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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Official Thread: A Brotherhood Reunited


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Right, registered @S\.C\.G and @kav82 now.


Wow, you guys are having fun!

So... What's this game all about? Hunt beasts, get food/clothing etc? Where does the enjoyment come from? (real noob question)


You pretty much have the gist of it.

Hunt monsters, use the materials to make armour and weapons to help you beat bigger and harder monsters.


The enjoyment comes from the satisfaction of beating a truly difficult monster.

That and the heavy emphasis on co-operation.

Single player is where you should start. Your character is no Superman, so looking for openings and picking the right moment to attack, heal, etc is crucial.

Pattern recognition is key.


It requires a lot of time, but once you get the hang of it, it's a truly fantastic experience.

Plus, almost everyone who plays the game is more than willing to help a beginner out. Mainly because they remember what it was like to be new.


I started on Tri for the Wii and I've never looked back.

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You really couldn't wait more than a minute before bailing, @RedShell?
Sorry dude, I was already in two minds about going online, so when I saw you were already on a quest (and knowing I wouldn't be on for long anyway) I decided to join some randoms instead. ::shrug:


The few online games I played last night reminded me just how tricky 4 player hunts can be. I spent more time getting attacked by the other players than the monsters. :indeed: Also dished out more than my fair share of accidental launches with the hammer though. :heh:


"But that takes moar powar, lets use da amiga!"
Brilliant. :laughing::bowdown:


And here we go!




That's impressive.


Edit: 14 hours and 18 minutes. That's some serious stamina.

Holy shit! :o

I'd cark it if I did a session like that these days. :shakehead

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Hunting on the way to work, sweet. Been hunting lots of Jaggi to get materials to get the Jaggi armour set sorted out, which i'm 1/2 way through. I'm planning to be online between 8pm and 11pm tonight so keep an eye out for me, the more the merrier i say.

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That's impressive.


Edit: 14 hours and 18 minutes. That's some serious stamina.


Epic session and we've had another one today.


Myself, Blade and lostmario have now reached HR7, with only a few quests between us and the final battle. Our armour is fine but we need to beef up our weaponry.


I took on and defeated the final boss today with a group of randoms. It's a weird fight and i'll have to do it a few more times to understand what was going on.


My most epic moment so far has been when I spawned in one of the secret areas of the game. It was on a stupidly high cliff and after I had mined and gathered the goods I looked down and could see Black Grav just walking around. I took and shot and jumped from this ridiculous, drew my weapon and managed to mount him! It was absolutely amazing. I was expected lostmario and company to do this up after my dive. :D




We've had soooooooo many laughing fits on this game over the weekend. It's been amazing.


  • Blades lass complaining about a dead mouse and us telling her to carve it for goods
  • Lostmario's random laughing fits
  • Gimp Hunter
  • Blade's evil twin, Bode ( later renamed Blunt ), entering the village.
  • Lostmario getting a rabbit and a shark mixed up
  • Killing Grav and Blade trying to carve a rock
  • Blade complaining he had no Honey, only to realise he had a stack of it in this box
  • Blade having no Ivy due to him having to sell everything just so he could afford put put his urgent quest up
  • Blade not being able to say Zinogre and he came up with various names while trying to pronounce it. Lostmario suggest Zangief at one point.
  • The extermination of the Popo species by Blade
  • All of us hitting HR7, going back to do HR2 stuff and then not knowing how in the hell to transport a Soothestone back to the base. Turns out you can actually climb with said stones. Took us nearly 20 mins to figure that one out!


To all of those people who say voice chat doesn't matter in online gaming, this list of laughing fits ( there were a hell of a lot more ) proves otherwise.

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If anyone wants to play this online tonight, let me know. :)


I've got a PSVita set up for party chat if that helps as well - pretty sure you can cross-chat between PS3/PS4/PSV which is handy - finally a use for it! :heh:


I'll be grinding away in single player until then. : peace:

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played through a bit solo so far, cleared all the 1 and 2 star quests, still not sure which weapon I want to go with though, been rocking the sword and shield so far and doing pretty good.


