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Captain Toad: Treasure Trackers


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It's an internally developed Nintendo game, do we really need a review to know it's amazing? :D


I wouldn't say it's amazing and I won't be touching it with a 10 foot barge pole. Too me it's another lazy effort, I didn't ask for it and I'd take a million and one games before it like I don't know, say maybe F-Zero or Metroid. Something of interest. I expect it to bomb just like it did in Japan. Nintendo need to cop on.

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I wouldn't say it's amazing and I won't be touching it with a 10 foot barge pole. Too me it's another lazy effort, I didn't ask for it and I'd take a million and one games before it like I don't know, say maybe F-Zero or Metroid. Something of interest. I expect it to bomb just like it did in Japan. Nintendo need to cop on.

Because Metroid and F-Zero are multi million sellers? :p


Captain Toad does not seem like a lazy effort. It has such polish.

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Because Metroid and F-Zero are multi million sellers? :p


Captain Toad does not seem like a lazy effort. It has such polish.


I didn't say they were but Nintendo are brutal at advertising. Metroid and F-Zero have never had the same marketing campaigns as something like Mario. F-Zero GX had no advertising at all and it fails commercially, gee, what a surprise. These are the games people want, I don't remember hearing people ask for Captain Turd. But Nintendo have the assets sitting over from 3D World so they say to themselves, "where's that cookie-cutter"? And where did 3D World before it spring from? cook...ie...cut...ter.


Captain Turd is a turd. Yes it is lazy and no you can't polish a turd.

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I didn't say they were but Nintendo are brutal at advertising. Metroid and F-Zero have never had the same marketing campaigns as something like Mario. F-Zero GX had no advertising at all and it fails commercially, gee, what a surprise. These are the games people want, I don't remember hearing people ask for Captain Turd. But Nintendo have the assets sitting over from 3D World so they say to themselves, "where's that cookie-cutter"? And where did 3D World before it spring from? cook...ie...cut...ter.


Captain Turd is a turd. Yes it is lazy and no you can't polish a turd.

Really? Because I'm pretty sure that many people here, myself included, went into E3 hoping for an "Adventures of Captain Toad" spin-off

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Really? Because I'm pretty sure that many people here, myself included, went into E3 hoping for an "Adventures of Captain Toad" spin-off




*raises hand*


It was a great concept in SM3DW and it would have been criminal not to have had it expanded upon.


Whether you care for the idea or not, there is no denying the amount of character, charm and polish that the game brings to the table.

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I seem to be one of the few people who didnt fall madly in love with the Toad sections in 3D World. I didnt hate them but once I was done I had no interest in playing anymore of them.

They didn't make me feel "this is amazing", but made me feel "this would make an ace game on its own if fleshed out", and low and behold.

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I actually wasn't all that fond of the Captain Toad sections of Super Mario 3D World, but part of that was probably down to having to get up off the sofa to go get the Wii U Gamepad to play them when I was going through most of the game with the Pro Controller :heh:


Despite not being a huge fan at the time, I think Treasure Trackers looks a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to adding it to my Wii U collection in future : peace:

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I wouldn't say it's amazing and I won't be touching it with a 10 foot barge pole. Too me it's another lazy effort, I didn't ask for it and I'd take a million and one games before it like I don't know, say maybe F-Zero or Metroid. Something of interest. I expect it to bomb just like it did in Japan. Nintendo need to cop on.


Do you always have to be so insular? Newsflash, Nintendo's business strategy shouldn't be catered to your exact wants and demands. Every post it's always "I don't care about it, why are they making it??"


It's reviewing very well, people can't speak highly enough of it, that must hurt.


"Too me it's another lazy effort, I didn't ask for it"


You continue topping your cringiest lines ever, this is a new low.

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Add me to the can't wait to play it list. P,sued the 3 level demo at hyper Japan, loved it. Can't wait. The game at the chewp price in the calmer new year months. Perfect. Now if only we were getting kirby in the first quarter like everyone else :(


Jan - toad

March - kirby

April - splatoon

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P,sued the 3 level demo at hyper Japan, loved it. Can't wait. The game at the chewp price


Grabs dictionary...


Still unsure... :blank:




In all seriousness, this game looks great.

I think if you class yourself as a Nintendo fan and then turn round and say that this looks garbage and you'd rather have something else, then you need to re-evaluate your opinion on the company.


The Toad sections were some of my favourite sections from 3D World. Even if just to hear that tooting whistle before the level began. :D

I hope there's more o'dem kind of sounidings!


Roll on Jan. This is a must have for me, and in all honesty - excites me much more than what we've had the last few months in Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors and such.


: peace:

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Grabs dictionary...


Still unsure... :blank:




In all seriousness, this game looks great.

I think if you class yourself as a Nintendo fan and then turn round and say that this looks garbage and you'd rather have something else, then you need to re-evaluate your opinion on the company.


The Toad sections were some of my favourite sections from 3D World. Even if just to hear that tooting whistle before the level began. :D

I hope there's more o'dem kind of sounidings!


Roll on Jan. This is a must have for me, and in all honesty - excites me much more than what we've had the last few months in Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors and such.


: peace:

The joy on my face when, in the Digital Event, a clip started with that whistling. I felt like a kid at christmas.


