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Nintendo: The Road To E3


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E3 2004 this is the big one.



  • Here it is. The greatest E3 moment of all time. HYYYYYYYYYYYPPPPPEEE. Ok, that was slightly weird watching that without the crowds reaction. This actually makes the point that I and many others have been making about Nintendo skipping E3. Without that live reaction it truly does lack something.
  • LOL. Reggies just said there is no BSing the audience. Does " Online is the air that we breathe" sound familiar, Reggie?


...quite underwhelming, as was watching the Zelda trailer without the pops...


That's so true, it's not the same at all. Goes to show that a live conference makes all the difference!


Also, that fucking Reggie, I used to kind of like him but I can't stand the lying bastard now.

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"The time when horse power makes an important difference is over." Well, you were kind of right...
My favourite quote from Iwata, and IMO he was/is 100% right.

It's a shame the majority of the industry choose not to see it that way. :nono:


LOL! @44:22 you can just about hear that nutter shouting "who's the man!" when Miyamoto appears on stage. :laughing:


I gotta post that vid now: :D


Even if Nintendo were still doing live press conferences, that reaction could never be topped. :heh:

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That's so true, it's not the same at all. Goes to show that a live conference makes all the difference!


To an extent I agree...if you're there. For those of us at home, we didn't experience the vast majority of that reaction until people uploaded their own videos.

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This is as close as we'll get, from Nintendo World, which used the dodgy US stream



It's not the same though... Even if it is real, it feels fake; just the very fact that they felt the need to upload it makes it feel fake (and also highlights how much people yearn for that live feeling during the actual show... :( )

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[*]The usual developers talking tripe now. " We love it and we can't wait to develop for it. We have a lot of exciting ideas" I hate these videos. Granted, a lot of developers did do some amazing stuff with the DS but for the most part these promo videos are rubbish.


God I remember covering that. I have been working here too long...

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It's not the same though... Even if it is real, it feels fake; just the very fact that they felt the need to upload it makes it feel fake (and also highlights how much people yearn for that live feeling during the actual show... :( )

I've felt that the applause in E3 live conferences feels fake, since they applaud for practically everything.


Mind you, for the most part, it is fake, so...

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I was meant to post this yesterday but I didn't get the time to finish it off. Anyway, here it is.


