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Fire Emblem: Three Houses (26th July 2019)


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3 hours ago, gaggle64 said:

Recently finished my first play through of Blue Lions, after 80 hours I cant play any more of that game and simultaneously desperately want to.

Same. I want to do a Maddening run but seems like a big time commitment. Didn't want to risk getting burned out.

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Finally continued this after doing some other games the last few months.

Reminder, church route spoilers.

I left the game after completing Ferdinand's and Lysithea's paralogue. I'm so happy I recruited her, both for the paralogue and for being a powerhouse (and obviously a nice replacement for Hubert). But I didn't manage to save all the villagers, and I didn't feel like replaying it with Astral Chain coming out at that time. But now I did.

Ferdinand & Lysithea paralogue

The map itself wasn't hard, but saving all the villagers was for me. Before this mission, I made some changes to my roster, changing some of them to suboptimal classes to teach them new things, plus I still had the new characters which were still not great. Bernie is a Paladin now, but obviously pretty weak as one. Dorothea is a sword class now. Ferdinand was that heavy armour class now. So I was missing an effective Paladin, though Ferdinand was pretty tanky, but also very slow, so it was hard getting to some villagers in time. Petra was great, and could be left alone, Byleth obviously as well, but I had to send almost all of my force to the top right for the most far out villager. Cyril was absolutely useless. Shamir still had to grow. Bernie and Ferdie (I'm shipping them by the way, they've been doing stable work together since pretty much the beginning) were less effective but still had to carry the team. Anyway it worked out in the end.

After an auxiliary mission, it was time for the main mission of chapter 17

Chapter 17 - Taking of Fort Merceus

Got another shot at the Death Knight! And a dark seal! Then that fucker just flees! Goddammit.

The bottom was pretty hectic with constant reinforcements and ballistas, making it hard to keep the squishy characters alive like Flayn and Lysithea. First attempt I wanted yto have a 2 teams, one going clockwise, and one counter clockwise, disabling all the reinforcements. After the initial mishaps (I have no qualms at using the divine pulse anymore), I decided to just have most of the team go to the bottom part of the map, with Byleth pretty much soloing the right side, though with Dorothea as backup. This worked fine.. Until I experience for the first time that fucker just packs up and leaves, with no way of having any of my units catch up with him, as his exit is to the left of the map. I really wanted to get him. And I think at this point I finally could, at least with Byleth. I obviously didn't know there would be a time limit, and my goal was to clear out everything before heading towards the middle where he was. So yeah. He left. I resetted.

New attempt.. Sort of the same, except I had Petra solo the right side instead, she would also be able to get the chests. Byleth would come with the main team. The goal was for Byleth to quickly circle around towards the left exit, dealing with the reinforcement gates along the way. Main army would stay behind the bottom gate and deal with the reinforcements and ballistas while a small team with Byleth continued onwars as soon as possible. This ehh, didn't really work out. I kept experimenting with this, and was able to do this faster and better.. But the Death Knight seemed to leave earlier as well, so I still wasn't able to catch up to him. I had no idea what triggered it. I suspected triggering his nearby henchmen would trigger him leaving, so on other attempts I tried to carefully deal with everything without triggering those henchmen, but ultimately the Death Knight left anyway, so that wasn't it.

Still I tried it some more, and I got to the point where Byleth could catch him on his way out. Problem was.. I only got one shot at him, the other units were tied up with other stuff. Still it was good to conform my suspicions that Byleth could indeed take him on, albeit with a little help. She did considerable damage and could take a hit. So I gave this tactic one last attempt.. But still only barely caught up with him on his way to the exit. Again only one shot (as he doesn't stop to attack himself when he's on his way out). For this special occasion I used that Sublime Heaven combat art. To my surprise.. She critted, and one-shotted the Death Knight. After many attempts and experimenting, it was finally over.

Or was it?

It was slightly satisfying, but I suspected not as satisfying as clearing out everything. You miss out on a lot of exp this way. With my tactic, I did actually manage to get the chests, but still. And did I really want that dark seal? You need 2.. And I gave the first one I got (eventhough I wasn't able to defeat him, I managed to steal one with Petra in an earlier mission) to Hubert. So I thought about it.. And replayed the mission again. Normally. More or less the same tactic as before, except without rushing anything. Got all the chests, all the umbral from the monsters, and in the end, several characters were a level higher than when I completed the mission by defeating the Death Knight.

All in all I spent a whole lot of time on this mission.

The last few missions did some good for my characters though, and I've realized stuff that I could be doing better in future runs, like planning ahead. I have some characters that are stuck in a class because they lack the skills to get in an advanced class. It's very cool Three Houses threw away some conventions and lets you mix and match certain classes and abilities, but then they screw it up by requiring certain skills for certain classes. Seteth by default is a lance using wyvern rider. He maxed out his class. But can't promote to Wyvern Lord because he doesn't he's lacking axe skills. So that's what I'm going to do better next time.


