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Horizon: Zero Dawn


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You mean the house, Npcs and grave? It's great that the story and quests change lots of little stuff



I am still wondering about the significance of the Horus machines/ metal devils. You only see afew in the game.


My spoilers don't work?



Yeah. That's what I meant. Your spoiler was broken because where you typed the message was actually meant to be the title of the spoiler.


As for

The Horus designation machines were basically just mobile cauldrons. Walking around spitting out other machines of the swarm (corruptors and deathbringers). Not seeing many of them kinda makes sense I'd bet they were spread throughout the world and as big as the game is really it is a relatively small space in the grand scheme.


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Hope that spoiler wasn't a big deal, @Choze or I won't be a happy man. :nono:


Managed to get most of the collectibles sorted last night. I just need a couple of more viewpoint thingies and about 15 more flowers.


I also finished off all the Cauldrons last night. I like how different most of them are. I expected them all to be the same but was pleasantly surprised that this wasn't the case.

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Nah neither of them are big deals. One was just commenting on my earlier suggestion, and what he didn't put under tags is just a name. You learn the name the same time you get the exposition about it.


91.56% done. And like 50 hours (an amount of that is idle time while I do dumb shit on my phone). It's 5 in the AM here so I think I'll go to bed and finish tomorrow.

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Has anyone else gone back home post proving? I suggest doing it.


Aye, that was the first thing i did before i left to explore the outside world.


Plan this evening, finish the cauldrons and do some more side quests (they've been building up)


Got 3 bows (Sharpshot, War and Hunter), one of which (the Shadow Sharpshot Bow) has Tearblast arrows, perfect for knocking off the guns on the Thunderjaw and using them to your own advantage (which i discovered after the Xi Cauldron completion, when i got the Bow from Meridian and saw a Thunderjaw on my way to the Zeta Cauldron). Heard this cauldron is pretty short in comparison to the others.


Edited by Jimbob
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I saw a video putting the fanboy battle between Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild and Horizon: Zero Dawn to rest once and for all, and because that video is available for Nintendo and consumers to see, which could influence their flow of throught, I couldn't leave it unchallenged so I've suited-up to contend with that YouTubers opinion.


I actually replied to him in email (as conversing mano emano with the source is how you potentially use them as a conduit to spread your own influence!) so I'll generally paste my message to him here so that I dont need to retype it all from scratch.


He was basically scoring each game based on graphics, gameplay, story plot, openworld features, framerate, combat, physics and overall.


But just to quickly put it out there, I'm a Nintendo fan, I personally own only Nintendo consoles as games on those consoles appeal to me (but not that they've been done the best, mainly since the Wii days in my opinion, that's why I skipped the 3DS, Wii u and waiting to see about the Switch!). But I have a big family so since I was knee-height I had the adventurous privilege of gaming on the Atari, NES, SNES, SEGA Megadrive, Gameboy (all of the Gameboys boi!), NeoGeo, PS1, N64, Sega Saturn, PS2, Gamecube, DreamCast, XBOX, PS3, Wii, 360 and the XB1. My siblings has grown and dispersed, so I dont have instant access to all of those consoles nor new ones such as PS4 haha.

Personally I'm not really too into the handhelds, because life is diverse and beautiful and I think that home consoles provide a reasonable amount of hours for gaming. When I'm outside, I'm immersed in the environment like I'm the star character playing the game of real life haha. So.... the portability of the Switch is greatly appealing (to play while crashing at someone's home or during prolonged commutes or during extensive calm moments in a park or what have you)! Although it would be appreciated if 3DS games also were to be playable on the Switch. So basically, although I 'prefer' Nintendo games, I still have equally had lots of fun on other consoles! Fanboyism is just ridiculous man. Negative comparison is the cause for killjoy!


I saw your opinion of Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild vs Horizon: Zero Dawn, I dont know if you 'mainly' did that video in a hurry just for a cool video idea, or/and because you're on pleasant terms with the N, but dude.... you know we're boys but I feel you were a lil biased my man haha just a bit my dude. You made some magnificent points though.


For starters, to my knowledge, you haven't even got passed the opening of the game yet, so it's very unfair to compare that little segment with a full-fledged completed game experience.

