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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D


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Had to go get a tyre sorted for my MOT so whipped out a bit more, forgot though I think I recalled someone had mentioned already that they moved/made getting the Song of Soaring easier. Whilst it's arguably welcome, I was mostly just trying to play through to the point of getting it to kill some time! All these things aren't real real problems, but I do think it's a bit basic that they've made changes like it.


There is no reticule for the bow and arrow.


Cheers. I've always loved the Bow and Arrow in OoT/MM and felt a weird sense of accomplishment being able to aim well with it - picking guay's out of the sky in Lake Hylia felt aewsome. Not to mention the fun the shooting gallery mini games, especially original MM's once I had it perfected(someone once even arguing my score was impossible! It wasn't that high but I think they were just put out :p).


Anyhow, still a great game, it's so ingrained on my mind, I'm just thinking about getting back to playing it so more!

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Once you know where the arrow will fly, which if I remember rightly will be where the top of the arrow is on the screen (?) it's basically a reticule all by itself.


Beat Majora's Mask last night, without the Fierce Diety Mask. Was easier than I expected it to be. Didn't use any potions/fairies or anything.

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Well, I'm about 4 hours away from the end of my second cycle(continuing from where I left off earlier). Bow and arrow get, it's a different look to the original mm bow iirc so I'll be re-learning the sweet spot but that's something I guess.


Progress wise, I'm just finished Woodfall(didn't expect to) on a really tight end, the moon started falling before I did the immediate followup. Got all fairies and returned them(though criticism to follow*) but I'll essentially be about to Soar to C-Town, maybe do some bits, save and then consider my next cycle(probs sidequesting/exploring bits). Got a few sidequesty/early bits done on this cycle which was nice though - I'm not a mentalist like Glen-I however, and have been taking it at the recognised slower pace. Do feel I'm blitzing so far from just memory of the game though.


*Criticism! Fairies! In woodfall! They've been changed, and no bloody doubt for me another nerfing for the newbs. I recall at least two 'tricky'(not that tricky) fairies in the temple, and they just did not exist where I was expecting them. Counterpoint - I find the GF's mask shimmer a bit too subtle at first, though easily get-over-able. Wondering if I might notice others later on, especially people have mentioned a particular one in Snowhead that still seems to exist.

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Not using the inverted song of time makes everything so much more exciting though.

Every hesitation is wasted time.

You gotta live on the EDGE! Stop asking the moon to hold on for you! People have beaten the original in one 3-day cycle! (Not counting the first obviously)

You can do it! And nothing beats the pure terror of running out of time really really fast.

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Not using the inverted song of time makes everything so much more exciting though.

Every hesitation is wasted time.

You gotta live on the EDGE! Stop asking the moon to hold on for you! People have beaten the original in one 3-day cycle! (Not counting the first obviously)

You can do it! And nothing beats the pure terror of running out of time really really fast.


But there's just so much to dooooo! Tbh if I continue doing quite well I might opt for trying it afterwards.


It's 4pm on the first day of my next cycle, and I've mastered both shooting galleries(I'd forgotten about the town one) with relative ease which is what I was looking forward to. I turned off motion and had to get used to the stick speed(bit slower than I'd like) but didn't take me too many tries - managed the swamp gallery on my first go! So now up to 6 hearts all in.


Trying to think what things there are to do other than going to snowhead(though I might get the Goron mask and general prep out of the way) and they don't seem to be taking up as much time as I expected tbh. Also feel a little like the time flow in this is still faster than the original, but tbh I think that's probably me misremembering. Anyhow, gonna play a little more then maybe go to work...onwards and upwards!

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So after beating Snowhead Temple and going back to Day 1, is there any way to remove the snow again without beating the temple?


All you need do is go back in, step on the warp panel and defeat the boss again I think?

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Ah, so that's what that Majora-plate is for?


Yep, available at all of the temples once you've beaten the boss/got the remains...for exactly the reason you want it!


All good to take on Snowhead on my next run, though I think I may start with the Skulltula house. Beaten a few more minigames and gotten a couple heart pieces too.

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Finished up Snowhead with just a few final hours to spare, both the puzzles and mainly fairies held me up a tad too. Still loving the game, have noticed the framerate issues on occasion but it actually doesn't bother me too much and it might have been because I was already aware. Think my next 72 hour cycle will be doing Mountain Village things and having a starting crack at the Kafei side-arc.


Not sure how to feel about these giant eyes on the bosses, though I can see why they've done it and they seem to have changed the bosses slightly which has made them a bit different that I'm not minding(I'm sure in the original I just beat Odolwa quite quickly, whereas has seemed a bit different this time. Loved the Goht fight though, one of my favourites). What a bloody great game.

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Just in case anyone still wanted one of those Majora's Mask New 3DS XL bundles due for dispatch in March, a heads up as I just put in a request for a cancellation on an order I had for one which would have been surplus to requirements, I almost forgot I had pre-ordered it in all of the madness at the time so it might be worth keeping an eye on the page if you were after one, assuming they let me cancel it. : peace:


As for the game, I really must get back to it soon, this is what happens when you release two high profile games on the same day Nintendo, one usually gets unfortunately side-lined. :indeed:


Here's the page link...




I honestly thought they would have got this second batch out of the gate already, we're halfway through March... maybe they meant Q4 of March. :p

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He was a pain. But wait until you see the Stone Tower Temple boss. He was frustrating!


Just defeated him yesterday. 21 masks, 14 pieces of hearts. I'll see if I can find the last couple of masks before defeating Skull Kid and then I'll call it a game. Really enjoyed playing it again!

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Getting real tired of your shit, 3DS. Don't know how many times I've had this bastard repaired now, but halfway through Great Bay temple and my L button is starting to be a bit dicky...kinda crucial to playing a Zelda like this! Amusingly it was my R button last time, when I was trying to play ALBW(no pegasus for me!).


