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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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cost to battery


So you've done the research then? Are you able to show me exactly how much battery is being used? What modes require more/less battery? Or are you just making an assumption and then telling me I'm wrong because you've made an assumption without any evidence?


It uses battery? Welcome to every single phone game ever. But hey it's a Nintendo game, so let's criticise it more for that very reason.


Can you kindly stop being so arsey with me and belittling every single one of my posts? Nothing in my original post was confrontational and didn't deserve yours.


I never said this wasn't an in issue for people on places, underground or abroad, so don't pretend like I was.

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That's a good point actually, the cost of UK mobile packages is quite low in comparison to many other countries (not often we can say that!)


I pay 4€ per month for 150MB. Not sure if that's cheap for that data volume.

If you go unlimited it's easily 20€ per month. :hmm:

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How much data do people think this app is using to check whether it's online every so often or to play the Toad Rally multiplayer? More or less than say watching a ten minute YouTube video every day, or download a Facebook timeline full of photos and video, or browsing big websites, or having your phone constantly connected to upload your pics to the cloud behind the scenes, Twitter notifications going off all the time, push emails being sent through.


In 2016, Super Mario Run will use negligible data. No I don't have any evidence for that, it's just common sense ffs. Yes not always having an internet connection if you're commuting or traveling is a big problem, but data usage is not (unless you're still rocking a phone tariff from 2003).

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How much data do people think this app is using to check whether it's online every so often or to play the Toad Rally multiplayer? More or less than say watching a ten minute YouTube video every day


Let's say I watch 10 minutes of YouTube (240p!) per day. That amounts to aprox. 10MB.


If the app uses half of that when I play 5 minutes per day then my data volume is used up exclusively by that app.


In 2016, Super Mario Run will use negligible data. No I don't have any evidence for that, it's just common sense ffs.


I used common sense to lay down how this app alone will most likely kill my data volume. What Nintendo does is ridiculous and stupid, and just like any other developer who uses always-on DRM they should be criticized.


I have a comically small amount of data and I'm not worried in the slightest. It's not like you need to be playing the game every second once you've got it...


It's a video game. My biggest hobby. And since it will most likely be a good game I'd like to spend a lot of time with it...if the app uses 5MB per day (as I've explained above) it will be the death of my data.

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Let's say I watch 10 minutes of YouTube (240p!) per day. That amounts to aprox. 10MB.


If the app uses half of that when I play 5 minutes per day then my data volume is used up exclusively by that app.




I used common sense to lay down how this app alone will most likely kill my data volume. What Nintendo does is ridiculous and stupid, and just like any other developer who uses always-on DRM they should be criticized.




It's a video game. My biggest hobby. And since it will most likely be a good game I'd like to spend a lot of time with it...if the app uses 5MB per day (as I've explained above) it will be the death of my data.


Wow, you must really not do anything on your phone if you have 5mb a day/150Mb a month of data allowance. I can do everything apart from guarantee a 5 minute play through of Mario Run is not going to use 5mb. Checking to see if you're online doesn't take 5mb.

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Checking to see if you're online doesn't take 5mb.


And you know this is the only thing this app will do regarding data usage? Edit: Nevermind, you made an assumption. Am at work and only just read the last page. Apologies.


I can see how accessing leaderboards regularly and starting the game up more than once per day could amount to 5MB per day.

Edited by drahkon
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So you've done the research then? Are you able to show me exactly how much battery is being used? What modes require more/less battery? Or are you just making an assumption and then telling me I'm wrong because you've made an assumption without any evidence?


It uses battery? Welcome to every single phone game ever. But hey it's a Nintendo game, so let's criticise it more for that very reason.


Can you kindly stop being so arsey with me and belittling every single one of my posts? Nothing in my original post was confrontational and didn't deserve yours.


I never said this wasn't an in issue for people on places, underground or abroad, so don't pretend like I was.


