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Weight Loss and Fitness 2016


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I had throat surgery for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 2 weeks ago and it's killed my workout regime. In addition to eating a liquid diet for the past week, i'm now on a "soft diet" for the next 6 weeks. No working out for at least 6 weeks until wounds have healed :(


On the plus side, down the line hopefully I can eat like a normal person again!


Good luck on the recovery! : peace:

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Having not been to the gym for a couple months and the fact that my Mrs is a good cook, I've started getting back the belly I'd lost.


The good thing though is I'm walking just over 4 and a half miles a day with my commute to work... plus I'm looking to start riding to work a couple days a week, which will be 13.6 miles one way, on the cycle to work scheme my workplace does.

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Cycled 80km yesterday including a category 3 climb. Got soaked towards the end but was a great day. 4 hours out on the bike in total with very little stops for rest. The only major stop was at the 'natural' stop point on the big climb which is the car park where it flattens out and is a view point. The only stop after that apart from taking my jacket on and off was at the Co-Op to get some fruit pastels.

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I've started a new job so while I'm going to make sure I hit the gym at least four times a weeks it's going to be at odd times. I'll have to work out a new routine which is kind of lame but it's got to be done.


Is this a good thing or an incredibly stupid thing?


Sorry, is what incredibly stupid?

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I've not been sleeping well for the last month and it's pissing me off. I'm finding it difficult to switch off and I'm currently getting certain days in each week where I only get about 3 or so hours sleep. Just not finding it very comfortable.


Still have a minor issue with my shoulder, but I'm hoping that it's clearing up soon. I've stopped doing any push exercises which may aggravate it, so no overhead pressing and no benching. I've narrowed down the issue to my right rear delt, possibly with a bit of lateral ache thrown in there, too. I think that along with the lack of sleep is making me not enjoy this as much as I should be, even though I want to.

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I've started a new job so while I'm going to make sure I hit the gym at least four times a weeks it's going to be at odd times. I'll have to work out a new routine which is kind of lame but it's got to be done.




Sorry, is what incredibly stupid?

Uploading a topless pic and wanting to take it down. I've had nice comments and it's lovely but I was so nervous.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Uploading a topless pic and wanting to take it down. I've had nice comments and it's lovely but I was so nervous.


Just embrace it. Be proud. You can't count on other people to celebrate your achievements.


That's what I convinced myself anyway.

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Been back to crossfit for two months now, really enjoying it as well! Though my hands don't agree with me, they are torn to sheds constantly - they've become so delicate during my absence...


Today I went to the gym just to do some lifting. Did 5x5 front squats at (2) 70- (3) 73 kg, quite pleased with that. Went on to shoulderpress and did 5x5 at 40 kg, again quite pleased as the workouts for the past two days have been quite heavy on the shoulders (seriously, "find your 17 RM thrusters" - who does that!? Mine was 39 kg but it was NOT fun to find.)


Recently I've been focussing more on cardio to get back in the shape I was in three years ago. Getting there slowly but steadily, I think.

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thrusters, yuuuuuck. :heh:


I've decided to drop wheat out of my diet again, my migraines have really been flaring up badly and ive done exclusion diets and migraine diaries that seem to indicate that wheat is a huge part in it. See if it helps.


Have been struggling a lot with diet lately (sine my birthday earlier this month) and have gained a bit of weight back. Managing to catch a grip of myself and i have lost a little bit over the past week.


I find without wheat i dont really get cravings anywhere near as much and i lose weight by default, so hoping it works out. I hate going wheat free (its essentially gluten free) as its soo bloody inconvenient when you eat out. Pretty much reduced to chips/potatoes/rice, and plain meat

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Er. And all vegetables in the world? And the meat doesn't have to be plain, it can be made in a lot of different ways and with lots of different toppings and gravy. Also, for weight loss don't eat potato and rice, nothing but empty carbs in those. And rice are bad for.CO2 as they produce a lot when growing and then they are transported into Europe afterwards. Eat beans and lentils and the like instead.


EDIT: Oh, you mean on restaurants. Well, then you need to go to better places if they don't have salads.

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I am aware of vegetables thank you.


I was talking about meals when eating out, vegetables/salad are not a typical main meal (especially where i live)... 99% of sauces and gravies, salad dressings are in fact full of wheat&gluten, eating out or cooking at home.


