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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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But unlike when he does it to genuine quality games like Captain Toad and 3D World, Zelda, AC and especially Metroid actually deserve the bashing, at least based on their reveal.


Starfox I'm sure will be fun, the visuals are so bad it's actually pretty shocking, especially given how good Nintendo usually are at art style.


How do you know Metroid won't be good? The Zelda looks amazing to be fair, it's just not a traditional Zelda! This is exactly the same as what wii did with Toad and such!

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What on earth are you talking about? Do you think Nintendo haven't been putting their E3 Direct together for a good while now?


And if anything it seemed like they were trying to pad out their Direct with games we've already seen and information we've already had from them. Xenoblade, Yoshi, Mario Maker... the 5 min ending, my god there was so much filler in there.


Why try and find an excuse. Nintendo dropped the ball and that's all on them.


Tbf personally it played out how I thought on the wii u side. We knew development had shifted to the new platform and when your console sells as bad as the wii u has unfortunately development will dry up.


What really becomes apparent again is the complete lack of third party support. Without it you are pretty much screwed. If the next platform doesn't have it we are just going to see they same thing over again.

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How do you know Metroid won't be good? The Zelda looks amazing to be fair, it's just not a traditional Zelda! This is exactly the same as what wii did with Toad and such!


Coming off of a conference where Playstation gave the fans exactly what they wanted, again and again, Nintendo FINALLY announced a Metroid game, it just happened to be probably the last thing their fans wanted.


I'll reserve judgement on Zelda, but "Totem time !!" as Link dresses in a Princess Zelda skirt isn't exactly a great start.

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....Wake up, son.


It isn't just 'one bad event', Nintendo have been arguably letting people down for some years now by being a shadow of their former selves.


Theres no point listing all the missed opportunities and underused franchises that we wait years for. I think for many people - though i speak for myself - time has run out for Nintendo.


Bloody drama queen!!!


Still think it's funny that nintendo only showed coming out in the next 12 months! But people, and you, praise sony for showing a game 2 years away.... Maybe nintendo should've shown a zelda trailer, or NX or whatever...


Fact is, when people calm a little after a shit presentation, all that matters is the games we'll be playing, what will people be playing from the sony conference this year?


Yoshi, Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, Star Fox, Mario Maker, Mario Tennis... it's not AWFUL is it!!


Nintendo, and surely no one can argue now, are ending the wii u quickly. They're blatantly saving all their rescues an big studios for it. Isn't that what all the haters want anyway because they hate the wii u so much? Well they're doing it and it still isn't good enough.


Coming off of a conference where Playstation gave the fans exactly what they wanted, again and again, Nintendo FINALLY announced a Metroid game, it just happened to be probably the last thing their fans wanted.


I'll reserve judgement on Zelda, but "Totem time !!" as Link dresses in a Princess Zelda skirt isn't exactly a great start.


Zelda will likely be out before all of those! And many other games. yes, we all love big reveals, I do too, but just think about it for a moment. When will we see those games? Nintendo are playing the immediate? The NX could be out before we see Shenmue and Final Fantasy! Just different approaches.


Now I agree, nintendo should know what they were playing to, and who, but I think they the Wii U is dead, and they don't want to blow the E3 load!!

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Zelda will likely be out before all of those! And many other games. yes, we all love big reveals, I do too, but just think about it for a moment. When will we see those games? Nintendo are playing the immediate? The NX could be out before we see Shenmue and Final Fantasy! Just different approaches.


Now I agree, nintendo should know what they were playing to, and who, but I think they the Wii U is dead, and they don't want to blow the E3 load!!


It's not about which game releases before which other game. It's about fanservice. Knowing your fanbase, giving them what they want and keeping them entertained. Everyone wanted Retro to do a Metroid game two years ago, instead it was another DK platformer a few years after their previous one. People are desperate for a Metroid game, so they give them a half-arsed multiplayer arena shooter with a Metroid title that may as well not even be there. It's just detached from reality.


I'm glad Nintendo aren't doing a Sony or Microsoft and showing games three years before release. The problem is the games they're revealing for release in 6-9 months are just sub-standard.


10 years to work on that Star Fox game? Really??


Animal Crossing Board Game Party?

Edited by Ronnie
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No idea how you can say that after what we have seen the past couple of days.


Huh, means nothing, creates bit of buzz as its recent news... how does that say anything? Nintendo had the best e3 by a strecth last year and sony the worst. That made a huge difference didn't it...


