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Ubisoft Boycott: 'forced parity' for PS4 versions to be downgraded to Xbone level.


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I see why microtransactions are in games like Unity and Black Flag, it's for those whom don't want the adventure of exploring to unlock everything. But that's 1/2 the game right there, and then they complain because the game is too short.


The main issue i'm having with Unity mainly is the Companion ap and Initiates. Why oh why are Ubi making a game where a few chests need you to play these 2 games to unlock them. Black Flags companion ap was decent enough, take your ships to sea and do battle. Collect royalties back on the Jackdaw in-game, and i liked that.

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You can add The Crew to this list as well.




Online racer The Crew will run at native 1080p, 30 frames per second on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, creative director Julian Gerighty has confirmed to VideoGamer.com.


The PC version won't differ too much from the console versions, either, he says, adding that Ivory Tower is "really trying to get parity across all versions, so it's something that’s important to us not to branch out and not do individual things for individual platforms."


Forced parity ahoy. Not sure why some devlopers are in arace to be as anti consumerist as possible.

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Others would argue that the 60fps option in the PC version is a big difference.


There is an 'option' for 60fps in a pc game. Think about that. This couldnt really get more stupid. This is one pc game no one will buy (much like the Ass Creed shitfest).

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If the game was any good, I would have got it on PC regardless of a 30 or 60 fps limit.


Cool. Good to know. Wonder how broken it will be. The frame rate limter is pretty much a disaster as it is. FC4 and Ass Creed are broken on pc so far lets see how this is.

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Pretty successful actually. The damage to Ubisofts reputation is pretty large. Games sales down year on year or per franchise. The Crew looking like total fail. : peace: Difference was made.



Worht pointing out in that time Ubisoft released a performance patch for Ass Creed. It made no difference at all. Perhaps introduced new bugs.


The Crew also has the microtransaction problem for access to the full game/content. People working out how muhc it costs (hint its higher than the full game price).


The tech side of things is an embarassment.

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I bought this on PC yesterday, stuck the frame limiter on Rivatuner to 40 fps, and I haven't been having many problems. Around almost every corner of this game's world is something that makes me drop the controller and shit myself. Assassin's Creed stopped being a "game" in the strictest sense quite a long time ago. For me it's mostly just a cool way to walk around a really amazing world. I don't think I've ever seen anything this gorgeous in game form. I wouldn't recommend getting it if you don't have the hardware to circumvent its optimisation problems though. I've got a 2500k overclocked to 4.5ghz and an R9 290, and there is still a frequent drop to below 30 frames. I think it's kind of worth it for the stuff I'm seeing. They've just discovered that the performance issues are due to an overloaded cpu instruction pipeline, which they're going to fix in the next patch. Hopefully it'll be possibly to play it without constantly being taken out of it by frame haemorrhaging that makes you feel like someone GHB'd the shit out of your coffee during your morning stroll past the Bastille.


It's a shame, this game is a casualty of rigid deadlines in service of maximising profits rather than investing in any level of goodwill with consumers, and you can see the effects; it's being heavily discounted everywhere you look because people won't touch it with shitty stick. A few more months and it could have been a high watermark in this generation, but Ubisoft done fucked up.

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I bought this on PC yesterday, stuck the frame limiter on Rivatuner to 40 fps, and I haven't been having many problems. Around almost every corner of this game's world is something that makes me drop the controller and shit myself. Assassin's Creed stopped being a "game" in the strictest sense quite a long time ago. For me it's mostly just a cool way to walk around a really amazing world. I don't think I've ever seen anything this gorgeous in game form. I wouldn't recommend getting it if you don't have the hardware to circumvent its optimisation problems though. I've got a 2500k overclocked to 4.5ghz and an R9 290, and there is still a frequent drop to below 30 frames. I think it's kind of worth it for the stuff I'm seeing. They've just discovered that the performance issues are due to an overloaded cpu instruction pipeline, which they're going to fix in the next patch. Hopefully it'll be possibly to play it without constantly being taken out of it by frame haemorrhaging that makes you feel like someone GHB'd the shit out of your coffee during your morning stroll past the Bastille.