I just hope ShopTo work around New Years and thus we get it New Years Eve :p

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I wouldn't say it's amazing and I won't be touching it with a 10 foot barge pole. Too me it's another lazy effort, I didn't ask for it and I'd take a million and one games before it like I don't know, say maybe F-Zero or Metroid. Something of interest. I expect it to bomb just like it did in Japan. Nintendo need to cop on.


There is nothing lazy about the game, sir, it's an absolute treat to behold and yet another diverse game in the Wii U library worth your time! :)


With another month until release, if anyone has any questions about the game they'd like to ask please feel free, just @ me and I'll respond when online :)


(Incase you don't know my real name, I reviewed it for N-Europe! :) )

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There is nothing lazy about the game, sir, it's an absolute treat to behold and yet another diverse game in the Wii U library worth your time! :)


With another month until release, if anyone has any questions about the game they'd like to ask please feel free, just @ me and I'll respond when online :)


(Incase you don't know my real name, I reviewed it for N-Europe! :) )


@Wii didn't ask for this game, therefore it should never have been made.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I wouldn't say it's amazing and I won't be touching it with a 10 foot barge pole. Too me it's another lazy effort, I didn't ask for it and I'd take a million and one games before it like I don't know, say maybe F-Zero or Metroid. Something of interest. I expect it to bomb just like it did in Japan. Nintendo need to cop on.


I didn't say they were but Nintendo are brutal at advertising. Metroid and F-Zero have never had the same marketing campaigns as something like Mario. F-Zero GX had no advertising at all and it fails commercially, gee, what a surprise. These are the games people want, I don't remember hearing people ask for Captain Turd. But Nintendo have the assets sitting over from 3D World so they say to themselves, "where's that cookie-cutter"? And where did 3D World before it spring from? cook...ie...cut...ter.


Captain Turd is a turd. Yes it is lazy and no you can't polish a turd.


How did I miss this comedy gold!


You claim to be in your 30s, yet you write like a screaming 12-year-old who is having some shit-fit because their mum refused to buy them another pack of Pokémon cards in Toys R Us.


Captain Turd, do you actually think that is funny?


What is hilarious, is Nintendo don't build their business model around pleasing you. Captain Toad looks great. Just because you don't want it, doesn't mean it is either lazy or poor. Nothing suggests this game is lazy or poor. In fact it's critical average sits at just over 80%, suggesting it is better than Watchdogs, Destiny or Assassin's Creed Unity.


Hardly a lazy effort considering it's reception is better than games that had much larger teams work on them and had the kinds of budgets that would make Hollywood producers wince!

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How did I miss this comedy gold!


You claim to be in your 30s, yet you write like a screaming 12-year-old who is having some shit-fit because their mum refused to buy them another pack of Pokémon cards in Toys R Us.


Captain Turd, do you actually think that is funny?


What is hilarious, is Nintendo don't build their business model around pleasing you. Captain Toad looks great. Just because you don't want it, doesn't mean it is either lazy or poor. Nothing suggests this game is lazy or poor. In fact it's critical average sits at just over 80%, suggesting it is better than Watchdogs, Destiny or Assassin's Creed Unity.


Hardly a lazy effort considering it's reception is better than games that had much larger teams work on them and had the kinds of budgets that would make Hollywood producers wince!


Yes I do think it's funny. I also think it's funny that Captain Turd is wearing a nappy. Funny too that it took you nearly 2 weeks to respond to my opinion. That's all it is, my opinion. I don't like it. Big whoop, get over it. You're like a broken record.


Skyward Sword had a three year development cycle. Possibly the longest in the history of the franchise. They even did a complete overhaul of the visuals to create a unique look later in the development cycle.


The game wasn't small by any means and the dungeons were plentiful, Skyloft was large and hid plenty of secrets and although it wasn't a free flowing overworld, the different areas had plenty to do in them.


Calling it 'so bad' is laughable. You are (unintentionally) hilarious. I also like the way you manage to write every post like a screaming 12 year old!


Sound familiar? You're the only 12 year old I see screaming. I told you before, go bother someone else because I just don't care.



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Hmm which review to listen to...


Ultimately Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker is another must-have title in Nintendo's expanding lineup of Wii U software - a game that is perfectly realised within the constraints of the system, achieving everything it sets out to accomplish. It's an approach we'd like to see more developers take - to find beauty in restraint. This is the type of game that will remain fun to play years down the line, well after the Wii U is off the market, and the product you get on the disc is all you'll need. In that sense Nintendo is still delivering products today just as they have for decades - an almost flawless consistency that's a rare and precious thing.




Captain Turd is a turd. Yes it is lazy and no you can't polish a turd.
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I expected to see the Union of the Trinity following Zechs post and without fail they've obliged.




It's as predictable as night following day.


Captain Toad's charm is undeniable, but it's only ever surface detail - exactly the kind of character-led design Nintendo spurned in the past. That the game itself is a confused offering is perhaps explained by it being an expanded take on a mini-game that appeared in last year's Super Mario 3D World. There, amongst a hundred levels of high-stakes platforming, the ever-grounded Captain Toad was a kooky palette cleanser. But Treasure Tracker is a game in desperate need of palette filler. Too beautifully crafted to dislike, but too insubstantial to love, Captain Toad feels like Nintendo hitting a rare design dead end. Sadly, no amount of camera twisting will fix that.


While it's good to see Nintendo stepping out of its Mario comfort zone, Captain Toad just isn't versatile enough to compete in the big leagues. What would be a budget eShop no-brainer is a little too slight at a higher price.





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