Mobile data drains battery more than WiFi because it's constantly trying to search for the best connection, draining battery. It is part of the technology. It's why your battery drains more when you have no network connection (data or call). It's nothing to do with SMR, it's part of the technology. It is discussed here along with the fact anything that requires an always-on screen will drain battery, so obviously gaming (and video) will drain it further and any wireless communications drain battery life somewhat (hence why Airplane Mode is good for preserving battery).


You said you couldn't get your head around why people have issues so I was trying to explain why people might. If it came across as arsey, it could be perhaps because we've already discussed this.


I'd say you saying my arguments lack common sense (which I know was in a latter post) was confrontational.


As drahkon alludes to, when companies like Maxis or Microsoft force always-online they were rightly criticised. That's what's happening here. Nobody is calling for a head on a stick, but people are concerned and/or disappointed.


Article headline: Super Mario Run launches on iPhone and iPad today - but Nintendo's newest classic will cost you


Iwata was right. Mobile has devalued the industry. People expect everything for free.


I mean it's not incorrect, it will literally cost you :heh: But I know what you mean.

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I still can't wrap my head around this, why is it a pain in the ass? Isn't your phone connected to the internet more or less 24/7? As for being a waste of data, it's not actually sending or receiving anything substantial, so the data usage is negligible. And anyway, it's 2016, who honestly spends extra money on data or has a cap on how much they can use per month.


Pretty much everyone has a cap on data, unless they pay for the most expensive tariffs. Even then, there is a cap on the so called 'unlimited' tariffs.


I'd be more concerned about data usage associated with the internet use. 3G/4G use is always a battery drain.

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Mate, you've forgotten how to play games as you have got older...

Real games I will play for hours on end... but this is a mobile game. Meant for a quick dip in like every other mobile game I've ever played. I'll open it for a few minutes on the bus probably, the rest of the time I'll be on wifi.

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We don't know whether you can start the game in an area with signal, go underground and play for an hour without a connection or if it has to be connected 100% of the time, but if it's the latter then absolutely I'm very disappointed. I would have loved to play this on the tube. All I'm arguing against is the amount of data it takes to check if you're online, that's all.


And you know this is the only thing this app will do regarding data usage?


I can see how accessing leaderboards regularly and starting the game up more than once per day could amount to 5MB per day.


The multiplayer and leaderboards will obviously use data, that would have happened even without the always online thing. Every mobile multiplayer game out there would do similar. My point is if you have 5mb to use per day then don't be surprised if it 2016 you run into problems using modern apps. Checking you're phone is online would surely not even use 1mb, let alone 5.

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The multiplayer and leaderboards will obviously use data, that would have happened even without the always online thing. Every mobile multiplayer game out there would do similar. My point is if you have 5mb to use per day then don't be surprised if it 2016 you run into problems using modern apps. Checking you're phone is online would surely not even use 1mb, let alone 5.


I'm not surprised by that. I just wanted to make clear how data usage could be a problem for me.


The main deal is the always-on DRM, anyway. No matter how little data it uses it's ridiculous.

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Checking if your phone is online is a ping, a handshake, shouldn't be more than a few bytes. Uploading data like scoreboards, save configurations etc, might be a few dozen kilobytes. Only if there's some kind of asset upload like videos, images is there likely to be more than a megabyte of data.

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Checking if your phone is online is a ping, a handshake, shouldn't be more than a few bytes. Uploading data like scoreboards, save configurations etc, might be a few dozen kilobytes. Only if there's some kind of asset upload like videos, images is there likely to be more than a megabyte of data.


The amount it uses isn't really the issue it's things like the underground where you can't get a reception or buildings with dead spots

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Trtied playing it, saying I need a better connection (I don't). But fuck me, I've just downloaded it to me phone, I shouldn't need a connection to play it. Nintendo have a habit of being infuriating at times

But how can that be? It only needs to transmit 'a few KB'. :p


Hoping this comes to android soon.

Edited by Sheikah
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