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I finished Tomb Raider on PS3 this evening :smile:


The section at the end was certainly much more compelling than that found in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and, on the whole, I'm pretty certain that I prefer Tomb Raider!


If anyone has been playing through the Uncharted trilogy on PS4, or wherever, and haven't tried Tomb Raider then I definitely suggest doing so. It's a very good game :hehe:

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I finished Tomb Raider on PS3 this evening :smile:


The section at the end was certainly much more compelling than that found in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception and, on the whole, I'm pretty certain that I prefer Tomb Raider!


If anyone has been playing through the Uncharted trilogy on PS4, or wherever, and haven't tried Tomb Raider then I definitely suggest doing so. It's a very good game :hehe:


Tomb Raider is sublime.


It's learned a lot from the Uncharted games, which in turn took elements from the original Tomb Raider series. I've yet to play Uncharted 3, but 2 was very good. There's something very satisfying though about Tomb Raider's gunplay. In general, I think I prefer the combat in Tomb Raider, particularly that heavenly bow. :heart:

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Added Assassins Creed Syndicate (PS4) to my list.


Nabbed the platinum on this myself last night.


Great game. The setting was awesome, the characters were lovable, the grappling hook/zipline made shooting around the city nice and simple and the story was great.


I think the last boss was one of the more enjoyable ones in the series.


The way you keep switching between brother and sister to have a crack at him was great, as was the final blow.



Switching between Jacob and Evie between missions was a great inclusion. With Jacob you're missions tend to be very hands on, while with Evie it's all about the stealth.


I love the idea of building up your gang and taking over London. It felt very much like Brotherhood in that you could have them as backup or send them to do your dirty work. Great stuff.


The only real negative about the game I have is the loading times. Fast travelling between viewpoints ain't so fast when the loading can take over a minute. I often just used a horse and carriage to just get around, rather than sit waiting on a loading screen to finish.


Great game that sadly will not reach the sales it deserves. Unity killed the franchise for a lot of people ( I personally loved it but then I played it once all the patches had been released ) and I think the majority of the market are getting tired of the yearly updates to the series.

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Added another game to my completion list at the weekend there: GTA V (PS4)


Finished up the story but still have quite a bit left to do to get to 100% but that's stuff I can take my time with completing.


I enjoyed it though, which isn't something I thought would be the case as I hadn't taken to any of Rockstar's recent games. Pretty much since GTA IV, I haven't enjoyed any of their output (including that GTA) so it's nice to be enjoying their stuff again and I definitely feel it's a return to form for GTA after the fourth one falling short.


The characters were great, particularly Trevor who really did steal the show with how sick and twisted he is. Even some of the moments where you switch character were always better for Trevor (the one where he wakes up on an island in just his pants and everyone else is passed out wins hands down for one of the funniest and most WTF moments). It's a shame that I didn't feel the story didn't hold up as well as the character writing, at least towards the end I didn't feel that it did. The ending itself was a bit of a let down even with choosing the deathwish option.


Still, was great fun throughout. Loved the heists and setting those up and trying to execute those perfectly (would love to try the online ones at some point down the line to see how they hold up) and just generally enjoyed Los Santos as a location as it had so much to see and do.


Thomas Was Alone + Benjamin’s Flight DLC

Never Alone + FoxTales DLC

The Unfinished Swan


Rayman Legends

White Night


Broken Age


Pneuma: Breath of Life


Sound Shapes

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture


Tembo the Badass Elephant

Qube: Director’s Cut

Infamous: Second Son

Valiant Hearts

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Tearaway Unfolded

Life Is Strange



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After going through a few tournaments in Mario Tennis on N64 with several different characters, I fancied playing Goldeneye again this evening :hehe:


Many will tell you that it has aged badly but I'm having a great time reacquainting myself with the game :grin: It's been an awful long time since I played through it all from start to finish so enough time has passed for me to have forgotten how to take care of several of the objectives so it's been fun trying to figure some things out again!


I'm only playing through 'Agent' difficulty but I've just played up to, and beaten, Statue Park so hopefully I'll get to play it a little more tomorrow. I'm interested to see what all happens at the Depot as that seems to be the level I'm having the most difficulty in remembering anything about :heh:


Still my favourite FPS :love:

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After going through a few tournaments in Mario Tennis on N64 with several different characters, I fancied playing Goldeneye again this evening :hehe:


Many will tell you that it has aged badly but I'm having a great time reacquainting myself with the game :grin: It's been an awful long time since I played through it all from start to finish so enough time has passed for me to have forgotten how to take care of several of the objectives so it's been fun trying to figure some things out again!


