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N-Europe London Meet 2014 - Official Thread


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(Thanks to Goafer for the photos. That I swiped without permission) xxxxxxx




I burst out laughing so hard at that edit at 11:37... "yeah they were" *cut to ReZ looking stunned*


Favourite moment....when the camera leaves me and I'm far away and totally still, then it comes back to me and I am right next to it with a stupid face.


That was well done :p


Great vid, more footage next time pls.

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@Zell, for the love of god watch the bit 8mins in.


Oh man. I completely forgot about that :D@Rummy you're hilarious when we're under the tree, constantly getting your head in the shot!


Edit. LOL at us dissecting the intro of Pokemon Red and what attack Nidorino is using haha.


I forgot I was trying to do that, wanted to be like one of those weird people on the news reports, but ReZ was moving his camera so bloody fast I was just running around you guys lol. Awesome vid ReZ. You're all just awesome folks <3 Def need to consider getting some london minimeets going on, not sure I can handle just once a year ;)

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I think my favourite comment made on the day was by Goron.


"It must have been hard for Sheik, all those years, having to not accidentally press down and B"


I actually remember you saying 'Oh my god, that's going straight into my signature' :D


@Rummy, @Ashley I'll have to head down to London sometime around Xmas to meet you guys again. Defo must be done.

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