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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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All of them? Well I don't see one person on this forum being annoyed by it because it's taking resources away from main games. I also don't think Wii u owners are a hive mind so I just wanted clarity on which ones exactly because like I say - I think most people own one either don't think about development teams and such, or know this won't be a development suck taking away from other games. So I don't know what's left for such an angry response.


Is everything truly so black and white in your world to be all or nothing?

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but with Federation Force, people are questioning the quality of their releases.


They're really not. They may be questioning this ONE controvertial release but no one is thinking that development of mobile games is to blame - to even try to and suggest this one release as a serious problem for Nintendo is, quite simply, ill-thoughtout.


NX is six months away from release and we know NOTHING. Add on top of that, that Nintendo first signed up with one mobile developer, then a second and now are using internal resources for mobile game, and we've got a LOT of reason for people to be displeased.


I doubt many are displeased with this. The last thing I thought when I saw this was "why are they using internal resources to develop this and not an NX game". I thought, that's neat enough. The team on this will be a fraction of the size of most Nintendo games, even their smallest games will probably have more staff on board. To think this has any impact on NX or NX games is laughable really.


If Nintendo have a Nintendo Direct within the next month, showing a launch lineup that pleases virtually everyone, then all will be forgiven.

But if we see a repeat of E3 2012, showing one sidescroller, one minigame compilation, a visually unimpressive top-down sequel to a franchise that's barelly sold three million units combined ten years ago and ends with a virtual fireworks display with SNES-level particle effects, then that's it. The NX will sell even worse and I doubt it'll even be possible for Nintendo to salvage any reputation.


Come on, Nintendo has one of the best reputations in the market. Despite dwindling/flopping hardware Nintendo remains a highly respected entity in the gaming market. I think most peple call out Wii U as an error but then move on to discuss the excellent library Nintendo has delivered - near singlehandedly. Sure, Nintendo need to get the messages right but to question their reputation because of Wii U is, at best, a simplistic assessment.


As for an announcement, why are you so stressed about it? Don't take it to heart, it's not personal- they have their reasons for all the secrecy but I am sure pissing Hogge off is way down at the bottom of the list. All this hype and speculation is fun; just enjoy it (we won't get it for another 5 years).

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Is everything truly so black and white in your world to be all or nothing?


No, as I clearly said in my message... you're the one who lumped 'nintendo gamers' into one category... You've had a habit of creating these weird contentions the past couple of months out of nothing. It's bizarre. It was ME who was asking for nuance of exactly what he meant as all being lumped didn't seem to make sense, then it was ME who broke it down into different categories. Perfectly normal questions may I add, but it was all perfectly clear to you, them all being lumped into one category of 'nintendo console owners', then you say I see things as black and white... truly truly bizarre.


You could've engaged int he conversation, but no...

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No, as I clearly said in my message... you're the one who lumped 'nintendo gamers' into one category... You've had a habit of creating these weird contentions the past couple of months out of nothing. It's bizarre. It was ME who was asking for nuance of exactly what he meant as all being lumped didn't seem to make sense, then it was ME who broke it down into different categories. Perfectly normal questions may I add, but it was all perfectly clear to you, them all being lumped into one category of 'nintendo console owners', then you say I see things as black and white... truly truly bizarre.


You could've engaged int he conversation, but no...


First off - get shot of that mythical quote of me lumping 'nintendo gamers' into on category. Why are you sticking quote marks around things I haven't even said? Seriously, find me that quote where I've used that term in this context/conversation and I'll allow it - but right now it looks like if anyone's being provocative it's you.


dazzy - by your own admission the idea of them being lumped into a category of all is strange - yet you're the one seemingly making the assumptions about it being a group of 'all' - when I haven't seen anyone speak in such specific terms! The only person I see bringing up this mysterious group of all or nothing is you, not me or Hogge! I felt Hogge was clearly talking generally - and I should have thought it clear I was too! For example - having 'reason for people to be displeased' is NOT the same as saying 'people are displeased!!' and certainly NOT saying 'ALL the people are displeased!! No exceptions!!'


Hogge's also given at least one hypothetical situation - I'm not sure how anyone on this forum can exactly be annoyed at that(your argument made); or rather who other than a select few would truly be choose to get annoyed at that. Why does this have to be a group of all or nothing for you, is my question? I don't see where Hogge has been that specific, and see zero reason to assume he's talking about a category of all or nothing. However a question such as 'WHO exactly do you think will give a shit?' seemed to imply you had no idea who he was referencing. You clearly recognise the hypothetical nature of his arguments anyway, as you posed said question in the future tense. Now - is the question literal, as in you want specific examples of every single possible person, specific examples or every single possible demographic, or just a general explanation of the group of possible people to whom was being referred, or are you making the argument just for the sake of it and trying to squeeze a false dichotomy in there, or even something else I've missed? I'd say the first two are unrealistic, I'm hoping the last two not the case. Going with the third option of you not understanding to whom he was referencing - I gave you what I thought was the general category of people to whom his points were seemingly applicable. I again see absolutely zero reason to assume anyone has suddenly started talking in 100% all or nothing terms though. You're the one to bring that up.


