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  Emerald Emblem said:
Congrats to you. Gonna part like an Animal tomorrow night? ;p


I will as soon as I get it on paper that I officially have the job, haha.

Posted (edited)

Edit - I should perhaps read the rest of the posts before posting!



That sounds far better after talking to your manager, @Animal. Good luck to you, your new manager did well to talk you through all the fears you had after the interview. Looks like the interviewer didn't have a clue what he was talking about.


More money and it sounds like management will actually value you as an employee too which your current position don't seem to do.


How long is your notice and when can you start?

Edited by Charlie
I hope the job comes with a badge saying this.


Maybe I should make this one of my demands? Mwahahaha!


  Charlie said:
Edit - I should perhaps read the rest of the posts before posting!



That sounds far better after talking to your manager, @Animal. Good luck to you, your new manager did well to talk you through all the fears you had after the interview. Looks like the interviewer didn't have a clue what he was talking about.


More money and it sounds like management will actually value you as an employee too which your current position don't seem to do.


How long is your notice and when can you start?


My notice in the shoe shop is a week. It'll end on Sunday. I think they're (well, I say 'they're' but it's mainly the boss, I think) trying to screw me over (read below)


  Agent Gibbs said:
sounds like the interviewer wasn't fit for purpose! what sort of person spreads that sort of misinformation ?


glad you sorted it out and have a better job


Thank you so much. I'm glad it's all cleared too. The manager and the assistant manager were so cool about it.


My day is broken up into three parts because of how feckin' amazing I am at this shit! I just find it funny that I got a better job three doors down from where I'm working now, haha.


  Reveal hidden contents
  Animal said:

The assistant manager and I had a bit more of a discussion and even told me about the sales incentives and I told her I had one right now.

Is that what you call it over there? You sly bastard.


congrats dude - the new work crowd sound far more suited to you, and seem to have that one key seed you need in a job -- recognising your efforts. The pay will not be a noticable difference (but hopefully with the added hours it will do the trick) but so long as you come away from it feeling like you're doing a better job, then you're good to go.


I'm not well-versed, but if you've got left-over holiday can't you use it during your notice period? Make sure you check with HR what your rights are with that.


Nice to hear a genuine story about someone 'winning' at life, so to speak. :)


Congrats @Animal! I hope your new job works out for you, it sounds awesome. : peace:


I know a lot of people use the phrase 'it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...' but here it's really true. :D

Posted (edited)
  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Animal, you motherfucking boss. I couldn't be happier for you! :D


Seriously, this reads like the triumphant conclusion to a film. Me gusta.


I still can't believe it's happening!


My assistant manager called me about an hour or so ago.

"Hey, I couldn't talk properly because it was awkward when the manager wouldn't do one. I'm on hands-free in the car on the way home. I just wanted to properly say congratulations, well done and I really do wish you the best of luck, mate!"

I was like "Thanks, dude"

He said "Nah, I'm serious. You have been fucked over repeatedly by this company. You've been turned down for promotion a few times when you shouldn't have been and this job has proved not only to the manager but to the company that that was a massive mistake. I was actually saying to one of the colleagues earlier that you've stood so much shit from this company and all of it was undeserved. You deserve this! If you have ANY questions about the role or you need any sort of help, seriously, pop into the store or just call me. Even if it's a few months down the line or whatever, just call me."

"Thanks man, seriously, it means a lot. How did everyone take the news? What happened after I left?"

He said "Well, the manager asked me how I managed to get a job in management with no experience and I said it would have been because he paid attention to how we did things on the till, handled customers and stock. There was a reason he listened into conversations, he was learning. Was I right?"

"You was indeed. I'm shocked they didn't cotton on to that one!" I laughed.

"Yeah, I knew it months ago. The supervisor? He wasn't in a great mood after finding out. He sulked and didn't talk to anybody"

"Really, the supervisor did that? Why?"

"Because we won't be able to find anyone as good as you for the school holidays and that's when we needed you the most. Do not feel bad though because in your position, I'd have done the fucking same, mate!"

We spoke a little more. All of the staff were elated for me and he even said they wanted to buy me cake but he wasn't sure how I'd take that because I was on a diet.

"Well, maybe I can make an exception just THIS once...." I laughed.

He said we'd speak more tomorrow morning though.


It was so nice to hear that though. It just makes me feel like I wasn't crazy after all. He noticed it too so I was right in doing what I did. If I was doubtful before, I'm not now.


  jayseven said:
congrats dude - the new work crowd sound far more suited to you, and seem to have that one key seed you need in a job -- recognising your efforts. The pay will not be a noticable difference (but hopefully with the added hours it will do the trick) but so long as you come away from it feeling like you're doing a better job, then you're good to go.


I'm not well-versed, but if you've got left-over holiday can't you use it during your notice period? Make sure you check with HR what your rights are with that.