For now, this is my team.

Byleth - Sword Master
I'll probably keep this class, as enlightened one feels like a step back now? Although healing is a nice extra, but I have 3 healers already currently. She just feels great now, does a lot of damage, and avoids a lot of it.

Bernie - Paladin
I want to make her a Bow Knight I think, that's why she's currently a Paladin. Hard at first, but she's starting to become effective as she can one-shot weak enemies like mages with a lance as well. Almost maxed her class, so I can finally turn hher into a Bow Knight (she could pass the certification a long time ago, but I want to max out other classes as much as possible).

Ferdinand - Armoured Knight
He's in a tough spot. He's effective as a armoured knight, I did witness him surviving a hit from that Death Knight in the last mission, so he is tanky, but I think I want him to be a Great Knight. That's why he's an armoured Knigjht now, as he was missing the heavy armour skills, but also the axe skills it seems. He maxed out this class, but can't promot to a better one. I'm considering making him a warrior temporarily, in order to have him gain some strength, and more importantly, axe skills, but this is probably going to be hard, and there's not much time left.

Caspar - Warmaster
Weak early game, he's starting to become a powerhouse, and I was surprised he was the second one to promote to a master class. Starting to crit a lot, and does major damage that way. He's one of few characters to be able to one-shot a moster's shield at this point for me.

Linhardt - Warlock
I always treated him as a healer, having Hubert and now Lysithea for the damage dealing magic. Problem is Flayn is a much better healer. Still it's nice to have more healing options. But he maxed out most other available magic classes, so he's a warlock now. I'm considering turning him into a Dark Knight, but he doesn't have horse riding skills..

Flayne - Bishop
Weak but great healer. Similar to Linhardt.. I'm thinking of turning her into a Holy Knight, but she also currently lacks the horse riding skills. I'm now considering to finally take Ferdie and Bernie off of Stable duty, and put them there instead. Feels appropriate, but also a bit incestuous? But they feel a bit like nice pair of counterparts.

Lysithea - Gremory
While Bernie was the first to be able to promote to a master class, she's the first to actually do so. Since she's so popular and has a reputation, I don't even need to mention she's an absolute powerhouse. Absolutely decimates everything.

Dorothea - Swordmaster
Used to be an effective mage, but since I want to promote here to Mortal Savant, I changed her to a sword wielding class. She has a high sword skill level, but not much strength, so she does little damage with regular physical attacks, plus obviously having been a mage she can't take a physical hit. That said, she can one-shot a lot of enemies with the combat art hex-blade.. Though that of course burns up a lot of swords. And enemy mages pose no threat at all.

Petra - Assassin
One of my powerhouses. I gave her a cursed sword and she's critting left and right. Armoured Knights don't get a hit in. She's fantastic, even without the cursed sword.

Shamir - Sniper
Was a bit weak, but is starting to become effective. She's one of my wildcards.. I'm still considering turning her into a pegasus rider, as a flying sniper sounds like the ideal hit and run character. Unlike other characters though, she actually has the necessary skills. She has already unlocked the Pegasus rider class, but I want to max sniper first.

I'm not using Cyril, Seteth or Catherine. I wanted to train Cyril to become a Wyvern rider, but he was much to weak whenever I brought him along. But last mission I realized I've been using the adjudant function incorrectly. I always just paired characters with characters that I feel appropriate, for role playing, like Seteth protecting Flayne, but this doesn't necessarily give them enough benefits. I forgot to do this last mission, and Cyril was paired with Byleth by default, and suddenly he gained a lot of exp and one or two levels. Maxed out his class, and he's now actually a Wyvern Rider despite his neglible actual battle experience. I feel I could turn him around and actually make him useful now, though I'm not sure I want to anymore.

Anyway, onwards to chapter 18.

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4 hours ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Honestly who keeps that many clothes on in the sauna? Some waifu fans will be deeply disappointed by that!


I think that might actually be the traditional Japanese way, because there's a similar scene in Dragon Quest XI.  I wasn't disappointed because it was only two blokes, but it did strike me as a bit odd!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Maddening mode is actually pretty fun, it a takes a lot more to take down the enemy units but feels more satisfying when you do. The monastery/tutoring are lot more important and requires planning and keeping your students motivated so you can tutor them to raise their weapon ranks so you can get better skills earlier helps a lot. It's fun setting up a boosted gambit as it raises the hit quite a lot, since the enemies are harder to hit in this mode.

