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The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


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Which have been your favourite so far? Seen any great ones? What do you think of the campaign?


In the last day or so these seem to have reached my facebook feed and I was challenged. I've posted all the ones from other NEers I've seen too.




(Sorry, FB video only and I'm at work so can't upload to YT.)


@Dannyboy\-the\-Dane and his penis




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Only started paying attention to this after seeing the Foo Fighters one, that one was brilliant! And @Goafer, that video is great, shows what this is actually for and I hope lots of people watch it.


Here is a compilation of how the challenge shouldn't be done. Enjoy. =P


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So I've just been tagged today by two people to do this(fucking Moogle!), yet there's something about this 'viral' charity that really irks me. Am I essentially a cunt for taking a general stand against the whole thing? I don't even know much about what it's for or where the money goes etc.


This is one of the few that I've watched other than the fail comps;

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So I've just been tagged today by two people to do this(fucking Moogle!), yet there's something about this 'viral' charity that really irks me. Am I essentially a cunt for taking a general stand against the whole thing? I don't even know much about what it's for or where the money goes etc.


It bothers me too. It's got to the point that I'm willing to bet half the people who did the challenge still don't actually know what ALS is. It's just become another fad viral thing to piss around with, without actually having to do anything to really help anyone.


That's why when I do a video tomorrow, I'll be adding the second half of the video I posted above onto it (If I can figure out how). People don't just need to see some twat with a bucket of water, they need to be shown just how bad the condition is and how it effects people

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So I've just been tagged today by two people to do this(fucking Moogle!), yet there's something about this 'viral' charity that really irks me. Am I essentially a cunt for taking a general stand against the whole thing? I don't even know much about what it's for or where the money goes etc.


No, I'm not going to do it either and I've been tagged a few times. I see it as more self serving and attention seeking than anything else. If you want to donate to charity, then do it without telling all your friends how great you are and keep a little dignity. It's kind of like the Kony thing everyone was sharing the shit out of a couple of years ago and then nobody actually even showed up to "Cover the Night™" as it were :laughing:


I've read that the charity in question only actually uses 10-15% of donations to put into actual "research" I honestly don't know if that's the case with other charities, but surely a lot must go into the directors' pockets, which is what leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Plus, what makes this charity more deserving of your donation than anywhere else? Surely more people die of heart disease or cancer than MND?

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I think I totes shared the Kony thing, but I might have removed it shortly after when I realised how solid it wasn't.


You get at my issues with charity there though Dog-Amoto, a.) I don't know what I'd be doing this for(ok, yes, I should educate myself - but as you say how many other causes are out there?) b.) why do I need to make a public display of charity? Or anyone? Why can't people find it in themselves to just, god forbid, donate to charity? c.) Isn't that the whole idea of charity? You give because you want? Like...I dunno, I feel or wonder how is it that people need a silly viral craze to feel they should donate to charity? It's because of the vain/self-serving nature imo.


Charity should be, well, charity. It shouldn't be a one off thing either. It should be something to think about all the time. Charity isn't just money, though that is one way of helping, and if you support that idea then do what the adverts always say - direct debit a few pounds a month to who/whatever you feel deserves it. Even outside of money though, charity can just be...well, being better and doing more, being a better person. Think about others around you, the way you live, the way you treat people - and tomorrow do one thing nicer/less harsh than today, that's another form of charity. At the N-E meet we saw two people who were essentially begging - I didn't give anything to them(plus it was super awks) - does that make me uncharitable? I say no. Charity shouldn't be pressured or guilted, it should be free and voluntary, from the heart for the sake of itself; not for social prowess or any real form or reward.

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I think I totes shared the Kony thing, but I might have removed it shortly after when I realised how solid it wasn't.


You get at my issues with charity there though Dog-Amoto, a.) I don't know what I'd be doing this for(ok, yes, I should educate myself - but as you say how many other causes are out there?) b.) why do I need to make a public display of charity? Or anyone? Why can't people find it in themselves to just, god forbid, donate to charity? c.) Isn't that the whole idea of charity? You give because you want? Like...I dunno, I feel or wonder how is it that people need a silly viral craze to feel they should donate to charity? It's because of the vain/self-serving nature imo.