It's not about which game releases before which other game. It's about fanservice. Knowing your fanbase, giving them what they want and keeping them entertained. Everyone wanted Retro to do a Metroid game two years ago, instead it was another DK platformer a few years after their previous one. People are desperate for a Metroid game, so they give them a half-arsed multiplayer arena shooter with a Metroid title that may as well not even be there. It's just detached from reality.


I'm glad Nintendo aren't doing a Sony or Microsoft and showing games three years before release. The problem is the games they're revealing for release in 6-9 months are just sub-standard.


10 years to work on that Star Fox game? Really??


Animal Crossing Board Game Party?


Was mario kart 8 not fan service? And smash? Hyrule Warriors is a bit? Bayonetta 2? But I think it's easy to look like you have loads of fan service when you talk about what you have from now until 2 years away!! I still think Retro are working on metered but for NX, there's zelda wii u, I bet the mario team are working on a new huge mario, I bet animal crossing is being made (the only right decision as it should launch on the hybrid) - they could've shown/teased all this.... but they wanted to focus on the next year.


The next year isn't great because they're killing the console.


I'm not saying it was good, I'm not saying I didn't love other conferences, I'm just saying let's have a little perspective

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Yoshi, Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, Star Fox, Mario Maker, Mario Tennis... it's not AWFUL is it!!


When you break it down like that, and the fact that Splatoon still have plenty of legs in it, it's not exactly a disaster given that there are plenty of other games across a variety of older platforms that I'd like to spend some time with :smile:


Unfortunately, there are so many games and franchises that gamers would love for Nintendo to revisit but we're getting strange spin-offs like Federation Force and Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival that nobody would even contemplate.


Nintendo, and surely no one can argue now, are ending the wii u quickly. They're blatantly saving all their rescues an big studios for it. Isn't that what all the haters want anyway because they hate the wii u so much? Well they're doing it and it still isn't good enough.


You hope that's what they're doing with their resources, but when the Wii was pretty much left to die for the last couple of years, we all expected it to be in preparation for the next home console. Sometimes you just have to wonder what they all spend their time doing :heh:

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Was mario kart 8 not fan service? And smash?


That's different, no one was desperate for those games because they come to every platform. Fans have been very vocal about wanting a new Metroid for years, and then they finally give us this fugly spin-off. It's a massive kick in the balls.


We wait ten years for a new console Star Fox and that's what they give us? Now granted the game will be a lot of fun but what have they been doing for the last decade?? How can the visuals look so terrible?


I take your point though about circumstance and perspective, but man, Nintendo are their own worst enemy at times.

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@dazzybee You're firing mixed messages all over the place. Changing your tune and having a go at others over their reactions and opinions, but go back pages, change threads and you were hating on the conference and expressing your disappointment as much as anyone else.


Not sure why you're trying to take this superior high ground. Everyone can react however they want in as much time as they want.


I thought the press conference showing was easily one of the worst I've ever watched.

I don't care when Sony and Microsofts games are coming out, the point is they are coming, and there are a steady stream of quality First/Third/Indie titles on their way between now and when they get to do it all again at E3 next year.


Nintendo should have done the same, just like they revealed Zelda last E3 when it wouldn't come out for another 2+ years, don't criticise Sony or Microsoft for doing the same. If Nintendo had shown a trailer for Metroid or F-Zero for a Christmas 2016 release everyone would be bouncing off the ceiling and not criticising the games date. Nintendo fucked up.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Hey. Neutral here, who gave up on all consoles this gen.


Nintendo did nothing to persuade me to pick up their console. The other two swayed me briefly - but ultimately I'll remain resolute and happy with my decision to switch to PC gaming.


But from what I can see Nintendo has done a good job of allowing a section of their hardcore fans to feel dissuaded to continue with their loyalty, while the other two consoles seemed to have given their fans enough to keep going.


From that perspective, I think it is logical to conclude that Nintendo did very little to sway non-Nintendo fans. The best 'Nintendo' related news was the Microsoft announcement of the Rare back-catalogue, which encapsulates many Nintendo-console classics.


Based upon the three party showings, if I was forced to pick up a console again I'd be torn between the xbone (I looove Blast Corps) and PS4 (FF7!).


However, instead I can pay £650 for a PC which will be able to play games for 5-7 years (and at a cost of £100-300 a further 3 years at least!) I can instead play a whole bunch of games that aren't available on consoles. Instead of relying on two 5 star games a year I can rely on getting 30+ 4 star games in the next year -- and I have ready access to games that were made over the last 30 years without worrying about backwards compatibility as well.


