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Congrats. :smile:

You planning to play the older souls games now, or jump straight to DSIII?


I have Demon Souls from PS+ and Dark Souls 2 (PS4) so it will be one of them that i'll start when I fancy playing another game like this.


I'm also certain that I didn't make proper use of a lot of the items in that game, as my inventory was jam packed with stuff that I didn't even know what the hell it was for.


Tell me about it. It wasn't until two days ago that I seen that I could equip 3 stones/runes to my weapon. I'd been playing the best part of the game with just one and it was a shoddy one at that due to me forgetting about switching them up. I equipped 3 +ATK ones and the damage I was doing went through the roof. :D

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I have Demon Souls from PS+ and Dark Souls 2 (PS4) so it will be one of them that i'll start when I fancy playing another game like this.


Would recommend Demon Souls as it's hard to go back in the series as the changes to the systems were for the better. That said, I really prefer Demon Souls to Dark Souls.


Tell me about it. It wasn't until two days ago that I seen that I could equip 3 stones/runes to my weapon. I'd been playing the best part of the game with just one and it was a shoddy one at that due to me forgetting about switching them up. I equipped 3 +ATK ones and the damage I was doing went through the roof. :D


Are you for real. Utter machine. Check out the new weapons in the DLC. One of them is a buzzsaw and is ridiculous amounts of fun to use and hits like a truck with a Strength build.

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I have Demon Souls from PS+ and Dark Souls 2 (PS4) so it will be one of them that i'll start when I fancy playing another game like this.
Hehe. Yeah, probably best to have a break first. :hehe:

BTW, have you ever considered streaming your gameplay on twitch or something?

I reckon you could do pretty well if you did. I'd certainly tune in to watch you playing through notoriously difficult games like this with such ease. :awesome:


Anyway, my not so streamable :heh: gameplay of Bloodborne continues, and I've now made it to the...


...forest area.


Didn't have a damn clue where the hell I was going (felt like I was going around in circles actually) and then I stumbled into a dead-end with nothing but these incredibly weird mushroom people! Some hilarious character design going on there, gave me a right laugh. :laughing:


Eventually made it to the boss (or should I say bosses) and got completely annihilated!

Don't even know if I can remember how to get back there.

I'm sure there were more/better placed bonfires in DSII than there are in Bloodborne, it's pretty annoying how bosses seem to always be so far away from the lamps in this. It doesn't really add anything to the difficulty either (as you can just run past most of the standard enemies) it just makes it more annoying. ::shrug:


I would've had another attempt at the boss I'm on now right away, but didn't because I couldn't be fucked to go all the way back there. :zzz:

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Hehe. Yeah, probably best to have a break first. :hehe:

BTW, have you ever considered streaming your gameplay on twitch or something?

I reckon you could do pretty well if you did. I'd certainly tune in to watch you playing through notoriously difficult games like this with such ease. :awesome:


Anyway, my not so streamable :heh: gameplay of Bloodborne continues, and I've now made it to the...


...forest area.


Didn't have a damn clue where the hell I was going (felt like I was going around in circles actually) and then I stumbled into a dead-end with nothing but these incredibly weird mushroom people! Some hilarious character design going on there, gave me a right laugh. :laughing:


Eventually made it to the boss (or should I say bosses) and got completely annihilated!

Don't even know if I can remember how to get back there.

I'm sure there were more/better placed bonfires in DSII than there are in Bloodborne, it's pretty annoying how bosses seem to always be so far away from the lamps in this. It doesn't really add anything to the difficulty either (as you can just run past most of the standard enemies) it just makes it more annoying. ::shrug:


I would've had another attempt at the boss I'm on now right away, but didn't because I couldn't be fucked to go all the way back there. :zzz:


That's the one bonfire that really pissed me off, although there's a pretty decent shortcut for you to unlock if you do some exploring....



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Hehe. Yeah, probably best to have a break first. :hehe:

BTW, have you ever considered streaming your gameplay on twitch or something?

I reckon you could do pretty well if you did. I'd certainly tune in to watch you playing through notoriously difficult games like this with such ease. :awesome:


Nah. I have no interest in streaming for others to watch. I'd rather people play a game, rather than sit and watch someone else play it for them. :p


I made some cracking progress with the Chalice Dungeons and have just unlocked the Defiled Chalice. Fighting slight variations of previous bosses has been a blast. :D


I managed to nab the final weapon in one of the dungeons earlier. This unlocked another trophy. Just a couple left now for the platinum...

