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Introducing someone to gaming


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First of all: Couldn't think of a better thread title so I just went with that.


Recently (as a lot of you probably noticed :p) my girlfriend and I have been playing a couple of games together.

It started with Super Mario Galaxy 2, followed by Rocket League, N++ and now the first Super Mario Galaxy.


We'll soon dive into Super Mario 3D World.


Here's the deal: The lady has trouble getting to grips with more complex/difficult games. I.e. games like Rocket League, or later levels in Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.


The main issues: Games tend to be, I quote: "too stressful" or the control scheme is too complex for a newcomer.

I can't think of games that are suitable for someone like her. Meaning games that require more input like N++ (movement and jump, that's all in this game) but not too much.

We tried Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris and the twin-stick-shooter aspect gave her a lot of trouble. Rocket League is also too much for her to handle.


Anybody got ideas for games that she could try which aren't too demanding and introduce her to - let's call it - multitasking, i.e. using several buttons/inputs at the same time?

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Super Monkey Ball!


I was thinking of that too while playing those Monkey Ball-esque levels in Super Mario Galaxy.


I think I have the Super Monkey Ball GameCube game somewhere.


Something like Minecraft would be good. It's pretty slow, not too stressful, and there are only like four inputs. Plus you can build worlds together! Inception.rar


Ah, never even thought about Minecraft. Playing on pieceful as a start seems like a good idea.

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Tetris? (Yes, this is a serious suggestion. :p) What about DKC co-op? (No, really!)


Actually co-operative platformers might be a good idea, particularly those that don't expect a similar level from each person.


What about the Wii Kirby games? They're quite fun with others and are very forgiving.


How about The Playroom on the PS4?

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Although she sounds a lot more advanced at gaming than my lady, Wii U games I could whole heartedly recommend for couples to play are:


Super Mario Bros U/ Super Luigi U

Rayman Legends

Stealth Inc 2

Kirby Adventure Wii

Never Alone

Runbow (potentially)


What ever issues the U has, the touch screen has been brilliant for us to game together. The first three titles would have you playing the game with her assisting via touch screen, still exciting but no too much pressure on her. The others would see her joining in but, as she sounds like a pro already, may not like only being touch screen based while you take the glory!


You may have played most of those already, but I can say first hand they are great for 'couple co-op '(new genre...)


Edit: Also Yoshi's Woolly World didn't get a 9/10 from this site *ahem* for not being a good co op game...seriously though plenty to do together in that game, possibly Kirby Wii U as well although not played it :)

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She'll get my Wii U soon and as I've mentioned we're going to give Super Mario 3D World a go.


Thing is: I don't really have Wii U games except for Smash Bros (which I will sell) and ZombiU. Money is tight, so buying Nintendo Games is a no-go. Maybe somewhere around Christmas I'll do some ebay shopping for Kirby games.


A mate has some Wii U games, might borrow some from him.



No camera so The Playroom is out of the equation :p

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How on earth has Wii Sports not been mentioned!? It is THE introductory video game! The one so accessible that even Grandma can get to grips with it! : peace:


Ditto for the rest of the Wii_____ series games of course.


The NSMB/SMB series is another obvious choice. Same with Mario Kart (though maybe start on the lower difficulty or turn item frequency down to make it less stressful to start with). The Kirby series is a fine choice as well (all the better if you're playing a multiplayer one like Kirby's Adventure Wii or Kirby Superstar where you can help each other out - will be nice for bonding too ;)).


The first two Super Monkey Ball games (don't bother with the garbage that came afterwards) are amazing games as well; extremely simple to understand and very pick up and play friendly to newcomers (great riotous multiplayer action too!)


The Tetris series is another no brainer (Tetris Party on Wii/DS/3DS is probably the best of the modern games outside of Tetris DS)


The Wario Ware series (and Game & Wario), Nintendo Land, the classic Bomberman games (Bomberman Blast on Wii Ware is particularity great for 8 player multi - otherwise perhaps Bomberman 94 for something a bit more sedate or if you're looking for a good co-op game that's very accessible), the Rhythm Heaven games (Rhythm Heaven on Wii is 2 player too BTW), Yoshi's Wooly World, classic MD Sonic (they're fairly fast, but they are 1 button games and you do have co-op!), World of Goo, Picross, Donkey Konga (on the lower difficulties at least is very simple, accessible and not stressful at all).


I could think of much more, but those are the ones that just spring to the top of my mind right now :)

Edited by Dcubed
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The Kirby series is a fine choice as well (all the better if you're playing a multiplayer one like Kirby's Adventure Wii or Kirby Superstar where you can help each other out - will be nice for bonding too ;)).


And in KAW you share health by kissing. Start the evening as you mean to go on!

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Here's the deal: The lady has trouble getting to grips with more complex/difficult games. I.e. games like Rocket League, or later levels in Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.


The main issues: Games tend to be, I quote: "too stressful" or the control scheme is too complex for a newcomer.


She's right.


Whereas, say, Mario 64 and Mario Sunshine were about learning the controls + camera and mastering the game, Mario Galaxy 2 and Super Mario 3D World lessened that aspect and instead increased the difficulty to a ridiculous level (in post-game).


For your girlfriend, it sounds like the best thing to do would be to go back to 2D. Go through Super Mario World or New Super Mario Bros U together.

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For your girlfriend, it sounds like the best thing to do would be to go back to 2D. Go through Super Mario World or New Super Mario Bros U together.


Thought about that, as well. Will probably give her my SNES. Maybe even tonight. : peace:


Super Mario World would be a nice start. Depending on how that works for her I may introduce her to Donkey Kong Country...but that might be too difficult.

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As somebody who has had to entertain plenty of guests through the power of videogames, I have learned the fewer buttons you need to press, the better. For example, my sister is not into videogames at all, but she actually managed to enjoy Phantom Hourglass, simply because of the simple control scheme.


Here's some general suggestions: Rhythm games, co-op platformers (especially Nintendo ones, though not exclusively so), any score-based puzzle game (Tetris, Zuma, etc.) and minigame collections (Wii Sports, Nintendo Land, WarioWare, etc.) are all good choices. Lightgun games like House of the Dead are also good, but those are very fast-paced, so it's an "out-there" example.


After she's willing to try more complex control schemes, slow-paced games that allow you to freely experiment and fool around are the way to go. Portal is a good one to start with, but there are plenty others.


As a specific suggestion, I will recommend Rock of Ages (which is a lot like Super Monkey Ball). If it fits your girl's sense of humour, it should be excellent, since you can make the learning curve as gradual as it needs to be (for example, you can take turns attacking or defending). There's multiplayer, too.

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Thought about that, as well. Will probably give her my SNES. Maybe even tonight. : peace:


Super Mario World would be a nice start. Depending on how that works for her I may introduce her to Donkey Kong Country...but that might be too difficult.


I feel the 16-bit era in general had more understanding of this - ie. that one player is likely to be more dedicated than the other, yet it is still possible for others to tag along.


As I understand it, in Secret of Mana, you could play 2- or 3-player, or just play by yourself and use the A.I. It's a great shame there aren't more RPGs you can go through together.


Another genre that was great for this was the side-scrolling beat-'em-up - particularly thinking of the Golden Axe and Streets of Rage series. They were simultaneous 2-player, so you could explain to your girlfriend which characters were best, take on the tougher enemies yourself, and actually demonstrate in front of her how to do dash attack, rear attack etc.

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