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Battlefield 5 reveal tonight, 9pm GMT.






I'm really looking forward to this, I'm going to have to tell the Mrs to let me be for the reveal... priorities!

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Loved Bad Company 2, wasn't as big a fan of BF3 & BF4 from what I played. Maybe with a cohesive NE squad this might be worth a look? I'm also game for WW2 and fewer customization options, the last of which is highly unlikely.


I would shit my pants if they announced BF 1944.

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Loved Bad Company 2, wasn't as big a fan of BF3 & BF4 from what I played. Maybe with a cohesive NE squad this might be worth a look? I'm also game for WW2 and fewer customization options, the last of which is highly unlikely.


I would shit my pants if they announced BF 1944.


I would also welcome this. A lot of shooters come with too much baggage now.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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All those WWII games from years ago made me lose my interest in that setting. WWI is fresh though.. Definitely interested in this though I hope they get the balance between fantasy gameplay and realism right.. It seems to be a bit too epic.


For those who don't realise, there already is a FPS game on Steam with the WWI setting. It's in early-access, but last time I checked comments were positive I believe.

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It's only a small thing, but I welcome the return to proper weapon variety. Iron sights that you have to put up with even if you don't like them, features of guns that add balance and trade-offs, as opposed to being able to customize weaknesses away so as to homogenize everything. Counter-intuitively, that's what customization has done in my view. There will still be attachments in this apparently, but obviously to a lesser extent in fitting with the period.


Promising from the snippets they've shown.

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Trailers are great. Online multiplayer should be great.


However, the one part they truly have to nail with this game is the campaign, I feel. It's a very fragile subject for many, despite us being almost 100 years on from the end of WW1. They have an abundance of source material to work with as a result, and need to be smart in showing that both sides fighting truly believed they were fighting for what was right, and it should have a plethora of truly heart wrenching moments.


And yes, that does mean I want to see England vs Germany playing football on the muddy battlefield on Christmas Day.

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I don't care in the slightest for campaign, just let me know what the multiplayer is like!


BF4 is my favourite multiplayer game ever so I hope this lives up to what DICE can do.

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