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Actually... That did happen with Flipnote 3D and Nintendo Letter Box... That's why they were removed and had their online features stripped from them.


No it didn't. We don't know exactly what happened, but it reads like someone sent them picture of cock at worst. And because of that the whole service gets pulled. Ridiculous. There are FAR easier ways for children to engage with the wider world than nintendo; they seem to all be coping. It's mad they don't see it and how damaging it is to their image.

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It's silly that you can't have your Nintendo friends on it and it has to be through Facebook/Twitter. Because to be honest, how many people on our Facebook friends list are actually going to download this? Not many.


At least if you could have your friends from your NNID there'd be a base of people from here that you could at least use it with to try it out and get some points to download the rewards.


Nintendo gonna Nintendo. I've been asking for years for them to integrate Facebook and Twitter into their online systems, and now they're doing it, but at the expense of their own online systems!

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While that is true, why are they not accepting their own login credentials and then saying "hey, you can connect to x,y,z to benefit from a,b,c"?


It's pushing away people like HOT that may not use social media.


I think it's trying to be more outward looking. More than trying to simply sell software, I think it's a hook. If you have an NNID you are probably already in the Nintendo bubble, what they really want is for you to hook in a few friends and you are more likely to do that on fb/twitter et al than within the Nintendo ecosystem. If that makes sense!


Let's see then shall we.


Like Ashley said, it's not about them being shit, but do you really not think the decision to have no username search, or linking to your friends on 3DS or Wii U, and like DCubed said, miitomo is heavily linked to your mynintendo, which you can use NNID to sign up to it... It all feels so off.


I guess ultimately it feels like nintendo is STILL scared of the big bad internet so they don't want randoms communicating with each other in any way (though all connections still need to be agreed by both sides ), the big worry being what this says for communication on the NX...


Also just a bit annoying that in a way THIS place is my gaming community, my nintendo community, not my Facebook/twitter friends, now to play miitomo with all you we've got to add each other on one of the social networks... Just unnecessary.



Maybe being a bit over optimistic here... but what if Nintendo is going to roll out voice chat between people who already are facebook friends (and could chat on facebook IM anyway)?


Just an example. If they allowed NNID's they'd not get that information necessarily (I know I would use my NNID personally).


And as I said, using social media exposes them to a wider audience than the 3ds/wii u crowd (and how many people who DON'T own a 3ds/wii U already own an NNID?)

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I think it's trying to be more outward looking. More than trying to simply sell software, I think it's a hook. If you have an NNID you are probably already in the Nintendo bubble, what they really want is for you to hook in a few friends and you are more likely to do that on fb/twitter et al than within the Nintendo ecosystem. If that makes sense!


Not really (your explanation does, the logic doesn't). How is not giving the option of signing in with NNID going to provide more conversions than giving the option.


Or, to put another way, if I can log in with my NNID or my social media and either way promote on social media if I wish, why only give me the one login choice?


And it comes back to the earlier point - what if you don't have social media? You obviously won't be able to promote it, but seemingly you then won't be able to login at all in the first place so its shutting out people that might be interested, simply because social media seems to be a requirement at present (although it, as far as I can tell, was never made clear that this was a requirement at any earlier stage).

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It's silly that you can't have your Nintendo friends on it and it has to be through Facebook/Twitter. Because to be honest, how many people on our Facebook friends list are actually going to download this? Not many.


At least if you could have your friends from your NNID there'd be a base of people from here that you could at least use it with to try it out and get some points to download the rewards.


Nintendo gonna Nintendo. I've been asking for years for them to integrate Facebook and Twitter into their online systems, and now they're doing it, but at the expense of their own online systems!


How many people on our facebook friends list who don't own an NNID might download this if you could link it solely to the NNID? I think a lower number than with the current situation.

I think with the younger crowd (I haven't got a clue so just a stab in the dark here) if they get an invite from another friend it could catch on. If it was just NNID I think miitomo would be a waste of time and may as well have just been dlc for tamodachi (sp?) life.

As I saw it the whole point of this mobile move was to EXPAND the audience, not cater to the existing audience on a different platform... but maybe I misunderstood.


Not really (your explanation does, the logic doesn't). How is not giving the option of signing in with NNID going to provide more conversions than giving the option.


Or, to put another way, if I can log in with my NNID or my social media and either way promote on social media if I wish, why only give me the one login choice?


And it comes back to the earlier point - what if you don't have social media? You obviously won't be able to promote it, but seemingly you then won't be able to login at all in the first place so its shutting out people that might be interested, simply because social media seems to be a requirement at present (although it, as far as I can tell, was never made clear that this was a requirement at any earlier stage).


If I log in with an NNID I will have my Wii U friends list. I won't link it to my fb.

If I have to link it to my fb, I will have my fb friend list. I presume it will send invites to them and one or two will block me while one or two will think the app looks interesting and get it themselves....


Idk.. tbh I don't use my fb account as social media, it's more like crappier email for me, but personally if I don't want to log into miitomo with my fb then I don't see why I would want to promote miitomo on my fb account... and as I said, if the main point is to expand Nintendo's audience then frankly NNID only users aren't the target audience, so why cater for them??

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If it auto contacted all your Facebook friends upon connection it would be a very bad app and that's the developer's fault, not the fact it can connect to social media.


It just seems odd that they're trying to expand audiences but ignore their current audience. Yes, many will have social media accounts but it doesn't justify locking those out that don't in my opinion. Plus, as has been raised, what about networks such as this site? If I want to see what someone I know from here is up to its a shame we'd have to be connected on Facebook too, which some people might seem inappropriate/unwanted (ie they consider Facebook a place for their rl friends).


