has been a disaster. Sure, I may be in the 5%, the 1% or the 0.1%. I don’t care. They have put me off this game completely. Will it matter to them, no. 

So congratulations, I guess. Like I said, enjoy the game, and I’ll focus on the words I choose to describe something. If you don’t like it, by all means be sarcastic and arrogant. 

I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited... all because backing up your saves is more complicated than hitting the cloud save button and there's a bit of confusion whether there'll be DLC/in app purchases or not. But to each their own. Sad to hear you won't be getting it. Personally I'm really excited and am happy to wait for more info before making a judgement call. I'm sure it'll be an 8/10+ game anyway, so I'm not too concerned.

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8 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

How come? The examples I used are where decisions that have angered/annoyed the fan base but the games went on to sell millions. This whole save fiasco has angered/annoyed many AC fans but the game will go on to sell stupid amounts.

I'll wait and see what their save backup solution is, they've said we'll be able to so I don't see them as "getting away with" anything. ::shrug: We'll see I guess. There's far more egregious stuff out there in the industry.

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3 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited... all because backing up your saves is more complicated than hitting the cloud save button and there's a bit of confusion whether there'll be DLC/in app purchases or not. But to each their own. Sad to hear you won't be getting it. Personally I'm really excited and am happy to wait for more info before making a judgement call. I'm sure it'll be an 8/10+ game anyway, so I'm not too concerned.

Potentially having a 100+ hour save file lost and having items locked behind a paywall is concerning. 

The trailers have done little for me so far, though I’ll happily admit the game looks gorgeous.

I’m not wasting my time with a game that doesn’t seem to respect it. If that doesn’t bother you, great. 

Edited by Nicktendo
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@Nicktendo You're not interested in this game and that's fine. I don't understand the need to defend the decisions Nintendo has made or the attempt to convince you that the game might be amazing. Don't bother justifying your decision to not buy a Nintendo game in these parts of the forum. We've had these situations many times before. It always turns into a game of "how can you not think it's amazing" - "that's why" - "but look at this" - "don't like it" - "but look at this" - ...

The discussion two pages earlier was great. This one is turning into a tedious slog with no end in sight...

Edit: To lighten up the mood:

Animal Crossing Music Chrome Extension


Edited by drahkon
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I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited... all because backing up your saves is more complicated than hitting the cloud save button and there's a bit of confusion whether there'll be DLC/in app purchases or not. But to each their own. Sad to hear you won't be getting it. Personally I'm really excited and am happy to wait for more info before making a judgement call. I'm sure it'll be an 8/10+ game anyway, so I'm not too concerned.
It's somebody else's point of view. He's not questioning why you will buy it so why badger him for boycotting based on some reasons? You can really make topics toxic - much easier to let people do what they want than try to defend Nintendo all the time.
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3 hours ago, Sheikah said:
On 13/02/2020 at 1:46 PM, Ronnie said:
I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited... all because backing up your saves is more complicated than hitting the cloud save button and there's a bit of confusion whether there'll be DLC/in app purchases or not. But to each their own. Sad to hear you won't be getting it. Personally I'm really excited and am happy to wait for more info before making a judgement call. I'm sure it'll be an 8/10+ game anyway, so I'm not too concerned.

It's somebody else's point of view. He's not questioning why you will buy it so why badger him for boycotting based on some reasons? You can really make topics toxic - much easier to let people do what they want than try to defend Nintendo all the time.

Your constant sh*t-stirring makes topics equally toxic. In this case LONG after the conversation has moved on.

I literally said to each their own, and sorry to hear he wasn’t getting the game. 

Now I think it’s time to move on, again. 

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Your constant sh*t-stirring makes topics equally toxic. In this case LONG after the conversation has moved on.

I literally said to each their own, and sorry to hear he wasn’t getting the game. 

Now I think it’s time to move on, again. 


It's a forum, people post stuff, people read stuff later and add to the conversation. I had a pretty good reason for not being very active the past week or so, but I've now read this discussion and given my thoughts.


You literally did say that, but you literally said a lot more over several posts which fully support my original post. To each their own, eh. ;)

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7 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

However, thanks for that, and I'll be sure to check in with you regularly about whether the window is still open for replying on any given subject.

Say whatever you want. Just don't complain about toxicity and then in the same breath add to it yourself, by sh*t-stirring old arguments long after the conversation has past. 

Edited by Ronnie
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I don't know if it's your intent @Ronnie, and I don't mean to drag this out, but I think it's just the way that the post ended up being phrased that's rubbed some people the wrong way. If the essence of your last post was to say "to each their own, and sorry to hear he wasn’t getting the game", I think that's perfectly fair and fine, but it clearly didn't come off that way. 

To break it down: 


I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited...

I mean, it's subjective, and what you're essentially putting across here is, perhaps unintentionally for the most part, that @Nicktendo is "wrong" in an almost objective sense: for not loving the trailers, or the new additions, or the potential of a new Direct. But I think it's starting out with the "I genuinely don't understand", it just conveys an undeniable sense of disbelief which almost seems like it's there to make him feel like his opinion is somehow less valid because he didn't find the enjoyment in those things that you have. 


...all because backing up your saves is more complicated than hitting the cloud save button and there's a bit of confusion whether there'll be DLC/in app purchases or not.

