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You're not grasping it, evidently.


I don't choose to play those multiplayer games without voice chat, because they have voice chat and so I use it. I use it with randoms sometimes too. Just because I'm not gaming with anyone on my friends list it doesn't mean I'm always silent.

The big thing is voice chat IS in those games.


Really Blade, so that you grasp it, I'll not chat when we play. I actually think it's the only way you'll get it.



I love the way you deal with me when I disagree with what you say or challenge you. So condescending, it's actually borderline not being very nice at all.


FYI, I can't be arsed gaming if you are out to be a dick to be honest. I do get it. Its rubbish playing multi player games online without voice chat. That's why it is unlikely for instance you will find me playing BF4 on my own. It's boring.

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Just as likely as not, considering how Nintendo is embracing online of late, and knowing this is a team based game unlike Smash and Mario Kart.


Where's your evidence to suggest that it will have in game voice chat? It'll be a first from Nintendo for Wii U if there is. It may have a small chance because it's developed by Nintendo's young developers and not the old fogies though they'll ultimately have the final say. That and it's a chance to try and establish a new franchise properly whereas if voice chat in more mainstream franchises received bad press it could have been damaging. Well I think that's how they'll look at it.

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I love the way you deal with me when I disagree with what you say or challenge you. So condescending, it's actually borderline not being very nice at all.


FYI, I can't be arsed gaming if you are out to be a dick to be honest. I do get it. Its rubbish playing multi player games online without voice chat. That's why it is unlikely for instance you will find me playing BF4 on my own. It's boring.


Mate, try thinking what it's like when you keep saying it's ironic and hypocritical of me saying voice chat is important, when it's not ironic or hypocritical of me at all. The only reason it sounds condescending is because you're taking it to be that way, the fact is, you are not actually grasping it.


Voice chat is important because when I game with my friends I want to be able to chat with them. It's nice to chat to others that aren't my friends sometimes too so it's a bonus when you can (we made some good mates on CoD on the Wii who were randoms, @Zechs Merquise and @lostmario can attest to this) but mainly I'm talking about chatting with my friends and so it's not ironic or hypocritical at all yet you keep going on how it is (off the forum too)... so it's only evident that you're not grasping it.


I figured the only way you'd get what I'm saying and actually see how it's not ironic is if I don't use voice chat when we game... and then there'd be the actual irony, that you'd the understand why I'm saying voice chat is make or break and that there's nothing ironic in what I've been saying.


I've tried talking to you about it before and gave you the best way of saying it; if it wasn't for voice chat, we'd never have met up or became mates. That goes to show how make or break it is, yet you keep saying how I'm being hypocritical, sorry if you feel in being condescending but when you keep going on and not really listening or taking in what I'm saying it's the only way I can put my point across.

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But this is HARMONY-Europe :p




Ninty have the solution to voice chat. They'll use the camera on the gamepad and during the game they'll have a small screen in the corner that we can use for sign language. They'll release Wii Sign Language U on the eShop prior to Splatoon's release which they'll support with Crazy Hand and Master Hand amiibo. Here's the first screenshot to get us started learning.




But weeks later Nintendo will be in the news for all the wrong reasons when people actually use it for this:




and much worse, if you thought people drawing penises on Miiverse was bad, well you get the picture.

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Just as likely as not, considering how Nintendo is embracing online of late, and knowing this is a team based game unlike Smash and Mario Kart.


£10 evens that it doesn't have it? :p


I said that exact same thing to Ine earlier when watching the direct. I don't know what it is exactly, but it looks quite "off". Don't know whether it's the models or the colours, but just something about it seems cheap. I'm half tempted to blame the video and maybe it'll look better when it's actually there in front of you.


I watched the direct yesterday and strangely I had some sort of niggle at me whilst I was watching the Splatoon footage too. All in all I thought the game looked interested/exciting in terms of what it was offering(albeit, yes, voice chat is a big hinge for me) but at the same time something I couldn't place sort of made me 'hmm' a little. In my mind it feels maybe that, without the ink/colour, the world is almost too...unremarkable, and the contrast just feels weird, I think.

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Could Splatoon Have a 2D Mini Game That You Can Play On An Arcade Cabinet?




The developers from Nintendo have been teasing fans with plenty of entertaining images from the long-awaited shooter, Splatoon. One of the images that appeared from a trailer a while back shows a image of a basic 2D arcade style game featuring the Splatoon mascots. Now a more recent image has appeared which shows an arcade machine in the background. Does this mean that you’ll be able to play the 2D mini game on the arcade machine. That would be awesome.





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A couple of photos from the Japanese Splatoon Twitter account.





This is 'Camboulit Arms' which deal in weapons you can use in battle. Although known for being polite to the point of being long-winded, it seems they don't sell weapons to players that would put them out of balance. You'll need to fight lots of battles to get experience in order to gain favour with the shopkeeper so he will sell more weapons to you.






This is "Bukichi", the Horseshoe crab who runs the weapon shop 'Camboulit Arms'. He passionately loves his weapons; a genuine military fanatic. As a result of staying up late every night messing around with the small parts, he has developed extreme short-sightedness. That's why you should do things in moderation.


Remind you of anyone in particular?


Edit: Added translation to the Twitter photos.

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A couple of photos from the Japanese Splatoon Twitter account.






Remind you of anyone in particular?


Not really... unless he's saying he has none of the items in stock as it's taking longer than expected to manufacture them, hence the drought, and so he's asking us to "please understand".

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I was thinking about this game last night and with it landing in May AND the Mario Kart DLC landing in May, do you think there's a possibility of having a Splatoon character and track in Mario Kart?


If the DLC launches before the game it would be a good promotion for the game and get people excited about the new IP. Just makes sense to me. ::shrug:

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I was thinking about this game last night and with it landing in May AND the Mario Kart DLC landing in May, do you think there's a possibility of having a Splatoon character and track in Mario Kart?


If the DLC launches before the game it would be a good promotion for the game and get people excited about the new IP. Just makes sense to me. ::shrug:

Track? Possible. Character? Nope. We know all three of them.


Now, Smash Bros. on the other hand...

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I agree re: smash and characters. For DLC I just want new levels, that's what's great about that game I feel.


Splatoon in Mario Kart would be great, I'm loving everything I see about Splatoon. Not to bring up the elephant, but with voice chat then i think this game could be one of the games of the year for me. A genre I can absolutely love but feel little bored by, with nintendo magic and design? Er, yes please!!!

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