And second off, I feel like you defined 'gameplay' (climbing mountains/trees, cutting trees) the same as 'openworldness', thus giving Zelda 2 points.


Please consider this my dude....



Zelda has a beautiful art style, but the level of the quality in the visual graphics in Horizon crushes Zelda. BoTW was intentioned for Wii u, that's why it looks super inferior to games such as Seasons of Heaven which is intentioned for consoles such as Switch, PC etc.Horizon gets the point hands down! 1-0



Dude I see you be playing both games hahaha and dude honestly you play in a linear and simple-minded fashion (not that anything's wrong with that), but my point is that in both games there are multiple ways to approach combat, I've had my own ideas aswell as seeing plenty of gameplay videos! And because you haven't yet discovered different creative ways to take down enemies in Horizon, you are judging from the slow stealthy method you keep resorting to, thus again giving Zelda a misguided score.

Dont get me wrong, Zelda has lots of ways (and creative/fun ways), like the lightning striking the metal weapon, or the bees attacking enemies, or home-running incoming rocks back at the enemy lol etc etc. However... Zelda employs those ideas from other games such as Assasin's Creed: Black Flag (lightning hitting ship), the bees attacking enemy (haha you know the game we spoke about last time), redirecting enemy projectiles (previous Zelda games, 3D Mario games and so on) etc etc. Nothing new here. And how often are bees and lightning around haha? But great all the same for combining all the awesome detail into the one game!

BUT.... the approaches in Horizon are amazing because the intelligence in A.I of the enemies which could be used to your advantage such as distraction while they inspect a fallen comerade or while they search out for intruders and so on. This far surpasses Zelda's A.I hands down.*At the very least I'd give them both a point. 2-1 to Horizon.



It has to be said -- they're generally identical lol. Machines that has been corrupted thus disturbing the peace, so the hero/heroine needs to act as the peace-bringer. Just that Zelda is under a kinda anime/toon-style format, whereas Horizon is under a realistic/medieval-style format. They both do it good, none of them are groundbreaking in all of video game or movie history haha so I guess I'll give them both a point again. If I were to go deep, it prob would be given to Horizon for the level of story-telling and the way it unfolds throughout gameplay, the voice acting, cut-scenes -- all that jazz. But on average for fun, just basically throw them both a point my boi! So 3-1 to Horizon.



Dude, listen, you need to be openminded with openworlds or anything in life haha. Games creatively try various things, art is diverse! And I guess there are cons and pros to various methods! Consider this.... Horizon's 'beginning' is linear for the creative concept of having an 'interactive learning' process to have fun while getting to grips with the basics, rather than simply having you read a huge explanatory document. The con is that gameplay is temporarily linear. The pros are that you have fun whilst learning and also live the progressive life of the character, feeling her growth and the connection with her father (it was touching feeling like a little daughter following her father across the beautiful fields xD).

Zelda is open for exploration from the getgo, but what exactly does it offer?.. Doodling around by chasing squirrels haha? Climbing mountains for what?.. Perhaps potentially finding arrows in a treasure chest? Is that really fun or 'very relevant'?

If... you could explore and say, bump into some hidden master who teaches you forbiddon magic or some cool skill, so you have a higher chance to defeat stronger enemies early in the game so that you can level up quicker/easier.... then THAT would be a sincere joy to do.

If you came across a tribe or kingdom with high surveilance, and you 'strategized' AND used 'stealth' to sneak passed security (similar to that little segment in Ocarina of Time in the Hyrule Castle area with the guards, elaborate the bouncing funk out of that idea!) to infiltrate to steal a forbiddon magic scroll or some traditional armour or weapon or something.... THAT would be a spontaneous joy which would be relevant to gameplay!

Even sidequests like meeting a random character from a village who had a loved one taken captive by such a kingdom/tribe with high security, and you had to break that person out of captivity and return him to that character to get a heart in return or something... THAT would be epic!

