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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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Well it would have to download your friends data, ghost, updates to the kingdom builder thing (can't recall, can you see your friends? If so, you'll need to download that) and any leaderboard thing.


The need for internet connection does more than just cause problems for eating data though. It'll rinse your battery (again...) and also blocks out most planes, some trains (at least in this country as WiFi is hit and miss and connections can be patchy in the grassy knolls) and any underground services.


I figured the online components needing data went without saying. Obviously Toad Rally would eat a bit of data but in 2016, minuscule amounts, the same with the majority of other games. Single player wise though it wouldn't need to download anything as you play, so the only issue with needing to be online is the whole underground/plane thing like you say, which is a big shame.

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I figured the online components needing data went without saying. Obviously Toad Rally would eat a bit of data but in 2016, minuscule amounts, the same with the majority of other games. Single player wise though it wouldn't need to download anything as you play, so the only issue with needing to be online is the whole underground/plane thing like you say, which is a big shame.


Well that and the battery. Lest we forgot the batteries we lost to Miitomo? :heh:

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What a load of junk. Mandatory internet connections are one of my two biggest gripes about modern gaming. The internet should have given people options, not shackles.


Not that I have an iOS device anyway, but let's hope they're not planning anything similar to this sort of nonsense for Switch.

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I've read that apparently the game only works on iPhone models 5S and above. Looks like I won't be able to play it. :(


In other news, there's a Mario Run promo going on in Miitomo. Nabbed me a Toad outfit and a little Goomba for my shoulder. :D



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Gutted I won't be able to play this. :(


I'm not to fussed about it personally, but then I don't have a phone which will play any modern games, so I know this isn't for me. ::shrug:


I do feel bad for you though Hero as you have a phone which is at least on the same platform, it seems like the company want you to upgrade your phone even when you don't need to, I don't know much about the particular brand of phone but I'm sure it would be technically possible to run it on your older model; it's probably just a conscious decision to see how many people will upgrade.


It does pose an interesting question though, will we perhaps see some of Nintendo's mobile games make the Switch? Assuming that the machine does have a touch-screen, they could port it... add some extras, polish it, add some retro skins (Super Mario Maker style) and sell it for the same price or less.


Even if it did happen, I still probably wouldn't have time on it because of the amount of more fleshed out console games which will be on it but still, the option is there I reckon, just a thought. : peace:

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I'm not to fussed about it personally, but then I don't have a phone which will play any modern games, so I know this isn't for me. ::shrug:


I do feel bad for you though Hero as you have a phone which is at least on the same platform, it seems like the company want you to upgrade your phone even when you don't need to, I don't know much about the particular brand of phone but I'm sure it would be technically possible to run it on your older model; it's probably just a conscious decision to see how many people will upgrade.


It does pose an interesting question though, will we perhaps see some of Nintendo's mobile games make the Switch? Assuming that the machine does have a touch-screen, they could port it... add some extras, polish it, add some retro skins (Super Mario Maker style) and sell it for the same price or less.


Even if it did happen, I still probably wouldn't have time on it because of the amount of more fleshed out console games which will be on it but still, the option is there I reckon, just a thought. : peace:


Not knowing much about this particular game and the iOS ecosystem, but I know certain Android games and apps are only available from a certain version because features rely on functionality that only exists from that version (can't think of a specific example of the top of my head, but let's say NFC payments was added in version 5, you wouldn't be able to have an app that used it in version 4 onwards). Perhaps some of the network code they use isn't available in iOS whatever HOT is on? Or perhaps it's not reliable on the hardware configuration of the 4S? Or perhaps they do just want money.


Ironically this game probably wouldn't be advised for Switch because it needs a constant internet connection and I doubt Switch will offer a mobile network connection.

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To be fair the phone is 4 years old now. The way how tech gets upgraded so fast these days I wouldn't be surprised if the 4s can't actually run the game.


I don't use it for gaming ( although I did use it for Pokemon GO during the Summer craze ) but it works for everything else I use it for. It's just annoying that if I want to play Nintendo's mobile stuff that I'm going to have to upgrade or shell out for an iPad. Both options I don't really want to do. I don't blame either company, though. It's just the way it is.


It was either Reggie or Miyamoto who last week spoke about these games appearing on Nintendo's own devices. Apparently it's not on the cards at all, which isn't surprising.

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For what it's worth I picked up an iPod Touch 5th Gen for £90 at CEX recently and that would run it. If you want a cheaper device just for gaming.


Or IDK, replace your phone :heh:


Is there any confirmation that it would only works on 5S and newer though? I had a look at the app store page and all it says is that you require iOS 8, and that it is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, so I think 4S and 5C users should be fine.


