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Pokemon TCG GBC Coming To 3DS eShop!


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Forgive my newness, but what does that mean? Is it just everyone talking about their playthrough?


Pretty much. It's where we all discuss the game as we are playing it, instead of bitching, moaning and generally arguing with each other. It's a foreign concept on these forums but we could give it a go and see what happens. :D

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Pretty much. It's where we all discuss the game as we are playing it, instead of bitching, moaning and generally arguing with each other. It's a foreign concept on these forums but we could give it a go and see what happens. :D


It doesn't have online or voice chat so I don't think that will possible :D

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Can I be the old fogey who gives deck-building advice to those who are stuck on an opponent? :heh:


I will deffo be looking for some Jonnas shaped advice judging by the amount of people who said they got stuck playing this! :heh:


Also, Glen-i, I love that GIF. :laughing:

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Of course! and here's your first bit of advice...






Farfetch'd and Scyther all day, every day ;)


Farfetch'd? Only if you have nothing else to fill its spot! What makes Scyther really great is that he has no retreat cost, so he works as an easy, workable stand-in, in case you have a slow start (And even with a good start, Scyther works, he's so flexible)


Meanwhile Farfetch'd is more frail, has retreat cost, and no enemies are weak to Colourless. The only time he works as a replacement for Scyther is if the opponent is running a fire deck (where pretty much anything but Vulpix eats Scyther alive).


Hmm seeing all these cards just makes me want to go and buy a pack of Pokemon cards again! :laughing:


Can you / do people here still collect them / get them these days? Are they any good?!


I haven't kept up with the card game in years, but I've seen some recent cards, and it's very easy to see that there has been some power inflation. Before, no Pokémon had more than 120 HP, now I saw 150 HP being common. And the damage output of those cards is immense, attacks that would need 4 energies in the old days, now only need 1 or 2.


One of the better new cards would defeat the best old decks by itself :heh:

Edited by Jonnas
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Mind you though... Even if Nintendo continue to refuse to support wireless multiplayer with GB VC games, a re-release of the mainline Pokemon games isn't impossible...




... if they support Transfer Pak features with the N64 games on the Wii U VC! (Be it via direct 3DS-Wii U wireless or by inserting the 3DS' SD Card into the Wii U's SD Card slot to transfer the save file). That would also be a sneaky way to encourage people to buy Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 if they want to battle and trade in the GB PKMN games too ;)

Edited by Dcubed
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Mind you though... Even if Nintendo continue to refuse to support wireless multiplayer with GB VC games, a re-release of the mainline Pokemon games isn't impossible...




... if they support Transfer Pak features with the N64 games on the Wii U VC! (Be it via direct 3DS-Wii U wireless or by inserting the 3DS' SD Card into the Wii U's SD Card slot to transfer the save file). That would also be a sneaky way to encourage people to buy Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 if they want to battle and trade in the GB PKMN games too ;)

Would that not require effort on Nintendo's part?

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Would that not require effort on Nintendo's part?


I'd imagine that it's less effort than getting wireless link cable emulation to work (which would bring about a nightmarish mix of technical issues involving connection stability - considering that the GB games were designed to expect a perfectly stable connection at all times), especially if they take the lazy route and just ask people to put their 3DS SD card into the Wii U SD Card slot instead of trying to do wireless Transfer Pak emulation.


Also provides a handy dandy incentive to buy a Wii U & Stadium 1 & 2 ;)

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I'd imagine that it's less effort than getting wireless link cable emulation to work (which would bring about a nightmarish mix of technical issues involving connection stability - considering that the GB games were designed to expect a perfectly stable connection at all times), especially if they take the lazy route and just ask people to put their 3DS SD card into the Wii U SD Card slot instead of trying to do wireless Transfer Pak emulation.


Also provides a handy dandy incentive to buy a Wii U & Stadium 1 & 2 ;)

If it's more than just a straight re-release, I don't see Nintendo putting effort in :p

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As a current player of the TCG circuit, seeing these old cards makes me nostalgic because I own many of them, but saddened over how crap they used to be. Low HP, high cost attacks which don't do much.


Here is the main two cards of my current two decks:



Have Altaria's on your bench to boost Garchomp's attack, which are easily findable due to Gabite's Ability: http://www.sixprizes.com/wp-content/uploads/433px-GabiteDragonsExalted89.jpg



Other deck:



Have Accelgor use Deck and Cover, put Trevenant in the active position and watch the opponent squirm.

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100 attack for a measly 2 energy cards?


Wow! I suddenly feel really old.

Hold up! Is that a dragon type card!? The hell? When was that a thing?


I'm gonna go sign myself into a retirement home now...

Haha, Dragon-type cards only really appeared in 2012, so you're not that old.


Since Gen 2, they've only added two new types, Dragon and Fairy

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Dragon types as its own card colour only came about in 2012 in the Dragons Exhalted set. Instead of a vague type related to its secondary type (Kingdra being water/Hydreigon being Dark/Dragonite being colourless etc).


The ballache is that they don't have their own energy card. Instead they have stupid energy costs for their attacks. Luckily I have it alright with Garchomp as I run these in my deck http://cartamagicastore.com/image/cache/data/pokemon-dragons-collide/118-blend-energy-wlfm-500x500.jpg


Here's some examples:


Giratina: http://media.pocketmonsters.net/imageboard/30/13402347800093.png

Salamence: http://940ee6dce6677fa01d25-0f55c9129972ac85d6b1f4e703468e6b.r99.cf2.rackcdn.com/products/pictures/819223.jpg

Flygon: http://cartamagicastore.com/image/cache/data/pokemon/boundaries-crossed/99-flygon-500x500.jpg


Unless you have some sort of energy accelration, it's near impossible to play some of these cards.



As opposed to Fairy types which got their own energy the moment they were released in the X&Y set.


Aint they pretty.



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So, would some of us be up for playing TCG in tandem, to a loose schedule? That way we can be sure to be at roughly the same place (we could segment the game by gyms?) so as to be able to help each other out with tactics, etc. And blogging our trading card journey together would fun and warm and cosy. :)


Please weigh in with your thoughts Hero-of-Time @Glen\-i @EEVILMURRAY @Jonnas @Aneres11 @King_V @Dcubed @f00had @Ike @ReZourceman @somme

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