But just doodling around being a bit silly with bokoblins or whatever... come on dude haha you may aswell just get on with the story. So.... I would give this point to Horizon because I've seen some amazing things, such as crafting and sidequests, the way you randomly see a type of enemy attacking another type of enemy, the way you just see huge glorious machine just randomly walking around (and you can interact with it, climb up it and hack it and stuff)... the openworld in this game just has more relevant things going on, not just going into a random house for the hell of it haha so Horizon gets this point in my honest opinion. 4-1

Or should I be more thoughtful and split the point? Okay 4-2



As long as framerate isn't severe so as to hinder gameplay then I'm not too fussed. But I take your same opinion that people are fault-finding every little thing even if it's a minor framerate drop. And I generally think that Horizon and Zelda are cool enough so I'd give them both a point. However, if for the sake of comparison (for point distribution purposes) we were to give the point to the game that technically suffers less from framerate issues, then as you said Horizon gets that point I guess. 5-2 to Horizon.



Dude... you know my stance on Zelda. Nintendo is known for having tight responsive controls across their games, so no doubt BoTW has that blessing. But in my opinion, Zelda's combat is very simplistic. Generally just repetitively smashing the attack button, jump back, side dodge, jump in and repeatedly press the attack button until the enemy is defeated. The illusion is that weapons break easily and enemies can take a whooping haha so the battle drags on super long. The A.I isn't smart in my opinion, the enemy robotically dodges simple attacks (if it identifies say a bomb in its path for a while, it 'may' walk around it). Other times, enemies like bokoblins will side dodge spontaneously, 'some of the time' probably dodging your attack 'accidentally.'

In Horizon, there is clearly smart programming in the enemy A.I, and fast intelligence too (quick reactive reflexes for *dodging our attacks for example). Combat in games such as Horizon and For Honour and maybe even some of the Assasin's Creed games, combat (especially with conventional controlpads) is taken to higher levels than what is commonly done. Yeah Zelda is good for using the gyroscrope sensors for bow & arrow aiming, but I think that if the developers refuse to commit to motion controls (perfecting Skyward Sword ideas like I've previously explained in other conversations), then they should make 'actual combat' a bit more technical on the conventional controlpad and also increase enemy A.I so that technical battles are 'also' strategic (not childsplay strategic, warrior swordplay kinda strategic haha!).

So Horizon wins in terms of 'actual combat' in my opinion. 6-2 to Horizon



Dude haha... again, we cant restrict the term 'physics' only to 'varying weights of weaponry', there are other aspects of physics such as solid obejects not phasing through other solid objects (Zelda gets a +1 for this because of its boomerang not phasing through walls for example. I haven't studied much of this in Horizon so I cant yet judge), enviornmental interactions (for example; fire from a torched piece of wood transfering onto leaves, trees, flowers, grass, enemies, clothes, curtain materials on display etc; wind direction influencing hair, grass, tree leaves, clothes etc and so on), unique persona movement animations (walking, running, climbing, attacking, gesturing, posing etc) and so forth.

I honestly dont quite know which of these 2 games is superior in most of the criterias within the physics department, so I'd prob award both games with a point, but you can make the necessary calculations to give the point to the one whom you think is more deserving. And please let us know! But for now you best believe it's 7-3 to Horizon.



I'd personally give the point to Zelda because, though this is on an objective basis (motivated by my own perception), Zelda is simply more imaginitive and charming in my opinion. Perhaps this is the advantage of fantastical games, the creativity can be played around with in unreal ways. Like the part in the Lost Woods with the mist and the sparkle particles, and the direction of the sparkle particles leading you to the legendary Master Sword, where Princess Zelda sealed it into the grounds before the Great Deku Tree a century ago, and the Hero of Time needs the Power of Courage to wield the blade or else he would fall to his death..... classic stuff! Small details which is just immersive. Mind you it could've been done more better (better cutscenes, voice acting, dialogue/scripts, more witty/challenging gameplay [like pressing a button super fast to remove the sword, like in Mario Party 4 when tapping the button super fast to free yourself from the slime, before your health fully depletes]), better visuals and so forth. But generally it was just sublime.*So overall, adding everything into the equation such as physics, combat and all that jazz -- for me, BoTW probably gets the point as it probably is more fun to play, which is what games are all about. That being said, if a game is too easy, it might not feel fun, so probably Horizon's technicality and compelling graphics (visuals and NPC A.I) might be more fun. But on average, generally, I'd prob give it to BoTW. A small fragment of my fanboyism may have influenced that decision, but hey, I've been as fair as possible.


