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Dreams (14th Feb 2020)


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Now that the NDA has finally been lifted, lots of places are now able to talk about the game. Push Square posted an article this week about just how special this game really is.


Dreams is going to win awards, and we don’t just mean gongs of the Geoff Keighley kind. No, we’re talking real-world innovation awards – the likes of which Media Molecule’s going to have to collect in tuxedos as opposed to its usual hipster threads. The game’s been a long time coming, with the developer first demonstrating the very origins of the project all the way back at the PlayStation 4’s reveal event in 2013 – but good grief is it onto something special here.

Full article can be found HERE

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Sounds really great. It needs heavy promotion from Sony to sell decent numbers, unlike what their last game Tearaway got (twice).

This looks more like a LittleBigPlanet deal which I think did ok numbers, Tearaway was probably always going to be a bit more niche.

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  • Shorty changed the title to Dreams (Media Molecule)

I'm hoping this is something bigger than LBP, which I could never really get on with. It felt like a lot of work for confusing and limited reward. This however looks like it can have some pretty great possibilities that make it worth the effort.

The VR aspect alone is pretty important because one of the big things limiting PSVR to me was, apart from roomscale movement tracking, the lack of homebrew content. This could fill some of that gap.

Also you can craft 3D prints, that's awesome for me too!

I'm wondering if there's a way I could create accompaniments to my D&D game in this.

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Can't remember if I read this here or elsewhere, but it would make sense for Sony to package this as a PS4 tool that everyone has access to. They could iterate on it for PS5, make it a more substantial package and integrate it into the system somehow, so that it isn't just written off as a sales failure and never returned to. If it's taken MM this long to develop, and it is as powerful an engine as they say it is, they should make the most of it..

Edited by dwarf
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  • 2 weeks later...

Brilliant move. 

Dedicated creators will definitely jump in early and, well, create. The game will market itself during early access with the inevitable streams and YouTube videos. 

Once the game gets its full release, people who buy it will immediately have a broad array of content to play through.

Edited by drahkon
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The early access is a great idea and something I'm interested in jumping in on. Seeing some of what was made during the beta has had the wheels whirring in my mind about what could be made and while there's no guarantee that anything I could come up with would be good, I'm still intrigued to get hands on with it and try to make some of the ideas I have real. So hopefully I'll get a chance with the early access, which I would guess will probably come around April/ or so with them putting a Spring date on things.

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  • 1 month later...

Awesome, I've been wondering when it was going to hit as they've been very active in doing streams and demonstrations at events in recent weeks/months so had hoped it would be soon.

First come, first serve though for probably a couple of thousand players/creators. Kind of what I expected but I have a feeling it'll be a case of needing to be on the PS Store as soon as it passes midnight into the 16th otherwise you might struggle for access even if they are saying it's a big limit for the number of people gaining access.

I'm hoping to get in. Have some ideas milling around for it for games/stories but mainly just want to get hands on with the tools and see what's what then I can take it from there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Early access was released this morning and I've spent a few hours with it trying to get to grips with things. First things first, it's very complex. There's a lot of tools and elements that can be used in a huge number of ways. There's tutorials to take you through things which I've been going through to get the basics but I can see it being something that could zap away a lot of time if you want to experiment with how things work beyond how they're presented to you initially.

I'm not keen on the camera controls for moving around in the 3D space. It was always going to be problematic, especially when you're making and editing things but even with a few tricks to help you move the camera around, it's still tricky. The same can be said for the controls, especially on the motion control front but it's something I'm slowly acclimatising to.

It's been interesting so far and I can see myself spending time in the creator trying to make things but I need to spend more time with the tutorials. I started a scene creation but I'm oblivious about many of the tools and have found it hard to get things to line up or yo even get things in the correct colours. Again, it's something I'll hopefully get to grips with so I'm looking forward to see what can be done and what others can do. I don't know if I'll ever manage to make a game/level but I'm hopeful of making something in the long term.

So yeah, so far it's intriguing. Plenty of scope to make just about anything but it's just the issue of wrapping your head around it all.

