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I think this highlights a misunderstanding of the current situation - 'every game doesn't need voice chat' is pretty much irrelevant to the modern gamer. As everyone who broadens their horizons beyond Nintendo knows, voice chat is incorporated at the OS level on other consoles; it's not something developers have to deliberate on whether to include.


Because really, your only 3 options are OS level chat, game level chat, or no game chat - the latter just means people have to use separate platforms to chat. It's purely a convenience debate. People can voice chat anyway, Nintendo are just making it awkward to do so.


Bringing in deaf gamers though, that is some weird as shit point you're making. You could argue that the 99.999999% of games that have graphics as opposed to sound only are excluding blind people.


That'd make sense, if supposing there were already blind gamers, who were now being left out.

In any case, I was more referring to the people who're saying how voice chat gives you an advantage; but I realise now it was a bit of a silly point to make, in that you can't please everyone.


OS level voice chat, is a good point though. It would be nice if it was included, and hopefully it will be maybe on the next console.

Perhaps also, it'd be better to create a topic themed around this issue, so everyone who likes to moan that some game doesn't have voice chat, can get off on each others whinging - and leave a large portion of whining out of the individual game topics.

I mean, I don't particularly care about voice chat, but some people do.

To be honest, I think this game looks shit fucking awful. In this day and age, with the technology we have, no game should be without badgers. I mean FFS! How much work would it require to just add a fucking badger?

I just can't enjoy games without badgers, and I don't believe I should have games forced on me without badgers being included.


I know it not Splatoon related and off topic, but @obscure Nice avatar!

Why, thank you!

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To be honest, I think this game looks shit fucking awful. In this day and age, with the technology we have, no game should be without badgers. I mean FFS! How much work would it require to just add a fucking badger?

I just can't enjoy games without badgers, and I don't believe I should have games forced on me without badgers being included.


Oi! I'll have you know that I was set upon by a gang of badgers! They trapped me in a corner and tried to get me to take up cigarettes!


Stop thinking only of yourself and think of the poor victims of Badger Cigarette Badgering!

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The only problem there is that badgers aren't as yet somewhat of an industry standard, whereas voice chat is. Not to mention the whole 'hopefully it will be maybe on next console' expresses little enough doubt as a phrase, but tbh it was what we were saying a few years ago - where the WiiU was 'the next console'. How long are we going to spend saying 'maybe next time' for Nintendo?

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OS level voice chat, is a good point though. It would be nice if it was included, and hopefully it will be maybe on the next console.


To be honest, I think this game looks shit fucking awful. In this day and age, with the technology we have, no game should be without badgers. I mean FFS! How much work would it require to just add a fucking badger?

I just can't enjoy games without badgers, and I don't believe I should have games forced on me without badgers being included.


We don't need to wait for the next console for OS level voice chat. It could be patched in if Nintendo wanted to.


Have you played Gravity Badgers on Wii U? I hear it's $h1t.



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Perhaps also, it'd be better to create a topic themed around this issue, so everyone who likes to moan that some game doesn't have voice chat, can get off on each others whinging - and leave a large portion of whining out of the individual game topics.


Or perhaps people can stop telling others where to go?


It's valid discussion, on topic every time it appears. Ironically, what makes it a much bigger deal is people playing it down by arguing that it isn't necessary or important, creating a much bigger chain of posts!

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Perhaps also, it'd be better to create a topic themed around this issue, so everyone who likes to moan that some game doesn't have voice chat, can get off on each others whinging - and leave a large portion of whining out of the individual game topics.


That'd be great

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"you guys are fucking pathetic" and "I fucking hate this company" is the same as calling Reggie a "lying cunt". Time to grow up or at least gain a shred of maturity.


Wait, Reggie is a lying cunt? What did he lie about? I'm extremely confused here, where did this come from and how are they even remotely similar?


