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The Trump Presidency...is Over


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Orange man is now actively and openly trying to sabotage the USPS, while simultaneously tweeting in all caps to “Save the Post Office”

This is in addition to acknowledging they need funding and also saying he will veto any bill that comes to him offering funding to the USPS. It’s amazing. 

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On 18/08/2020 at 12:00 PM, Nolan said:

Orange man is now actively and openly trying to sabotage the USPS, while simultaneously tweeting in all caps to “Save the Post Office”

This is in addition to acknowledging they need funding and also saying he will veto any bill that comes to him offering funding to the USPS. It’s amazing. 

I've seen the news that Cindy McCain(wife of John McCain) has endorsed Biden in an arguably unexpected move - hows it seem to be going down over there? I know Trump won't be happy lol

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23 hours ago, Rummy said:

I've seen the news that Cindy McCain(wife of John McCain) has endorsed Biden in an arguably unexpected move - hows it seem to be going down over there? I know Trump won't be happy lol

It’s going. Anecdotal but I’m seeing absurd amounts of yard signs endorsing trump anytime I drive anywhere. 

He has a lot of supporters still, and he has a lot of supporters who will follow through on voting for him. There’s also a good subset of people that literally do not care because at the end of the day they see it as “owning the libs” and it matters more to them that they upset someone else.

He’s been setting up a narrative of how the election may be fraudulent and blah blah blah. Effectively just getting it into people’s minds that if he doesn’t win obviously he was cheated. Of course if he does win, well I’m sure the results were all 100% fine. 

Gut feeling, the psychopath will probably win again. America has been divided and the conquering is in progress. 

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5 hours ago, Nolan said:

It’s going. Anecdotal but I’m seeing absurd amounts of yard signs endorsing trump anytime I drive anywhere. 

He has a lot of supporters still, and he has a lot of supporters who will follow through on voting for him. There’s also a good subset of people that literally do not care because at the end of the day they see it as “owning the libs” and it matters more to them that they upset someone else.

He’s been setting up a narrative of how the election may be fraudulent and blah blah blah. Effectively just getting it into people’s minds that if he doesn’t win obviously he was cheated. Of course if he does win, well I’m sure the results were all 100% fine. 

Gut feeling, the psychopath will probably win again. America has been divided and the conquering is in progress. 

Its really quite crazy stuff to see in our lifetimes imo - especially from the USA. You guys need to get your house jn order and be prepared for him absolutely fucking off democracy and not transitioning(dont make the mistakes of thinking Trump is bluffing anymore and you can call it) - my hopes for justice/democracy as traditionally seen prevailing soon die more and mlre day by day.

I can't say Britian is doing much better mind and thats one big question/scenario I am going to be curious to see - the British(until recent lawbreaking ;) ) are often considered for their democracy and eternal defense of it BUT;


If Trump loses the vote and refuses to leave I am very very VERY curious to see how BoJo the Tories our geneeal governance etcetc. then decide to approach it - will they support abstain or object? Sadly the correct action is that last one but I genuinely am not sure this current govt/cabinet understand what the path of correct action actually is.

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3 hours ago, Rummy said:

Its really quite crazy stuff to see in our lifetimes imo - especially from the USA. You guys need to get your house jn order and be prepared for him absolutely fucking off democracy and not transitioning(dont make the mistakes of thinking Trump is bluffing anymore and you can call it) - my hopes for justice/democracy as traditionally seen prevailing soon die more and mlre day by day.

I can't say Britian is doing much better mind and thats one big question/scenario I am going to be curious to see - the British(until recent lawbreaking ;) ) are often considered for their democracy and eternal defense of it BUT;


If Trump loses the vote and refuses to leave I am very very VERY curious to see how BoJo the Tories our geneeal governance etcetc. then decide to approach it - will they support abstain or object? Sadly the correct action is that last one but I genuinely am not sure this current govt/cabinet understand what the path of correct action actually is.