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Hehe. Yeah, probably best to have a break first. :hehe:

BTW, have you ever considered streaming your gameplay on twitch or something?

I reckon you could do pretty well if you did. I'd certainly tune in to watch you playing through notoriously difficult games like this with such ease. :awesome:


Anyway, my not so streamable :heh: gameplay of Bloodborne continues, and I've now made it to the...


...forest area.


Didn't have a damn clue where the hell I was going (felt like I was going around in circles actually) and then I stumbled into a dead-end with nothing but these incredibly weird mushroom people! Some hilarious character design going on there, gave me a right laugh. :laughing:


Eventually made it to the boss (or should I say bosses) and got completely annihilated!

Don't even know if I can remember how to get back there.

I'm sure there were more/better placed bonfires in DSII than there are in Bloodborne, it's pretty annoying how bosses seem to always be so far away from the lamps in this. It doesn't really add anything to the difficulty either (as you can just run past most of the standard enemies) it just makes it more annoying. ::shrug:


I would've had another attempt at the boss I'm on now right away, but didn't because I couldn't be fucked to go all the way back there. :zzz:


With some good exploration you should be able to get a nice shortcut going for yourself in the forest. I actually really like the forest, a different atmosphere and it feels open and claustrophobic all at once. A little running around and you'll have it figured out in no time though.


That boss however is a massive pain in the dick. At least was for me.

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With some good exploration you should be able to get a nice shortcut going for yourself in the forest. I actually really like the forest, a different atmosphere and it feels open and claustrophobic all at once. A little running around and you'll have it figured out in no time though.
I thought I'd discovered a shortcut at one point, but it seemed to be one way (and that way was down :hehe:) so not very useful.

Will have another look today.


That boss however is a massive pain in the dick. At least was for me.
Yeah, I could tell in the first few seconds of that boss fight it was going to be a tough one. :shakehead
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I thought I'd discovered a shortcut at one point, but it seemed to be one way (and that way was down :hehe:) so not very useful.

Will have another look today.


Yeah, I could tell in the first few seconds of that boss fight it was going to be a tough one. :shakehead


Make sure to try and whittle health down on all of them. As soon as you kill one then the others go all Super Saiyan.


Finished the Defiled Chalice this morning. Having to run through a dungeon and then kill some bosses with half your health was certainly a challenge. The dog was a pushover but Amygdala took some doing!


I'm on farming materials to create the final dungeon.

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I thought I'd discovered a shortcut at one point, but it seemed to be one way (and that way was down :hehe:) so not very useful.

Will have another look today.


Yeah, I could tell in the first few seconds of that boss fight it was going to be a tough one. :shakehead


That was the shortcut, just the classic activate the elevator from the bottom. Or with a ass ton of health (NG+) you can fall and survive. I have to assume you already found the first shortcut near the lantern?

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Finished the Defiled Chalice this morning. Having to run through a dungeon and then kill some bosses with half your health was certainly a challenge. The dog was a pushover but Amygdala took some doing!


Defiled chalice is probably the toughest challenge in the game from what I can remember, half health and hit damage makes it extremely tricky and depending on your level the bosses can one shot you. I had trouble on Amy as well, it's quite a long fight and one mistake can end you quite easily.


Well worth it though, you're closing in on the platinum!

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Just over a week of playing and it is done! :bouncy:




The last boss for the chalice dungeons was a complete pushover, especially considering the ones you had to face to get to her! I then fought the last boss for a final time and killed it in less than 30 seconds. The amount of echoes I had acquired in the dungeons had given me a massive boost in terms of leveling up, so the poor thing never stood a chance. By the time the dungeons were over I was sitting pretty at level 142. :D


Brilliant game and one that i'm happy to have experienced.

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Just over a week of playing and it is done! :bouncy:




The last boss for the chalice dungeons was a complete pushover, especially considering the ones you had to face to get to her! I then fought the last boss for a final time and killed it in less than 30 seconds. The amount of echoes I had acquired in the dungeons had given me a massive boost in terms of leveling up, so the poor thing never stood a chance. By the time the dungeons were over I was sitting pretty at level 142. :D


Brilliant game and one that i'm happy to have experienced.


Amazing! Holy fuck at your level 142. I think I was around level 60 or something (maybe less, I think) when I finished the game. You're a beast!