Sounds to me mate like you need to stop getting upset that other people's expectations aren't being met. If you're happy with the lack of it, cool, whatever, but all of us here are here for a reason and that's because of a passion for Nintendo. How can I not hate them at times for being so behind the curve? And how are you not pathetic for getting so riled up that voice chat is a hot topic when, you know, you could just ignore it and talk about a different point? This is the immature element buddy.


Or perhaps people can stop telling others where to go?


It's valid discussion, on topic every time it appears. Ironically, what makes it a much bigger deal is people playing it down by arguing that it isn't necessary or important, creating a much bigger chain of posts!


Fucking THIS. The talk about these issues is completely justified and on topic. The threads themselves are completely open to discuss over aspects simultaneously, it's like people want a zone that is a complete circle jerk.

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Wait, Reggie is a lying cunt? What did he lie about? I'm extremely confused here, where did this come from and how are they even remotely similar?


Sounds to me mate like you need to stop getting upset that other people's expectations aren't being met. If you're happy with the lack of it, cool, whatever, but all of us here are here for a reason and that's because of a passion for Nintendo. How can I not hate them at times for being so behind the curve? And how are you not pathetic for getting so riled up that voice chat is a hot topic when, you know, you could just ignore it and talk about a different point? This is the immature element buddy.




Fucking THIS. The talk about these issues is completely justified and on topic. The threads themselves are completely open to discuss over aspects simultaneously, it's like people want a zone that is a complete circle jerk.



I just think its a bit silly to "hate" a video game company or its President. That's all.


It's hard to ignore when it polutes every second post on this thread. I've tried moving the subject on to, you know, the game itself but no one wants to talk about that it seems.


The voice chat discussion would be fine if anything of value was being said. As it is it's just the same moaning, repeated over and over, going round in circles. It adds nothing and is just another example of how negative this place gets every week.

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The reason it keeps being brought up @Ronnie is because people are wanting to know about voice-chat, to some whether they buy the game or not hinges on it, so we're looking for any info on it at all.

If there's full voice-chat in the game it'll be one of my most anticipated games, if not then I'll not be picking it up. It's THAT important to me, you have to accept this.


When we get first translations that suggest there's no communication at all in the game (supposedly it's now just no communication with randoms) then of course I can post my opinion on the matter, this is a forum after all.

If you didn't want this to carry on then just ignore my post and talk about the game, but because you start going on how "the game doesn't need voice-chat" etc it then turns into a discussion that lasts pages because for some it does need it.


If you just leave it at our initial post, and accept for some the game needs voice-chat, then there'd be no issue. This is a forum and so both positive and negative comments are ok to post.

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When we get first translations that suggest there's no communication at all in the game (supposedly it's now just no communication with randoms) then of course I can post my opinion on the matter, this is a forum after all.

If you didn't want this to carry on then just ignore my post and talk about the game, but because you start going on how "the game doesn't need voice-chat" etc it then turns into a discussion that lasts pages because for some it does need it.


To be fair, the first translation said no communication with those you're matched with...that's synonymous with "randoms"

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If people want a seperate thread discussing voice chat generally I'm all for it, though within game threads there's context for the discussion in the form of the game. General level voice-chat and OS-level stuff has appeared in Wii U General discussion, but I wholeheartedly support any creation of new threads for good discussion! I think it will be a bit naive to not expect certain topics to be discussed within game threads though, as they're valid aspects no? Voice chat, online, graphics, art style, controls, gamepad usage - any topic could be a subtopic of a game, as well as an overarching topic of the console, no?

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Or perhaps people can stop telling others where to go?


It's valid discussion, on topic every time it appears. Ironically, what makes it a much bigger deal is people playing it down by arguing that it isn't necessary or important, creating a much bigger chain of posts!


If it's a valid discussion, then it's fine to hold a different point of view. It's just that it seems to pop up so often; it's like a constant stream of, so game X doesn't or maybe won't have voice chat *whine - well done to you sir, congratulations!