Your first line reminded me of the semi-unrelated nine inch nails Pandemic line of shirts. Specifically this one, https://store.nin.com/collections/pandemic/products/stand-for-something-2020-tee

As for him not bluffing and all.....well with all the other Republicans backing him he has gotten away with so much more than is legal. No one is holding him accountable. Anyone that tries is ineffective because the rest of the Republican Party stonewalls it. Like his impeachment, it went nowhere when it got to the republican held senate. 

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21 minutes ago, Nolan said:

Your first line reminded me of the semi-unrelated nine inch nails Pandemic line of shirts. Specifically this one, https://store.nin.com/collections/pandemic/products/stand-for-something-2020-tee

As for him not bluffing and all.....well with all the other Republicans backing him he has gotten away with so much more than is legal. No one is holding him accountable. Anyone that tries is ineffective because the rest of the Republican Party stonewalls it. Like his impeachment, it went nowhere when it got to the republican held senate. 

Ha! I felt similar to the t-shirt when we decided to become 'international law breakers' the other week - I get quite political etc on facebook but my heart truly sits with the pillar of the judiciary and rule of law and ethics etc.

Why is it that we seem to be moving into this weird age of erosion of the idea of rules-based orders into this age of flout the rules unaccountably?

What has happened to all the checks and balances that are supposed to be in place? Why are these things occuring in the UK as well as the US and other countries globally to? This almost concerted looking effort to move to authoritarianism?


The impeachment was fucked tbh. I read Mueller - its bang to rights imo. I didn't really get it at first(I watched Sondheim's testimony too) how....it was wasted?? I recall more recently Bolton did his book and his interviews with ABC or something - and he said he didnt or wouldnt testify in the impeachment hearings because the Dems were messing it up by overpoliticising it - and I have slowly come round to agree since.


There are limits on certain aspects and areas of society(curiously this was rather echo'd in the UK's 'Russia Report') such as Intellgence services and how far they wished to go/felt their remit went. Our so called 'governors' on both your side of the pond and ours did not step up and do their duty. Nobody seems to have a backbone for traditional morality and principles anymore now and its really weird to even think how we managed to get to here.

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Feel like the fates just woke my dead ass up - anyone gonna be following the debate live? Not sure where to get it in the UK and think it kicks off in 14minutes butseeing as I'm up I mqy give it a crack! Seen a few funny bingos/drinking games knocking about but even for me I'm not sure I'm gonnna chance those yuge chyynnaaa risks right now ;)


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It's really amazing that these two are the best America can come up with. They manage to make the UK politicians look positively competent. The next few months are going to be very messy, and given Trump is already sowing the seeds of an unfair election things are going to get really bad no matter which way this goes.

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13 hours ago, MindFreak said:

Yeah. 300+ million citizens and these two came out on top. Remarkable.

I fully expect Trump to win again. Biden is not sharp enough to overthrow him, I think. 


12 hours ago, Will said:

Yeah I think you’re right on that, terrifying really.

Biden is like Hilary, it’s the candidate the DNC wanted for better or worse. It was as dirty of a nomination this time, but I think more people are disillusioned to it all. I think they’re trying to win off of the premise of “Hey look we got the guy Obama chose, so vote Blue” and that’s a shitty platform to run on. About as shitty as “Hey if you vote blue we’ll have a woman President” The big problem with that as a platform, lots of people didn’t like Obama so that’s not going to sway votes their way because Biden doesn’t have the goodwill they think he does.

They don’t actually give a shit. It’s all just a fun game of dividing people, it’s very us against them and if you’re not with us you’re part of the problem mentality that is fostered. 

I could only stand about 30 seconds of the debate. 3 people all trying to talk over each other because one buffoon doesn’t understand the preschool concept of taking turns. 

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16 hours ago, Will said:

It's really amazing that these two are the best America can come up with. They manage to make the UK politicians look positively competent. The next few months are going to be very messy, and given Trump is already sowing the seeds of an unfair election things are going to get really bad no matter which way this goes.

Yeah was an absolute shocker of a shitshow tbh. I favoured Biden but still was wank all round. I've just been watching this though which has been quite interesting a take(~1hr);


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I watched some of the debate live when it happened and was not that impressed. I would have loved to have seen Biden more in his prime debate against Trump but I didn't see much of that here. Trump can be measured when he wants to be but clearly wasn't here. The bull in the china shop show isn't impressive all the time.