I'm not up in arms or anything, I'm just trying to understand why Nintendo has done this and whether it's intentional or some kind of oversight.


Frankly I can't really imagine Miitomo sticking around with a lot of people. It might buzz for a bit like BitStrip did, but still it stick? Would it not be better to get those that have a proven commitment to Nintendo to get on board too?


We can only wait and see!

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How many people on our facebook friends list who don't own an NNID might download this if you could link it solely to the NNID? I think a lower number than with the current situation.


But what does it have to be one or the other? Fact is, this may put Nintendo owners off completely, and like you say, they;'re the ones who are going to push this to their friends and such.


There is absolutely no justification for not using NNID, I'm surprised people are even attempting to.

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But what does it have to be one or the other? Fact is, this may put Nintendo owners off completely, and like you say, they;'re the ones who are going to push this to their friends and such.


There is absolutely no justification for not using NNID, I'm surprised people are even attempting to.


Exactly.. it isn't one or the other. Some people have both NNID and wider social media accounts. If and that is my main point here - IF - Nintendo want to expand their audience then cutting out the NNID possibility forces the issue and makes the software more "evangelistic" for want of a better word.


Using an NNID is inward facing.

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It's a strange decision going for just Facebook & Twitter, after all the restrictions Nintendo have put in place to protect kids on their own consoles. How many kids will end up adding random strangers on Facebook just so they can have friends to play the game with?

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It's a strange decision going for just Facebook & Twitter, after all the restrictions Nintendo have put in place to protect kids on their own consoles. How many kids will end up adding random strangers on Facebook just so they can have friends to play the game with?

Then that's Facebook's problem :p

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Then that's Facebook's problem :p


Not to the tabloids and let's face it they're the ones that will kick up a fuss.


If terrible things happened through Miitomo do you think they'd look to the process that they used to sign up to it? Hell no. They'd blame Miitomo and Nintendo. Yes it would be wrong. Yes it would be foolish. But these are tabloids we're talking about. If we're going to pussyfoot around to try and cover our backs if the worst happens, then we need to acknowledge that it ultimately will mean jack shit to those that will make a fuss about it.

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I was kinda looking forward to this but the more I see of it, the less fussed I am. Seems like a stripped back Tomodachi life mixed with that old Q&A site, forget the name.


And Nintendo just had to mess it up somehow - it seems SO backwards to not allow you to add NNID friends, which will be the majority of people playing. With the people from this site and reddit etc, I could add 20ish people to this game with their NNID's but through facebook I know like... 3 people that might get this? I would ask WHY they'd do such a thing, but it's like not being able to search for friend battles in certain online games, or having separate friend codes per game, it seems like a task Nintendo set out before any online endeavor to make one really big and annoying backwards step. I can imagine Miyamoto walking into the development studio and putting up a bullet point on the white board saying "make something really awkward for no reason"

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And Nintendo just had to mess it up somehow - it seems SO backwards to not allow you to add NNID friends, which will be the majority of people playing.


Nintendo don't want the majority of people playing to have NNIDs, the whole point of their mobile games initiative is to bring people into their fold, from the outside. It's not an app for the hardcore Nintendo fan and never pretended to be.


It's not an oversight, it's a conscious choice to let you connect specifically with the biggest social network on the planet.


How many people have NNIDs? 60 million? How many people have Facebook? 1.2 billion.

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But allowing you to add friends with a NNID does nothing to stop the facebook/twitter integration. It doesn't matter where they want users to originate from, it's a bizarre thing not to include. Most viral games start off with a passionate core of users, to not allow the passionate core of users to connect with each other really doesn't help with growing the userbase.

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Nintendo don't want the majority of people playing to have NNIDs, the whole point of their mobile games initiative is to bring people into their fold, from the outside. It's not an app for the hardcore Nintendo fan and never pretended to be.


It's not an oversight, it's a conscious choice to let you connect specifically with the biggest social network on the planet.


How many people have NNIDs? 60 million? How many people have Facebook? 1.2 billion.


But what's wrong with having an option to import friends from a NNID, alongside importing them from FB/Twitter?


Nothing. It's a massive oversight.

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looks like it is doing ok in Japan at least.


And everyone's favourite Reggie...

We know that many people have established habits with other social apps and services. We want to do something different...

it's also a way to have them engage—or reengage—with Nintendo...

we currently have active sustaining communities congregated around franchises like Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart and Splatoon. Can we do the same thing on mobile? ...

Another aspect of Miitomo that we believe to be important is its interaction with our new My Nintendo service....

My Nintendo will evolve into a true hub for all the different ways that people can interact with Nintendo. It's a significant long-term initiative for us that starts with Miitomo and will grow from there.

Edited by Pestneb
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Yeah, it's a testament to Nintendo knowing what the hell they're doing. Them tooling experiences to smartphones is the best way to go, not the asinine suggestions commenters on various internet news sites say about just porting old games over.


Let's just hope it holds.

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Because then you'd probably limit yourself to only adding NNID users, which would defeat the whole point. They want this to be a viral hit amongst casuals, and getting exposure on Facebook is the way to do that.


Why? If my Facebook friends have the app I'll add them, if my NNID friends have the app I'll add them. There is no reason whatsoever not to include the option. Not allowing core users to connect via NNID only hurts the overall ecosystem.

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