Before voice chat existed, all games were crap. If a game doesn't have an element I want or a lot of people seem to want, then it's also crap.

So what if the game doesn't have voice chat?

But yeah, some people do like voice chat so much, that their game purchases depend upon a game having it. That's perfectly fine, too.

In fact, I don't buy any games that don't contain badgers.

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If it's a valid discussion, then it's fine to hold a different point of view. It's just that it seems to pop up so often; it's like a constant stream of, so game X doesn't or maybe won't have voice chat *whine - well done to you sir, congratulations!


I'm willing to bet if comments like "this looks amazing" resurfaced from certain individuals every few weeks then nobody would have anything to say about that. No, I think the problem here is that the talk is negative, and certain people who are somewhat unhealthily attached to Nintendo are getting in a fluster over it. In my opinion, you and (more specifically) everyone else who has a problem with this are in fact the problem, continuously complaining about members on here as opposed to gaming features (this is a forum about gaming discussion).


As everyone has been saying, if you can't deal with the discussion that's going on then there's the ignore user feature. @Ronnie might want to use this, rather than complain about the same people over and over!

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To be fair, the first translation said no communication with those you're matched with...that's synonymous with "randoms"


I can be matched with friends too so it's not really as synonymous as that.


The point of the matter is, we're hoping for some news on it, when we post our displeasure at either there being no news or bad news, that's perfectly fine.

Just as is it to post if you like aspects about it.


If people don't want pages arguing about voice-chat then they shouldn't quote us and start an argument by saying "it doesn't need it" etc. because to some it does need it.

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I'm willing to bet if comments like "this looks amazing" resurfaced from certain individuals every few weeks then nobody would have anything to say about that. No, I think the problem here is that the talk is negative, and certain people who are somewhat unhealthily attached to Nintendo are getting in a fluster over it. In my opinion, you and (more specifically) everyone else who has a problem with this are in fact the problem, continuously complaining about members on here as opposed to gaming features (this is a forum about gaming discussion).


As everyone has been saying, if you can't deal with the discussion that's going on then there's the ignore user feature. @Ronnie might want to use this, rather than complain about the same people over and over!


I suppose, to me, it just comes across in a manner similar to complaining that an F1 game doesn't feature motorcycles.

The game has been built to have or to not have voice chat, and that is how I'll judge the game.

If I really desired for the game to have voice chat, then sure, I might ask if there's any new info pertaining to such; but I guess I don't see the point in moaning, if it turns out not to have it.

I don't think it's as simple as the positive and negative example you give though. It'd be more true, if it was someone mentioning an element of the game - such as "awesome! it's got voice chat!!1" - over and over again, with a group of people bouncing off of that.

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I suppose, to me, it just comes across in a manner similar to complaining that an F1 game doesn't feature motorcycles.

The game has been built to have or to not have voice chat, and that is how I'll judge the game.

If I really desired for the game to have voice chat, then sure, I might ask if there's any new info pertaining to such; but I guess I don't see the point in moaning, if it turns out not to have it.

I don't think it's as simple as the positive and negative example you give though. It'd be more true, if it was someone mentioning an element of the game - such as "awesome! it's got voice chat!!1" - over and over again, with a group of people bouncing off of that.


Take it from me, you're wasting your time. People will complain about this just like people complain about the weather.

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In an effort to move this along back to gameplay discussion, I'll repost this vid from Gamexplain. Any of you who haven't seen it should watch, the amount of detail in the game looks great...



Everything in this video goes to show that there will be plenty of strategy to this game. With how clothing effects your movement/defence/strength etc as well as the different types of weapons, secondaries and specials.

Those that said it'll not be strategic are so wrong.


It looks like it could be fantastic, I only hope I'll be buying it.

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So is there any new news on splatoon, or has this become the new Wii U general discussion thread?


Is there any new news on the PS4 or the XBone either though Pestneb eh? EH? IS THERE ANY NEWS ON THEM?!


(*No. Little more news. Sorry.)

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