I'm only playing through 'Agent' difficulty but I've just played up to, and beaten, Statue Park so hopefully I'll get to play it a little more tomorrow. I'm interested to see what all happens at the Depot as that seems to be the level I'm having the most difficulty in remembering anything about :heh:


Still my favourite FPS :love:


I was watching the Teens React video to this just yesterday. Man, it looked rough! I guess the graphics do have a certain blocky charm to them. :D


I remember trying to play Perfect Dark last year and the controls just haven't aged well. Trying to play a FPS with one stick is such a pain in the butt when you've had a dual stick option for so long. I had that same issues when trying to play Jet Force Gemini again. Saying that, even with the dual option on the Rare Replay edition the game still controls horribly.

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I remember trying to play Perfect Dark last year and the controls just haven't aged well. Trying to play a FPS with one stick is such a pain in the butt when you've had a dual stick option for so long.


Like @\[b\]Dcubed\[/b\], the N64 controller isn't a problem for me when it comes to shooters. Having said that, I play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark with the default control scheme so the 'auto-aim' is certainly helping. Perhaps I'd feel differently with that switched off :heh:


Playing through Uncharted 3 recently was actually further proof to me just how much I dislike using a right analogue stick to aim as I find it difficult to be precise with it and therefore waste countless bullets with near misses all the time :blank:


Anyway, I've just defeated Trevelyan on the Cradle so that's 'Agent' difficulty cleared again after all these years. It's still an awesome game to me and I've never had this sort of satisfaction from any FPS that has followed. In fact, Goldeneye is something of an exception as I tend not to be that interested in the genre as things like Call of Duty and Battlefield don't appeal to me!


The credits have just rolled and the only thing that's really missing is some sort of hospital scene where everyone is shaking hands..

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After going through a few tournaments in Mario Tennis on N64 with several different characters, I fancied playing Goldeneye again this evening :hehe:


Many will tell you that it has aged badly but I'm having a great time reacquainting myself with the game :grin: It's been an awful long time since I played through it all from start to finish so enough time has passed for me to have forgotten how to take care of several of the objectives so it's been fun trying to figure some things out again!


I'm only playing through 'Agent' difficulty but I've just played up to, and beaten, Statue Park so hopefully I'll get to play it a little more tomorrow. I'm interested to see what all happens at the Depot as that seems to be the level I'm having the most difficulty in remembering anything about :heh:


Still my favourite FPS :love:


I was watching the Teens React video to this just yesterday. Man, it looked rough! I guess the graphics do have a certain blocky charm to them. :D


I remember trying to play Perfect Dark last year and the controls just haven't aged well. Trying to play a FPS with one stick is such a pain in the butt when you've had a dual stick option for so long. I had that same issues when trying to play Jet Force Gemini again. Saying that, even with the dual option on the Rare Replay edition the game still controls horribly.


Me and Marcamillian ended up at a small thing a month or so back where they had Goldeneye - I have to say that whilst I still think it held a certain amount of charm and appeal I really did struggle for a while! Given I'd just gotten my PS4/Destiny I was incredibly used to the flexible ease of twin stick movement/aiming, so much that in Goldeneye whenever someone appeared I'd essentially be turning in a circle aiming at the ceiling as my hands tried to do something basically not all that possible/analogous to the N64 pad. Mentally I actually found it really disconcerting at the time - just such a discrepancy between what I wanted and what was happening. I definitely agree that they were acceptable at their time(didn't struggle greatly back then) - but I'm glad for the evolution towards twin sticks. The sole idea of trying to aim accurately but having to stand still and press L/R just seemed really weird and foreign!

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Another thing I like about Goldeneye is that it doesn't have regenerating health like most modern day shooters. I actually find it a little ridiculous that you can take a load of bullets, be at death's door only to go hide for a few seconds and suddenly be absolutely fine again :heh:


Uncharted and Tomb Raider both have this and it irked me when playing them last month but, on the flip side, they would both be incredibly frustrating if they didn't let you heal. It totally changes the dynamics of these games, though, as you never have to worry about getting hit a few times as there's no real penalty providing you find suitable cover.

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Another thing I like about Goldeneye is that it doesn't have regenerating health like most modern day shooters. I actually find it a little ridiculous that you can take a load of bullets, be at death's door only to go hide for a few seconds and suddenly be absolutely fine again :heh:


Play the new Black Ops III then. Realistic difficulty = one shot kill.

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Finished Lego Jurassic Park (Vita) last night. I love the Lego games and this didn't disappoint. Saying that, I was a little gutted that they have changed the format of the game back to what it originally was.


When the first Lego games came out on the Vita they were just scaled back versions of the console games. Eventually they became their own thing, with levels being really short but have various objectives to achieve. This encouraged multiple runs of the levels and seeing as they only lasted a few minutes each, it never felt like a chore. This setup didn't go down well with many people but I loved it. It looks like the developer heard the outcry and the games are now back to being smaller versions of the console one. Shame.


