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I would expect that this would be around the time when they start sending out the second (or maybe even third) wave of NX dev kits to 3rd parties.


The bigger partners (Namco, S-E etc) probably got the first version of the dev kits last year around July/August ish I would imagine). This version coming out now is probably more reflective of the final hardware.


So that revelation isn't particularly surprising. Nice to hear though :)

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Posted (edited)
One thing that will be interesting to see though is whether or not they decide to try multiple models of the console again. The Basic model Wii U was a tremendous failure (even in comparison to the 32GB Wii U), but they've gone model crazy with 3DS, with no less than 5 different variations of the thing now!


Will they try out different storage sized consoles again? Will they even try out different specced consoles? (think iPhone and how they have different models on the market at the same time with variable specs, but they run the same apps).


For me, I hope they don't do multiple SKUs at launch. It can cause confusion and fracture, and leads to more potential room for error/issues in stocking(thinking one or other to be more/less popular than it will be on what is essentially an unknown product). Planning the SKUs for manufacture and later release dependant on the console's movement would be more sensible, imo. Whilst I have little to back it up, I still believe they overmanufactured WiiUs expecting much greater demand, and there will have been costs associated with that, compounded by the two models.


Similarly as above - storage I think they need to go with some sensible, standard, and upgradeable. So essentially a replaceable laptop hard drive. Upgradeable gives them future proofing. Standard and sensible gives accessibility. If you want to mix it up down the line, feel free - but for launch I really think they need to think about playing somewhat safe.

Edited by Rummy
Whilst I have little to back it up, I still believe they overmanufactured WiiUs expecting much greater demand, and there will have been costs associated with that, compounded by the two models.


You may not have evidence... but I do ;)




The launch Basic models got recalled and later repackaged into later bundles (Wii Party U's console bundle featured these re-packaged Basic model consoles, as did Wii Sports Club's one IIRC)


Interesting idea to have the other models come out later on though... Taking a cue from their handhelds I see... Hmm...


I wonder if they might be better off having an expensive model at launch and then release one with less storage for a cheaper price later on. After all, the first rush of people would be more likely to pay for the more expensive model, as the Wii U situation proved ;)

You may not have evidence... but I do ;)




The launch Basic models got recalled and later repackaged into later bundles (Wii Party U's console bundle featured these re-packaged Basic model consoles, as did Wii Sports Club's one IIRC)


Interesting idea to have the other models come out later on though... Taking a cue from their handhelds I see... Hmm...


I wonder if they might be better off having an expensive model at launch and then release one with less storage for a cheaper price later on. After all, the first rush of people would be more likely to pay for the more expensive model, as the Wii U situation proved ;)


Ahhh, should have known I could rely on you Dcubed! Completely agree with you on the last too - the people there for the launch will probably be happy paying the price, and then other SKUs(inc potentially cheaper) can be made and released a little while after depending on initial success.


Agree with the no need to release 2 SKU's. We saw with the wii u how that worked out.


People don't need a cheaper option. If the console offers value they will pay for it. After a year or so when costs come down and the price gets cheaper to sell.


A more basic sku can come when a console is more like 3-4 years old to drive sales.


Similar to the 12gb PS3 and cheap 360. These came years after launch.


efore the cheap SKU's they should look to release more premium efficient versions of the NX.


Things like bigger storage versions, smaller designed consoles. Give those who buy immediately the option to upgrade.


Two options at launch is just unnecessary.

Meh, I like to hear general musings and opinions regardless if people are speaking through their rear ends... Just like here. :)


Haha, true. To be honest I can't get enough of NX chat and predictions; I guess it seemed like he was stating things from some superior inside knowledge but what he said was just guess work. But maybe that was more what I was expecting, so not necessarily the guys fault.


In this weeks IGN podcast, they said they're doubting NX this year. Previously they have been certain of it, this doubt comes from nowhere. Makes me think they've heard something but obviously can't say.

Haha, true. To be honest I can't get enough of NX chat and predictions; I guess it seemed like he was stating things from some superior inside knowledge but what he said was just guess work. But maybe that was more what I was expecting, so not necessarily the guys fault.


In this weeks IGN podcast, they said they're doubting NX this year. Previously they have been certain of it, this doubt comes from nowhere. Makes me think they've heard something but obviously can't say.


At the start of the year it was nice but now i'm getting a little sick of it, TBH. There's nothing substantial to most of these rumours and a lot of the time they are just repeating what has already been said.


I think the IGN guys are just a little dubious due to how silent things are at the moment. I think they thought there would have been some NX chatter by Nintendo by now if they were planning on releasing it this year.


They made a good point about the reveal and showmanship. Iwata was a very likeable guy and had a good stage presence. It will be interesting to see who they go with for the NX.

At the start of the year it was nice but now i'm getting a little sick of it, TBH. There's nothing substantial to most of these rumours and a lot of the time they are just repeating what has already been said.


I think the IGN guys are just a little dubious due to how silent things are at the moment. I think they thought there would have been some NX chatter by Nintendo by now if they were planning on releasing it this year.


They made a good point about the reveal and showmanship. Iwata was a very likeable guy and had a good stage presence. It will be interesting to see who they go with for the NX.

Shame Cammie Dunaway no longer works with Nintendo :P


Nintendo shouldn't release the NX this year. It is still too soon into the Wii U's lifespan to dump it. The NX should be out for Christmas 2017 - at least then it will have had a four year lifespan.


People compare the Wii U to the Dreamcast, but the Wii U has had some monster software sales, the biggest selling game on the DC was Sonic Adventure with 2.4 million units sold, Mario Kart 8 has sold over 7 million units.


Nintendo may not have done big numbers on the hardware front, but their software is doing great numbers and they are profitable as a company.