E3 2005



  • Crazy opening for the conference with some weird techno music with Reggie and Iwata quotes on top of it. Iwata talking about Reggie was very humourous and loveable. “ Who is you daddy?” Quality.
  • They kick things off with a montage trailer showing a quick glimpse of Cube and DS software and then Reggie arrives on stage.
  • Reggie starts with the sales chatter and has a quick knock at the 360. “ Nintendo aren’t a company that release games for just this group or just that group” Tell that to the a lot of the western gamers you lost, Reggie.
  • He goes on to show how in the past Nintendo have changed the game with various consoles and games they have released. The NES, Gameboy, Mario 64 and DS are shown on screen.
  • PSP sales talk now. He compares the DS and PSP WW figures and claims people say that it’s unfair due to the PSP not being in Europe yet. “ We launched the DS when we said we would. They ( Sony ) didn’t. That’s Sonys problem, not mine” Haha. Well played, Reggie. Well played.
  • Electroplankton is now being shown on screen. I never did play this game as I don’t have any desire to create anything. I’ve always been like this when it comes to creating stuff in games, well except for wrestlers on WWE Wrestlemania 2000 & No Mercy. :D
  • Reggie introduces a DJ to explain about his job and how Electroplankton is a cool bit of software. To be honest this section lasts waaaaaay too long and has very little impact on the crowd. It’s also quite cringe worthy to watch the back and forth between the DJ and Reggie.
  • “More people means more fun. We didn’t invent online gaming but we will reinvent it” says Reggie. Sure, Reggie. Sure.
  • He announces the Gamespy partnership. It’s quite ironic that I’m watching this today of all days. He says that online gaming will reach 90% of the DS userbase. Wonder what the actual figure was by the end of it. I can’t see the casual crowd, who made the DS the success it was, hooking up to play online. He goes on to say that playing online will all be free. The crowd enjoys this.
  • Reggie takes a pop at the hardcore online crowd. No wonder they lost a lot of the core gamer.
  • He announces that Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing DS will arrive by the end of the year, with online modes for each. The crowd doesn’t seem that bothered. He then shows Tony Hawks DS and again the crowd don’t seem fussed. They do like that they can play Mario Kart on the show floor the next day though.
  • Nintendogs time! Reggie prodly mentions that it got a perfect score from Famitsu. I remember when that used to be quite the accomplishment. “ As always, hit software will sell hardware” If that truly was the case then the Wii U would be flying off the shelves.
  • Now this section was simply horrific. Tina Wood arrives on stage to demo Nintendogs. She was far too over the top and happy go lucky. The demo also goes wrong as the dog just doesn’t listen to her voice commands. “New Zelda”…..”New Zelda”…..”NEW ZELDA.”Yup, that didn’t go well, did it.
  • The way she acts with her dog reminds me of the Kinect section a few years back with Skittles the tiger. Now, at least that demo was done by a kid, so you could forgive her for the way she acted, but this woman…
  • Shiggsy arrives to salvage this demo. He brings his DS and Nintendogs with him to interact with hers. He asks Tina “ Would you like me to teach you some new tricks? Then I will show you backstage.” Freaking hilarious. The dirty old man.
  • Reggie arrives back on the scene and introduces us to the Gameboy Micro. It was a lovely little handheld. “ It has the best and brightest screen we’ve ever put in a handheld.” Not hard, Reggie.
  • He goes on to show a GBA/DS reel that has a ton of games on it. Dynasty warriors, Fire Emblem, Mario Tennis, Yoshi Topsy Turvy, Drill Dozer, Pokemon Emerald, Metroid Hunters, Nintendogs, Megaman Battle Network 5, Mario Kart, Splinter Cell, Animal Crossing, Electroplankton, Need For Speed, Pac N Roll, Phoenix Wright, Castlevania, New Super Mario Bos, Another Code, Mario and Luigi Partners in Time, Goldeneye, Advance Wars DS, Kirby Canvas Curse, Madden, Spyro, Meteos, Star Wars, Trauma Centre and Viewtiful Joe. Man, what a list!
  • Revolution time. Iwata shows the console and the crowd goes nuts. He shows the prototype colours and says that a small attachment will be released to aloow for DVDs to be played. I guess this got scrapped? He said he won’t talk about specs. I wonder why….
  • “When you turn on the Revolution and see the graphics you will say wow.” Yeah, probably not it a good way though.
  • He says that the internet is very important to all consoles, especially Nintendo. Hmmmmm….
  • “Next generation plans for Mario & Zelda are already underway” We didn’t get an exclusive Zelda until the end of the consoles life!
  • “We expect strong 3rd party support because we believe they will appreciate our creative approach. For example Square Enix are already working on a wifi version of Crystal Chronicles for Revolution.”

  • He speaks about development costs going through the roof and developers struggling in the next generation. Dude was spot in. You just need to look at how many studios closed up shop last generation. The whole idea of the Wii was for to developers to have an alternate way of creating games, with a cheaper development cost and creative freedom. Shame it didn’t work out like that. :(
  • I love this next quote. “This is a console where the big idea can prevail over big budgets.”
  • He drops the Virtual Console bomb and the crowd goes wild, especially when they see the NES,SNES and N64 slide. He mentions Earthbound. Shame it took until 2013 for the thing to get released.
  • George Harrison takes the stage to show what is coming on the Cube this year. He shows off Battalion Wars ( loved this game ), Pokemon: Gale of Darkness, Killer 7, Mario miliking begins with Mario Baseball, Mario Strikers, Mario Party 7 and Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix ( crowd love this ). He then shows a highlight reel showing the Cubes offerings for the year. For some reason Shadow the Hedgehog gets a good reaction from the crowd….crazy fools.
  • The show pretty much ends with a new Twilight Princess trailer. I love this trailer and thought it was so well done. The music, the footage, everything was perfect. It just oozed atmosphere.



Even though the games on show weren’t that great and there were some cringe worthy segments, I actually enjoyed this E3. Nintendo showed here that they had a clear vision for what they wanted with the Revolution/Wii. At the time it may have been a bit confusing and cryptic but looking back you can see the direction they wanted to go in and this clear vision helped the Wii becoming the sales beast that it was. This clear cut vision is something that Wii U clearly didn’t have and everyone can see what a confused message can do for a product.