I've still got a bit of cleaning up to do to nab the platinum so i'll probably be picking away at it over the next few days.

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I finished clearing the tournament mode with all characters in Mario Tennis this evening so they've all got the option of a star now :grin: There's only a couple more courts to unlock (well.. apart from the GBC unlocks which I don't have access to :heh) so this one is pretty much done. Still AWESOME :yay:


I'm definitely having a bit of a strange day, though, as my urges to try the original Steel Diver are resurfacing along with a strange desire to pick up Rayman Raving Rabbids on Wii out of nowhere :eek:


Checking online, I an pick them both up for roughly £7.50 in total so I may just go for it :grin:

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Finished Assassin's Creed: Syndicate earlier.


The story was pretty good, going after Starricks guard in order to weaken the chap. I quite enjoyed watching the cut scene you get to see after each Assassination with Starrick getting angrier. Sneaking over the various London landmarks (Buckinham Palace, Big Ben etc) was very good. The various side-missions featuring the likes of Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin and the children were interesting. Having your own mobile base was certainly different, and being able to sight-see with it was different. Like how it was upgraded after a few missions to make it more, well nice.


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Another thing I like about Goldeneye is that it doesn't have regenerating health like most modern day shooters. I actually find it a little ridiculous that you can take a load of bullets, be at death's door only to go hide for a few seconds and suddenly be absolutely fine again :heh:


Uncharted and Tomb Raider both have this and it irked me when playing them last month but, on the flip side, they would both be incredibly frustrating if they didn't let you heal. It totally changes the dynamics of these games, though, as you never have to worry about getting hit a few times as there's no real penalty providing you find suitable cover.


What's the alternative though? Conveniently placed "health packs"? They're just a ridiculous.


It's one of those things that you need to have in games otherwise you'd die from one bullet hit. Imagine going into a room and dying instantly, say, 20 or 30 times in succession. If we were going for realism, if you were to get shot in the leg, you'd fall to the ground and someone else (a second shooter or even the one who shot you) would have all of the time in the world to just follow it up with another bullet to put you out of your misery. It would get boring reeeeeeally, really fast.


I like the idea of recovering health and it works absolutely fine in the Uncharted/Tomb Raider games. There's no better way of doing it and the games would become frustratingly or unnecessarily difficult as a result of it.

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I think it made a lot of sense in Halo, where you had shields that regenerate if you take cover, but your health is lost permanently once lost.


It doesn't really make sense in Uncharted etc unless you are a secret cyborg from the future.

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I think it made a lot of sense in Halo, where you had shields that regenerate if you take cover, but your health is lost permanently once lost.


It doesn't really make sense in Uncharted etc unless you are a secret cyborg from the future.


Neither do health packs. Why would you find a health pack in an underground cave, or in the middle of a jungle, or on top of a desk in a lab, for example? The concept of them doesn't make sense either.


But, from a gameplay perspective, regenerative health works. It gives the user a prompt that you're close to being killed. So, you either find cover and time to recover or you die. Imagine how frustrating it would be if you've just made it through a really difficult section and die because you couldn't find a health pack around (there's none around). It makes the game less frustrating so that you can concentrate on the more fun things, such as exploring, adventuring, gunplay, uncovering more of the story, etc.

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Finished Chibi-Robo Zip Lash (3DS).


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I'll just copy and paste what I put on the miiverse post, for those who don't want to open it.


Honestly dunno how to feel about the game. There were a few high points, such as the music, outfits and final boss but the gameplay is far too slow for my liking and some of the levels really drag on.


I will say, I did enjoy the second half of the game more than the first. Maybe because by that point I had got used to the slow pace of the game and started to take it for what it was. Oh and the last boss fight was amazing. The cutscene had me grinning like a cheshire cat.


It still ain't a great game though. Yes, it's charming but that can only carry a game so far. There's far too many little niggles that eventually all add up and take away from the experience. I'm sure people on here will enjoy it, though.


For me, this is cements the fact that either Nintendo don't know what to do with the Chibi-Robo character or just don't care enough about him to do him justice. Shame as the original game is something very special indeed.

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Just got done playing Cibele. I decided to buy it after seeing Nina Freeman on Giant Bomb's Extra Life stream yesterday and thought the game sounded interesting. I knew the game was based on real life but I didnt expect it to get so personal. You basically play as Nina, viewing photos and documents on her computer and playing an MMO with a boy she gradually falls for. Its a short game which is telling a very specific story but I thought it did it really well, both through the parts where you are just talking while killing mobs and the FMV shots that follow. Got to admit as well, I actually felt uncomfortable at times going through the files on her computer, like I was somehow violating her privacy.