@Eenuh has just arrived in Yahar'gul Unseen Village...the music there is incredible.


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Yay, did another boss today!


After lots of tries and cursing, I finally managed to get to the next boss today. Kept dying on the way there cause of various reasons... one being that stupid Hunter with the machine gun.


Anyway, I got to the Blood Starved Beast, and actually managed to almost beat it on my first try! I was doing really well, using some Fire Paper I had just found and a few molotovs, and managed to get its health down to the last bit... but then someone decides to ring Jim's phone and he couldn't hear the person (sound of tv was quite loud) and kept going "Hello? Hello? What?!" and it completely threw me off as (I'll use this as my excuse, yes). :P


So I died, but decided to give it another shot... and actually did it on my second try! Wasn't too hard that one. :)


Ventured around a bit more, bought the Cathedral Square token thing to advance... only to find enemies down there are very difficult to defeat haha.


Went back to Old Yharnam and decided to fight the Hunter that keeps shooting you. I slashed him three times... and then he fell off the building. :P

Got the echoes for it, but sadly I couldn't get the item as the flame was sitting on top of a handrail. Just couldn't get to it. :(



Feel like I've advanced quite a bit today, but might need to level up a bit to get stronger. Or save up for some better gear. Still mostly using the saw cleaver, sometimes switching to the kirkhammer for trolls. Better get more echoes!

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Yay, did another boss today!


After lots of tries and cursing, I finally managed to get to the next boss today. Kept dying on the way there cause of various reasons... one being that stupid Hunter with the machine gun.


Anyway, I got to the Blood Starved Beast, and actually managed to almost beat it on my first try! I was doing really well, using some Fire Paper I had just found and a few molotovs, and managed to get its health down to the last bit... but then someone decides to ring Jim's phone and he couldn't hear the person (sound of tv was quite loud) and kept going "Hello? Hello? What?!" and it completely threw me off as (I'll use this as my excuse, yes). :P


So I died, but decided to give it another shot... and actually did it on my second try! Wasn't too hard that one. :)


Ventured around a bit more, bought the Cathedral Square token thing to advance... only to find enemies down there are very difficult to defeat haha.


Went back to Old Yharnam and decided to fight the Hunter that keeps shooting you. I slashed him three times... and then he fell off the building. :P

Got the echoes for it, but sadly I couldn't get the item as the flame was sitting on top of a handrail. Just couldn't get to it. :(



Feel like I've advanced quite a bit today, but might need to level up a bit to get stronger. Or save up for some better gear. Still mostly using the saw cleaver, sometimes switching to the kirkhammer for trolls. Better get more echoes!


Nice progress!


Don't feel like you have to switch weapons because there are more on offer. I done the whole game just using the Saw Cleaver and my starting gun. Just stick with whatever works for you.

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Made a bit more progress today, managed to beat that boss in the forest area (although I did end up summoning some help for it, first time I've done that in this game :hehe:). Then after a bit more exploring I found myself up against...


...giant creepy spider, Rom.

Managed to defeat him after only a few attempts, and without any help. :awesome:

Nice to finally have a decently placed checkpoint lamp for once. ;)


And finally, I defeated a huge electrified skeleton dog thing. Can't remember its name. :heh: But get the feeling that might be a boss I was supposed to encounter nearer the start of the game, as the door that opened up afterwards doesn't seem to lead anywhere new. :wtf:


So yeah, absolutely no idea where I'm supposed to be going now. :D

Anyway, 3 more bosses defeated, not bad going. :)

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As Jim was using my laptop today to do work, I had to find something else to do. Easy decision to make, Bloodborne was put on. For quite a few hours... Oops. :P


I made quite a lot of progress today! Defeated two bosses!


It took me a while to travel through Cathedral Ward and open any available shortcuts, dying a few times along the way. :P

I also noticed there was a bell I think at one spot, and it let me summon an Old Hunter called Henriet. I am playing this offline so I guess this is the way offline people can sometimes summon hunters? I don't know, only time I've seen this!


I used this hunter to attack and kill two other hunters nearby, with one of them giving me Bolt paper, yay! Henriet did get me killed at one point, as she would just rush into enemies, when I was trying to avoid some of them. Darnit Henriet!