I give this conference 7/10

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I can't believe you unleashed the penguins this early! :shakehead


I love how that has become our ( N-E's ) E3 thing. How long have we had that going now? I look forward to seeing them again very soon. :D

I'm wondering if maybe this was the E3 of their first appearance do you think? It was techno music in the build-up that they were unleashed for, but did that music set-up that Nintendo intro?


Although I hope it wasn't that long ago! :p

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I'm wondering if maybe this was the E3 of their first appearance do you think? It was techno music in the build-up that they were unleashed for, but did that music set-up that Nintendo intro?


Although I hope it wasn't that long ago! :p


You could be right. It was a fair few years ago now. Good times. :yay:

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...[*]“More people means more fun. We didn’t invent online gaming but we will reinvent it” says Reggie. Sure, Reggie. Sure...


AAARRRRGGHHHHH! Fuck you Reggie you giant bag of wank!

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@Hero\-of\-Time, when you watching 2006? :hehe:

The intro to that conference was something else. :awesome:


I actually started watching it yesterday but didn't manage to finish the whole thing. I've done it now though.


Here it is. Nintendo E3 2006



  • Absolutely fantastic opening. Shiggsy is giving it big licks playing Wii Music and you can see that is having a right laugh up on the stage. The whole thing is even better given that it’s Zelda been played. The crowd erupts.
  • LOL. He starts dancing to the techno music as a bunch of Wii games are being shown off on the screen behind him. Dance, Shiggsy! Dance!
  • Excitetruck is the first game being shown off. Next Red Steel. The dance comes to a close as he proudly holds up the Wiimote for the audience to see. Enter Reggie….
  • He gives a speech about how playing is believing and how the Wii will change your perception about what next gen is. Cracking speech and a great opening so far.
  • A video reel is shown. This time it is showing off gaming ideas that use the Wiimote. A guy is pretending to pay the drums with two Wiimotes, a group of 4 people are playing tennis, a husband and wife are playing golf, a family are guiding music, a guy is sitting playing Excite Truck using the wiimote to turn and drive. Mario Galaxy is briefly seen to show what the wiimote offers for that game. A plane is seen flying over an island using the Wiimote…Pilotwings. Metroid Prime 3 is shown how accurate you can shoot using the new controls. Wii play table tennis and Warioware are shown. Wii Sports Baseball followed by Red steel and Zelda. Quality trailer that showcased just what the Wii was capable of.
  • Reggie shows up again and talks all about the Wii and how you will play games in the future and the whole philosophy of the Wii. The Wii has been created the help the industry grow. Too many people don’t know what gaming is all about and the Wii will help them to understand.
  • “As you know, Nintendo likes to challenge conventional thinking. Not just for the sake of doing things differently, but to do things better.” I’m not sure I agree with this, Reggie. Certainly when it comes to online this isn’t the case.
  • He goes on to say that playing it safe only works for so long but ultimately it’s fatal. Just as trying to reinvent the wheel every generation can be, Reggie.
  • He says Nintendo used Mario 64 as an example on going about creating the Wii. That game was a milestone and it changed the way you played games, just as the Wii was going to do.
  • No date and price yet as they want to hold their cards close to their chest. He does say that it will launch that year though. “More fun for less money” Indeed it was. £180 was a great price for the console and more importantly it was the right price to attract the expanded market.
  • Why is it called Wii? “First we want to thank those of you who wrote good things about it the day you heard it. Both of you” :bowdown: I remember the uproar over the name. The internet didn’t care for it at all but eventually everyone came around to it. Crazy that the name is now toxic as they come.
  • Another highlight reel. Metroid Prime 3, Dragonball Z, Dragon Quest Swords, Disaster: DoC, Fire Emblem, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Cars, Super Mario Galaxy, SD Gundam. Tony Hawks Skateboarding, Sengoku Action, Necro-Nesia, Excite Truck, Elebits, Red Steel, Rayman 4, Super Swing Golg, Sonic Wild Fire ( crowd cheers ), Project Hammer, One Piece, Madden, Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers ( lol ), Zelda:TP.
  • Reggie returns and explains that it’s the first time Zelda has launched with a console. He then gives us our first look of it with a stage demo.
  • It’s quite a dull demo to be honest, with them just showing off the bow and arrows. The crowd love the sound that comes out of the wiimote. They then show off the parry move. Next theys how the boomerang and how it is used with the pointer. The dude has issues taking out the enemies with his bow lol. They show the waggle of the nunchuck to throw boxes around. The guy just goes through the rest of the demo now. It ends with an awful joke.
  • Reggie again. He announces the Gamecube version and Wii will release on the same day in the US. Time to have a look at some games again. Metroid Prime 3 & Mario Galaxy are shown again.
  • He talks about new IPs “Can this system truly be new if all the names are the same? Of course not.” Interesting quote there….He shows off 3 new IPs. First up is Excite Truck, Project HAMMER, Disaster.
  • He now mentions 3rd party support shows Hyper Sonic ( it was called Sonic Wild Fire a few mins ago ). Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles trailer is shown. Tony Hawks, Rayman, Spongebob and Madden 07 slides are shown. He says that the press can play 27 Wii games on the show floor the next day.
  • Another stage demo is shown. This time it’s Ubisofts turn to play Red Steel or in other words Bullshot:The Game. :D I never got on with the original game but I loved the sequel. The artstyle and setting were much more interesting in the second game. Again, another pretty boring gameply demo and lasts far too long.
  • Haha. He shoots the fish tank you see the fish flapping about. The guy on stage says to look at the fish and explains how the enviroments are interactive. Shades of the Call of Duty Ghosts reveal right here.
  • Time for the DS to shine. Georgy Boy arrives on stage. He talsk about the distruption process of the handheld. The PSP comparisons start and the he says that it’s the games that matter. Games like Mario Kart, Brain Age and Nintendogs are the reason for the DS success so far.
  • He mentions that there are 16 million DS users out there now and that 1.3 million of them are connected to the Wifi. Wait a minute Reggie said this last year.
    He says that online gaming will reach 90% of the DS userbase.

