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E3 2017

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Yup. I'm looking forward to seeing Battlefront 2 in all its glory ( gameplay has already leaked but I'm refusing to watch it ) and I'm intrigued to see if the Switch version of FIFA is shown.


I'm extremely excited for BF2. Could easily sell 15+ million units based on what we know so far, but if we get more in-depth customisation, etc.? Completely disagree with some analysts who have been saying it should be kept quite shallow as we already have other gaming franchises for in-depth FPS, especially seeing as the original BFII was one of the earlier games to pave the way to online multiplayer FPS, a dominant genre in the business.


On another note, I'm also intrigued to see if we see a new IP from EA this evening.

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In hope to see a return of the Dead Space franchise. The original game is one of the greatest survival horror games ever made and I would love to see the series get a reboot.


Now that's a great shout!


Could also be a great way for EA to venture into VR...

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I'm not feeling much hype for E3 this year, I just have this feeling that it's all going to be a bit 'usual suspects' type of thing with the games shown, with little in the way of surprises from many of those doing conferences (especially with leaks and some substantial rumours outlining some of the big reveals this year). I'm hoping to be proven wrong but we'll see.


I'm interested to see what EA brings to the table in terms of new titles outside of their regular ones this year. We'll obviously get our first look at this "Dylan" game, with a progressive ramp up in coverage over the year (beta probably late early next) but other than their sports titles that I have no interest in and Battlefield 2, which could end up being good but I'm not really that bothered for especially with how they brought the previous to market lacking in maps and content, I don't see much in the way of new IPs coming. I'd love to see more of Fe and any of the other EA originals that they've got signed up for their indie push but have a feeling they'll get a bit lost amongst everything else. Wasn't there also talk that they were working on their equivalent to Assassin's Creed, a big open world, story driven title? Maybe that'll crop up.


Won't be staying up for EA's show so will mop up whatever is shown/announced in the morning but hopefully there'll be something good to make up for benching IPs like Titanfall (if those rumours are to be believed), Mass Effect (I suspect any DLC for this is going to be shelved outside of the multiplayer) or things like Mirror's Edge which is completely dead now sadly.

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@Ganepark32 I thought it was me just getting old but it seems there are a few people, both on here and elsewhere, who aren't feeling the hype for E3 this year either. My reasons for this pretty much mirror yours. I'm still going to be watching everything I can but I lack the excitement and enthusiasm I had in previous years.
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I think it's always going to be harder to feel excited for these sorts of things as you get older. We've seen so much in our time. We've seen incredible moments like Miyamoto appearing on stage after THAT Zelda Twilight Princess trailer. Moments like the triple-attack of The Last Guardian, FFVII remake and Shenmue 3. Other countless crazy moments and events. We've literally seen it all already.


It's almost the same with the World Cup and European Championships. When it does come around, you tend to get more involved with it and enjoy it, but it loses that freshness factor because it isn't fresh to you anymore. I'm 30 now and I've been watching and following E3 since I was a teenager...I think I was 14 or 15 or something. That's half of my life!


I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not counting down the moments or I don't have any wild predictions. I'll watch it, enjoy it, take in what was shown and then just move on. :heh:

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I'm intrigued to see if the Switch version of FIFA is shown.


I don't think it will be shown and that it's more likely we'll get some hands-on impressions and off-screen footage in the coming days.


As for excitement, I'm probably feeling like many of you others in your 30s where much of the anticipation is gone.. but that seems to be a general symptom of getting older rather than E3 specifically :indeed:


I have to go to hospital for a scan on the day of Nintendo's E3 Spotlight but I'm still not sure which one I'll enjoy less :heh:

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The on-stage stuff has been as dull as last year apart from the guys talking about FIFA, it's all so stilted and too reliant on teleprompters but the pace is at least quicker than last year and we'll hopefully see a much higher proportion of game footage than last time.

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Need for Speed looks alright, but you get the sense that it's been "done". Is there really an appetite out there for more open world racers? Look like they're going after the Fast and the Furious crowd with this.


I prefer track racers and want more of those.

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I get the feeling the new Bioware game 'Anthem' is going to be a Scorpio exclusive considering the gameplay reveal is coming tomorrow during the Xbox conference.


I'm not sure EA want their new BioWare IP to flop.

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Decided to jump on the stream to see what EA were showing (thought it was on much later than it is) and have to agree that A Way Out looks great. Definitely the kind of thing I can see my missus wanting to play so it's great that it's couch coop. Do wish they have shown more from the EA Originals, like where was Fe and have they nothing to show from the guys behind Unravel?


And that teaser for "Dylan"/Anthem was pretty poor. Hasn't done much to create hype for seeing it tomorrow at Microsoft's conference.

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I get the feeling the new Bioware game 'Anthem' is going to be a Scorpio exclusive considering the gameplay reveal is coming tomorrow during the Xbox conference.


Well, Mass Effect started off as exclusive to Xbox so it would be quite fitting if Bioware's new IP starts off the same way.

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I'm not sure EA want their new BioWare IP to flop.


I get your point. It might be timed exclusive but I think Microsoft will have paid EA handsomely for something, they need to provide some sort of console exclusive, otherwise the power users have no reason to pick up a Scorpio over their PC because of the Xbox Play Anywhere scheme.




Didn't realise Shiva Kamini was the main character in Battlefront II, that's awesome.

Edited by killthenet
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