I'm happy to engage in conversation, and was doing so, but I'm not going to do it if it's going to be sidelined into all or nothings when it never seemed to be that anyone else was doing that.


but with Federation Force, people are questioning the quality of their releases.

They're really not. They may be questioning this ONE controvertial release but no one is thinking that development of mobile games is to blame - to even try to and suggest this one release as a serious problem for Nintendo is, quite simply, ill-thoughtout.

As above - to say that 'people are questioning the quality of their releases' isn't exactly the same as saying 'this is a serious problem for Nintendo'. I'm seeing some of the responses to Hogge and it seems like people are strangely putting a lot more words into his mouth than what I'm reading!



Right now I'm obviously not fussed, as it's a hypothetical. However if their mobile output did increase a lot more without seeing much output on other Nintendo hardware owned - yeah I'd probably start to wonder and possibly get annoyed at a loss of focus. I've already had some disillusionment with the Wii U due to decisions made and lack of general output on the system as a whole(again, this one isn't Nintendo-developer specific, but Nintendo-as-system-maker specific). I certainly do feel like nothing in particular has appealed to me on either 3DS or Wii U as much recently.

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First off - get shot of that mythical quote of me lumping 'nintendo gamers' into on category. Why are you sticking quote marks around things I haven't even said? Seriously, find me that quote where I've used that term in this context/conversation and I'll allow it - but right now it looks like if anyone's being provocative it's you.


He said people are understandably pissed off. I said Who? And you, and I quote "I thought it was fairly clear he was seeming to suggest owners of other Nintendo hardware?" - if that's not dumping them into one category I don't know what is. I tried to break it down more and you had the cheek to say it was me seeing things black and white, which isn't true but still better than just black!!


dazzy - by your own admission the idea of them being lumped into a category of all is strange - yet you're the one seemingly making the assumptions about it being a group of 'all' - when I haven't seen anyone speak in such specific terms! The only person I see bringing up this mysterious group of all or nothing is you, not me or Hogge! I felt Hogge was clearly talking generally - and I should have thought it clear I was too! For example - having 'reason for people to be displeased' is NOT the same as saying 'people are displeased!!' and certainly NOT saying 'ALL the people are displeased!! No exceptions!!'


Hogge's also given at least one hypothetical situation - I'm not sure how anyone on this forum can exactly be annoyed at that(your argument made); or rather who other than a select few would truly be choose to get annoyed at that. Why does this have to be a group of all or nothing for you, is my question? I don't see where Hogge has been that specific, and see zero reason to assume he's talking about a category of all or nothing. However a question such as 'WHO exactly do you think will give a shit?' seemed to imply you had no idea who he was referencing. You clearly recognise the hypothetical nature of his arguments anyway, as you posed said question in the future tense. Now - is the question literal, as in you want specific examples of every single possible person, specific examples or every single possible demographic, or just a general explanation of the group of possible people to whom was being referred, or are you making the argument just for the sake of it and trying to squeeze a false dichotomy in there, or even something else I've missed? I'd say the first two are unrealistic, I'm hoping the last two not the case. Going with the third option of you not understanding to whom he was referencing - I gave you what I thought was the general category of people to whom his points were seemingly applicable. I again see absolutely zero reason to assume anyone has suddenly started talking in 100% all or nothing terms though. You're the one to bring that up.


This is just bizarre. I didn't categorise them all, I WAS AKSING FOR CLARIFICATION IN WHO HE MEANT BECAUSE HE IMPLIED AND YOU EMPHASISED "NINTENDO GAMERS" (this isn't shouting, it's emphasis). I wanted to know exactly who would be displeased at his assertions. SO why are you now saying I see things as all or nothing? Please explain how me asking for exactly who within this group of "people who own nintendo consoles?" is a binary position?



I'm happy to engage in conversation, and was doing so, but I'm not going to do it if it's going to be sidelined into all or nothings when it never seemed to be that anyone else was doing that.


I asked a perfectly normal question. Perfectly normal, trying to find the nuance n what was a bold statement/opinion. And you made it worse with a this silly conversation rather engaging properly. And like I say you've done that a few times lately and I'm not sure why.


You've now latched onto this all or nothing, which isn't what i said, so please stop saying it. Maybe @Hogge can actually answer my question properly rather than you speaking for him and now in a constructive manner.

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I'm also still thoroughly confused by your even, once again, "Nintendo Gamers" quote - I haven't used that phrase. I may also be missing it as it seems something's gone wrong here - but I can't find this place/point where Hogge is talking about people being 'understandably being pissed off'. Other than the MFF point, everything else reads speculative/hypothetically to me.


Anyway take an example - if I said that people wanted voice chat, or if I said owners of Nintendo systems wanted voice chat - would you ask who? Or come out with a question like 'all of them??' - it's bizarre to assume a general statement would be so specific to 100%. I don't think you'd do it for anything else, I didn't understand why you were for this.


I felt Hogge was, as I said, referring to owners of Nintendo consoles in teh context of people who might be annoyed if suddenly there was a huge increase in mobile output without a similar increase in output on other Nintendo hardware. I assumed your 'WHO exactly do you think will give a shit' was in that context - given it wasn't attached to a particular quote or anything, was future tense and followed straight on from his post on that point.


