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Chrono Trigger

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5 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Ok not to be a dick (or more of one) but how does naming a spoiler tag "Where I'm at" help anyone? How do they know if they are before or after you?

It doesn't but then in this instance I don't think it matters. There's only a few of us actively playing it and engaging in conversation and I've already played the game and drahkon is miles behind you.

8 minutes ago, drahkon said:

To get back on topic:

  Where I'm at (Reveal hidden contents)

Back in the middle ages to take down Magus apparently. We'll see how that'll go down.

Came across a store that sells incredible equipment for a HUGE amount of money...tempted to grind but...nah :D This is just too much.


Yeah, I seen those prices and was like "nope". I love grinding as much as the next JRPG fan but I wasn't going to even attempt to get those.

It appears we are pretty much at the same point, drahkon.

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3 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It appears we are pretty much at the same point, drahkon.

If there's anything I can be proud of it's that you are not miles ahead of me this time :D 

Going to watch football. Might play Chrono Trigger and just have the match running in the background. Depends on how interesting it'll be.

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11 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I love how all characters still get experience even if they aren't part of the main party. 

Yeah. Every JRPG that has more characters than slots in your party should do this. 


Back in the prehistoric times looking for the Dreamstone. I have so many healing items that fights aren't really a problem. 


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Alright. The game lost me again.
I just don't think it's very fun. The battles are way too easy, the characters aren't particularly interesting to me and the story doesn't really get going - to the point where I just can't be arsed to continue playing.

I've taken some time to read a summary of the plot and to be honest it's nothing special except:


Magus is Janus trying to defeat Lavos.


So after about 7 hours of playtime it's finally time for me to mark Chrono Trigger as a game I will never complete and never play again. I guess if I had played it back in the day it would've blown me away and I appreciate what it did for its time, but these days it's simply "meh" to me.

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I had a good session on this yesterday, killed a few more bosses and have put in around 10 hours now.


Took down Magus pretty easily. My team of Frog, Crono and Marle managed to brush him aside without too much effort. Hit with Crono to get a weakness that I could use, used attack with Frog to lower his defence and then attack with the player who had the spell that he was weak to. Rinse and repeat, with a bit of healing in between, obviously.

Black Tyranno and Azala were also a pushover. The battle went on for a while but I was never in any danger of dying. I just used Lightning II to get rid of Azala and then hit BT with my strongest attacks and then healed when he unleashed his big move. 

I've reached the point where my pendant can now open those mysterious doors and i've now got hold of the Epoch.

 I'll put some more time into it this evening.

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@drahkon If you're able to go back to it I would definitely recommend that. The plot really does become quite something and it's easily one of my favourite games. No worries if you've given up, but this is something really special.

Then you can also play Chrono Cross (the PS1 game) which is on the US PSN store. Now there's another stellar game.

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Another boss has been defeated.


Giga Gaia caused me a bit of trouble on my first attempt so I decided to change things up a bit. I swapped out Marle and Frog for Robo and Ayla. I then sat and done some grinding for a while which got me to level 38 and gave me enough TP to learn Luminaire with Crono, as well as the triple attack Twister. With both of these in my pocket I decimated Gaia. It only got off an attack at the start and after that it was so busy trying to respawn his arms that it done sod all for the rest of the fight.


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On 12/08/2018 at 3:56 PM, drahkon said:

So after about 7 hours of playtime it's finally time for me to mark Chrono Trigger as a game I will never complete and never play again. I guess if I had played it back in the day it would've blown me away and I appreciate what it did for its time, but these days it's simply "meh" to me.

Kinda bummed that you weren't feeling it. It's a very pleasant game, I find.

Also, I don't think anyone here played the game back when it came out, either. The original SNES version was never released in Europe.

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I didn't get as much time as I wanted on this yesterday evening but I did make enough progress to the point where I can take on the final boss. I'll be doing some grinding and a few sidequests before I do go and face it.


I absolutely loved the scene where you revive Crono. Standing on the cliffside while the sun shines on the ocean is done amazing well considering it was made on the SNES. Marle then jumping on him and giving him a hug....dem feels. Great stuff. 


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I managed to get everyone to level 50-55 last night. Still, I wouldn't mind getting them to 60, just to be safe.

Ive done a few of the side quests and got some of the better gear in the game. I loved the Ozzie quest. That guy is hilarious.

Shopto shipped Shenmue yesterday so I'm going to push on and try and get this finished in the event that Shenmue does end up popping through the letterbox this afternoon.

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Took on the final boss earlier...

Took it down fairly easily with a team of Marle, Frog and Crono.



I really enjoyed playing through this again, possibly more so than I did on my original play through. There's a simplicity about it that I find really appealing, especially when modern JRPGs have you trying to manage a stupid amount of things at the same time.

Its funny, I've been playing this and Shenmue side by side today and even though Shenmue is a much more modern game it's Chrono Trigger that holds up far better. Like a lot of games in the SNES era, this really stands the test of time.

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3 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Good to hear you enjoyed it. Genuinely one of my favourite games of all time.

Honestly, coming off Octopath and on to this has been a breath of fresh air. On Octopath I was having to constantly switch job types, team set ups and equipment but with this I could just pick my 3 and get on with it without much hassle. I'll say again, the simplicity of this made it very enjoyable. Maybe that's why I enjoyed it more than I did 9 years ago.

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I really want to play this, but for me the issue is how to play the game. I never played it on the SNES and actually came into contact with it thanks to a rom that somebody passed on to me, with a glowing recommendation that it was an incredible game. But, the file was corrupted about a quarter of the way in, so I never finished it. I wanted to play a legitimate version, so I played it on @Eenuh's DS but never finished it as I usually get very bad headaches after a while when playing handhelds. Plus, using the DS/3DS gave me hand-cramps and it just generally didn't feel that pleasant to hold for too long. In the end, I gave up because it just didn't feel comfortable to play and I couldn't fully enjoy the game itself. 

So, I'm a bit stuck really. I have this really good game that I enjoyed playing and want to see through, but no real way to play it. ::shrug:

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13 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

I really want to play this, but for me the issue is how to play the game. I never played it on the SNES and actually came into contact with it thanks to a rom that somebody passed on to me, with a glowing recommendation that it was an incredible game. But, the file was corrupted about a quarter of the way in, so I never finished it. I wanted to play a legitimate version, so I played it on @Eenuh's DS but never finished it as I usually get very bad headaches after a while when playing handhelds. Plus, using the DS/3DS gave me hand-cramps and it just generally didn't feel that pleasant to hold for too long. In the end, I gave up because it just didn't feel comfortable to play and I couldn't fully enjoy the game itself. 

So, I'm a bit stuck really. I have this really good game that I enjoyed playing and want to see through, but no real way to play it. ::shrug:

It's a shame they never put it on the SNES Mini, although you can buy them on ebay with it installed, along with a host of other games.

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It's a shame they never put it on the SNES Mini, although you can buy them on ebay with it installed, along with a host of other games.

Chrono Trigger was one of the first things I put on my SNES Mini when I decided to hack it. The SNES Mini has a stellar line-up, but I feel Secret of Mana over Chrono Trigger was a mistake. As well as DKC2 getting snubbed over DKC.

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