But she was still useful, and I decided to go to the boss, with Henriet following me. We started fighting Vicar Amelia... and actually managed to defeat her on the first try! Yes! :D


After this I made my way through some of the foresty area on the left of the Cathedral (forgot what it's called actually). Those crazy women here with rakes and axes are scary! And I still hate the axe-wielding trolls or whatever they are. They gave me some trouble a few times!


I persevered and somehow made my way to the next boss, the Witch of Hemwick. This was a really easy fight I thought, didn't really have any trouble with this one at all. Not that I mind, it's nice to have an easier fight once in a while. :P


I ventured around some more after this and got to the Forbidden Woods. Damn this area! There's lots of enemies (I hate the ones with guns and molotovs!), and then they decided it wasn't difficult enough and added in traps along the way... Great!


I've gone through this area just once, it is massive! I kept hoping for a lamp to show up, but didn't find any... I made my way all the way to some windmill I think, where there was a character standing in the corner. Jim said "Oh I think it's an NPC."... It wasn't! It sprouted snakes from its head and started attacking me. I narrowly avoided death there!


Made my way around to the other side of the building I think, and there I did find an actual NPC. He seemed to be eating some humans that were laying dead on the floor. He asked me if I knew of a safe haven, but I said I didn't. I decided he might be better of being dead... That was a mistake! He transformed into some massive beast! I didn't even try fighting it, I just ran ran ran, all the way back to the lamp with my 36000 echoes. :P


Decided to stop at this point, will see how I manage with this area next time! :)



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Yay, did another boss today!


After lots of tries and cursing, I finally managed to get to the next boss today. Kept dying on the way there cause of various reasons... one being that stupid Hunter with the machine gun.


Anyway, I got to the Blood Starved Beast, and actually managed to almost beat it on my first try! I was doing really well, using some Fire Paper I had just found and a few molotovs, and managed to get its health down to the last bit... but then someone decides to ring Jim's phone and he couldn't hear the person (sound of tv was quite loud) and kept going "Hello? Hello? What?!" and it completely threw me off as (I'll use this as my excuse, yes). :P


So I died, but decided to give it another shot... and actually did it on my second try! Wasn't too hard that one. :)


Ventured around a bit more, bought the Cathedral Square token thing to advance... only to find enemies down there are very difficult to defeat haha.


Went back to Old Yharnam and decided to fight the Hunter that keeps shooting you. I slashed him three times... and then he fell off the building. :P

Got the echoes for it, but sadly I couldn't get the item as the flame was sitting on top of a handrail. Just couldn't get to it. :(



Feel like I've advanced quite a bit today, but might need to level up a bit to get stronger. Or save up for some better gear. Still mostly using the saw cleaver, sometimes switching to the kirkhammer for trolls. Better get more echoes!


Just to elaborate on this: The phone call that I received (that led to Ine's death) was the most pointless phone call ever.



*Ine shits self*


Me: Hello...

Other person: ...

Me: Hello...

Other person: Hi f394iotkgj3ojfvk (couldn't make this bit out), I understand that you've been involved in a car accident recently that wasn't your fault. Is that correeeeeeect?


Other person: *after a break of what was eeeeasily 10 seconds* Ok...goodbye. *other person hangs up, by which point Ine has been obliterated by the boss*


Ine: What the fuck was that? I'm dead now, kthnx Jim.

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And what's your excuse for luring her towards that NPC trap? Hmmm?


I'd like to know that too. :P


Though I think he got the enemy confused with the actual NPC I talked to a minute afterwards. But still! Almost got me killed!


I played a bit more today, decided to go back to the Unseen Village and explore it a bit more, as I'd gotten a bit stronger now. Damn that place is fucking creepy! I hate the dark rooms and corridors, and then you have those crazy witches scuttering about. Freaks me out!


Anyway, I managed to make my way through some of the building, even taking out those horrible enemies carrying the bag (I need to learn the names of the enemies in this game). I found a little tunnel that led outside, and stumbled upon another Hunter bell. As I didn't know where I was, I decided to call upon the Hunter to do more exploring... Except there was no exploring to do, as I had found myself in the middle of a boss area!


I had only gone out to do some exploring and earn blood echoes, but here I was fighting Darkbeast Paarl, without any molotovs! Luckily I did have some fire paper and the other Hunter to help me, and we managed to defeat the enemy on the first try! I do feel a bit bad for using the Hunter, as I didn't know there was a boss fight coming up... Oh well!