To be fair, if it sticks to 27 hours, there's about £100 more difference from the job I had. I'm just shocked by it. Just shows that 30-odd pence more makes a difference.


I'll be sure to check. I can't see anything in the rule book but my assistant manager on the phone told me that it might just be that day that I won't be paid. I don't mind that but if I don't get paid for the week's holiday, it's £75 and that's a difference! They've tried fucking me over in the past but the difference was that I had something to lose. Now, I don't! ;)


  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Animal, you motherfucking boss. I couldn't be happier for you! :D


Seriously, this reads like the triumphant conclusion to a film. Me gusta.


  S.C.G said:
Nice to hear a genuine story about someone 'winning' at life, so to speak. :)


Congrats @Animal! I hope your new job works out for you, it sounds awesome. : peace:


I know a lot of people use the phrase 'it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...' but here it's really true. :D


D'AWWWWW! YOU GUYS! Thank you so much! Your messages have really made me feel emotional, haha! I love you guys!



Edited by Animal
Automerged Doublepost
  jayseven said:


and also not being funny but when you write about conversations I worry that you're making things up. Not saying that you are making things up, just saying it reads like it sometimes.




(ninjedit: lol link is for northern ireland... but the message is the same)


Thanks for the link and fair enough about the comment but I just like to share it. I never get a lot of times where I actually feel good about myself but these last few days have been so weird for it. I've just had nothing but compliments these past few days (well, except for the manager, obviously). I'm just happy that I don't have to measure smelly feet anymore, that I'm not going crazy in the fact that someone else (who is management) has noticed the stuff I have too and that people genuinely liked me in an interview enough to say I'll be good enough for a position I've never done before.


I never always get good news but when I do, I want to share it with people who have helped me with my confidence and you guys have so part of this is your doing too. :)


That's fair play, man. I love to shair my successes at work as much as you do, I just felt a tug and figured it was better to say than to not say, regardless of how wrong I may be.


You should totally feel pride for the efforts you make at work -- it's a large chunk of your life and you should know that you do a good job. I think you'll be rising in your role as time passes, as you have the attitude that is required. You are escaping a workplace where there are too many individuals scared of your ability and entering one which seems to be focused on growth and skill, and that will reward you. I have nothing but wellwishes for you and I'm sure you're going to continue to kick ass. I'm sorry if my comment was unforthcoming and unnecessary. I'd rather pop an idea and have it flattened than allow my mind to fester on it! Keep on plugging away. This is a great opportunity for you, and nobody can take this away from you -- or the effort you've put in.

  jayseven said:
That's fair play, man. I love to shair my successes at work as much as you do, I just felt a tug and figured it was better to say than to not say, regardless of how wrong I may be.


You should totally feel pride for the efforts you make at work -- it's a large chunk of your life and you should know that you do a good job. I think you'll be rising in your role as time passes, as you have the attitude that is required. You are escaping a workplace where there are too many individuals scared of your ability and entering one which seems to be focused on growth and skill, and that will reward you. I have nothing but wellwishes for you and I'm sure you're going to continue to kick ass. I'm sorry if my comment was unforthcoming and unnecessary. I'd rather pop an idea and have it flattened than allow my mind to fester on it! Keep on plugging away. This is a great opportunity for you, and nobody can take this away from you -- or the effort you've put in.


I'm glad you felt you could tell me your worries so don't worry about it! :)


Thanks for that. Everyone's been so nice and supportive, more than I actually thought. I think the phone call last night shocked me more than anything. Not looking forward to this morning though, that supervisor I mentioned is in. He's the one who blows hot and cold.


So this will be a fun shift, haha.


Well done Animal, so happy for you! I am sure that you will do a great job in your new place! It might be scary at first because it is all new and different, but you can do it. =)


As for your annual leave which you didn't take, wouldn't you be paid for the days that are left over? I don't know how it works on your contract, but when I left my job, I was paid for my untaken annual leave. Definitely check with HR what will happen and what you are entitled to. Good luck!


Gotta echo Dannyboy's comments, here. It just sounds like this story just insisted on giving you a happy and deserved ending :) Congratulations.

  Eenuh said:
Well done Animal, so happy for you! I am sure that you will do a great job in your new place! It might be scary at first because it is all new and different, but you can do it. =)


As for your annual leave which you didn't take, wouldn't you be paid for the days that are left over? I don't know how it works on your contract, but when I left my job, I was paid for my untaken annual leave. Definitely check with HR what will happen and what you are entitled to. Good luck!


I found out that I may or may not be getting paid for one day because my contract ends on Monday and I've taken next week as holiday. However, I most likely should be getting paid for my holiday! I don't mind not being paid for one day but I expect to be getting paid for a week.


  Jonnas said:
Gotta echo Dannyboy's comments, here. It just sounds like this story just insisted on giving you a happy and deserved ending :) Congratulations.


Thank you.