So Horizon: Zero Dawn honestly wins with an owning 7:4


The lesson to be learnt here is that if, by sheer fanboyism, I just sunk into delusion and was biased by saying Nintendo's Zelda wins 7-0, or try to be smart by making it look sincere by making the victory 7:5, then Nintendo will feel confident that they never need to treat their fans to genuine awesomeness, because they'll know that we'll just accept any old software that is whipped up. And then we might all become delusional to worship such mediocrity as a masterpiece. None of which is healthy for the never-ending developing minds of human beings nor the advancement of the gaming industry.


Now end this feud! This war has been put to bed by means of the credibility of Beverage's factual judgement.

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Completed. That final mission...wooo.


I feel like now I should go and actually play Killzone Shadow Fall. I did the first mission and just wasn't feeling it and now I feel I owe it to Guerilla to give it a real chance.


But first, gotta go fuck up some grazer dummies.

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They're both superb games. We should be so lucky to have both of them in the first place.


I agree, we do not get many new IP like this at all. There seem to be loads of rather pissed off Zelda fans attacking the game again. More obvious given the oddball/unfair comparisons. :o


I feel like now I should go and actually play Killzone Shadow Fall. I did the first mission and just wasn't feeling it and now I feel I owe it to Guerilla to give it a real chance.


Rough game. You can see it uses elements from Horizon. It still looks great but has 'dumb' issues that ruin the whole thing. Clearly rushed out.

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I pretty much finished off getting all the collectibles, last night. I've got a couple more Power Cells to pick up but I can't access them yet.


I also cleared all of the corrupted zones. The fight against two Rockbreakers was a toughie. I ended up finding a bit of cover behind some rocks and then just hanging back and picking them apart with various arrows.


Another zone had me fighting against a variety of beasties. I seen that there was a Ravager site nearby, so I used an arrow to break off it's guns, killed the Ravager and then took the gun to the corrupted site, where I destroyed all the beasties very quickly with said gun. :D


I can now head back to doing the main story line of the game.

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Climbed my first Robo-giraffe last night.


Does anyone else find them really creepy? I think it's a combination of the stomping noise they make and the fact that they walk, but in a zombie like dead manner. All the other machines seem alive, but the tall ones just plod around in a circle...

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Climbed my first Robo-giraffe last night.


Does anyone else find them really creepy? I think it's a combination of the stomping noise they make and the fact that they walk, but in a zombie like dead manner. All the other machines seem alive, but the tall ones just plod around in a circle...


The Tallnecks, aye they are a little creepy.


The one in the North-West, above Meridian was the only one i had a little trouble with scaling. Mainly because of the Sawtooths,

Watchers and other tough machines were all in the same area of the Tallneck.


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Hope I didn't miss all the chatter about this game. Got the platinum last week at 98% completion and 75+ hours (took my time)! Loved every minute of it. Such a well packaged game. No fluff, just everything you need. And it's such a joy to PLAY that it's a joy to WATCH. The girlfriend happily sat next to me, watching my decisions (sometimes catastrophically bad) and interactions in and around the world from start to finish. She enjoyed it so much, she wants to have a bash. Only other game that has captivated her this much is bloodborne and we all know how good that game is!


Having not played it for awhile, I have realised how much I miss it but literally punch the air for joy when I heard that they were working on DLC. As Jim Sterling said, it is almost like they made a fully fleshed out and packaged game, and let it sell on those merits alone. Amazing that we can make jokes about that concept.


I always liked the Killzone games but damn this eclipses anything GG has done before and I never expected this turnout.

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I continued the main story yesterday and this morning.


I've just been captured but just before that happened I finally seen what the Zero Dawn project was. Very interesting. Basically starting the earth from scratch, then?



I had to come to work so I couldn't see how things are going to play out straight away but I can't wait to see what happens next.


I also had a bit of a play around with the Hunting Ground areas. One of them was a right pain in the butt and I could only get a silver ranking on it. I decided to move on and come back to it later.

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I blitzed through and got gold in all the hunting grounds in less than an hour, of course I was end game gear. Only a couple I had to do more than once and only one I think I did more than twice.


The trial I struggled with was the log one. I couldn't get the machines to go to where the logs actually were. They kept sodding off elsewhere. :D

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