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NINTENDO @ E3: Let the Hype juices flow

Fused King

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I can imagine the terror as he saw the replies and realised. Almost like if you say to someone 'I can't wait for your party!', 'what party?', 'yknow, the surpr.... Oh shit'

He was even trending on Twitter in the US for a while due to it, too

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Where's my EU NWC!? How is it a World championship if only Americans can take part!?


Not fair! :mad:


I was thinking the same. It was like year with the Smash tournament where I think there was only 1 player outside of the Americas.

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I don't think there's anything coming for Wii U that I'm interested in.

A Nintendoland sequel would be a good Amiibo game with online.

Would love to see GC on VC and a lot more N64 games.


Totally forgot about Nintendo Land... But then it seems Nintendo did too. Online Nintendo land 2 would be cool/nice cheap win.

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I may try to sort something out, but I remember the last E3 that I specifically booked off was AWFUL :shakehead I think it may have been the infamous 2008 showing..



They've learned their lesson. I have faith.


I mean hell, they're not showing mobile or QOL stuff at E3 because it's not the place.

Edited by Serebii
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They've learned their lesson. I have faith.


Only because that market has abandoned them. Had it remained I have no doubt it my mind we would be still watching that kind of stuff. Their E3 presentations/Directs/Videos, whatever you want to call it, are now targeted purely at the remaining Nintendo fans, which is fine by me.

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