I had to finalise everything today and I was told that, for the first month, my hours will be 39 hours a week for training! This is amazing! I love it! I should be getting paid about a grand for that month (well, I'll be taxed but it'll be around that). I've never had a pay packet over £800 before! After that month, it'll be 27 hours for the foreseeable future! I start in a couple of weeks' time! This is just epic!


My supervisor didn't exactly talk to me properly when he came in today. In fact, he sort of blanked me at the start of the shift. It wasn't really until the last hour of my shift that we sort of started talking. He seems okay with me now though.


honestly man reading about all this makes me so happy for you, i know what its like to be in a dead end job and get passed up for promotions because of what basically boils down to managers whims and office politics, sounds like you had a good assistant manager there at the last place...get him a job poach your old staff and screw your old employers lol

  Agent Gibbs said:
honestly man reading about all this makes me so happy for you, i know what its like to be in a dead end job and get passed up for promotions because of what basically boils down to managers whims and office politics, sounds like you had a good assistant manager there at the last place...get him a job poach your old staff and screw your old employers lol


Thanks! I should totally do that! What a kick in the balls that would be for them! hehe.


LOL! He actually wanted me to get him a job there, haha. It'd be weird actually being in a higher role than him what with him being my boss for two years...I'd love to take a couple of people with me though. I'd genuinely try and get them a job there as well. However, I'm the last one they're recruiting for now.


It's official. All of the forms are filled in, all of the necessary stuff is handed in...I am now a supervisor as of 30th June! Now that it's happening though and it's all locked in, I'm actually terrified! I know that I'm making the right decision in leaving the company as the shoe shop has turned into a complete joke now! What once used to be a decent shoe shop where everybody got along and had a laugh and a bit of banter whilst working has now turned into what I can only describe as a little depressing and quite bullying. However, I'm just scared I'll be shit at this job and I'll be sacked and left unemployed! :(. I know I'm being stupid but I can't help but worry.


Today though, I've had rude customers (one of which I annoyed a little), screaming kids and my manager was a bit of a cow (it changed later but at the time, she was a right biatch).


I was on the till and a woman came with a pair of shoes. She threw them on the counter and I just took the box and checked everything is okay.

"Are you size 6?" I ask.

"Yeah, I am" she replies.

I smile and nod and I asked if she had any polish for her shoes.

"Just shut up and serve me my shoes! I don't want to hear you!" she said.

Now, for those of you who actually know me, you would know that I can't stand rudeness and I almost said "And I don't want to hear you, my colleague will serve you. Bye" and walk off. However, I did something worse than that.

I laughed. "How funny are you? Heh!" :)

She got annoyed. I told her to enter her pin number on the card machine. I bagged her stuff up and then she sucked her teeth at me and walked off.

"Bye! Have a great day!" I said, waving her off.

I just didn't care anymore because I knew, in three days' time, I'm out of there.


I'm scared of failing and becoming unemployed but it's better than being treated like shit all of the time, I guess! I'd just love to know what it is that makes customers think that it's okay for them to treat people who work in retail like they're nothing. I'd never, in my wildest dreams, would even contemplate talking to anybody like that.


Still, people were nice enough today. I got a few handshakes from my colleagues and even my regular customers. One of my regulars had learned I was moving to Savers and said "If I ever have anything, I'll be sure to come to you!". She's a lovely woman, one of the nicer customers!


I've been helping my assistant manager get another job because they're bullying him and making him go to another store and honestly, the store he's being transferred to is vile, the staff aren't very nice, the place is hot and stuffy and it's way out of his way. Head Office basically said they can do what they want because it says they can tell him to move wherever and if he doesn't agree to go, they'll "manage him out". He's been trying for anything and everything.


I know that he used to be a cleaner and my mate, who's a manager of the cleaning team in the shopping centre, was looking for someone. I told my assistant manager and he asked me to speak to him and put his name forward. I spoke to my mate and he said he'll accept his CV but needs to talk to him. I went back to my assistant manager, told him to give him a CV and speak to him. I just got a text and found out that he's recruiting in a few weeks' time and he'll give him a talk. If that wasn't enough, one of the other staff is leaving, haha. Everybody's going!

  Animal said:
I'm actually terrified!


However, I'm just scared I'll be shit at this job and I'll be sacked and left unemployed! :(. I know I'm being stupid but I can't help but worry.


I'm scared of failing and becoming unemployed





I can understand why you may feel a little apprehensive about starting a new role. I have recently started a new job and felt the same too but it's so far working out great. I'm sure yours will do too! Just have a bit of faith in yourself.


Everything works out ok in the end, always does!

  Blade said:


I can understand why you may feel a little apprehensive about starting a new role. I have recently started a new job and felt the same too but it's so far working out great. I'm sure yours will do too! Just have a bit of faith in yourself.


Everything works out ok in the end, always does!


I think it was literally because when I signed everything, it made it official and real. Ever since then, I've been fearing, haha.

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