    Got a bit of catching up to do to reach that percentage. :heh:
  • He goes on a bit about the Brain Age game and how Nintendo will be creating a new line of games called the Touch Generations. Some of these games are Sudoku and Club House Games, which I personally thought was brilliant.
  • He announces that the DS Lite will be arriving to the US shortly. New Super Mario will be arriving soon, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Diddy Kong Racing, Yoshi’s Island 2 ( shudders ) and Starfox DS are teased. Final Fantasy III is shown. Announcement falls flat, as does the Tony Hawks Downhill Jam announcement. Phantom Hourglass is shown, again to little fanfare.
  • DS highlight reel. Mario Hoops 3 on 3, Star Fox DS, New Super Mario Bros., Elite Beat Agents, Yoshi’s Island 2, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Diddy Kong Racing, Phantom Hour Glass, Big Brain Academy, Mario Vs DK.
  • Iwata shows up on stage. He explains when he became president of Nintendo they decided on a new goal for the company and that was to get more people playing games. They needed to target current gamers, gamers who didn’t play games anymore and those who have never played games before. He says the industry have tried to improve games in the same way, more gorgeous and more complex but these types of games wouldn’t serve Nintendo’s purpose going forward.

  • Ok here is the kicker of the conference so far. “The logical solution is to reinvent the relationship between the player and the game with the game controller interface. We believe this approach can appeal to a much broader audience but also excite core gamers.”
    Wait for it….
    “ This is important because core gamers always represent our most important audience”
  • He then instantly switches to the likes of Brain Age and Nintendogs and how they have reached a new market with these games. He says how many said this market couldn’t be reached but that these games are proving them wrong.
  • He shows the Wiimote and explains that by having a simple control method the barriers will be broken down between gamers and non gamers.
  • He goes on to discuss long load times in games and how he gets frustrated with having to wait. He says that the VC will power up games in just a few seconds so that you don’t have to endure this waiting period.
  • Wii Connect 24 features are teased. I remember how excited I was about this feature but in reality it was pretty garbage and underused.
  • Finally he says that software is very important to getting non gamers to buy the machine. The title that will break the barriers down between gamers and non gamers will be Wii Sports and it’s available on launch day. How right you were, Iwata.
  • Reggie shows up and announces the sweepstake winner is about the get his hands on the wiimote. The 3 finalists are sitting in the crowd and Miyamoto shows up to announce the winner. He shows Wii Sports and plays a bit of tennis. He opens the envelope and announces the winner of the sweepstake ( not before doing a drumroll ). Reggie shows up with Iwata as his partner to play some tennis. It’s a great little segment and the crowd loves it. I was actually sitting smiling watching it again. Iwata sucks. :D
  • Reggie ends the conference by saying what matters is the feel of the game and not the look of the game. “It’s hot if it’s disruptive. It’s not if it’s precitable. It’s about the heat of emotion and not the chill of technology. We aren’t a company that runs from risk. We run to it.”
  • “Every year we hope you will walk out of our media briefing saying yeah, these guys are the hot story of the show” Well they would if you actually hosted one!