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Early access was released this morning and I've spent a few hours with it trying to get to grips with things. First things first, it's very complex. There's a lot of tools and elements that can be used in a huge number of ways. There's tutorials to take you through things which I've been going through to get the basics but I can see it being something that could zap away a lot of time if you want to experiment with how things work beyond how they're presented to you initially.
I'm not keen on the camera controls for moving around in the 3D space. It was always going to be problematic, especially when you're making and editing things but even with a few tricks to help you move the camera around, it's still tricky. The same can be said for the controls, especially on the motion control front but it's something I'm slowly acclimatising to.
It's been interesting so far and I can see myself spending time in the creator trying to make things but I need to spend more time with the tutorials. I started a scene creation but I'm oblivious about many of the tools and have found it hard to get things to line up or yo even get things in the correct colours. Again, it's something I'll hopefully get to grips with so I'm looking forward to see what can be done and what others can do. I don't know if I'll ever manage to make a game/level but I'm hopeful of making something in the long term.
So yeah, so far it's intriguing. Plenty of scope to make just about anything but it's just the issue of wrapping your head around it all.
Sounds like a 3D mouse add-on would be useful. Or just support for existing ones?
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17 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:

Early access was released this morning and I've spent a few hours with it trying to get to grips with things. First things first, it's very complex. There's a lot of tools and elements that can be used in a huge number of ways. There's tutorials to take you through things which I've been going through to get the basics but I can see it being something that could zap away a lot of time if you want to experiment with how things work beyond how they're presented to you initially.

I'm not keen on the camera controls for moving around in the 3D space. It was always going to be problematic, especially when you're making and editing things but even with a few tricks to help you move the camera around, it's still tricky. The same can be said for the controls, especially on the motion control front but it's something I'm slowly acclimatising to.

It's been interesting so far and I can see myself spending time in the creator trying to make things but I need to spend more time with the tutorials. I started a scene creation but I'm oblivious about many of the tools and have found it hard to get things to line up or yo even get things in the correct colours. Again, it's something I'll hopefully get to grips with so I'm looking forward to see what can be done and what others can do. I don't know if I'll ever manage to make a game/level but I'm hopeful of making something in the long term.

So yeah, so far it's intriguing. Plenty of scope to make just about anything but it's just the issue of wrapping your head around it all.

Yeah, Ive picked up the early access as well, looking forward to diving back in again.

I agree that the controls and toolset seem a little daunting at first but stick at it as it really does become second nature after a while and spend as much time as you need in the tutorials. In my two weeks in the Beta I spent the first week just doing tutorials and the second week applying what id learnt to my first puppet and game scene. I'll try and send you my game scene later so you can see how things can quickly come together.

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I'm tempted but I don't really want to spend this much money right now, especially since I'm not the creative guy and would only get this to pay creations of others.

If the Early Access version is still available at the start of May, I might dive in. 

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2 hours ago, Map said:

Have followed you now @Ganepark32 and shared my game scene and puppet in progress, look forward to seeing your creations. Have also followed @somme nice work so far!

Cheers. :D I've bought the Early Access but won't be playing for a while, too busy atm. Just bought it as there were rumblings of limited numbers!

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4 hours ago, Map said:

Have followed you now @Ganepark32 and shared my game scene and puppet in progress, look forward to seeing your creations. Have also followed @somme nice work so far!

Cheers for that, I'll give them a look later on. I think the biggest thing I seem to be struggling with is the amount of graphical data you have to play with as a scene I started working on, I ended up at 88% used when I'd only done a rock slide piece of scenery. So clearly I've got some trucks to learn to get the most out of things if I'm making more open scenery. If you have any ideas on how to make invisible barriers/walls to stop people walking put of bounds, that would be a great help with what I'm working on.

Tinkered with some more tutorials and ended up messing around with the music timeline feature last night for an hour or so. Very simple to use for slotting clips together but I can see the depth I'm being able to change everything within it. Need to figure out how to get the loop of a music piece to restart at a different point from the initial start of the piece of music, if that's possible as that would be helpful for something I'm working on just now.

Spent much of the day working on a new dream. It's currently sitting in a typical lonely toad at night state, with street lights down both sides on the pavement, but with a desk with a computer monitor on it at the far end in the middle of the road. Created the street lights, monitor and desk myself do slowly getting to grips with sculpting. Kind of hoping I can turn it into a No More Heroes/Furi style boss fight scene at some point but that's a way off at this point.

I do wonder of the Move controllers would make navigating the setup easier as moving things in 3d space is a pain. Like you say Bob, a 3d controller probably would help but I still don't know if it would alleviate all of the issues. I've ended up decreasing the motion control sensitivity to make things a bit smoother but yeah, still getting to grips.

Despite some issues with controls, it's hooked me and even if I'm not the most artistic, I'm enjoying trying to come up with things and seeing some of what others have made. That dream with the Robot in the massive rocky environment was really impressive.

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