Having a quick look the bigger issue might be getting iOS8 on an iPhone 4S. It apparently does work, but really isn't great. 4S is the earliest phone that would support it though.

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Oh right I see, I wasn't aware of these limitations and differences... I really don't keep up with mobile phone technology and Operating Systems at all so I hadn't considered that.


Hmm, putting aside the fact that Nintendo say it's not on the cards at the moment for the Switch... if the game didn't require you to be connected to the internet, then it would work surely?


I'm still trying to figure out why you need to be persistently connected with it, surely if you get a high-score offline, then go online when you can, bam! score uploaded... that's what a lot of console and handheld games have done for years.


It's probably something really obvious I'm missing... but I mean if it was ported to something which isn't a phone, the always connected thing wouldn't be needed for the game to function is what I'm curious about.


But then I suppose that just negates the whole point of these portable experiences I suppose, made for phones, to raise brand awareness for the consoles.

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Oh right I see, I wasn't aware of these limitations and differences... I really don't keep up with mobile phone technology and Operating Systems at all so I hadn't considered that.


Hmm, putting aside the fact that Nintendo say it's not on the cards at the moment for the Switch... if the game didn't require you to be connected to the internet, then it would work surely?


I'm still trying to figure out why you need to be persistently connected with it, surely if you get a high-score offline, then go online when you can, bam! score uploaded... that's what a lot of console and handheld games have done for years.


It's probably something really obvious I'm missing... but I mean if it was ported to something which isn't a phone, the always connected thing wouldn't be needed for the game to function is what I'm curious about.


But then I suppose that just negates the whole point of these portable experiences I suppose, made for phones, to raise brand awareness for the consoles.


I don't doubt that within months it will be hacked to support Android so you could (although unsure how the hack side of thing affects the Play Store, presumably you'd have to sideload the SDK), but it wouldn't be official. Also if it needs to be online, I'm again unsure how the hack would circumvent the inevitable security check that goes with it.


You're right about the high score, as you mentioned technically they could just sync when online and that is a standard part of any mobile API, but they chose to do the same for all modes. They said "for security" but can't really find an elaboration from them that really justifies/explains it.

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I probably won't get this right away as whilst I'm a big fan of both Apple and Nintendo (to the utter despair of many technology fans) I think there are too many problems with it right now.


The price is initially off putting but that's because of how my brain and mobile games work, when I look at it as an eshop purchase it seems more than reasonable but the constant internet connection totally kills it for me. I'm sure there are other games, but there are none that I personally own that require this and it seems like such a pain in the ass and waste of data.


As excited as I am to play Nintendo on iOS, I won't do it unless they sort themselves out. I guess I'll be eating cake with both hands for a while longer yet.

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it seems like such a pain in the ass and waste of data.


I still can't wrap my head around this, why is it a pain in the ass? Isn't your phone connected to the internet more or less 24/7? As for being a waste of data, it's not actually sending or receiving anything substantial, so the data usage is negligible. And anyway, it's 2016, who honestly spends extra money on data or has a cap on how much they can use per month.

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I still can't wrap my head around this, why is it a pain in the ass? Isn't your phone connected to the internet more or less 24/7? As for being a waste of data, it's not actually sending or receiving anything substantial, so the data usage is negligible. And anyway, it's 2016, who honestly spends extra money on data or has a cap on how much they can use per month.


So you've done the research then? Are you able to show me exactly what data is being sent? What modes require more/less data? Or are you just making an assumption and then telling people they're wrong because you've made an assumption without any evidence?


You likewise seem to be assuming everyone is like you and you may have unlimited data but that doesn't mean everyone does or is willing to simply because Nintendo decided to make what could be an offline game online.


And this game is pretty much unplayable abroad for most people because WiFi isn't always available and data roaming charges are large (although across EU they get dropped next year but obviously only temporary for us as we'll be out of that in a few years).


I can't get my head around how you can't get your head around why people may have issues with it when the last few pages have had people explain why they have issues with it. As mentioned previously - cost to data, cost to battery, unavailability of connection (we are 54th in the world after all) in areas of the UK, unavailability of data at all underground, unavailability of data on all planes and WiFi on many, connecting abroad impossible or expensive or simply just privacy concerns. People may also have other reasons, but if seven reasons is still not enough then I don't know what may ever make you realise people have personal reasons to be annoyed/put off but if they don't affect you that's great for you.

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Yeah, this always-on DRM is crap.


I don't have unlimited data because with the prices in Germany and me being a student with almost no income I just can't afford it.


That's why I won't buy this. I'd love to but always-on DRM sucks. A lot of my friends think that way, too.

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