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I didn't think that was the main takeaway point at all, it was more a comment about how Playstation's messaging will be important so that they don't anger the 40 or so millions PS4 owners out there, which at the end of the day will be PR.


Why do you seem to care that many aren't reacting the same as you? Most of us simply don't care about the PS4K. I'm not excited but i'm not angry over it either.


I never said or even suggested I cared about others' reaction? I was simply sharing my own POV, then got shot down for it for some reason.

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Maybe because you expressed it in a juvenile way that was bound to ignite such response.


Comments along the lines of...


thanks a lot Playstation.
no matter how much Sony spin the enhanced graphics and cpu.
they can GTFO
PlayStation can f off
Hopefully this middle finger from Playstation will make people opt to spend their 300 quid on a shiny new NX than a spec-boosted PS4.
thanks exclusively to the PS4K.


You've been coming across so bitter and angry, over something that no one in the industry has even had confirmed yet. Of course people are going to match that emotion with equal emotion when replying.


If your comments were a bit more considered maybe they wouldn't provoke such a reaction. It comes across to me no real different from the behaviour you seemingly despised Wii for. You're just talking in extremes all the time.

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Maybe because you expressed it in a juvenile way that was bound to ignite such response.


Yes, because no one's ever said such SHOCKING statements as "thanks a lot Nintendo" or "f you Nintendo" before. Ever. And certainly no worse. Unbelievable double standards on here. As per usual, one rule when you want to complain about Nintendo, another for when you dare to complain about Playstation.

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Yes, because no one's ever said such SHOCKING statements as "thanks a lot Nintendo" or "f you Nintendo" before. Ever. And certainly no worse. Unbelievable double standards on here. As per usual, one rule when you want to complain about Nintendo, another for when you dare to complain about Playstation.


But not that kind of language when it comes to rumours. Yes, to things that Nintendo have actually done. There is a difference.


No double standards at all. Nintendo's recent decisions have resulted in a lot of negative feedback, deservedly so! Sony, so far, in my opinion have yet to put a foot wrong. This could all change of course dependant on what the PS4k turns out to actually be.

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Yes, because no one's ever said such SHOCKING statements as "thanks a lot Nintendo" or "f you Nintendo" before. Ever. And certainly no worse. Unbelievable double standards on here. As per usual, one rule when you want to complain about Nintendo, another for when you dare to complain about Playstation.
I cropped those quotes down. 'thanks a lot PlayStation' was you blaming them for singlehandedly bringing about the end of this generation after 3 years, despite the fact Microsoft are also rumoured to be looking at such a console step, the fact it doesn't signal the end of this console generation, the fact that if this is an upgrade or new SKU these things happen all the time etc... etc... No one knows the facts.


Like I said, you come in straight away talking in extremes, of course it's going to ruffle feathers, just as people doing so does in any thread. I take it you agreed with the rest of my post.

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@Ronnie has every right to be angry, so what if he swears?! Let him vent! What's the big deal, why are you letting it effect you? Just ignore it, let it pass you by.


But at the same time Ronnie, you can't moan at them for jumping on your back when you've jumped on mine over voice-chat.

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I'm inclined to agree, to an extent. You're entitled to an opinion and entitled to get worked up about it, as long as you're not intentionally antagonizing people. That said, Ronnie you could also do with taking things less personally and stop getting defensive/acting like there's some anti-Nintendo conspiracy.


On the other hand, Kav has misused "effect" in place of "affect" twice in this thread, this is unacceptable. Everyone point! ☞

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Colin Moriarty is pissed off. "This is a terrible, terrible move"



(6:45 in for reactions to start)


if you have the new the new PS4 the games will be better, they'll run better, they'll look better but if you're one of the 40 million people that supported Sony and have the old PS4 you get the shitty version of games now, unless you want to give them another $400, on top of the $400 you already gave them.


This is a middle finger to everyone who owns a PS4.
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That guy seems to talk a lot based on assumptions. He clearly knows nothing about game development but claims games will need patching to make them work (nonsense) or will take significantly more effort to make work on two graphical tiers (also nonsense). Does he think that PC developers have to develop the game for every monitor resolution and every configuration of memory in existence? Of course not, the engine manages that. PCs are more difficult because you have to worry about two architectures, two brands of CPU and two brands of GPU. This is one system, scaled up.


I hope some of the people that write into that show put him in his place.

Edited by Shorty
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From the previous page ;)


Seriously? ::shrug:


He runs Kinda Funny Games with Greg Miller. They both ran the PlayStation podcast ( Beyond ) for years on IGN, before leaving to form KFG. They then started PS I Love You XOXO, another dedicated ( and most popular ) PlayStation podcast. He's a HUGE Sony fan ( they both are ) and they have a crazy amount of contacts in the industry.


(I'd never heard of him either)

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He also knows more about Playstation that probably any games journalist out there.
And. Someone can know everything about Formula 1. Doesn't mean they can drive the car.


Colin Moriarty is a journalist, not a developer, from a Patreon site that relies on visitors and subscribers. His opinions aren't based on fact.


And he's not well respected by me. I find him arrogant.

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And. Someone can know everything about Formula 1. Doesn't mean they can drive the car.


Colin Moriarty is a journalist, not a developer, from a Patreon site that relies on visitors and subscribers. His opinions aren't based on fact.


No one is saying his views are fact, just interesting and he raises some important issues. That's all. This isn't about how difficult it'll be for devs to make two versions of games, it's about the business and PR decision of Playstation releasing an upgraded console three years into a generation that was supposed to "last longer than the PS3 gen", according to Sony.

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What people don't seem to understand (I didn't understand it at first) is:


If all the rumours are true, then an upgraded PS4 won't end the PS4's life.The standard model will get all the games, all the jazz i.e. VR.


The console generation won't end with a new model, it will most likely last even longer.

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No one is saying his views are fact, just interesting and he raises some important issues. That's all. This isn't about how difficult it'll be for devs to make two versions of games, it's about the business and PR decision of Playstation releasing an upgraded console three years into a generation that was supposed to "last longer than the PS3 gen", according to Sony.
Yeah, has fair points there, although they don't apply to me. I won't upgrade (unless I find myself with a chunk of disposable income and am drawn in by the graphics), and I won't feel slighted by it. If everything leaked is true, I can keep my PS4 to the end of its life and personally I won't feel like I'm missing out on through that choice. He did make those strong and ardent points about the development though and it just annoyed me because his co-presenter clearly tried to admit "we don't know about game engineering" but he stroppily stepped on that.
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No one is saying his views are fact, just interesting and he raises some important issues. That's all. This isn't about how difficult it'll be for devs to make two versions of games, it's about the business and PR decision of Playstation releasing an upgraded console three years into a generation that was supposed to "last longer than the PS3 gen", according to Sony.
We're all watching the same videos here... what about the point that this could just be a future proofed PS4? To me that seems perfectly rational. Are Sony supposed to wait another 7 years to take advantage of 4K TV's?... an industry that they are highly competitive in themselves... and both of which go hand in hand with their new venture of PSVR.


Makes perfect sense to me, despite the fact I only bought a PS4 last year.


Also as Shorty mentioned, there's no need to develop multiple games. As with PC, you just select the version of the game your system support and the game up-scales accordingly.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Who is Colin Moriarty? Serious question, I have no idea who that is and what he has to do with Play Station.


He's a moody idiot, if you ask me.



Not that I have a problem with swearing but when he's on a rant and repeatedly uses 'fuck' in all it's variations, it's incredibly cringeworthy.

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