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Trailer out of E3 and a release date: August 2nd. That's the US date I imagine but as a digital title, I suspect it'll release more or less the same day in Europe (or the day after as seems to be the case with Sony Europe). Lot sooner than I thought but then again, it has been in development for awhile so a nice surprise to have it coming out soon. Continues to look great so definitely one that I'll be picking up on launch day.


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Had the game pre-loaded and woke up early so dipped my toes in for about 30-40 minutes to see how it was. And I love it. It controls beautifully, although I did need to change the camera controls from the default Inverted setting to normal. Very simple set up of one button to dive/swim and the left stick to move, with the occasional press of the square button to interact or the left trigger to grab hold of animals to swim with them.


It looks gorgeous and keeps a steady frame rate even when the number of fish on screen goes 100+. It really is a good looking game and the way things move with the currents or when you pass near them and how the fish swarm around you really nails the aesthetic. The soundtrack is similarly beautiful, really does help to lend that calming atmosphere for exploring the sea and finding secrets.


Gameplay wise, it's mostly been swimming so far with a few rides hitched from some animals. And to be honest, that's what I was hoping for in the game. I've seen some of the reviews and it's fine that there may be some light puzzles later but I think it's more an experience piece and for that, from what I've played so far, they've nailed it.


Really looking forward to delving into it more and just exploring and seeing what the ocean has to offer. Currently I'm really enjoying it though and while it's too early to say where it'll land once it's all finished, I'm enjoying the experience a bit more than I did at the start of Journey (as comparisons are going to be made, I thought I'd stick my initial impressions in there). It works as a nice alternative to my current playthrough of the first season of The Walking Dead.

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Played through this in a single session last night (took just under 2 hours to complete) it's very much Journey 2, but kind of lacks the impact/emotional aspects of that game.


Absolutely jaw-dropping presentation though, such a beautiful game and a lot of fun to play. icon14.gif The player movement is really smooth so swimming around feels great. Jumping out of the water and seeing loads of fish following your lead is an exhilarating experience! :love: The final moments are pretty spectacular too. ;)


I'm now craving a new Endless Ocean title. :hehe:

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This game really makes me think of Wind Waker for some reason. :D Forgot to mention it on my last post, but yeah, that game keeps popping into my head whenever I play this. Even the way the character glances to the side reminds me of how Toon Link would look around in that game.


Anyway, spent a couple more hours with this last night, searching for some of the collectables/trophies I'd missed on the first playthrough. The final chapter was even more enjoyable the 2nd time around, especially when I accidentally discovered that it was possible to...


...kick off the walls after jumping out of the water! :awesome:

Did it so much that I broke the game at one point. :heh: My character got stuck and there was nothing I could do to get free, had to restart the chapter in the end.


But yeah, that entire section of the last chapter, where you swim faster and can get more airtime is so much fun to play. :)

The chain of fish that follows you during that part gets insanely long (you are essentially controlling hundreds of them simultaneously!) it really is quite a sight to behold. :love:

Just a couple more trophies to get now, for finding all of the hidden pools and secret shells. The ones I'm missing must be very well hidden. :grin:


BTW, nice vid here from the dev:


Game looks even more gorgeous running at 60fps! :o Shame they couldn't hit that target on PS4, though completely understandable.

Edited by RedShell
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