As I said -- was a MASSIVE nintendo fan many years ago... but I considered why I was a fan, and also considered what it was I wanted from games, and then relinquished my 'loyalty' to nintendo. As a consequence I am able to fill my spare time with enjoyable moments.


I understand that serebii has a personal investment in the success of nintendo, but I don't understand why any gamer feels the need to be loyal...?

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@dazzybee You're firing mixed messages all over the place. Changing your tune and having a go at others over their reactions and opinions, but go back pages, change threads and you were hating on the conference and expressing your disappointment as much as anyone else.


I've just read this thread back and you're absolutely right! From what I've noticed, @dazzybee seems to do this all the time. One opinion on something one day, then completely the opposite view on the same thing a couple of days later.


However, instead I can pay £650 for a PC which will be able to play games for 5-7 years (and at a cost of £100-300 a further 3 years at least!) I can instead play a whole bunch of games that aren't available on consoles. Instead of relying on two 5 star games a year I can rely on getting 30+ 4 star games in the next year -- and I have ready access to games that were made over the last 30 years without worrying about backwards compatibility as well.


I spent £800 on a gaming PC about 6 months ago, I'm planning on selling it and getting a PS4 and Xbox One with the money. Just can't get into pc gaming.

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Treehouse just wrapped up with a lovely moment from Miyamoto and Tezuka praising and deciding to include the levels from the NWC in the final product. I didn't actually expect or intend to follow it(even half so, as I have) but it's been kinda nice to have on in the background and see more of the games. Must say I wasn't, and still am not, fussed by most of it - but good to be able to see it at least. Maybe I'll end up doing it again tomorrow!


Also dunno if anyone saw but there was some little indie(?) 9 player mutliplayer game called Runbow(runner+rainbow theming) shown - looks like a fun little chuckle for a bit at a gathering and also made me think a bit of Speedrunner HD(definitely different though). Had a slight aspect of asymetrical gameplay too(where 8 runnners I believe go against the 'Colour Master' - ie someone trying to mess them up with the gamepad).

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@dazzybee You're firing mixed messages all over the place. Changing your tune and having a go at others over their reactions and opinions, but go back pages, change threads and you were hating on the conference and expressing your disappointment as much as anyone else.


Not sure why you're trying to take this superior high ground. Everyone can react however they want in as much time as they .


How am I trying to take the high ground? When did I say people can't react how they are? Would you prefer no discussion or debate and just everyone expressing their opinions and that's it.


And I hacent changed my tune. I've repeatedly said they direct was shit. That hasn't changed. I'm just saying there's a lack of perspective at times and trying to offer a different tske or explanation.


But you're right, I won't comment on people's opinions, let's all just listen to each other. It often feels like group therapy in here anyway so it'd be fitting.


I've just read this thread back and you're absolutely right! From what I've noticed, @dazzybee seems to do this all the time. One opinion on something one day, then completely the opposite view on the same thing a couple of days later.


Like when? Tell me?


When I would attack anyone who critisised Nintendo and constantly mock the ps4 and xbox for their colour palettes and samey games, but now flip the other way and go over board on critisising Nintendo and now buying a ps4 and an Xbox one? Oh....no... That wasn't me....

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Like when? Tell me?


When I would attack anyone who critisised Nintendo and constantly mock the ps4 and xbox for their colour palettes and samey games, but now flip the other way and go over board on critisising Nintendo and now buying a ps4 and an Xbox one? Oh....no... That wasn't me....


It's happened a number of times, you changing your tune from day to day in a very obvious way.


Credit where credit is due, the other two had impressive conferences and Nintendo most certainly did not. That's not swapping sides, it's being observant and objective. AAA gaming on PS/XB is still samey, iterative and shooter obsessed but there was enough other things of interest to tempt me into investing.

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Bloody drama queen!!!


Still think it's funny that nintendo only showed coming out in the next 12 months! But people, and you, praise sony for showing a game 2 years away.... Maybe nintendo should've shown a zelda trailer, or NX or whatever...


Fact is, when people calm a little after a shit presentation, all that matters is the games we'll be playing, what will people be playing from the sony conference this year?


Yoshi, Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, Star Fox, Mario Maker, Mario Tennis... it's not AWFUL is it!!


Nintendo, and surely no one can argue now, are ending the wii u quickly. They're blatantly saving all their rescues an big studios for it. Isn't that what all the haters want anyway because they hate the wii u so much? Well they're doing it and it still isn't good enough.





Sometimes you seem as delusional as Serebii, maybe even worse as you dont really seem to ever have a clear opinion or a stance on the situation.