Still need to step into the online world though!

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Stuck on the hardest monster in the game. The character name screen. :/


That is indeed 1 tough nut to crack, it's worth it in the end.


played through a bit solo so far, cleared all the 1 and 2 star quests, still not sure which weapon I want to go with though, been rocking the sword and shield so far and doing pretty good.


Still need to step into the online world though!


I've decided on going down the switch-axe route for a while, it's working out quite well for me in terms of me staying alive longer and slaying more monsters without dying.


Did a few online hunts/gather quests earlier. In the middle of fishing, i was attacked by a rather nasty little creature which was more than a match for me as it decided to get a few strikes in whilst i was bringing in the catch.

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Well my long weekend of hunting is now over and i'm back to work. I got 68 hours put in to it though. :D


I managed to get my 7 star urgent unlocked yesterday but got screwed over doing it by a couple of douchebags.


I joined a town that was setup for the quest and we all decided to take turns in doing the urgent quest. I've never been screwed over on MH before so figured I would happily go last. We done 3 quests and then when it came to my turn 2 of them just sodded off. Gits. It wasn't all bad though because I now know how to fight the thing and I managed to get a great LS ( 670 dam, 3 slots, +20 def ) out of it.


I was talking to my nephew last night about the game and we were saying just how easy this one is compared to the earlier games when it comes to ranking up. There's far too many players who have either leeched their way up the ranks stupidly fast. The only brick wall people are hitting are the old skool Elder Dragons, purely because they are a lot harder than the newer monsters. Saying that, they have been nerfed somewhat.


@Blade @lostmario our armour is absolutely fine. I still think our weapon selection is the issue. I played with some guys last night that had me with my LS, one guy was a gunner and the other was a staff user. We butchered the Elder Dragons with just 3 of us, taking down Teo and Kushala in less that 10 mins each.


I met my first hackers in the game yesterday. I walked into a town and found a guy that was HR6 with a full set of G-Rank armour and OP weaponry. His def was something like 750+. Idiot. I quickly left the town.


I played a couple of quests with @Hellfire last night. I would have stayed on longer but had to be up for work today.


I have to say, i'm not a fan of the online lobbies in terms of the search options. I refuse to believe that there is only 3 pages of results to have been found when doing a search. I assume this is due to the 3DS limitations, much like not being able to actually chat with a keyboard while in a quest. Lets make an online co-op game where you can't communicate with each other while in a quest! Marvelous idea, Capcom!

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I'd love to know which genius at Capcom came up with the Meownster Hunters. :laughing: Absolute legend whoever they are.

Loving everything to do with the Palicoes in this actually. :love: Wasn't too sure at first because they seemed a bit lacking in character compared to Cha-Cha, but they can be just as entertaining, and pretty useful too once you get some with good skills. :awesome:


It's definitely another expert troll by the devs though, giving you companions that look and sound similar to the thieving Melynx. :p There have been several occasions where I thought I was about to get mugged, only to realise it was my Palico at the last minute! :D


Well my long weekend of hunting is now over and i'm back to work. I got 68 hours put in to it though. :D
Incredible. :bowdown:

So at the moment, how would you rate this version of Monster Hunter compared to rest?


I met my first hackers in the game yesterday. I walked into a town and found a guy that was HR6 with a full set of G-Rank armour and OP weaponry. His def was something like 750+. Idiot. I quickly left the town.
750+ defense! :o Ridiculous.

I'm quite proud of the fact that I cleared all of the village quests (up to 3 star) using just the initial armor, that only had only 5 defense. :heh: And I've since made it up to 5 star (currently 7 quests into that) using the low rank hunter set, at just 51 def.