As Hogge said - if they made 10 AAA mobile games AND kept up content on other Nintendo hardware, probably no one would bat an eyelid. However if they didn't continue to support or appear as if they were supporting their other hardware or it was getting sidelined, people might get disgruntled.


But again - if you're after specific examples of people for these hypotheticals I don't know how to get them for you without polling every single person on that point. I can however, offer again the least of saying I myself would, most likely in that situation, become annoyed.


I don't think it's a situation that's actually going to occur as of how things are right now, but if it did I can see people being annoyed with it. Tbh I think SMR is a good thing for now and most of all as I said I think it's a good way for them to test their markets and in particular different pricing models(they've attempted freemium for example) whereas this will be a flat price game without IAP - something I'm not sure how much they've done before and on what scale(ie this is bigger imo due to it being a brand like Mario).

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For an app, it's been announced way too early. Also instead of auto running there should've been swipe to start and stop. You could still play one-handed but you could go backwards or stop to see something. (Apologies if this has been said already, just thought of it)

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Pokemon Go was announced a year before release, didn't do it much harm. Super Mario Run was given prime time at an Apple event, can't get much better than that, so for all the game's potential shortcomings, I don't think the announcement was one of them.


Also there are blocks that make you go backwards if you choose to, you can see them in the trailer, though that impacts your time so could mean risk/reward in terms of coins/score.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I currently have a relatively low end smart phone (Nokia Lumia 530) but with this game and a potential change of service provider in the near future, it may be a good time to switch to Android :smile:


I'm not that clued up on mobile phones or indeed Android but will the cheaper phones run games like this OK?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I imagine Apple will promote this like crazy.


A lot of people have been suggesting a price for the full game being closer to £6 if not more, which I'm quite surprised by. I would obviously be happy paying that much for it but I suspect it would make them more money if it was close to £0.79 (or whatever the cheapest price is on the App Store). If they want the casual market it has to be the latter IMO.

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[tweet]786379589832601600[/tweet]I thought that was Paul O'Grady for a sec. :laughing:


Every time I watch a particular pair of episodes of Chuck I can't take the villain seriously because he also looks like Paul O'Grady.


Although I can't help but notice how old Miyamoto is looking. I know he is old, but just seeing him there...


I imagine Apple will promote this like crazy.


A lot of people have been suggesting a price for the full game being closer to £6 if not more, which I'm quite surprised by. I would obviously be happy paying that much for it but I suspect it would make them more money if it was close to £0.79 (or whatever the cheapest price is on the App Store). If they want the casual market it has to be the latter IMO.


The top paid game on iTunes is presently £5. In fact you have to get to the 16th game to find one that is 79p, then after that its 25th. Most games are £1.5-3 on average. The idea that the majority of games that sell are 79p is fallacious. Pricing your game at 79p seems like a way of admitting it's not really worth much but you didn't want to make it free and I can't see Nintendo doing that. The £4-8 mark seems reasonable.

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Imo they wanna not break a fiver. There's something about something being less than a fiver that gives it a slight edge in people's minds I think. 'Ah well it isn't even a fiver' that sort of thing - I'd say £3-£4 is actually a really nice pricing point for it that I think'll get a good balance of sales to the price.

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Every time I watch a particular pair of episodes of Chuck I can't take the villain seriously because he also looks like Paul O'Grady.


Although I can't help but notice how old Miyamoto is looking. I know he is old, but just seeing him there...


The woman behind him appears to be praying he won't die!


The top paid game on iTunes is presently £5. In fact you have to get to the 16th game to find one that is 79p, then after that its 25th. Most games are £1.5-3 on average. The idea that the majority of games that sell are 79p is fallacious. Pricing your game at 79p seems like a way of admitting it's not really worth much but you didn't want to make it free and I can't see Nintendo doing that. The £4-8 mark seems reasonable.


Maybe I imagined it but didn't Nintendo say Super Mario Run would be free to play but you'd have to pay to unlock certain features? I was sure this was announced at the time of the reveal...

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Maybe I imagined it but didn't Nintendo say Super Mario Run would be free to play but you'd have to pay to unlock certain features? I was sure this was announced at the time of the reveal...


I think you get a bit free and pay to unlock the rest so its technically a IAP game rather than a paid one I guess.


Why is Mario cupping Miyamoto's balls?! I thought Nintendo were a family friendly company?!


How low hanging do you think they are?

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Word is that over 20 million people have signed up for the notification of it going live.






When this first got announced Jose from NVC was on the podcast ( @Ronnie you listen to NVC so you may remember what i'm waffling on about ) saying how the iOS store works before Christmas. He says a lot of companies battle it out for the premium advertising space during the end of the year. Something to do with the app store not being updated during the holiday season so whatever is on the first page will be there until New Year. He thinks the December date and the timed exclusive with Apple seems to indicate that Nintendo will have this premium advertising spot this year.


I have no idea if he's right but if he is then this would be a huge get for Nintendo.

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