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Ubisoft Boycott: 'forced parity' for PS4 versions to be downgraded to Xbone level.


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amazingly this game got worse.


Game should be called Ass Greed: Parity given new news of microtransactions and worse PS4 performance. The game has serious bugs and issues on all systems. Seems unfinfished.


Microtransactions were announced months ago.


I will enjoy it. Seems like Spore all over again in terms of some people going insane over one aspect that shouldn't add so much tilt (in that case DRM, this case FPS issues).


I forgot about the DRM issue with Spore. The bigger issue was that it was a poor game that was hyped up by the developers and failed to live up to their promises.

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After seeing all of the massive amount of problems associated with this game, including the performance issues, the parity nonsense, the typical factory-belt-made trademark Ubisoft gameplay that all of their open world games have (and the AC series' typical problems - what, you're only just figuring it out now after about 11 AC games!?) the poor game impressions (not just reviews, but pre and post release hands on impressions from people), the pre-order content nonsense and the scummy microtransactions (worst of all, the fact that they deliberately hid it from reviewers outright!); quite frankly, if you don't know what you're getting into at this point, you're either an idiot or you just don't care about this stuff.


And if you're going in actually genuinely surprised by any of this bullshit, then quite frankly you deserve to be lied to. If you really aren't expecting this crap at this point, in this day and age, from these publishers (and this publisher especially), then the onus is on you. You're getting everything you want and deserve.


If you don't like it, don't bloody support it! Just say NO!


My contrary advice: if you enjoy AC games then buy them (perhaps when cheaper, if you don't want to pay full price for it). Don't let the graphics autists with their agendas deprive you of what will still be loads of fun.

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My contrary advice: if you enjoy AC games then buy them (perhaps when cheaper, if you don't want to pay full price for it). Don't let the graphics autists with their agendas deprive you of what will still be loads of fun.


Well said! That's actually surprisingly reasonable coming from you :laughing:


If this stuff doesn't bother you, then go ahead and just play the game.


That being said, if you are truly opposed to buying the game and you truly despise the ongoing trends that this game represents, then don't bloody buy the game and then complain about it; that just makes you a part of the problem.


If you hate microtransactions/scam style DLC or any of the other trends that this game and company represents, then the very worst thing you can do is buy the game and then moan about it afterwards.


The ONLY way you are going to get what you want is if you grow a pair and vote with your wallet!. If you really don't care about the dark road that the industry is going down though, then don't let it bother you!

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So in a nutshell, they gimped the technical prowess of the PS4 version to appease MS because the XBO can't run it at 1080 and MS have stumped up advertising cash for it like they do with COD.


MS wouldn't have wanted the game to be better on a technical level on the PS4.


In other news, game sounds rubbish anyway and isn't getting steller reviews.

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I'm a fan of the series, so i'm still getting the game. Albiet very cheap due to the GAME loyalty shares (i think i'm paying £20 for the Bastille edition, that's after the £5 promotional discount). I don't like that Ubi have basically nerfed the graphical power of the game for PS4 users, but that won't stop me from enjoying the game.


Reading some comments on various other websites yesterday, wow some people are seriously upset and throwing toys out of prams. But the issues are not just lying in the PS4 version, but also on Xbox One and PC editions as well according to some other gamers. They'll probably get these fixed in due course anyway.

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If it is at least as good as Black Flag, I'll probably still buy it - once it's a bit cheaper and the bugs are fixed.


I don't give a shit about the graphical issues.


If it helps, Paris is supposed to be one of the most stunningly realised environments in a game. Apparently.


But yeah, Black Flag was rated high and the same sort of mechanics will be present here. I think it'll be great.


As for the microtransactions I will take option B - Buy the game, but not microtransactions.

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So in a nutshell, they gimped the technical prowess of the PS4 version to appease MS because the XBO can't run it at 1080 and MS have stumped up advertising cash for it like they do with COD.


In a nutshell, all versions are technically quite poor at the moment.

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So your sudden observation is that Metacritic score is not an average of all scores?


What rock have you been hiding under?



We know that. Whats interesting is that its excluding sites such as Gamespot for this game. It might correct itself. The xbox one version is mid 70's now and falling.

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7 is a good score for a game that is released on yearly basis. I don't see how this is worrying.


It's less worrying when you consider that part of the reason it's being marked down is because of technical issues. Last time they were pretty quick to patch Black Flag to bring 1080p to the PS4 version.

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80% is illuminating?


I really don't get it. If you factor in that the graphical issues will probably be patched soon enough, it's a pretty bang on target score for AC. It seems like some people have come to use inflated review scores as the only way to interpret a game's worth. Pretty tragic, really.

Edited by Sheikah
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80% is illuminating?


I really don't get it. If you factor in that the graphical issues will probably be patched soon enough, it's a pretty bang on target score for AC. It seems like some people have come to use inflated review scores as the only way to interpret a game's worth. Pretty tragic, really.


They cant just be patched. It needs more devlopment time. The framerate is 0 fps in some cases.

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