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What's the worst game you own?

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I feel like this is in the same situation as Sunshine. If it didn't have Paper Mario on the box, I bet people would see it in a more favourable light.


I knew this was coming.


'Judge it on its own'.


Believe me, I like it when they try something different, but this time it just didn't work out. There's nothing remotely interesting about this game in my opinion.

Viewing it as a game detached from the Paper Mario franchise is what I can do, and when I do that I see an awful piece of software which commits the worst crime of all: it bores me.

It bores me because it's tedious and has no charm.....the areas are soooo dull and it's just retracing your steps time and time again without any real joy coming of this....:zzz:

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To have gone from Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door to this within my still short life span as a gamer has been most traumatic.


The best way to release this game was to just release its OST.


The fact that it's just so lackluster, so lacking of any Paper Mario charm in almost any way, just .... just ....


The sole redeeming feature of Paper Mario Sticker Star is that shiny holographic sticker effect that they managed to incorporate into the game on the touch screen that makes it react in the same way that it would in real life when you tilt the system. :)


Aside from that it's very 'standard' at best for Paper Mario and it merely feels like a functional RPG rather than a spectacular piece of software where every step forward is a joyful experience as is the case with what is still the best entry in the series Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door which will remain the greatest game of its kind until the end of time. :heart:


If they were to re-release that on the New 3DS it would shift many systems indeed, though I'd be happier with an HD re-release on the Wii U but honestly I'd buy both if they were to happen just for an extra excuse to play through that gem of a game again. :D




: peace:

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Huh? Everyone seems to love Sunshine. I'm pretty sure that I'm one of the few who think it's a terrible game.


At the time, most people judged/reviewed Sunshine on how much it was(n't) like Super Mario 64 (even if they didn't realise it).


Not now, now that we have the benefit of hindsight, but it's the point that Glen-i was trying to convey.

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I don't think you're using the word 'benefit' correctly.


I get the impression TYD would bore me the same way Mario & Luigi Dream Team did, too much talking not enough action (for my tastes at least). That's why I like Sticker Star, it's basically a platformer. Could be wrong though everyone keeps going on about it so I'll give it a try sometime.

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To have gone from Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door to this within my still short life span as a gamer has been most traumatic.


The best way to release this game was to just release its OST.


The fact that it's just so lackluster, so lacking of any Paper Mario charm in almost any way, just .... just ....



I don't even care if I lose my modship I am so damn close to banning you for this blasphemy Fused!!


I actually kinda enjoyed sticker star.


Man, Sticker Star? That's harsh...


I happen to like Sticker Star quite a bit. Sure, it's no Thousand Year Door. But then, it wasn't trying to be.


I like that they tried something different with the battles. It actually makes you think about what sticker to use and which ones you should save. Should you spend coins to get extra turns? It requires a whole lot more thought than other Paper Mario games.


And some of the bosses are the best out of any of the Paper Mario games! That Blooper and the giant Ice Bowser statue are brilliant fights.


I feel like this is in the same situation as Sunshine. If it didn't have Paper Mario on the box, I bet people would see it in a more favourable light.


I'm with ya there.


It bores me because it's tedious and has no charm.....the areas are soooo dull and it's just retracing your steps time and time again without any real joy coming of this....:zzz:


Some might argue this is/was/can be quite a heavy essence of Mario any way ;)

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