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I've had this game since launch, and I think it's bloody brilliant! Frustratingly difficult, but then I was expecting that really. Haven't had a ton of time to play it though, so still attempting to blitz through it.


I'm currently stuck on Yahar’gul, Unseen Village, where I've got to try and take on three Hunters at once. I know how to do it, it's just bloody difficult. Managed to get the key to Upper Cathedral Ward too, so I might explore that area a bit first, before pressing on. I'm currently level 61 (or is it 62?) at the moment.


I also have a feeling I've missed tons of stuff. For one thing, I've only rescued the annoying old lady from the starting area, and haven't found anyone else, except for the little girl. Although I gave her the broach back, and I've heard she dies if you do this. My flat-mate found the cannon in The Forbidden Woods too, and I didn't. :/



Oh, and I came across an annoying bug too...


So, I found the Tiny Tonitrus in the current area, and when I went to upgrade it in the workshop at the Hunter's Dream, it had vanished out my inventory. I went back to the chest where I found it, and it wasn't there either. It's just completely gone. It's bloody annoying.


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I've had this game since launch, and I think it's bloody brilliant! Frustratingly difficult, but then I was expecting that really. Haven't had a ton of time to play it though, so still attempting to blitz through it.


I'm currently stuck on Yahar’gul, Unseen Village, where I've got to try and take on three Hunters at once. I know how to do it, it's just bloody difficult. Managed to get the key to Upper Cathedral Ward too, so I might explore that area a bit first, before pressing on. I'm currently level 61 (or is it 62?) at the moment.


I also have a feeling I've missed tons of stuff. For one thing, I've only rescued the annoying old lady from the starting area, and haven't found anyone else, except for the little girl. Although I gave her the broach back, and I've heard she dies if you do this. My flat-mate found the cannon in The Forbidden Woods too, and I didn't. :/



Oh, and I came across an annoying bug too...


So, I found the Tiny Tonitrus in the current area, and when I went to upgrade it in the workshop at the Hunter's Dream, it had vanished out my inventory. I went back to the chest where I found it, and it wasn't there either. It's just completely gone. It's bloody annoying.


Those fucking hunters. I found the best way to do it was to attack them first and then run like fuck back to the lamp. I stood in the doorway and basically tried to funnel them in through there, slashing them as they tried coming in.



I found the canon, can't remember where. I didn't even get to Upper Cathedral Ward in my playthrough, I think. Apparently I've missed two bosses this way. Boooo.


I also didn't come across many NPCs. I found the annoying old lady, but then sent a guy to be with her and he promptly killed her. I don't know how I managed to miss so many people...


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Those fucking hunters. I found the best way to do it was to attack them first and then run like fuck back to the lamp. I stood in the doorway and basically tried to funnel them in through there, slashing them as they tried coming in.



I found the canon, can't remember where. I didn't even get to Upper Cathedral Ward in my playthrough, I think. Apparently I've missed two bosses this way. Boooo.


I also didn't come across many NPCs. I found the annoying old lady, but then sent a guy to be with her and he promptly killed her. I don't know how I managed to miss so many people...


Good thinking, I might try that when I get back round to playing it again. Cheers. :)



I remember the cannon is somewhere in the Forbidden Woods, that's all I know though. I may have to scout out that area again. *shudder*


The key was pretty obscure to find though. If you want to find it, it's in the same area as the group of witches and the giant beast that lazers you as you head down the stairs. To the right, just as you reach that area, there's a gap in the fence. Jump down there, kill the bell ringer and Brute, and if you drop down, you'll end up in a cage with the key. Hope that helps, it's difficult to explain tbh. :heh:


No idea how I missed people either. I was told where they were, but I went to check after beating Rom, and they were gone. I guess I progressed the game enough to make them bugger off/die. ::shrug:



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No idea how I missed people either. I was told where they were, but I went to check after beating Rom, and they were gone. I guess I progressed the game enough to make them bugger off/die. ::shrug:




After you beat Rom, every human left in the town turns or dies. If you're going to send anyone to the clinic or Cathedral Ward, it has to be before killing Rom.


