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WOHOOOO. Can't wait to download it when I'm back home.

Been holding off playing more of this on my PS4 because I wanted to wait for v1.1, mainly for mob-auto-scaling being removed and damage reduction being reworked (i.e. it's not mandatory anymore to have a chance of survival).

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8 hours ago, Ronnie said:


A sequel to one of my favourite games of all time. 

More info for anyone interested, it sounds like structurally it’s going to be quite different: https://www.pcgamer.com/darkest-dungeon-2-trailer/

I've been considering getting the original on Switch after loving it on Steam. However think I'll wait for this now, sounds awesome.

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3 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

I've been considering getting the original on Switch after loving it on Steam. However think I'll wait for this now, sounds awesome.

Reading that interview on PC Gamer it kind of sounds like the sequel is a fair ways off sadly. I could be wrong but doubt we'll be playing it for a couple of years. Always nice to see more Darkest Dungeon love on here.

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1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

Reading that interview on PC Gamer it kind of sounds like the sequel is a fair ways off sadly. I could be wrong but doubt we'll be playing it for a couple of years. Always nice to see more Darkest Dungeon love on here.

I just love games that manage to feel cruel and fair at the same time (customary Dark Souls mention). In that moment after losing a favoured character you experience that rage, a barometer of your investment, before you cool down and realise it was your fault for not being prepared, and set off to find a new favourite character. Any chance of a co-op mode in the new one?

The UI was the only draw back to me of the original (a little confusing and cramped), so hopefully they improve on that. Still may pick it up if it comes on sale.

In the meantime I've got more than enough to play. 

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Just finished Transistor. What a game, can really recommend it. While I didn't really get into the story, mainly because spreading my play out over three weeks, I did enjoy it when I was playing but I can't say I fully understand it - I'll just read up on it. :) What makes the game really good, though, is the combat system. It's really hard to get into and in the beginning you don't have any really good functions, but once you get more memory space and start to understand the different functions you collect, it gets super satisfying. It's real-time battles but with the possibility to freeze time and make a plan (this is called turn() in the game). I've never seen anything like it but it's quite good. You can also tweak the difficulty in-game for more XP rewards - I played it without using any and didn't find the game easy but not frustratingly challenging. I may try again with a few limiters set to on.

The game reminds me of Bastion, which is not surprising but the combat is better in the end. Bastion had a better story, though, and the setting was nicer - I didn't quite enjoy the sci fi broken city setting in Transistor.

Next up on my list is Guacamelee! 2. Looking forward to playing that now for a complete change of pace.

Edited by MindFreak
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On 24/02/2019 at 2:04 PM, MindFreak said:

Just finished Transistor. What a game, can really recommend it. While I didn't really get into the story, mainly because spreading my play out over three weeks, I did enjoy it when I was playing but I can't say I fully understand it - I'll just read up on it. :) What makes the game really good, though, is the combat system. It's really hard to get into and in the beginning you don't have any really good functions, but once you get more memory space and start to understand the different functions you collect, it gets super satisfying. It's real-time battles but with the possibility to freeze time and make a plan (this is called turn() in the game). I've never seen anything like it but it's quite good. You can also tweak the difficulty in-game for more XP rewards - I played it without using any and didn't find the game easy but not frustratingly challenging. I may try again with a few limiters set to on

Good recommend, I'll put it on the wish list.

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I snapped up this today.


As a huge fan of the original game on the Mega Drive I was eagerly awaiting its release. I started playing it at around 4pm and after a few hours play I have completed the thing twice. I can't believe how short the game is. :( 




If you have fond memories of the original game then this does hit all the right notes. It plays just like the Mega Drive game, with you collecting presents, finding ship parts and ultimately trying to return to Funkotron. 

Earthlings are back to harass you on your quest to return home and there are a few familiar faces, as well as some new humans to cause you grief. Fan favorites such as the dentist, the mole and Santa Claus are all back and pretty much remain unchanged. 

I played through the game online on my first run through of it and it's a bit of a mess at the moment. You can play with up to another 3 players and this can certainly speed up the game simply due to the amount of ground being covered by multiple players. The problem comes when you fall off the edge of a level or use the elevator to go to the next stage. The load times here are very long during these sequences. They are pretty quick when playing offline but sadly the same can't be said when playing online.

I had a number of glitches and crashes while playing online. A few times characters/enemies would appear stuck in the floor with only their heads poking out of the ground. At one point the game froze and kicked everybody back to the lobby.

Another downside to playing online is that it seems like only the host gets to keep their unlockables. I unlocked a character at the end of the game but when I went to select it during my second run it was still locked. 

The game runs smoother when playing offline. It's still not without issues though. The game can stutter or pause for a brief second on random occasions. This caused me to die a couple of times as when this happened I was being chased by an enemy.

If you're a fan of the original game then it could be worth a look but bear in mind the game is very short and does have issues. I want to love it but the game has been in development for a long time now and I expected more polish and more game time out of it.

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Anyone else thinking of picking up this classic when it release on Switch later this month? :D

I've got some fond memories of playing GODS on the Sega Megadrive back in the day.

Hopefully another remaster done right.


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Event Horizon (no not that one) is coming to Switch. :D

Looks like Asteroids but ship versus ship, with RPG and customisation and exploration elements.

We should have a review of it at some point, anyway it's out on March 29th. :peace:


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