This is a side issue but there is a saying that when America has a cold Canada has the sniffles but that saying applies to Europe now. We are influenced perhaps too much by what happens in America as a kind of one size fits all mentally that boils down to issues about most things including the mentally and debate about race (which is clearly an issue in America) and I think we all need to think for ourselves. I like America and American culture but I am not an American. 

The US TV style debates are now part of UK political life. It's a circus show at the end of the day and we often forget the other player in this circus show which is the media whose job isn't just to report the news but to hype everything up and ultimately divide people in the process. In that respect the UK and I guess other parts of Europe (and elsewhere) are no different.

Edited by sumo73
grammar edit
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The Absolute Armchair Lawyer in me read Pannick's art 50 arguments read the illegal proroguement of uk parliament read the uk 'russia report' but also I read all 440+ pages of the Mueller report(as well as watching some of the 'impeachment hearings' particularly Sondland's testiominies) and so I come with this...;


There's a few subtle and also not so subtle intricacies to this piece I am linking(and tbh in the face of national security/me not understand all the jusitifications of redactions i cannlt be sure) but this is gonna be fucking hilarious if they crack ANYTHING with it - even unredacting parts of Mueller as it will incriminate Trump further ideally but also if not I feel White House will argue Twitter is not legit as a Presidential expression - hopefully then it'll give twitter and social media companied grounds to shut Trump up. My legal is obvs self-taught and rocky so only just reading this and considering implications but its gonna be hilarious if he is hoisted by his own petard.


Let it hopefully be a lesson people - do not give too much of absolute power to your leaders; it may become a double edged sword against themselves AND you the people(tho again I don't think judiciary will risk national security - but i dont know exactly what s302 redactions encompass yet...)


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It’s not even that the president was given absolute power by the people, it’s that the rest of the republicans are afraid to go against him. He’s broken many laws while in office (easiest example is the Goya beans thing). No gop member seems to care to bring him to justice. So that’s what gives the absolute power. 

In unrelated news a terrorist Michigan militia group was arrested with plans to kidnap our governor. Who trump hates. 

fun times. 

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15 minutes ago, Nolan said:

It’s not even that the president was given absolute power by the people, it’s that the rest of the republicans are afraid to go against him. He’s broken many laws while in office (easiest example is the Goya beans thing). No gop member seems to care to bring him to justice. So that’s what gives the absolute power. 

In unrelated news a terrorist Michigan militia group was arrested with plans to kidnap our governor. Who trump hates. 

fun times. 

Its all just such a madness my only hope lies with the judicial branch in the traditional three pillars balance of power.

Obvs saw the Michigan thing - bloody good the FBI are on it and not too corrupted by trump administration that they kept her safe but you REALLY have to consider how that even began to came about in the minds of what should be law-abiding citizens alongside Trump's calls to take back Michigan etc.

When you are President words have power - Trump knows this. It goes both ways though. Also as much as I can criticise the US shitshow right now the exact same sort of approach has been exported over to here in the UK. We are in for some seriously dark times - I just hope the lights of humanity don't quite 'go out' yet....

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Can't quite believe the direction this is going in. I thought Biden would ultimately have a fairly comfortable win after quite a tight race throughout the night. I tuned in this morning (just as polls were closing on the east coast) and Sky were predicting a dead heat. Checked the BBC and they were predicting a fairly easy Trump win. What?!

Either way we're heading to disaster. If Trump wins, more Trump. But if he loses, he's already putting in place the platform for an uprising with his insane supporters. I'm very glad I'm not in the US anymore.

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I thought this was going how a lot of people predicted? It would be fairly close throughout the night and then closer to the end Biden should start to pull ahead because all the mail in votes are counted last. Isn’t that why everyone said we probably won’t know the result for a few days and why Trump has been laying the groundwork for months that it’s all designed to screw him over (and why he’s already saying he’s gonna go to the Supreme Court over this).

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