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Goron, let's celebrate then


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Ah, I missed it!


I had a very good reason though! Hear me out.


You see, I was gonna post yesterday, but then, would you believe it, a building imploded. Yeah, imploded! And being the right bloody Londoner that I am, I jumped into action.

So I implemented my amazing British powers (Because we all have them) to split into 2 and used a make-shift trampoline to bounce people to safety.

Here, I have proof, look at this photo of the scene.




I don't know why I'm telling you this though, it was all over the news, didn't you see it? What? You didn't?

You jerk! How hard was it to just watch the news for a few minutes?

You know what? I won't even bother telling you about what happened after with the giant octopus and the infinite treasure that I found in it's lair.


And you're not getting any of it. Happy Birthday!

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