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Star Fox Zero


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Here are my final scores:




Let's get some final completion screens up from everyone who ended up loving the game and then took on the challenge to get all 70 medals!


There's a lot more to this game than many reviewers gave it credit for, I found the challenge to be spot on and difficult in places and there was plenty of content - certainly more than Lylat Wars. It is a game that rewards multiple plays and a game where beating the final boss isn't really the end.

Edited by Zechs Merquise
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I haven't gotten all 70 medals yet (not had time), but I really want to get some Arcade Mode competition going! (the third path from the top seems to be the highest scoring one...)


You're on! I'll have a crack at this over the weekend. Ground rules - can we use the black arwing?

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So I picked this up today and I'm only about an hour in. My only comment thus far is that I just do not get the hate for the controls, at all. I think they are very intuitive. Sure, at first it's a lot to take in and my brain felt a bit mashed a couple of times, but there's so much more to see, do and target than when just using the analogue stick and buttons. Really impressed so far and I think they really add to the experience. Can see myself sinking the time in to get all the medals and go for really high scores.

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So Dcubed you cannot use the black arwing on arcade mode so I gave it a spin in my normal ship.


I took the third route from the top as I thought that would give me the most hits. Not 100% sure if it's the best way but here are my scores ::shrug:



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Started playing this and I really don't know what to make of it. The controls are a MESS. Sure once I learn how to control the ship and aim separately it'll probably be ok but at the moment the game just seems all over the place.


And Starfox Assault had 10x the personality in it's first level than this has in its first two. Very disappointing :(

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And Starfox Assault had 10x the personality in it's first level than this has in its first two. Very disappointing :(


I was thinking this too when I first got SFZ and went and found a playthrough of the first stage of assault just to check if it was nostalgia clouding my memory, but it totally was better. I also think aswsault has a much better soundtrack.


I've enjoyed this game but it took me far too long to get used to the controls. By the time I did, most of the game was done.

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And Starfox Assault had 10x the personality in it's first level than this has in its first two. Very disappointing :(


Starfox Assault was the ultimate troll game. The first two levels were awesome, the giant space battle then the assault on the planet. After that I was literally so eager to play the rest of the game it was unreal, then it all went downhill so quickly. The next mission you were on foot and in the land master in a bland arena fighting insects, it didn't control well, it wasn't an interesting level and the whole game was a mix of the utterly bland and boring and then these incredible flying stages.

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Starfox Assault was the ultimate troll game. The first two levels were awesome, the giant space battle then the assault on the planet. After that I was literally so eager to play the rest of the game it was unreal, then it all went downhill so quickly. The next mission you were on foot and in the land master in a bland arena fighting insects, it didn't control well, it wasn't an interesting level and the whole game was a mix of the utterly bland and boring and then these incredible flying stages.


Assault had it's own personality. Zero feels like I'm playing a remake, not a new game, it feels like a massive step backwards after Assault took the series forward, not just in terms of gameplay but storyline and world building as well.

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Assault had it's own personality. Zero feels like I'm playing a remake, not a new game, it feels like a massive step backwards after Assault took the series forward, not just in terms of gameplay but storyline and world building as well.


Assault didn't take the series forward at all. It was a missed opportunity. I replayed both Lylat Wars and Assault before I played Zero and Zero is far more fun and has far more replay value than Assault.


If you look back, Assault got an average review score of 70.56% compare that to Zero which has an average review score of 69.86% then you'll see that both were pretty much received in the same way by critics.


No one really regarded Assault as taking the series forward and most people complained about the on foot missions ruining the game.


The difference between Zero and Assault is that you can actually get used to the controls in Zero and then the game becomes much better (as I found out). Yet in Assault, it doesn't matter how many times you play the on foot sections, they're always rather dull and uninspired arenas filled with forgettable enemies and made worse by cumbersome controls.


It's easy to look back on things with rose tinted glasses, but in reality, Assault recieved just as much criticism as Zero.

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I'm not suggesting Assault didn't receive criticism, I'm saying in my opinion it had it's own flavour. Zero feels soul-less and utterly uninspired by comparison. Though again, I'll admit I've only played through four stages so far.

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The level with the missiles is pretty fun tbf. The part where it goes all cinematic and you have to fly away from the exploding missiles is EPIC.


I'm really pleased you are starting to enjoy it. There's been a couple of games on the Wii U that I hated at first due to controls - this and Kirby. But then I grew to love both games as I learned the controls and got to grips with the games.