Not done too much else, opened up some shortcuts in the Unseen Village, might do some more exploring there tomorrow... though those giant pigs in the street outside worry me...



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I get the feeling I'm near the end of the main game now...


Defeated The One Reborn last night.


That boss seems like it should've been pretty easy, and in fact I was incredibly close to defeating it on my very first go (before I even knew about the other 6 enemies above that area) but for some reason it became a huge struggle. :shakehead

Even though it moves pretty slow and once you get rid of those other enemies there's less to look out for, it took me various attempts and I had to summon help for a 2nd time.


Anyway, I'm now in the Nightmare of Mensis area, which definitely looks like it could be the end of the game, but it's hard to tell with these types of games. I remember thinking the same when playing Dark Souls 2, but being very wrong. :heh:


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LOL @ the boss fight I did last night...


Coward dude (not actual name, unfortunately

:heh:) that just kept running away from me for half of the battle! :laughing:

Those damn skeleton puppets were bloody annoying though.

But yeah, once I figured out where the hell the boss was going, it wasn't too difficult to win.

Anyway, another new area to explore now. :cool:

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LOL @ the boss fight I did last night...


Coward dude (not actual name, unfortunately

:heh:) that just kept running away from me for half of the battle! :laughing:

Those damn skeleton puppets were bloody annoying though.

But yeah, once I figured out where the hell the boss was going, it wasn't too difficult to win.

Anyway, another new area to explore now. :cool:


Haha. It was a pretty crazy fight considering what you you've fought up until that point. :D

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Credits rolled on this last night, although I took the easy option in the end...

...and just let my character get killed.


Made a copy of my save file before making that choice though, so I can always go back and take on the other final boss should I feel the urge. :hehe:

But the last boss I fought was pretty cool (way better than the guy that just runs away :grin:) and I managed to defeat it on my second try, which is pretty good going for me.

Anyway, enjoyable game for the most part, although there were times when I felt the developers took the piss a bit, like certain enemies which can deplete your health just by looking at you and a couple of cheesy boss encounters. :hmm:


Can definitely see why it's so highly rated though, and the presentation is seriously amazing.

So many neat visual touches throughout the game, but the way your character and the environment gets gradually coated in blood is what stands out the most. It's grim, but really cool at the same time. :cool:


BTW, what's the deal with chalice dungeons? Took a look at one for the first time after watching the credits, found and defeated a boss but then stopped playing.

Are they like endless endurance tests?

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Credits rolled on this last night, although I took the easy option in the end...

...and just let my character get killed.


Made a copy of my save file before making that choice though, so I can always go back and take on the other final boss should I feel the urge. :hehe:

But the last boss I fought was pretty cool (way better than the guy that just runs away :grin:) and I managed to defeat it on my second try, which is pretty good going for me.

Anyway, enjoyable game for the most part, although there were times when I felt the developers took the piss a bit, like certain enemies which can deplete your health just by looking at you and a couple of cheesy boss encounters. :hmm:


Can definitely see why it's so highly rated though, and the presentation is seriously amazing.

So many neat visual touches throughout the game, but the way your character and the environment gets gradually coated in blood is what stands out the most. It's grim, but really cool at the same time. :cool:


BTW, what's the deal with chalice dungeons? Took a look at one for the first time after watching the credits, found and defeated a boss but then stopped playing.

Are they like endless endurance tests?




Yeah, those enemies that put frenzy on you are very cheap. I hated them and that whole level that introduced them.


Chalice Dungeons have some tough boss fights and a new boss fight in them. You have to go through the dungeon, collect items like Blood Ritual and then make the next chalice. It's a progression thing really. You keep playing them and making new ones until you can finally make the final chalice.


They are a bit confusing ( my explanation of them is rubbish ) but once you get the hang of what's going on they start to make sense. They offer some great loot and have the toughest area in the game, where you have to go through dungeons and fight bosses with half of your health.


EDIT: @RedShell have you tackled the DLC yet?

Edited by Hero-of-Time
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have you tackled the DLC yet?
Nope. I actually thought it was accessed by the other tombstones that I checked out yesterday, but they took me to the chalice dungeons instead. :hmm:

I know there are a few more near those ones though, so I'm guessing it's accessed by them, right?


Anyway, I might have a bit of a break now before checking that stuff out.

Just got Trackmania Turbo too, and I'm looking forward to playing that. :)

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