Still, loving the game, really hoping I can make it to the end with the button not getting too bad. Done some of the Ikana sidebits(Keeta etc) and the second skulltula mask, hoping to get through this dungeon before the end of the 3 days then have a quick run for completing the trading sequence(forgot to do the last bit when I was near earlier) and maybe the Don Gero sidequest too. Almost at my third day and only just switched the flow though, got about half the fairies in here to go still too. Not to mention I'm suddenly realising I'm not even sure where the great fairy's fountain is...hmm. Challenges!


Loving the game as ever, do wonder if newbies will with the ease of sleep/pausing but ofc I've had the original experience so I'm not minding too much. One gripe I have is that the swimming controls aren't inverted/invertible from the looks of things, really confuses me trying to swim as Zora link. There was something else bothering me too but can't recall what right now.


EDIT: Nooooooo! Forgot that Snowhead had to be thawed :( Have to say, Gyorg was quite a bitch! Took up most of my third day trying to fight him. Do have to give credit for the increased challenge of the bosses this time round.

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One gripe I have is that the swimming controls aren't inverted/invertible from the looks of things, really confuses me trying to swim as Zora link. There was something else bothering me too but can't recall what right now.


Go to options before starting the game. You can fix it there.

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Go to options before starting the game. You can fix it there.


Omg wat. I looked in the options soon after I got the mask and started/tried swimming, but I swear it wasn't there! Blates there right now though. Darn. Really wish I'd known this much sooner!!

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He was a pain. But wait until you see the Stone Tower Temple boss. He was frustrating!


Yeah, it seemed more arduous than the original, even though I can't remember if it's actually different. Chateau Romani helps a great deal with that fight, because the main frustration is running out of magic power.

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Yeah, it seemed more arduous than the original, even though I can't remember if it's actually different. Chateau Romani helps a great deal with that fight, because the main frustration is running out of magic power.


I had too few minutes left on the clock, it seemed that I couldn't hit the bastard, and I didn't know I could grab him when he was down. It was not intuitive at all. But with 2 min left on the clock (real life) I got him down. Absolutely the worst boss in the game.


Actually, the bosses have been rather weak in this game. The only interesting one was the Snow Temple-boss, the rest were hampered by bad controls, unintuitive, or were too easy (Woodfall Temple).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally got back into this a bit more recently, slowed after the water temple and prior to the stone tower region. Suffice to say...Stone Tower was a bit more of a pain than I recalled! Got super stuck at the end, not sure how I figured that out as a kid, but it's an excellent temple nonetheless, and I like its twist(hurdur). I was a little confused going in to the boss fight, as I was sure you pick up the Giant's mask at a different point, but went ahead anyway. Was pushing time and had already got all 15 fairies(due to exploration/lostness/giantsmaskmisconceptions) and found it a bit of a challenging boss, just like the others, which was good - managed to finish and get to the fairy fountain just before the final 6 hour moon countdown. Had probably about 16/17 hearts and all the masks(hadn't realised how well I'd done at getting them) at this point but I have since gone through a bit and am now at 19 hearts and ready to take on the moon! Think I'm just missing that mystery item which I know what it is - I have to say one thing nice about the bombers is that you can talk to them for 'rumours' on each new run-through - the rumoured events helped me track down/keep track of a couple of heart bits I hadn't yet got - though I also used an FAQ and found I'd missed two pretty simple and fairly early pieces too.


Anyhow! That's me all ready for the last bit! Just gotta wait for that moon to start coming down now...

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Aaaaaaaaand finished! 100% complete!


Total playtime clocked at 31.18, though I think some was both idle and redundant time, but a worthy game for its content(which we already knew anyway). Quickly got used to the changes, and tbh being handheld probably led to me actually playing this more. I didn't really restart too often as there's little need to, so didn't notice the implications so much of the new save system having sleep mode work well - it did however save me a few times when my cartridge had popped in my pocket. I never used the song of double-time, instead opting to use the scarecrows a handful of times to keep it more akin to its original nature, so don't know how that would affected my play instead(opted to run around doing things till the clock got to where I needed it).


The boss changes are welcome for me, and add a bit of extra challenge that wasn't quite there in the original. They proved trickier than I'd have actually liked, but I beat them nonetheless and appreciated that in retrospect(took me a while to figure out a couple though). I recall some other little changes throughout that occasionally niggled me but now none spring to mind(well, some movement of masks, items, but mostly twas faithful). Given I knew where a lot of things were, I'm not sure how the Bomber's notebook changes impact but I did appreciate it towards the end for tying up loose ends as above.


All in all I've absolutely loved playing this through again. One of my favourite Zeldas, and indeed one of my most favourite games, of all time. Beautifully crafted, just amazing all round. Anyone who's never played MM before should definitely pick this up...as should those who have too!


I'm now a little sad I've wrapped my journey all up though. Onwards and upwards to new adventures I guess!

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I currently have this game sitting in my house, sealed.. but my birthday is still over a month away :shakehead


I'm not really looking forward to the opening section, as I've already been through that part 2 or 3 times already on other versions of the game, but it should get pretty interesting after that when I begin to enter some new territory :heh:

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Just started this. Never got to finish it on the N64 (I can't remember why). So i'm looking forward to playing this through. Annoying that playing the Song of Time no longer saves your game. I'm guessing that the only way to save is to use the Owl Statues?

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I've been having a blast playing this today. Not even stepped near a dungeon and done some side questing. Got a few masks and some heart pieces. Im just taking my time and enjoying it. Will rewind the clock and maybe get started on a dungeon or may do some exploring. Who knows?

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