Beat chapter 4 and killed the Death Knight, which took a lot less restarts then chapter 3.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I started this game a while back, but stopped due to a lack of time. However, considering Byleth being in Smash, plus the folks in the Gaming Diary thread voting for it, I'm retaking it, and hopefully take it to the end.

I'm doing Golden Deer, Hard Mode. I've taken a look as to where I was, and I'm starting Chapter 3. I definitely remember trying to recruit Dorothea and Felix, so I'll continue to flatter them. I also have a rough idea of where I want to take each student (class-wise), and I want it to stay rough, let myself be surprised by class trees. Still undecided on marriage goals, as both Dorothea and Leonie look like good girls. Lady Rhea is beautiful, but I'm sure I can only court her under very specific circumstances I don't know about yet (also, pretty sure she's evil).

I've just been given Beginner seals, and I see I can promote Claude. Before I do so, I'd like to ask:

  • How common are these seals? Limited, or can I buy them?
  • Is there any advantage to letting the rookies stay in their class for a few levels before promotion? Or is promotion ASAP the better choice in general?

Just making sure I understand how this works. By all means, I want to promote Claude to a Fighter.

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You can buy them from the marketplace, there's a limit per month. I think 10 for beginner seals? Usually new recruits come with a seal, can' remember if those are beginner seals or if it depends when you recruit them. You can get seals from other means as well. Don't worry about it, you get plenty. There's only 1 type of Seal that's harder to get. If you want it, then train Lysithea's Reason magic.

If you want to recruit students from other classes, shower them with gifts once you're able. They will join once you reach a B rank support with them. It's easier than meeting the stat requirements.

If you master the class then you get a skill so it''s usually better to wait. The Commoner class gets HP +5 which is... OK. Classes modify growth rates a bit but I wouldn't worry too much about that on hard mode and since it's your first play through.

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You may want to better plan your final classes though. I regret not paying more attention to it in the beginning. I'm finally now near the end of my first playthrough, and it's only now that I know what I want for my team. But not everyone's going to get their masterclass. Basically most masterclasses are "it's the same class. But on a horse". So if you want your magic users on a horse for example, you need to teach them horse riding. But this is better done on the field, so you need to actually make them a cavalier. Which also means they'll need minimal lance skills. You can use those class chores (forgot what they're were called) for horse riding, but this may not be enough in itself.

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I'm already considering Riding/Flying as an option for most of my guys. It's an option independent of weapon use, it's super useful in every FE game, and characters already gain weapon skill during battle, so it makes sense to have them learn it over time (I want my Wyvern Archer Claude, dangit!). I think Hilda and Raphael are the only ones I'm not doing it for, since I'm aiming for an Armour path for those two.

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After a few play sessions, I think I got the gist of the monthly schedule. I'm spreading teachings among different weapons/skills, the goal being to have them ready whenever I feel like trying new classes later on (getting Marianne to learn lances seems particularly important). However, I was disappointed to see magic can't be used by just anybody. How am I supposed to train Lorenz's magic now? Might need to have him be a mage for a while.

I was worried maps might be too bland, but I just had a surprisingly difficult encounter with a boss. Dude had battalions and shit, froze my Byleth in place. Thankfully, I used another Gambit of my own ("Lure") to move the boss away from his throne...which was awesome! Only had 40% chance to succeed, but that solution felt great. Who knew Raphael doing something other than brute strength would be the key to my strategy? Hopefully I'll see more moments like these.

I like that we can have guest students from other houses. Makes the job of seducing recruiting them easier.

Regarding the writing, the game is still plenty strong. I like that it isn't always obvious which items belong to which students. Only complaint I have as of now is that the C-supports I've seen so far get repetitive. There are only so many times I can hear different ways of Hilda being a lazy bum or Lorenz being a creep. Ignatz and Dorothea seem to have the best conversations so far, at least. Hopefully all of them get better at B.

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since I posted here, but I need to vent. I've been playing this game at a relatively leisure pace, meaning I feel like I play a lot, but advance little. I love getting immersed into this world, making plans on how my characters will turn out, etc. to the point that advancing the story itself comes slow. In fact, I already maxed out my Novice classes before completing Chapter 5, and I think I did it before I was supposed to. All thanks to me deviously coming up with cheese strats (read: equip my guys with bows and let them be hit over and over again) in order to quickly get the necessary amount of battles to get there (thank you, St.Cethleann).

I made a vow to ignore Divine Pulse entirely. Convenient as it is, it trivialises every encounter, to the point that it's pointless to even have a Classic Mode if I use it. Mila's Wheel in Echoes was a decent idea, as long as you gave it fewer uses, not more! So yeah, I've decided to not use it at all.