It shouldn't be time to bail out - that's only a consideration if you're losing money and the console is dragging you down. If they continue to support the Wii U it won't leave the sour taste that the Saturn or DC did.

Nintendo shouldn't release the NX this year..


I still don't think they will and am sticking by my 2017 prediction :grin:


It's exciting being at the stage where we don't have any idea what to expect but it brings with it a level of concern that it may turn out to be something none of us really want (or, at least, think we want :heh:)


At this point, I feel like I almost need to know what it is so that I can properly look forward to it or, at the very least, get some details of a few unannounced Wii U titles to keep things interesting in the near future :smile:

Nintendo shouldn't release the NX this year. It is still too soon into the Wii U's lifespan to dump it. The NX should be out for Christmas 2017 - at least then it will have had a four year lifespan.


The Wii U was released in 2012, so if they wait until next year then it will have had a five year lifespan. This is far too long in my opinion and really don't see how they can sustain the Wii U for the rest of 2016 and most of 2017.


They could sustain the Wii U for another year at the current level of games, as they have been for the last two with Nintendo only titles. Sales would still probably continue the diminishing returns though.


It's just that those titles have to be of the same quality. It only feels like Zelda will match that, if it gets released this year.

That is unless there are some unannounced games.


That being said, I hope NX will launch this year, but I suspect it won't.


At this point, I feel like I almost need to know what it is so that I can properly look forward to it or, at the very least, get some details of a few unannounced Wii U titles to keep things interesting in the near future :smile:


My thoughts exactly.


I just hope they have enough games to keep the NX going through the launch period, whenever that may be. It's been dry spell after dry spell on the Wii U and I would rather they hold NX back until they have enough games and enough support to keep the thing going. Having to rely on games from the VC to get your gaming fix hasn't been ideal.


Well thanks to the convergence of handheld and console development, with the likely ability to put out games on both formats at once, or easily share engines/assets (the original intent between NX Handheld and NX Console), it means that games should be a little quicker to make.

Nintendo shouldn't release the NX this year. It is still too soon into the Wii U's lifespan to dump it. The NX should be out for Christmas 2017 - at least then it will have had a four year lifespan.


People compare the Wii U to the Dreamcast, but the Wii U has had some monster software sales, the biggest selling game on the DC was Sonic Adventure with 2.4 million units sold, Mario Kart 8 has sold over 7 million units.


Nintendo may not have done big numbers on the hardware front, but their software is doing great numbers and they are profitable as a company.


It shouldn't be time to bail out - that's only a consideration if you're losing money and the console is dragging you down. If they continue to support the Wii U it won't leave the sour taste that the Saturn or DC did.


As Eddage said - I'm not sure where you got that 4 year life cycle from when it'll get that for this Christmas. Is 4 years too short to consider it a 'bailing out'? Why can't they still provide support to WiiU alongside NX, too?

As for NX though I personally think they need to play it a bit safe in some respects as I've mentioned, but you raise the point of something Nintendo has - and that's great content. Their sales are huge, although on arguably tired franchises, but huge nonetheless. Whilst you can say in one breath hardware sales are poor but software sales are great - it identifies the weakness they have in terms of hardware sales. Imagine if they managed to get that and the install base up - how much more software sales would we see?! What if we saw more great new franchises like Splatoon?? It doesn't have to be all or nothing, and whilst some profit is essentially fine - more profit is better! For them and for us!


I think the IGN guys are just a little dubious due to how silent things are at the moment. I think they thought there would have been some NX chatter by Nintendo by now if they were planning on releasing it this year.


They made a good point about the reveal and showmanship. Iwata was a very likeable guy and had a good stage presence. It will be interesting to see who they go with for the NX.


I can kinda feel that though myself. The more time passes the more I a.) worry and b.) lose interest. Whilst I definitely have concerns about the NX, as time goes on they seem to swell and become more and more, and I feel increasingly that we'll see a repeat of silly choices and it will totally put me off. I don't want it to happen, and it still breaks my heart a little that I potentially won't be buying a Nintendo system, but I'm getting increasingly worried that it will turn out to be the actual case :(

Nintendo shouldn't release the NX this year. It is still too soon into the Wii U's lifespan to dump it.


Who's saying it's a home console? If it isn't a 100% hybrid, then it'll definitely be a handheld.

Nintendo shouldn't release the NX this year. It is still too soon into the Wii U's lifespan to dump it. The NX should be out for Christmas 2017 - at least then it will have had a four year lifespan.


People compare the Wii U to the Dreamcast, but the Wii U has had some monster software sales, the biggest selling game on the DC was Sonic Adventure with 2.4 million units sold, Mario Kart 8 has sold over 7 million units.


Nintendo may not have done big numbers on the hardware front, but their software is doing great numbers and they are profitable as a company.


It shouldn't be time to bail out - that's only a consideration if you're losing money and the console is dragging you down. If they continue to support the Wii U it won't leave the sour taste that the Saturn or DC did.


Nintendo were smart to stop any more major development titles for the wii u. Yes software has sold but software should drive hardware sales and no amount of Nintendo games has or will achieve that.


The sooner the wii u is confined the dustbin the better. A sad story in the history of Nintendo.


Kimishima's comments in the Q&A have had official translation and there's the definite implication that it is in the upcoming FY


I still stand by my prediction


NX Console - Late 2016 for US, Early 2017 for Japan

NX Handheld - Early 2017 for US, Late 2016 for Japan

Kimishima's comments in the Q&A have had official translation and there's the definite implication that it is in the upcoming FY


I still stand by my prediction


NX Console - Late 2016 for US, Early 2017 for Japan

NX Handheld - Early 2017 for US, Late 2016 for Japan


You forgot Europe Serebii

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