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Something to think about


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This was what a Swiss gentleman who has lived in this country for most of his life gave as his reply on a forum when asked what he thought it meant to be British.


"Being British is about driving in a German car to an Irish pub for a Belgian beer, then travelling home, grabbing an Indian curry, an Italian pizza, or a Turkish kebab on the way, to sit on Swedish furniture and watch American shows on a Japanese TV.


And the most British thing of all? Suspicion of anything foreign."

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You are such a stud.


Well the cheek of the man!


You don't see me moving to Switzerland only to give it a few years before saying "Oh, your clocks are shit, your chocolate tastes like that cheap stuff they sell at the fair and your army knives are nothing more than a gimmick!".

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Im with dan on the multi culturalness. Name a religion, it'll be in this country somewhere. There's nothing wrong with having stuff from other countries. Maybe some of think that their French cars are better than english ones. Maybe some people would rather have pizza than sunday roast.

Though if he is complaining then he can go back to sweden no one's stopping him from leaving

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I went to london a couple of years back. When we arrived to heathrow we found out that our luggage was left behind. As we were only staying for the weekend I got a bit worried. But as for the multicultural british goes, the man I had to contact to get the luggage was probably from egypt/middle east. And luckily we got our luggage the next morning and it was delivered by a man who was wearing a turban.


And while I was there I probably saw more people from other cultures than actual britts :)

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Why are you getting so offended by this; it's not like he's saying something bad or saying that he doesn't like it to live there. He's just kinda stating what he observed or something. And in a way, it's probably true too. But I think it could apply to more countries anyway; multi cultural societies are everywhere.

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In reply to the quote he is pretty much generalising...Im sure that for the Majority of us it doesnt apply. But i do see what he is getting at.


Im not racist in anyway but you know what i do hate? People who come here from other countries to live and then just do not respect this country and simply do not care about anything from breaking the law to simple everyday things like keeping the place tidy.


Just like my next door neighbours who since living here have made the street look like a shit hole. First of all they have a massive car with out of date road tax, knocked down their wall with it and havent bothered sorting it out...bricks are everywhere and its been nearly a year!! The House has a white porch which is now filthy it looks black. The back garden has grass as high as my fence...they have a little kid he could be playing out there but no... They are very rude which is why i stopped talking to them. They fill my letterbox up with all this jesus church rubbish i dont want so i post it back to them. The police have made various visit's to them, not sure whats going on in there but it cant be good.


Why do some people not care about where they live ? if i lived there i would be very ashamed and pretty much embarrased of the place.


D'ya know what has also annoyed me ? where I live a lot of the good old fish and chip shops have shut down and all these Chicken shops have opened up everywhere? dont get me wrong i love fried chicken and visit PFC (KFC rip off) quite a lot but what the hell is that all about? do we really need so many? i miss my fish and chips.


All of what i have said is kinda off topic but it all just popped into my head.

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Why are you getting so offended by this; it's not like he's saying something bad or saying that he doesn't like it to live there. He's just kinda stating what he observed or something. And in a way, it's probably true too. But I think it could apply to more countries anyway; multi cultural societies are everywhere.


Go easy foreigner, don't bring attention to yourself.

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