Charity should be, well, charity. It shouldn't be a one off thing either. It should be something to think about all the time. Charity isn't just money, though that is one way of helping, and if you support that idea then do what the adverts always say - direct debit a few pounds a month to who/whatever you feel deserves it. Even outside of money though, charity can just be...well, being better and doing more, being a better person. Think about others around you, the way you live, the way you treat people - and tomorrow do one thing nicer/less harsh than today, that's another form of charity. At the N-E meet we saw two people who were essentially begging - I didn't give anything to them(plus it was super awks) - does that make me uncharitable? I say no. Charity shouldn't be pressured or guilted, it should be free and voluntary, from the heart for the sake of itself; not for social prowess or any real form or reward.


YAAAHS, RUMMY! Thank fuck someone feels the same as me!


Sorry guys but this is getting beyond ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, props to all those who have done it and who want to do it but, you know, why? I know that people are going to say "It's a fun way to raise for charity" and shit but it just feels pressured.

As it stands, I've been nominated seven times to do it and I'm not going to because, like Rummy, I don't know who I'm giving my money too. I know it's for ALS but how do I know my money is going to them and it's not another Kony thing, because that is how it sort of feels right now. This challenge has suddenly come out of thin air, just like Kony did, and people are blinding donating and doing this challenge without knowing what they're doing it for (not that I'm saying people here are blinding doing it but you get what I mean) and I look like a bastard for refusing to do it.

I give to charity every week when I go book shopping in several charity shops so it's not that I'm not charitable but I honestly feel like the element of charity has been taken out of it and it's now just people doing it because others are doing it.


I know it's a bit of fun and I sound like a buzz-kill but yeah...I just don't want to catch pneumonia, haha.


But well done to everybody here who has done it :)

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a.) I don't know what I'd be doing this for(ok, yes, I should educate myself - but as you say how many other causes are out there?) b.) why do I need to make a public display of charity? Or anyone? Why can't people find it in themselves to just, god forbid, donate to charity? c.) Isn't that the whole idea of charity? You give because you want? Like...I dunno, I feel or wonder how is it that people need a silly viral craze to feel they should donate to charity? It's because of the vain/self-serving nature imo.


Charity should be, well, charity. It shouldn't be a one off thing either. It should be something to think about all the time. Charity isn't just money, though that is one way of helping, and if you support that idea then do what the adverts always say - direct debit a few pounds a month to who/whatever you feel deserves it. Even outside of money though, charity can just be...well, being better and doing more, being a better person. Think about others around you, the way you live, the way you treat people - and tomorrow do one thing nicer/less harsh than today, that's another form of charity. At the N-E meet we saw two people who were essentially begging - I didn't give anything to them(plus it was super awks) - does that make me uncharitable? I say no. Charity shouldn't be pressured or guilted, it should be free and voluntary, from the heart for the sake of itself; not for social prowess or any real form or reward.


Sorry guys but this is getting beyond ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, props to all those who have done it and who want to do it but, you know, why? I know that people are going to say "It's a fun way to raise for charity" and shit but it just feels pressured.


Well it's to raise awareness and money for Motor Neurone Disease. This little fad has now raised over £2,000,000 for MNDA in the UK (not counting how much was raised in the US and elsewhere).


Why does it need to be a public display? Because it's about raising awareness. If it wasn't public, then people wouldn't be aware. This is a disease that goes relatively unknown to the public, the only case people know of is Stephen Hawking and most people don't know exactly what he has, so this is bringing it into the mainstream.


Normally I'm against these little raise awareness trends as they're usually vague (so don't raise awareness) and don't do anything to help or raise money, like those stupid facebook trends where some people change their profile picture to a cartoon character to raise awareness for breast cancer, yet don't actually mention breast cancer and nobody knows why they're doing it. This one is called the ALS challenge (which admittedly is only going to make sense to Americans) so it's raising awareness in the title alone, and donating money is part of the challenge.


Additionally, the reason for the ice bucket challenge is that the water is supposed to be so cold that your muscles start to contract, giving you a (slight) indication of what having MND is like.


You don't have to pour ice on your head, you can forfeit the challenge by donating money (or just ignore it). Either way the challenge is doing good for the disease.

Just Giving page

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Yeah, I get that and I respect those that do but it's like Rummy said, it feels like there's pressure behind it to do it where as charity is supposed to be voluntary. As I said, I have respect for those that do it and donate because it's a good awareness but at the same time, I don't think most people (again, not saying you guys) actually KNOW what they're doing it for. I can guarantee you that my next door neighbours who done it yesterday would have no clue what it's for.


I understand the need for the ice bucket now whereas I didn't before and it's a good way to show people what it's like but I can't help but feel pressured a little. It's probably just me though, haha.

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