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Good job MS. Good to see them concentrating on pleasing those that brought them to the party in the first place.


Spencer looks like he has the eye on the ball and is do what he can to turn things around.

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I thought this was a decent conference. The problem for me is that there wasn't really an awful lot to appeal to you if you already owned a PS4. Had I been Wii U only or only owned a last-gen system, I think I would have classed this as a good or great conference.


It was decent at best i thought. I knew it wasn't going to be huge like last years one. I mean, what are Lionhead thinking with Fable Legends. It looks turd, horrible and not appealing to me. And this is coming from a fan of the series. Call of Duty and Halo don't exactly interest me either, played Halo 4 thought it was decent compared to the original. Making a nice collection for release this holiday season however seems a good idea, especially for fans of Halo 2 multiplayer.


Oh well, bring on the next ones.


I never even had an Xbox but that Halo multiplayer demo did make me feel pretty nostalgic for multiplayer sessions with my friends when we were at college. Probably the best multiplayer gaming I've had on a console other than Nintendo's. I imagine that it will do very well for them this winter.


Other than that, the highlight was definitely Sunset Overdrive. Very well put together trailer, really like the style and the gameplay looks fun. Cartoony and gruesome.

I never even had an Xbox but that Halo multiplayer demo did make me feel pretty nostalgic for multiplayer sessions with my friends when we were at college. Probably the best multiplayer gaming I've had on a console other than Nintendo's. I imagine that it will do very well for them this winter.


Other than that, the highlight was definitely Sunset Overdrive. Very well put together trailer, really like the style and the gameplay looks fun. Cartoony and gruesome.


Yeah I think Sunset Overdrive looks incredible. For me if a great art style makes the graphical differences between Xbone and PS4 null and void I'm all for that! It looks nicer than Infamous for me.


I'm super looking forward to the Halo stuff having stopped with the series at 2.


Overall I have to say that I thought that MS had the better conference this year. Sony might have the better hardware, but MS have a better lineup of games and dropped bigger and more unexpected bombs than Sony did by far!


They also have a decent number of exclusives this year, while Sony has Driveclub, LBP3 and.... oh wait... :p

Overall I have to say that I thought that MS had the better conference this year. Sony might have the better hardware, but MS have a better lineup of games and dropped bigger and more unexpected bombs than Sony did by far!


Out of interest, which announcement was unexpected?

Out of interest, which announcement was unexpected?


Phantom Dust 2 was a big one (ok it was rumoured beforehand, but it wasn't actually leaked and was still very much a big deal!)


Likewise, same thing for Crackdown 3. Rumoured, but still very surprising that it is actually happening.


Inside was also an unexpected little bombshell, as was Ori and the Blind Forest.


And Scalebound was completely unlike what I expected the fabled "Project Nagano" Platinum exclusive to be like! Looks like quite a departure from Kamiya's previous projects, erring closer to the likes of Monster Hunter.


Overall, much more than what Sony showed - which (speaking purely about exclusives) wasn't really very surprising at all outside of LBP3's surprisingly swift release.


My biggest issue with the MS show was the insane amount of CGI trailers in the second half of the show so it was hard to get excited by any of the announcements like Crackdown 3 knowing its probably a 2016 title.


Sony took it for me even with the slow middle.


Ah, I actually forgot about some of them. I didn't find Crackdown surprising, though, even without hearing the rumours.

The problem for me is that there wasn't really an awful lot to appeal to you if you already owned a PS4.


Unless of course you're a big Halo fan... Halo 2 was huge amongst the community and the multiplayer was by far the best. When they turned off the servers on the original Xbox, players stayed online for about a month in order to keep it going. According to Bungie, there were 5.3 billion games of Halo 2 played in its lifetime.


They're bringing it back visually updated but otherwise wisely untouched.


It may not have been full of surprises, but if you were on the fence about the new consoles in general and a big Halo fan, there's definitely a reason to jump in now.


Note: this doesn't include me.


Similar to last year, its all about the 'games'.

Huh? Last year's big problem was that it was all about TV, Sports and Kinect.


Worst showing of E3. This was the only conference where I just skipped pieces left and right, wasn't too interesting to me at least...

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