It's a shame, this game is a casualty of rigid deadlines in service of maximising profits rather than investing in any level of goodwill with consumers, and you can see the effects; it's being heavily discounted everywhere you look because people won't touch it with shitty stick. A few more months and it could have been a high watermark in this generation, but Ubisoft done fucked up.


When top of the line hardware cant run a game, well you have a problem. Yep overclocking or downclocking the CPU has no effect on the pc game performance amusingly(not really surprising given its not doing anything CPU intensive). The stuttering definately makes it annoying (this isnt the only recent ubisoft pc game with this issue, FarCry has problems too). The top Nvidia cards also have huge issues (980 and SLi configs) despite the sponsored by Nvidia designation.


So far the patches have left alot to be deseired. There really isnt much good to say technically for any version of these games. FC4 on PS4 is fine i guess but they patched out graphical effects... No comment so far from Ubisoft regarding that...


Was about to also post this: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/9516-EA-Ubisoft-A-Cycle-of-Perpetration-and-Apology


The sorry's ring quite hollow at this stage. The Crew also seems to be another repeat.

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Just don't buy them on PC then. It's fine on PS4. And I played the game!!(I suspect someone hasn't) Goes for FC4 too from what I've read.


No they are not fine on PS4. The fact that they also just patched out a graphical effect and are not responding to concerns shows how awful as a company they are. At the current rate you shouldnt buy Ubisoft games period. On any system.

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Aw man, I thought we'd done it, but I just checked and it's sold like 3 million copies.


I know that only a couple of hundred thousand of those were me (whoops!), but even so, that's a pretty rubbish boycott.


Sorry guys. There's always next year!

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Seems like The Crew has serious issues. You can lose progress if you are not connected online. The problem is the game loses connection often. It will boot you to the start menu when this happens.


Oddly, the only thing Google brings up about the removal of a graphical effect on PS4 is a bug that happens on all versions which was originally reported as a downgrade, but was quickly proven to be wrong.


Thats Ass Creed. I am talking about Far Cry 4 Sun shafts/ God Rays. Ass Creed situation is messed up. You have Ubisoft PR who insist their patches are making a difference (they havent so far).


Aw man, I thought we'd done it, but I just checked and it's sold like 3 million copies.


I know that only a couple of hundred thousand of those were me (whoops!), but even so, that's a pretty rubbish boycott.


Sorry guys. There's always next year!


Its significantly lower than previous games. The whole early announcement of the new Ass Creed is damage control. More damage to come via The Crew early impressions.


I dont think the sales are just boycots though people are not happy anyhow for various reasons. PC version sales are small but I am sure they are affected too. Word of mouth has been poor.


The issue is much bigger than just oh PS4 versions are downgraded so as to not upset MS. PC games are also affected by poor coding and optimisation which was expected. All the knock on effects are occuring.

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Black flag was actually really good, so no wonder the price stuck.


I just had a nice experience with the Ubisoft Store. I got a brand new gaming rig (PC) on Black Friday with a GTX 970 gpu, and as an added black friday bonus they gave me three Ubisoft Vouchers. That meant that I got codes for AssCreedUnit, Far Cry 4 and The Crew. Fine by me, as I was planning on buying Far Cry 4 anyway, and I've been a long time supporter of the Ass Creed series. Unity was the only Assassins Creed game I was gonna pass, so to get it for free was a good deal. The Crew also looks interesting, and again, not giving Ubi my money felt even better.


So I go to the Nvidia GeForce page, redeem my codes, so far so good. All my Ubishop codes arrive in my inbox. I go to the Ubishop, add Far Cry 4, AssCreedUnit and the Crew to my shopping cart. I type in my code for AssCreedUnit. Yay. Price goes down to zero. Type in code for the other two. Nothing happens. I take a look at the promo-code info. Only one is active and available. Okay, then I remove the other two games. No worries. I buy AssCreedUnit with no hassle. Go back to purchase Far Cry 4, type in the code. "Code has already been used."


. . .


What. The. Fuck?! Same thing happens with the Crew. So, now I'm stuck with one out of three games, and a very angry mail to the customer service for Ubishop. I mean, who thinks it's a good idea to let people use their codes and not activate them?! God, Ubi... they know how to push my buttons.

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