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Mario & Rabbids Kingdom Battle


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And done. The last four challenges were very satisfying and challenging, but they never felt impossible. I used Mario, R Luigi and R Mario which is a good combination of healing, power, and range.


I'll wait for the announcement of what the DLC is before buying the season pass but I will most likely buy it regardless.

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Just finished the Main Story, one chest, 10 challenges and the 4 Ultimates to go.  After all the time I put into it, the battle stages are excellent, however, toward the end of the game I felt overpowered and apart from the penultimate stage, didn't see a Game Over.  The exploration aspect though has really soured me, it's pants.  The amount of backtracking just because you learnt a new ability (e.g. pick up, etc.) is crazy.  I just scoured the 4th World, and I missed one chest, so I'll have to go all the way back through to find the bastard thing :(  Enjoyed most of it though, and had a chuckle at a few things. 45 hours in total.  I won't be buying the DLC, though.  I've had my fill.

Edited by londragon
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  • 3 weeks later...

A new patch is now available for Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, bringing the game up to version 1.2.400297. There are no patch notes so far, but it seems like the purpose of this update is to prepare the game for the upcoming DLC, which is actually being released very soon. The digital receipt you get when buying the season pass now lists October 17th as the release date for the first part of the DLC, the challenge maps. The second part of the DLC, which will bring new story content, has also gotten a concrete release date: January 16th, 2018.

Due NintendoEverything.


Now for Ubisoft to officially confirm this. And for me to get the Season Pass - might wait until pack 2, though.

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I took the plunge and bought this last night to give me something to play until Odyssey. 

I am not far in at all, World 1-7 to be precise but having way more fun than I ever thought I would. 

I have had one game over so far on the Piranha level, but it was down to me telling characters to go to the wrong place by mis-timing my button press which didn't help. Doh. :blush:

Regardless, so far so impressed. I thought I'd struggle getting into it but it's hooked me in very quickly. It also looks fantastic. 

I recently bought an LG OLED TV which virtually everything looks good on, but after playing the game on it for 5 minutes I knocked it off and went handheld. Feel the game suits the smaller screen so much more. 

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  • 1 month later...

Started playing this today after nabbing the bundle version on sale in the eShop. Can’t remember exactly why I didn’t get this at launch, but glad I finally got around to picking it up. Did think I might struggle to get into this a bit, what with it being turn based strategy (not really my cup of tea :hmm:) but it’s actually been alright so far. Liking how there are little secrets to discover when exploring in between the battles too.

Already had me laughing on several occasions as well, the Rabbids are such great characters and their animation is super expressive in this. That early scene with Rabbid Peach and the real Princess Peach is gold! :laughing: 

Here’s hoping it stays this entertaining for the rest of the game.

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I need to get back to this.  I was slowly going back over things and completing them with perfect, although I did try one of the Ultra (or whatever they're called) challenges and failed spectacularly. 

When is the DLC coming?

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I need to get back to this.  I was slowly going back over things and completing them with perfect, although I did try one of the Ultra (or whatever they're called) challenges and failed spectacularly. 
When is the DLC coming?

The extra DLC challenge levels and weapons have already arrived back on October 17th. The extra story and character DLC will be in January. 16th if IRC.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Contemptible I know, but did anyone switch easy mode on in this game?

I haven't played it for months and had a bash at the start of the third world today... difficulty has spiked! 

I had ummed and ahhed about trading it in possibly, but I'd like to see the end so debating whether easy mode is the way forward til I find my bearings...how easy is easy mode?!

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9 hours ago, Kaepora_Gaebora said:

Contemptible I know, but did anyone switch easy mode on in this game?

I've used it a few times, yeah. Just not a fan of the battle gameplay in this really. :zzz:

Everything else is fantastic though. I'm up to world 4 now, the boss on the 3rd world was hilarious!! :laughing:


Brilliant! :D

Nintendo let Ubisoft get away with quite a bit in this game, has made it all the more entertaining. :hehe: I just wish the gameplay was more to my taste.

If there's ever another Mario x Rabbids crossover in the future I would love for it to be based around the gameplay of Rabbids Go Home. :love:

Edited by RedShell
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  • 2 weeks later...

There was an update for this game the other day, it seems to have modified certain aspects of the UI and more importantly enabled the Switch's video capture feature! So of course the first thing I go and capture was this:


Anyway, I'm on what must be the final boss battle at the moment, already failed a couple of attempts though. I am so bad a strategy games it's unreal. :heh: Will hopefully be able to beat it today. Then it looks like there will be quite a bit of backtracking to do, in order to hit 100% completion.

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Have enjoyed reading everyone’s impressions of this. So much so that I picked this up a couple of weeks ago.

I’m now on to the final world and have really enjoyed it. Definitely wanting it to end due to the repetitive nature of the gameplay though - explore/fight/repeat.

They could have done some neat 2D sections ala Odyssey - including 2D battles. Maybe it’s because RTS games usually aren’t my thing, but I do appreciate how it mixes strategy with platforming to innovative effect.

Either way, the game looks stunning, the humour is pretty good and the battle elements are well executed. The added two player mode is great fun too!

Edited by tapedeck
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Finished it the other day. The last boss was tricky for me, even on Easy Mode! :blush: Got there in the end though, here's a cool moment I captured from the fight:



Did a bit of exploring afterwards with the new power-up. Not sure if I'll ever make it to 100%, but will certainly keep coming back to it every so often to try and find more secrets, also to check out the upcoming DLC too! :hehe:

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