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Fire Emblem Warriors


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9 hours ago, FireMeowth said:


Sadly no artbook or Dragonstone, but I'm definitely buying it anyways.

(...and then maybe importing Japan's Treasure Box Edition on top of that. If I can find one that isn't horribly overpriced.)

Your best bet would probably be Amazon Japan. https://www.amazon.co.jp/ファイアーエムブレム無双-TREASURE-BOX-Amazon-co-jp限定-オリジナルミニタペストリー-付き/dp/B072KJMG1J/

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So it seems like there's an option that increases the framerate to 60FPS at the cost of a resolution drop. So you could have 1080p/30FPS or 720p/60FPS. I'm not sure if this applies to handheld mode (Probably not).

Nice little feature, one that I hope more console games start featuring. I know Koei Tecmo have been doing this recently. So it's cool to see them continue with Switch.

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It might apply to handheld mode too but the resolution would likely be 720/30 and 540/60 (or a variable resolution depending on the number of enemies on screen). It's cool feature regardless of whether it comes to handheld mode or not though, more options are always welcome.

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A few details about the game have  been translated from the latest issue of Famitsu.


- Class Change confirmed, also by using Master Seal item. Shion/Rowan (& Lianna) can promote from Lord to Master Lord.
- will have Skill system. Can equip up to 3 skills. Skills are unlocked by bonding with other characters.
- has Emblem Shop system, apparently involving using materials & permanent stat boosts... need better scan to scrutinize 
- History Mode is separate from Story Mode. It retells the original story of each FE game featured.
- In History Mode you'd move charas on 2D grids like the original SRPG. When ally adjacent to enemy, battle will trigger
- Famitsu shows that Validar will appear but as enemy NPC. Scenes in History Mode will also be fully voiced.
- And Famitsu notes that this History Mode map is from Shadow Dragon. Hope we can get better look at tomorrow's HQ scans

History mode sounds like the equivalent of Adventure mode in Hyrule Warriors, but with an actual story.


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And just like that, I was convinced to buy the Japanese Treasure Box edition.

Tiki~ :heart:

Hopefully they've still got Mela Lee for her English voice - her Young Tiki in Heroes is perfect!

(...Also pls give us a TMS♯FE-Tiki costume... or seven.)

Edited by FireMeowth
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3 hours ago, FireMeowth said:

(...Also pls give us a TMS♯FE-Tiki costume...)

This guy knows where it's at. I just hope that game gets a little shout-out. Costume seems like the best hope.

Hyrule Warriors has some amazing and weird costumes in there. Warning: Pictures.


510px-HW_Link_-_Postman_Uniform.png?version=3b8550e28b34fba1ee1d7a1afaa09663         HW_Impa_-_Era_of_the_Hero_of_Time_Outfit.png?version=a508e813169b6570177dcea02a613fc2             282px-HW_Zelda_-_Ilia's_Clothes.png?version=f5777a720569195ed1382fdd0fb720c9              

1600px-HWL_TWW_Ganondorf_Costume.png?version=d748443d02a7f80c025a7f4c77f55e27          200px-HW_Midna_-_Ordon_Shield.png?versio             126px-HWL_Toon_Link_PH&ST_Standard_Outfi


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DLC packs have been announced.


Pack 1: FE Fates (end of this year)
Pack 2: FE Shadow Dragon (Winter 2018, which is basically late Dec 2017 - mid March 2018)
Pack 3: FE Awakening (Spring 2018)

Each pack is 1,200 yen


Buy the season pass (3,000 yen) and you get that outfit for Lucina.

I've gotta say, I'm disappointed that they're focusing on the same three games in the DLC. Lyn and Celica was kinda giving me hope for older characters. Guess Tharja has to worm her way in somehow...

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30 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Fully agree with you, @Glen-i. They have a host of games they could choose characters from yet they are just focusing on the more recent ones. The DLC packs should have been for the more unknown and quirky stuff, just like Hyrule Warriors.

You remind me of my biggest worry about this game in comparison to Hyrule Warriors. The quirkyness is just not gonna be as heavy as Hyrule Warriors. I know that just comes with the territory of Fire Emblem. But I'm not gonna be able to not think of some of the incredibly left field choices of characters and weapons they went with. I mean, the 3DS one had an inspired moveset for Marin, of all people!

AnchoredRealisticCaribou-max-1mb.gif               tumblr_ni6mft1hyo1qk9g9fo1_500.gif


I doubt anything Fire Emblem can give us is going to be nearly as funny as using the Spirit Train.

Edited by Glen-i
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Wow! Not even DLC can save this game's character roster from total disaster it seems! (So much for Lyn and Celica being harbingers of salvation...)


Honestly, it's amazing how badly they've screwed up here.  Even amongst the Awakening cast, they've picked the most boring choices imaginable (no Kellum, no Tharja, no Virion, no good!).  Who's the idiot who decided not to include the single most popular character in the series? (Ike - A character so popular in the character poll, he actually took up two slots in the top 5 all by himself!) Not even Tharja!? (Watch them save her for DLC) How tone deaf can you be!?


Watching the character roster get revealed over time has been like watching a slow motion car crash and I'm hardly enamoured by the prospect of shelling out for a season pass when you have already gone out of your way to actively avoid all of the characters I'm actually interested in.

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So, as further proof that Ninty spy on me, this trailer for Anna shows up shortly after I complain about lack of quirkiness.

This is the first moveset that I actually am excited about. Utilising Bows, money, Ballistas and many, many Annas. I want more this, less sword flailers!

Edited by Glen-i
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Honestly, the description of the DLC pack is so obviously tone-deaf, I expect them to include a few curveballs, like Ephraim in the Fates pack, or something. I'm also expecting the quirkier ideas to be there (for example, Azura and Olivia could each bring a unique style to the table).

On 24/09/2017 at 7:00 PM, Dcubed said:

Even amongst the Awakening cast, they've picked the most boring choices imaginable (no Kellum, no Tharja, no Virion, no good!).

I get that Kellam would be an invisible fighter, and Tharja's a shaman, but what's Virion supposed to bring to the table?

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