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After you beat Rom, every human left in the town turns or dies. If you're going to send anyone to the clinic or Cathedral Ward, it has to be before killing Rom.


Damn' it, I thought that would be the case. Cheers for the clarification. I'll have to do that on a second playthrough (if I can be bothered...)

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Oh, and I came across an annoying bug too...


So, I found the Tiny Tonitrus in the current area, and when I went to upgrade it in the workshop at the Hunter's Dream, it had vanished out my inventory. I went back to the chest where I found it, and it wasn't there either. It's just completely gone. It's bloody annoying.


The Tiny Tonitrus isn't a weapon, it's an item that uses QS bullets. The Tonitrus is a separate weapon altogether


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The Tiny Tonitrus isn't a weapon, it's an item that uses QS bullets. The Tonitrus is a separate weapon altogether


Ooooh, that explains a lot! Thanks for that. I'll have to have a look and see where it is in my inventory then. :)


Ok, so I've just found it, but I didn't realise it requires an Arcane level of 25. I only have a level of 11. Well, fuck... XD


Edited by CoolFunkMan
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Where do I find the sinister bell and the one that let's me join other peoples games, I only have the one bell that allows other to join my game, I've checked the shop at they ain't in there.


The messenger in Hunter's Dream. Not the normal one close to where the doll is. Go back into the house...place...thing...forgotten what it's called. If you go out of the door/window there, there's another set of messengers who sell stuff. I believe you can buy the stuff you want from there. I also believe you may need 15 insight before they appear. If you have Madman's knowledge, use them.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well I finally got this completed, been moving house and didn't have the time, but this weekend I decided to sit and and hammer it out and boy did it deliver, was struggling on a few parts but bosses seemed to get easier or was I getting better. I wasn't dying as much I know that.


I decided to not accept my death at the end, which ended trying to beat the original hunter but fuck was he fast so I rang the bell and 2 people joined me and got him taken down pretty quickly



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  • 1 month later...

Finally got round to playing this! I actually got this with my PS4 but I ended up playing TLoU and Tomb Raider first.


Man, this game. Holy crap. I've probably played for around 8 hours and I've only just beaten Cleric Beast (I actually discovered the second boss first and got stuck on him for a while) but I'm absolutely in love with it. The atmosphere and sound design is top notch and I love exploring the world.


I was getting a bit frustrated with the whole 'when you die you lose your blood echoes/all the enemies respawn' mechanic but I feel like it's made me a better player. Unlocking shortcuts is also so damn rewarding, maybe more so that beating a boss!


I literally can't stop thinking about this game..I'm in love <3

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Finally got round to playing this! I actually got this with my PS4 but I ended up playing TLoU and Tomb Raider first.


Man, this game. Holy crap. I've probably played for around 8 hours and I've only just beaten Cleric Beast (I actually discovered the second boss first and got stuck on him for a while) but I'm absolutely in love with it. The atmosphere and sound design is top notch and I love exploring the world.


I was getting a bit frustrated with the whole 'when you die you lose your blood echoes/all the enemies respawn' mechanic but I feel like it's made me a better player. Unlocking shortcuts is also so damn rewarding, maybe more so that beating a boss!


I literally can't stop thinking about this game..I'm in love <3


I noticed you were playing this and I was meaning to ask how you were getting on with it.


It's something very special, isn't it? I've never played anything quite like it. Probably the most satisfying combat system evaaaaaarrrr.


(This + Spotify is amazing. I listened to the Machina album by the Smashing Pumpkins whilst playing this game and it was just godly)

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  • 1 month later...
Bugger... I forgot to pick this up yesterday when I got Batman and The Witcher!


I'll have to pick it up tomorrow now... if I remember! Haha


Will personally buy you a pint if you manage to finish this game and like it.


My only advice is to stick with it. It's unforgiving in places and it won't hold your hand. You're on your own. :heh:

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I got past the woods and got too frightened to go on. Get getting killed by weird vomiting plants or something as well. They were men and scary.


But I did really like the game. Should probably pick it up again at some point.

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