I think several of the SFZ levels are amazing.


I also really like the fact that on the surface it may seem short, but there's so much value in replaying this, finding the medals.


I really like the fact that in the level you are talking about it isn't just a manic scrabble to take down the missiles, but you also get three sets of drones attack the great fox making you split your priorities!


Other levels I really enjoyed were Titania, Sector A, Sector B, Zoness and the Salvadora.

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I absolutely love Starfox Zero :love: It's another one of those Nintendo games that's good to play through from start to finish but becomes great when hunting down all the collectables and unlocking extra content :hehe:


I understand and respect the opinions of those who have numerous complaints or simply don't like the game or the controls. Thankfully, I don't really have a problem with any of it and my only real issue is how obscure and illogical obtaining some of the medals can be. I've reached 60 medals so far but have had to check out a guide to find some of them as some of them don't really make sense :red: Turning off a search light in Zoness only to turn it back on again to reveal a coin seems ridiculous as does having to fly over a particular area to reveal a medal but these are minor complaints amongst an otherwise excellent game :yay:


I also love the fact that once I obtain and unlock everything, I still have the arcade mode to blast through in the future whenever I feel like it :grin:

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Did the ending cutscenes really have to follow Lylat Wars frame for frame?? That's my problem with this game, there's so little actual creativity with it because it borrows so heavily from the N64 game. It's the same issue I had with A Link Between Worlds and the overworld we'd explored a million times before. I still maintain Assault is a far more interesting and IMO better game. Having said that the final Andross fight was quite cool.

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Enjoying this game a lot more now that I've basically given up with motion controls and looking at the gamepad 95% of the time. The hidden levels and secrets paths are great fun, especially Peppy's mission. Some of the cinematic camera angles they use in this game are beautiful, which I never thought I'd say given the dated visuals. The bit where you have to direct a hidden boss into the Great Fox's flight path, using Z targetting? STUNNING.


Overall a fun package but still could have been so much more.

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@Zechs Merquise you may want to take a look at this.




You've already hit the required score for the certificate, so it may be worth entering anyway.


Thanks for the heads up on this!


I've watched some of the high scores on Youtube, these players bounce the shots off the landscape in order to gain more hits, I had a go and I'm baffled, I just can't seem to do it!


I think I'll bow out with my certificate.

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I picked up the final medals this morning :yay:


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I'm still quite a way short of the 3000 HITS target but it'll be worth going through most of the levels again to see where I can improve some scores :hehe:


Superb game : peace:

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I didn't realise how accustomed I had become to the motion controls in this game until finishing Beyond Good & Evil on Gamecube during the week. There's a section towards the end where you take to the sky and shoot down enemies before progressing towards the final boss.


There was no difficulty to the task but as I piloted Jade and her comrades through the air, I was constantly moving the controller around in an attempt to adjust the position of the cursor on screen and I absolutely missed this ability when it wasn't there :eek:


I almost fear going back to Lylat Wars in case I now struggle with the controls :heh:

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I didn't realise how accustomed I had become to the motion controls in this game until finishing Beyond Good & Evil on Gamecube during the week. There's a section towards the end where you take to the sky and shoot down enemies before progressing towards the final boss.


There was no difficulty to the task but as I piloted Jade and her comrades through the air, I was constantly moving the controller around in an attempt to adjust the position of the cursor on screen and I absolutely missed this ability when it wasn't there :eek:


I almost fear going back to Lylat Wars in case I now struggle with the controls :heh:


I had a very similar experience recently playing the space sections in disney infinity. Flying the millennium falcon with no motion controls was a nightmare, you effectively have to move the ship infront of the other ships or obstacles which I found drastically hampers your view, and can often lead to the obstacles smashing into you.


I suppose that dual analogue controls would work too but they're too slow usually for on-rails shooters

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Finally watched this and had assumed someone would have posted it by now. An interesting look at the controls within the game and what does and doesn't work.


He had some points until he called the GamePad a "Fisher Price iPad" and "low res". Dear lord.


Also complained about dying too much. I didn't die until Venom's final boss. He just needs skills. For example, I never once set off a bomb when I didn't want to, or did a somersault when I didn't want to (except in the first five minutes of the game when my mind was in Star Fox 64 control mode)


He also says that pro players are "still struggling" when using tweets made by such pro players from 2 days after launch. That's a bit disingenuous

Edited by Serebii
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