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Metroid Prime: Federation Force (3DS)


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Amiibo support announced.










Interesting that this didn't show up at E3. I guess Nintendo figure that the game is a lost cause and it would have just received backlash anyway.



A 10 minute Japanese trailer/showcase was also released.


Edited by Hero-of-Time
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First shot of the Pokemon Amiibo costume!




Has the picture been changed or am I just completely blind? I cannot see ANY resemblance to a Pokémon (that has an amiibo) in that shot... and certainly not Pikachu's cheeks!


Or do I just not get the joke?

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Has the picture been changed or am I just completely blind? I cannot see ANY resemblance to a Pokémon (that has an amiibo) in that shot... and certainly not Pikachu's cheeks!


Or do I just not get the joke?


The joke is, no Pokémon amiibo support! :hehe:


It's probably just as well though, the Samus amiibo figures are the only ones which would really fit in with the tone of the game anyway... Captain Falcon could work, Mega Man and possibly R.O.B those are the ones I wouldn't mind seeing but I'm happy with just Samus. : peace:


This game looks like it's shaping up pretty well, like a multiplayer co-op version of Metroid Prime Hunters except with more scope in the campaign mode, my only gripe is that I would have liked there to have been a multiplayer deathmatch mode as well being that we won't be getting that with the Wii U VC version of MPH when that comes out; it was actually pretty fun in a strange way... but then, it wouldn't work in exactly the same way so probably best this sticks to co-op and Blast Ball I suppose. :D

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Has the picture been changed or am I just completely blind? I cannot see ANY resemblance to a Pokémon (that has an amiibo) in that shot... and certainly not Pikachu's cheeks!


Or do I just not get the joke?


It's a running joke with Amiibo support.

Generally, whenever a Nintendo game supports Amiibo from multiple series, Pokemon is almost always completely useless.


It started with Mario Kart 8, when the obvious Pikachu Mii costume was nowhere to be seen.

But it really hit it's stride when Yoshi's Woolly World came out and it was revealed that it would support every Amiibo that was out at the time. Except the Pokemon ones. Much to everyone's amusement.


It really says a lot that Mario Maker supporting them was genuinely amazing.

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The reviews for the game are out and it's a very mixed bag. Some are dishing out high scores, while most others are giving it a score of 5-7.


What is surprising the IGN review. They gave it a 5.9 and the reviewer was Jose Otero. He has been championing the game for a while, so it's quite a shock to see that the game has fallen flat on its face for him.


His closing comments were...


Due to a painfully imbalanced single-player experience co-op with friends is really the only viable way to play it, and even then it’s not really recommended.
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Our review is now up!




N-Europe Review






Enjoy! : peace:

Edited by Dcubed
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I put some time into this yesterday and have mixed feelings about the game.


I done a couple of missions in single player mode. These were quite boring and the pace seemed quite slow. This may have just been because it was the first two missions, though.


I then jumped online and played with another 3 people. This seemed to be a much better experience but it still had its issues. It suffers from exactly the same thing as Triforce heroes did and that's the lack of communication.


Like Triforce Heroes, this isn't a competitive style game but one where you need to work as a team to get things done. There were a couple of times where I wanted to tell something to my team mates and the options you are given just don't cut it. This lead to some very frustrating experiences.


Speaking of frustration, twice last night I ended up playing with people who just sat there at various points of the mission, while the rest of us done everything. We kept getting to points where the team needed all 4 players to move on and we had to wait up to 5 mins for these people to finally come back. Not being able to tell people what you're doing, where you are going or how long you will be is ridiculous. An option to kick someone from the game would have been ideal but instead the rest of the team are forced to either sit and wait for who knows how long or leave the game yourself. This is even more punishing due to the fact that you get bonuses for finishing a level in a set time. Not once did I achieve this due to morons just standing in the one spot and holding the rest of us back.


Its stuff like this that annoys a lot of us on here, especially those who do online gaming quite a lot. We expect a standard to be met but time and time again such basic features and options prevent us from having enjoyable experiences. I would love to meet the people who make these decisions and ask them why the hell they continue to prevent people from communicating in a meaningful way or see if they actually have any experience playing online games on other consoles. It's infuriating.


On the plus side, the game does look lovely, though. The chibi art style works well and, like most 3DS games, the visuals look much better on the 3DS screen than they do when being advertised on the internet/TV.

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So shopto have told me that due delivery issues I won't be getting it until next week..... Is this a problem uk wide or just with shopto? Haven't used them in ages because they turned shit, heard good things again, first order they fuck up!


They have been fine recently but for whatever reason their shipments of the game didn't make it. I got word of this early in the week, cancelled my order and then ordered from Simply Games.

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They have been fine recently but for whatever reason their shipments of the game didn't make it. I got word of this early in the week, cancelled my order and then ordered from Simply Games.


So it;s just with them?


Amazon have 8th for shipping so I presume they have the same problem. Might just wait, busy anyway.


Who else is getting this? Can we get 4 of us together to play through it?! I know @david\.dakota is getting it? @Hero\-of\-Time can you slow down with it and play it with us :)

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