Also I'm pretty sure eating a rounded diet including SOME rice and potatoes is in fact good for you. Too many calories cause weight gain not too many potatoes.

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I feel fat.


I'm not fishing or anything like that but I feel real bloaty. I've not really changed my diet apart from eating more chicken because I can't drink protein shakes (they literally make me throw up for some reason).


I've focused a little more on my weightlifting and a tad less on cardio. I still totally do cardio but doing #FreakMode app has taken priority exercising-wise. People have said that they think I've gotten a little broader on my shoulders and slimmer all around but I don't know.


Maybe I'm just having a moment or something. @Daft, SPILL YO' SECRETS! I NEED TO LOOK LIKE THAT! :D

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Also I'm pretty sure eating a rounded diet including SOME rice and potatoes is in fact good for you. Too many calories cause weight gain not too many potatoes.


Well, I don't agree. They contain little nutritional value and can easily be substituted by other and better stuff. Lentils (red, green, black), beans, pearl barley, eqq plant, cucurbita, cauliflower, broccoli and so on. But of course there's nothing wrong with having potatoes once in a while.


And, well, eating too many <insert any edible thing> will cause you to gain weight.

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I feel fat.


I'm not fishing or anything like that but I feel real bloaty. I've not really changed my diet apart from eating more chicken because I can't drink protein shakes (they literally make me throw up for some reason).


I've focused a little more on my weightlifting and a tad less on cardio. I still totally do cardio but doing #FreakMode app has taken priority exercising-wise. People have said that they think I've gotten a little broader on my shoulders and slimmer all around but I don't know.


Maybe I'm just having a moment or something. @Daft, SPILL YO' SECRETS! I NEED TO LOOK LIKE THAT! :D


I personally wouldn't worry about it. It may just be in your head ie i'm not doing as much cardio as before so I must be putting the flab back on.


Carry on as you are. Your body composition will probably change for the better

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Maybe I'm just having a moment or something. @Daft, SPILL YO' SECRETS! I NEED TO LOOK LIKE THAT! :D


How long have you been doing your routine?


The only reason I look anything like I do is because I've been at this for years. I've eaten clean for probably longer (I indulge my sweet tooth maybe once a week, if that, but for a whole two years I didn't eat chocolate, cake or any sugar treats...somehow). I didn't drink – except on the rare occasion – for even longer than that.


And the lighting in the gym is on point.


The secret? Time and consistency.


You might be getting to the point where aesthetically, the rate of your improvements is going to appear to slow down. I think I mentioned to @Blade a while back that there comes a point when the scales aren't going to be a good indication of your progress anymore. My recommendation is always to set fitness targets like aiming to lift a certain weight or run a certain distance/pace. We all have days we think we feel fat but knowing you can still hit that benchmark is going to keep you going.




BTW, I don't do any cardio. Just to hint that I think that choosing between weights and cardio doesn't matter when it comes to weight loss, as long as you are doing something (I would suggest that there's an added bonus to weights where you improve the shape of your body and hold fat better). I'm not saying you shouldn't do cardio, I just haven't the time to work it into my routine at the moment. I walk a lot (96,664 steps this past week yaaass) but I know it's not really the same thing.

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Thinking of giving up the gym. I always end up in the same old cycle of having enthusiasm and that soon waning due to something interrupting my flow (illness, work, holidays) and it becoming more of a chore than anything beneficial. Feels like a waste of time in some regards (or an ill-spent period of time).


Might take up something like yoga instead. Not going to have the same effect obviously, but lord knows my back is screwed up anyway!

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Thinking of giving up the gym. I always end up in the same old cycle of having enthusiasm and that soon waning due to something interrupting my flow (illness, work, holidays) and it becoming more of a chore than anything beneficial. Feels like a waste of time in some regards (or an ill-spent period of time).


Might take up something like yoga instead. Not going to have the same effect obviously, but lord knows my back is screwed up anyway!


What are your fitness goals? At the gym do you do cardio or weights?

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Thinking of giving up the gym. I always end up in the same old cycle of having enthusiasm and that soon waning due to something interrupting my flow (illness, work, holidays) and it becoming more of a chore than anything beneficial. Feels like a waste of time in some regards (or an ill-spent period of time).


Might take up something like yoga instead. Not going to have the same effect obviously, but lord knows my back is screwed up anyway!

Don't give it up. Do both. Seriously, you're awesome and it'll be cool when you bust up in the gym and fuck shit UP!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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