I think it's this part more than anything else which issue is being taken with. It's belittling in a way which honestly just comes across as malicious. It's a sly dig above all else, almost an attempt to invalidate his opinions, and it's just not necessary. 

While I'll be picking up the game, I can appreciate where @Nicktendo is coming from. The feeling of being let down by some dodgy-at-best business practices, especially when it comes to a game you would otherwise love to enjoy, just sucks. It's how I felt with Battlefront II and the whole mess when that launched, and I avoided buying it myself. 


But to each their own. Sad to hear you won't be getting it. Personally I'm really excited and am happy to wait for more info before making a judgement call. I'm sure it'll be an 8/10+ game anyway, so I'm not too concerned.

This part is 100% fair and I don't think anyone here has an issue with this part. I just don't get the need for the first half of the message, as it makes it seems like a windup which very quickly takes a turn, and by your reaction it feels like you expected everyone to ignore the first half? I don't know ::shrug: 

I'm not saying that I or anyone else here is above petty forum arguments over the smallest things, but I think it's just worth having a second read over posts before submitting them. I've lost count of the number of times I've edited a post (before or after submitting) because I'm concerned I'm going to offend someone or start a meaningless argument. 

Everyone should be free to voice their opinion, and hey, a little disagreement is fair game in my books - that's just what happens when opinions are floated about. But is it really worth arguing over? I'm just concerned that you and @Sheikah butt heads a lot, @Ronnie, sometimes over some things I find kind of silly. 

You both love games, that much is clear.

We're all here to talk about games at the end of the day.

Who cares who's right or wrong about that? 

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Say whatever you want. Just don't complain about toxicity and then in the same breath add to it yourself, by sh*t-stirring old arguments long after the conversation has past. 
If you don't like people commenting on your behaviour, the best way is to conduct yourself respectfully in the first place.
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9 minutes ago, Julius said:
I don't know if it's your intent [mention=4353]Ronnie[/mention], and I don't mean to drag this out, but I think it's just the way that the post ended up being phrased that's rubbed some people the wrong way. If the essence of your last post was to say "to each their own, and sorry to hear he wasn’t getting the game", I think that's perfectly fair and fine, but it clearly didn't come off that way. 
To break it down: 
I genuinely don't understand how two great trailers, a gorgeous looking game with tons of new additions and (presumably) a Direct still to come hasn't got you excited...


Thanks for this. I really do agree with the breakdown of the language being used.
@Ronnie I mean this in the nicest way, but reading Julius's post could give you an insight into how you come across with how you use language. I don't know if this is just a forum issue with the way you type, but the way you use words seems often incendiary, perhaps unconsciously at this point. I would have mad levels of respect if you had a read through Julius's post and took on board some of the feedback moving forward.

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24 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

the best way is to conduct yourself respectfully in the first place.

That's rich coming from you. Not to mention as condescending as ever.

28 minutes ago, Julius said:

it's starting out with the "I genuinely don't understand", it just conveys an undeniable sense of disbelief which almost seems like it's there to make him feel like his opinion is somehow less valid because he didn't find the enjoyment in those things that you have. 

I can genuinely say that I absolutely didn't mean that. I was simply saying what that I didn't understand, but then finished the sentence with fair enough, to each their own, and that I was sad he wasn't going to pick the game up. 

28 minutes ago, Julius said:

I think it's this part more than anything else which issue is being taken with. It's belittling in a way which honestly just comes across as malicious. It's a sly dig above all else, almost an attempt to invalidate his opinions, and it's just not necessary. 

While I'll be picking up the game, I can appreciate where @Nicktendo is coming from. The feeling of being let down by some dodgy-at-best business practices, especially when it comes to a game you would otherwise love to enjoy, just sucks. It's how I felt with Battlefront II and the whole mess when that launched, and I avoided buying it myself. 

I guess I just don't understand how Nintendo telling people they'll be able to back up their save is a dodgy at best business practise, and in any way comparable to Battlefront II's legitimately shameful practises (now thankfully turned around).

I agree with the rest of your post though, and completely respect and understand the points you're trying to make. Points taken. Let's move on now please. It's sad how this has been started up again by Sheikah. It's a bit annoying that no one seems to pick up on his attitude and posting style.

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11 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I guess I just don't understand how Nintendo telling people they'll be able to back up their save is a dodgy at best business practise, and in any way comparable to Battlefront II's legitimately shameful practises (now thankfully turned around).

It's probably because it can be perceived as secretive.

There'll be a way to back up saves? OK, but how will it differ from the usual way of cloud saving on the Switch? Nintendo have a history of having weird caveats when it comes to online capabilities, so I can understand the concerns some people might have when Nintendo won't give details on how something works.

Could be nothing to worry about, but then why not clarify that?

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It's a shame that there was anything to comment on to begin with [mention=4353]Ronnie[/mention], not that I "started it up". As I say, I have a pretty good reason to have been away the past week (you ignored me saying this previously, I noticed).


Touching on what you said, you mentioned you "couldn't understand" a particular point of view of Nicktendo. That might be crucial - because if you don't understand another person's point of view, you're probably not going to have a very good discussion.


Nicktendo no doubt understands your point of view - that despite the lack of clarity on some features, you'll still buy it because it'll probably turn out to be a pretty good game. I don't think it's too much to ask you to try to understand his point of view - that those features/details matter to him, and that he'd rather not buy the game based on how it has been handled so far. If you had that understanding to begin with I don't think this argument would have occurred in the first place.

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