Here you argue that the showing wasn't awful or as bad as people here are suggesting, yet in the same message, state that its obvious that Nintendo are phasing out the Wii U... You acknowledge that the showing was crap...? or don't you?


Why does FF7 being "two years away" (like as if you know) mean anything? The fact is a games company has chosen to remake a game that fans have been wanting for over a decade. Thats enough. Thats future proofing your console and sealing deals with fans.


At the very least, have a stance, have a clear-cut opinion before you label mine as being a drama queen.

Edited by King_V
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Finally caught up on this before bed, let it digest and...


I thought it was solid without being particularly spectacular. The opening was really great fun but they lost momentum after that.


Couldn't work out whether they were going for a specific art style with Starfox or just looked a bit meh! But the game play looked really fun with the transformations. And also I would have been put off the aiming with game pad if I hadn't of played Splatoon, but after that I can't wait to use the game pad and TV in tandem for aiming and shooting.


Yoshi's Woolly World is a brilliant brilliant game, but I didn't want to see them going on about it AGAIN regardless of when it's out in the States!


Zelda looks fun, another game to add to the list with MH for multiplayer sessions with my mates.


Xenoblade, Mario Maker, Starfox and potentially Mario Tennis before years end is more than enough to keep me entertained on my U :)


I was really intrigued by the whole transitional talk and surprised they name dropped the NX too. I really hope the new Zelda has moved to that as a launch title, but what other transitions could they be talking about?


If Shenmue 3 is out by December 2017 I'll eat my hat, absolutely no chance unless it's episodic, or a smaller experience than we would all want compared with 1 and 2. I genuinely think I'll be playing the NX before Shenmue 3 is out but Nintendo not showing or saying anything more about it has left them on the back foot, whereas we have at least two if not three more e3 shows with Shenmue being a focal point (I'm using Shenmue as it was such a big announcement for me and seems to be on the same time frame as NX IMO). I hope that doesn't become like The Division, a game I bought my Xbox One with in mind for, and now I've not much enthusiasm left for. So I think holding off on NX news is a good idea. We know it's there, it's being worked on, could be something transitional, but they haven't blown their load.


I can't imagine if you're a non/disillusioned Nintendo fan it did much for you, no megatons etc, but i thought it was solid with plenty to play before the years out being revealed. I don't have as much time to game as I used to so for me, I'll have plenty to play :)


Also glad to see the U and 3DS get shown, at least Nintendo's next handheld will get a free shot at the market, can't see Sony making another handheld after sweeping the Vita under the carpet!


Just really intrigued by the transitional stuff Reggie spoke about...

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What makes me laugh is how people are saying they're not making games for WiiU as they're now making them for NX so that will have a good release... didn't we all think that with the last couple years of the Wii..?


Nintendo don't learn and never will. Their heads are far too far up their own asses to do so. How they thought that Digital Event was acceptable is beyond me, it shows they're clueless these days.

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What on earth are you talking about? Do you think Nintendo haven't been putting their E3 Direct together for a good while now?


And if anything it seemed like they were trying to pad out their Direct with games we've already seen and information we've already had from them. Xenoblade, Yoshi, Mario Maker... the 5 min ending, my god there was so much filler in there.


Yes I do. Then there was a schedule conflict and then we had a random Direct with game reveals two weeks before E3. There has to be a reason why they did that and I am trying to find it. It's as simple as that.

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How anyone can think the presentation was "solid" is beyond me. I also dont get why people can defend that presentation with remarks like "yes, but Shenmue 3 won't be released ubtil 2017 at the earliest."


These presentations are about creating hype. They are to show the world what your vision is for the next 12-24 months.


Nintendo's vision is fuck all.

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How anyone can think the presentation was "solid" is beyond me. I also dont get why people can defend that presentation with remarks like "yes, but Shenmue 3 won't be released ubtil 2017 at the earliest."


These presentations are about creating hype. They are to show the world what your vision is for the next 12-24 months.


Nintendo's vision is fuck all.


You know you can quote me, don't have to disagree with my opinion in secret ;)


Each to their own of course, however I stand by thinking it was solid! :)


As I said I've got Yoshi (already reviewing but you know what I mean) Xenoblade and Starfox to look forward to for the rest of the year and I am absolutely happy with that :)


I'm not defending the presentation based on Shenmue being out in two years, but that's fact. You want hype, that's absolutely fine but while you're looking at an empty screen save for the words "HYPE" written on it for two years, I'll go play some games in the here and now :)


(I'm being facetious I know, but I'm happy with what I'll be playing on U for the rest of the year, you're not. No need to bash my opinion for it :) )

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