I expect the game wouldnt be for everyone but if you go into it knowing you are in for this very personal story which is basically about someone's first love then I think you could enjoy it.


The Order 1886

Mortal Kombat X

The Witcher 3

You Must Build a Boat

Batman: Arkham Knight

God of War III: Remastered

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Life is Strange



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What's the alternative though? Conveniently placed "health packs"? They're just a ridiculous.


It's one of those things that you need to have in games otherwise you'd die from one bullet hit. Imagine going into a room and dying instantly, say, 20 or 30 times in succession. If we were going for realism, if you were to get shot in the leg, you'd fall to the ground and someone else (a second shooter or even the one who shot you) would have all of the time in the world to just follow it up with another bullet to put you out of your misery. It would get boring reeeeeeally, really fast.


I like the idea of recovering health and it works absolutely fine in the Uncharted/Tomb Raider games. There's no better way of doing it and the games would become frustratingly or unnecessarily difficult as a result of it.


I definitely wasn't suggesting that I wanted absolute 'realism' :heh: I just don't think that regenerating health feels quite right at times and can definitely take the sting out of dangerous situations!

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After Chibi-Robo Zip Lash failed to scratch my platforming itch, I was looking for another platformer to play. I was gonna play through Mario 3D Land again but I had a look at what games on my backlog could provide me with what I was looking for. I decided to play Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped (Vita). Having played through the previous two this year, I figured I may as well finish off the trilogy.


This is pretty much the series fine tuned to perfection. There's a great variety of stuff on offer in the game. Flying plans, riding motorbikes, running around on a baby tiger and swimming underwater, all offer something different and keep the game feeling fresh throughout.


Like the second game, I never actually owned or finished this one before. I remember having the demo disc and playing the hell out of that with my friends but none of us owned the final game. Feels great to finally get my hands of this after all these years. :D


Anyway, after playing it most of yesterday, I finished the game.





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I went ahead and ordered Rayman Raving Rabbids on Wii and Steel Diver on 3DS so they should both be with me at some point this week :smile:


I was trying to think about why I had a sudden urge for both of these titles specifically and I figure it may be due to the fact that they both share something in common, as crazy as that sounds :heh:


Rayman Raving Rabbids arrived at the launch of the Wii when the endless possibilities for the new controller were fresh and exciting and I think I want to capture some of that early magic on the console. Likewise, Steel Diver is a unique experience from that start of the 3DS's life at a time when I was absorbed in Pilotwings Resort and embracing the 'wow' factor of glasses-free 3D :hehe:


What concerns me a little about Rayman, though, is that I did briefly own it at some point during the Wii era but never really embraced it and sold it soon after. My memories of it are extremely vague but there must have been some reason I didn't want to hold onto it ::shrug:

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Finally decided to start Halo 5 (Xbox One ) last night. The game looks gorgeous and runs very smoothly. So far though the story has been a bit of a mess.


I'm one of these weird gamers who enjoys the single player campaigns on the likes of CoD and Halo. Halo sucked me into it's world a long time ago and I really got into reading the books and all the other expanded universe stuff. For whatever reason, I stopped reading the books a year or two ago now and this is where the problem lies with Halo 5.


343 start the game off with no explanation of how Halsey lost her arm, how the Covenant have her, how Blue Team finally reunited with Master Chief....nothing. I read about the start of these events in one of the books ( it was the start of a new trilogy ) but because I stopped reading them I have zero clue as to whats going on here. This shouldn't be the case. The games should be the one that tell the main story, with the books filling in any gaps and then the games giving little nods to those that have read them. Gears of War done this brilliantly with the inclusion of Bernie and the fight at Anvil Gate but here it feels like you have skipped a game or something.


It's great to be playing alongside Blue Team but why in the hell does Kelly have a different accent to the rest of them? They were all kidnapped as kids, trained together, raised together and fought alongside together for most of their life. How come she doesn't speak like the rest of them? Very weird decision.


I'm about a third of the way through and i'm enjoying the gameplay but the story, what I usually play Halo for, is falling flat due to the reasons I stated. Hopefully things will pick up...


I started playing Teslagrad (PS4) over the weekend. I've just been playing it on and off in between other games. It's a fun little platformer/puzzler that has a beautiful art style. I think i'm about halfway through that and have enjoyed what i've played so far. PS+ delivering the goods again.

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We got some 'MAXIM' light bulbs delivered to work the other day and it made me think of Maximillian Roivas and, therefore, Eternal Darkness :heh:


I suddenly had an urge to play it again from that moment so I started my third, and final, alignment last night, playing through the first 3 chapters :grin:


I also played a stage in MadWorld this morning as, despite owning it for years, I'm only a couple of hours into the game (which probably highlights its 'quality' :blank:) Due to it being a short game, I may just try to finish it off this week to get it out of the way :indeed:

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