I was all pumped and ready with my newly-promoted students, ready to Reposition, Shove, and Swap my way through the chapter, and I was doing pretty well, with solid level ups to boot... Until Miklan got a 9% Critical Hit on Hilda, in his first move. As livid as I was, I kept my vow, and turned off the game. I've been playing Fire Emblem for 15 years, and yet no crit has infuriated me as much as this one. I was so goddamn proud of that run, you have no idea. Miklan is officially my most hated character in this game, and I will torment Sylvain by proxy if I ever have the chance.

Loving the game, honest. It's Miklan who must be purged by a Lysithea nuke next time I retake this.

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Could have been worse, could have been a 1% crit.  :laughing: 9% is still pretty high chance.

I wouldn't grind too much otherwise the game will become too easy, and it's already pretty easy. But obviously play it however you want.

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I played the chapter again, and now I'm a bit more relaxed:


Apparently, this doesn't happen to everybody, but Miklan decided to move from his position during my first run, which is why I found myself in a position where either Hilda or Leonie had to take his attack. When doing it again, he moved once more, but a few turns later. Not just that, but several of his units moved toward me when they hadn't before, too. Not sure what's causing this behaviour, but I'm liking this unpredictable AI.

This time, I took precautions, but Miklan killed someone once again... Gillbert! Despite my strategy, and like a dumbass, Gillbert just attacked Miklan head on, and got immediately critted for his trouble. He even weakened Miklan for me! Thankfully this changed nothing, and Leonie got the kill.

And then Miklan transformed. I swear I didn't know that was going to happen, and now I see how my previous post could've been misinterpreted. After luring the Black Beast with Leonie, I destroyed Miklan that very same turn with good teamwork and a Lysithea critical (sweet vengeance)... Ok, I actually allowed him to live one more turn to see what his super move looked like, and to kill a couple of his soldiers who were still straggling around. I actually could've depleted his entire health in one turn after luring him, and that's enough for me.


6 hours ago, Ike said:

Could have been worse, could have been a 1% crit.  :laughing: 9% is still pretty high chance.

I wouldn't grind too much otherwise the game will become too easy, and it's already pretty easy. But obviously play it however you want.

Upon replaying the chapter, and considering the kit I had on Hilda, I think that percentage may have actually been closer 15%. Meanwhile, I have trouble dodging attacks with a 60% hit rate. Wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm not grinding levels or exp, I'm grinding classes. The only way to do it is to allow characters to battle/heal 100 times (50, thanks to St.Cethleann), and since there's no other way to optimise that, it's the one thing I'm grinding. And after gaining legitimately fun stuff like Shove, Swap and Reposition, I might not even need to do it again. Maybe.

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On 09/04/2020 at 5:27 PM, Jonnas said:

I played the chapter again, and now I'm a bit more relaxed:

  Chapter 5 (Hide contents)

Apparently, this doesn't happen to everybody, but Miklan decided to move from his position during my first run, which is why I found myself in a position where either Hilda or Leonie had to take his attack. When doing it again, he moved once more, but a few turns later. Not just that, but several of his units moved toward me when they hadn't before, too. Not sure what's causing this behaviour, but I'm liking this unpredictable AI.

This time, I took precautions, but Miklan killed someone once again... Gillbert! Despite my strategy, and like a dumbass, Gillbert just attacked Miklan head on, and got immediately critted for his trouble. He even weakened Miklan for me! Thankfully this changed nothing, and Leonie got the kill.

And then Miklan transformed. I swear I didn't know that was going to happen, and now I see how my previous post could've been misinterpreted. After luring the Black Beast with Leonie, I destroyed Miklan that very same turn with good teamwork and a Lysithea critical (sweet vengeance)... Ok, I actually allowed him to live one more turn to see what his super move looked like, and to kill a couple of his soldiers who were still straggling around. I actually could've depleted his entire health in one turn after luring him, and that's enough for me.



Yeah, he didn't move on my playthrough but I saw a Let's Play where he did. 

Green units sucks and will often suicide. I had to keep using Rescue on one so they wouldn't attack the boss. Mostly because I was scared they would kill and I wanted the EXP. :mad: 


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13 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:


Bought it :D I resell all my Switch games once completed so I might actually get the buying price back in a couple of weeks/months.

Given the current delays with German parcel services I expect it to arrive sometime late next week. No biggie, as I will buy One Step From Eden tomorrow. Those two games will last me for a while, I reckon.

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Just now, drahkon said:

Bought it :D I resell all my Switch games once completed so I might actually get the buying price back.

Given the current delays with German parcel services I expect it to arrive sometime late next week. No biggie, as I will buy One Step From Eden tomorrow. Those two games will last me for a while, I reckon.

Have you thought about which path you'll take when you do play this? I went with team Dimitri and LOVED it. Blue Lions FTW!

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