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MGS V: Phantom Pain


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Story wise, wouldn't I be completely lost? Is it like the witcher? I never played any of them before, but I still loved it.


Yeah, you could be a little lost. Did you download Ground Zeroes when it was on PS+? That does a decent job of filling you in on the story so far and then the end of that leads into this game.


To be honest, I think it's worth playing just for the gameplay. It's absolutely amazing when Kojima and co. have pulled off with this game. There's so much to do and so many different ways to do it.


I woke up at 5am this morning and instead of just rolling over for another hour and a half I just slapped this on. I can't help myself.


I've got to the point now where i'm nicking anything that isn't tied down. People, animals, cars, trucks, tanks, containers, they all get a balloon tied to them and get sent to my base. :D


I think I have around 40 side missions done and up to mission 17 in the main ones. I also scraped enough materials together to upgrade my R&D to level 3 on Mother Base. Hopefully this will give me some more weapons and items to play with.

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Story wise, wouldn't I be completely lost? Is it like the witcher? I never played any of them before, but I still loved it.
To be honest, I think it's worth playing just for the gameplay.
Yeah, I agree. As someone that has no interest in the story whatsoever, I can confirm that the game is still incredibly entertaining. icon14.gif And this is also coming from someone who traditionally hates the stealth genre!


I'm 20+ hours into it now, and only at 13% completion. So yeah, the game is also bloody huge. :awesome:


I've got to the point now where i'm nicking anything that isn't tied down. People, animals, cars, trucks, tanks, containers, they all get a balloon tied to them and get sent to my base. :D
Hehehe. I think I'm a bit too picky when it comes to extracting soldiers since upgrading the binoculars. If they don't have good stats, they ain't coming back. :heh:

All animals are welcome though, gotta fill up my zoo! ;)

Speaking of which, look what I found the other day....

...a cassette tape inside a turd!:



Better still, it was just a recording of goat noises. :laughing:


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Haven't played for 36hours. :(

Currently sitting at university and waiting for the Polymerase chain reaction to finish...1 1/2 hours of sitting around doing nothing.


I want to play :D


Have to do some work at home later today -.- but I have a couple of days for that so I'll spread that out :D

Can't wait to get home and plaaayyy.

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I think I might just carry on playing in offline mode. My FOB just got attacked so I went back to defend, got knocked out of the session and then lost a load of men etc. Not exactly fair and if its made so that can happen I'd rather just not do it, at least not until I complete the story.


I think i'll be coming off the servers if this happens, doesn't sound remotely fair.

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is it just me or is the iDroid very slow to load up the motherbase section if you are online?

I spent hours last night completing GZ to an acceptable standard to upload, went onto Phantom Pain downloaded my GZ save, got jack shit other than the option to get the stealth suit/snake suit and when it finally logged into the servers the iDroid was painfully slow loading anything up


Online elements of this game seem utterly annoying until they've fixed these server issues

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is it just me or is the iDroid very slow to load up the motherbase section if you are online?

I spent hours last night completing GZ to an acceptable standard to upload, went onto Phantom Pain downloaded my GZ save, got jack shit other than the option to get the stealth suit/snake suit and when it finally logged into the servers the iDroid was painfully slow loading anything up


Online elements of this game seem utterly annoying until they've fixed these server issues


Yeah it is. I've been playing the game for a week now and the idroid was always really quick to load. Finally connected to the servers last night and it started taking ages.

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is it just me or is the iDroid very slow to load up the motherbase section if you are online?

I spent hours last night completing GZ to an acceptable standard to upload, went onto Phantom Pain downloaded my GZ save, got jack shit other than the option to get the stealth suit/snake suit and when it finally logged into the servers the iDroid was painfully slow loading anything up


Online elements of this game seem utterly annoying until they've fixed these server issues


Yup, mentioned it yesterday, as I had the same issues. I instantly disconnected from the servers and everything ran as it should.

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I've got MGS2, never finished, MGS3, never played, and MGS4, played 15 mins.


Should I try and plough through them all for the story's sake before getting this? Was thinking of a guide to make some progress on MGS2, since I found it a bit irritatingly clunky. I got to the point where you don't have a radar and the camera is zoomed right in, top down view, so you can't see enemies on the other side of the room even though you clearly would be able to see them >____>

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Most the time I thin the story is so fucking convoluted that that playing the other games doesn't matter. Thank god the other half is obsessed with MGS because I just sit there playing it going 'Who's that?', 'What are they talking about?', 'Why am I here?' It becomes mildly existential.


Basically, I think you might as well watch story recaps on YouTube. And play MGS3 because it a bloody brilliant game with one of – if not the best – video game endings ever.

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I've got MGS2, never finished, MGS3, never played, and MGS4, played 15 mins.


Should I try and plough through them all for the story's sake before getting this? Was thinking of a guide to make some progress on MGS2, since I found it a bit irritatingly clunky. I got to the point where you don't have a radar and the camera is zoomed right in, top down view, so you can't see enemies on the other side of the room even though you clearly would be able to see them >____>


I'd say it's worth playing the other games because it is quite a story focused series, and games like MGS3 are very much worth playing. It also gives you quite a bit of investment in the series, having followed the story and characters through.


Although the story is quite convoluted it is quite enjoyable to piece together throughout the games.

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I've got MGS2, never finished, MGS3, never played, and MGS4, played 15 mins.


Should I try and plough through them all for the story's sake before getting this? Was thinking of a guide to make some progress on MGS2, since I found it a bit irritatingly clunky. I got to the point where you don't have a radar and the camera is zoomed right in, top down view, so you can't see enemies on the other side of the room even though you clearly would be able to see them >____>


If you're just bothered about the story in MGSV then you can probably skip MGS2 and 4. MGS3, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes are the key ones for this game.


You could just watch catch up vids but I will echo what the others have said and recommend you at least play MGS3. Fantastic story and amazing ending. One of favourite games of all time.

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Story wise, wouldn't I be completely lost? Is it like the witcher? I never played any of them before, but I still loved it.


Yeah, you could be a little lost. Did you download Ground Zeroes when it was on PS+? That does a decent job of filling you in on the story so far and then the end of that leads into this game.


Yeah I've got Ground Zeroes on my PS account.


Is it like a prequel or something? Is the gameplay similar to Phantom Pain?

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If you're just bothered about the story in MGSV then you can probably skip MGS2 and 4. MGS3, Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes are the key ones for this game.


You could just watch catch up vids but I will echo what the others have said and recommend you at least play MGS3. Fantastic story and amazing ending. One of favourite games of all time.


Worth getting MGS3 for the 3DS then?

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Finally finished that Bee's mission, boy that was fun. And i captured myself a new companion quite soon afterwards. Comparing the stealth to other games in the series, this is a lot better by a long shot.


Worth getting MGS3 for the 3DS then?


Yes, 3 is a fantastic game. Until Phantom Pain came along, it was my favourite in the series.

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