I have to say, i'm not a fan of the online lobbies in terms of the search options. I refuse to believe that there is only 3 pages of results to have been found when doing a search. I assume this is due to the 3DS limitations, much like not being able to actually chat with a keyboard while in a quest. Lets make an online co-op game where you can't communicate with each other while in a quest! Marvelous idea, Capcom!
Is there no way to message people on your friend list anymore either? I took a quick look the other day, but couldn't see any such option. ::shrug:
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Is there no way to message people on your friend list anymore either? I took a quick look the other day, but couldn't see any such option. ::shrug:


There doesn't seem to be.


I was liking how streamlined the online seemed but taking a step back and looking at it, it's very bare bones. The only thing you can do is see if someones online and jump into their game, hoping that there is a spot available.


It's stuff like this why I want the thing on a console and not a handheld. The 3DS clearly isn't capable enough to handle a bunch of this stuff. Screw the Japanese for making this series portable! :mad:


As for how I would rate it, I think the amount of content in the game is amazing and blows the other games out of the water for the amount of stuff to do. It's just a shame the online experience is hampered by the hardware. :(


I knew you would enjoy your cats. :D They were in the Freedom games and I found them far more appealing than the Cha-Chas.

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Managed to get my hands on a full set of Jaggi armour (needed some G-Jaggi claws, which i got this morning on my way to work) and a nice new switch-axe which delivers 592 damage (before it's even been upgraded). Probably finish off the level 2 quests on single player this evening on my way home, then hope to reach HR-2 (maybe 3) this evening online.

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Managed to get my hands on a full set of Jaggi armour (needed some G-Jaggi claws, which i got this morning on my way to work) and a nice new switch-axe which delivers 592 damage (before it's even been upgraded). Probably finish off the level 2 quests on single player this evening on my way home, then hope to reach HR-2 (maybe 3) this evening online.


I'm roughly in the same position as you, only I went with the Velocidrome(?) armour, I've yet to play it online yet though but was hoping to jump into it tonight, what time were you thinking of playing from? I could join you seeing as we'll be evenly matched in HR level :) as I mentioned in here last night I'll have my Vita set up for party chat to make things easier.


Anyone else is welcome too of course, I enjoy hunting with everyone regardless of level. : peace:

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Gaming with @Blade last night (and thereafter) and it was as stable as can be. We were chatting over the phone and I was in the same room as the router, it makes all the difference.

So I'll not be using the PS4 to chat (not in the same room as my router and I don't want to move it just for this) so I'll be using Skype or MUMBLE to chat. Will anyone else be using either of these?


I'm HR4 at the mo but I think I'll be doing the single player so I can level up the Blacksmith to forge Decorations and also unlock the "farm" to get some honey farming on the go.

I hate that you have to play the single player to unlock all this.

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So I'll not be using the PS4 to chat (not in the same room as my router and I don't want to move it just for this) so I'll be using Skype or MUMBLE to chat. Will anyone else be using either of these?


Sticking with using PSVita so I can use cross-platform party chat with anyone who owns a PS3/PS4/PSV, using my Xbox headset, all so I can play a game with chat on a Nintendo platform. :heh:


Next gen! ;)


Are you guys all playing on beginner or advanced? going to retry the demo, i tried beginner but i suspect you all won't be on that


I don't think there's any distinction in the full game, it's just for the demo.

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I'm roughly in the same position as you, only I went with the Velocidrome(?) armour, I've yet to play it online yet though but was hoping to jump into it tonight, what time were you thinking of playing from? I could join you seeing as we'll be evenly matched in HR level :) as I mentioned in here last night I'll have my Vita set up for party chat to make things easier.


Anyone else is welcome too of course, I enjoy hunting with everyone regardless of level. : peace:


Of course, the more the merrier i say. What sort of time(s) are you on from in the evenings?

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Done some hunting during my lunch break and unlocked the 4 star quests in the offline mode. I'll just be jumping on this mode while im at work. Gotta make use of that time where i'm not online. :D


@Blade @lostmario we good for a session tonight? If not i'll just hook up with some randoms when I get in.


I get back in from work about half 7 so will come on after ive had some tea (so about 8). Please save me a spot.


Will be up for doing anything :)

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