That’s the end. It was a strange one because it started off really strong, with an amusing start and a strong message but once the demos started things really slumped. They games they showed also kept getting repeated all the way through the show. Started strong, finished strong, but the middle was really lacking. 7/10

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E3 2007. Let's get it on.


  • The conference starts with various news stories and clips of the Wii and DS and how they have outsold the competition, the frenzy they have caused and how every man and his dog wants one or has one.
  • "My name is Reggie and I am happy" The smug SOB.
  • Reggie explains that this years E3 will be a turning point for the whole industry and that videogames will finally be accepted and stand side by side with film and music industries. He goes on to show the growth in the industry, with Japan showing the most with 114% growth.
  • He talks about how they have converted many non games and created an expanded audience. He uses examples of someone saying they don't want to play videogames and then 45 mins later he can't get back on the Wii.
  • More growth and sales chatter.
  • I have to laugh at this to be honest. He's harping about growth and capturing the older gamer and female players. I wonder if he would be so cocky if he knew most of the these people would simply walk away from the company and find their gaming needs elsewhere.
  • "The Nintendo Wii may very well be the becon lighting the way for the entire industry."
  • Still talking about growth....
  • " I don't live in a cave and I know what some are saying. Sure, it's doing well now but it's just a fad. You know what, if I was in their shoes I would be saying the same thing."
  • They were right, Reggie. Yeah, it lasted a little longer than most fads but given the severe drop off and the lack of excitement about the Wii U, these people were pretty much on the ball.
  • "Nintendo is not a fad. Nintendo is the future."
  • He is talking about software and how the development community is on their side with 60 Wii games and another 100 on the way. I many of these are simply shovelware though?
  • Another video is shown with people playing the Wii, website clippings, news stories and various other garbage.
  • Reggie shows off the Wii Zapper for the first time. The start of the flood of plastic accessory starts here. He shows Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles. He says it's both evolutionary and revolutionary. Now, I love the game but let's not dress the game up to anything other than what it is. It's a shooter, Reggie. Plain and simple.
  • He shows off Ghost Squad next. I love this game. It's a little rough looking but it plays very, very well.
  • He then shows Medal of Honor. Doesn't get much fanfare. To be fair, none of these games have.
  • Reggie announces it will be packaged with a game and be $19.99. The crowd enjoy this.
  • He now shows off Soul Calibur Legends. *shudders*
  • Next up, Smackdown vs Raw 2008.
  • Ninja Gaiden is announced for the DS. This was another great game that had a fantastic control method. I'm surprised this didn't get a bit of a pop from the crowd.
  • Dragon Quest Swords is shown for the Wii.
  • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games is announced.
  • "All of this should have the core gamers fighting each other to get their hands on the controllers." Sure, Reggie. Sure.
  • Smash Bros. is talked about. He announces that Smash will arrive on 3rd December.
  • "Trust me. It's the best Smash Bros ever by far"

  • Next up is another video showing a couple of people playing the Wii and DS. They show up on the stage to show off a couple of games. The dude is playing Phantom Hourglass.
  • The wifey shows up to play Metroid Prime 3. Pretty standard demo. Quite boring.
  • Reggie is back on stage. Someone asked Reggie when Nintendo are going to get serious with online gaming. "What if we already did but you just didn't notice?" He shows a video, again of news stories and headlines, about how the Wii is online and how Mario Kart DS can be played against others in the world.
  • He announces 5.5 million people have connected the DS to the net. Still, way off that prediction of 90%, Reggie.
  • He shows off Check Mii Out channel.
  • The idiots just don't get it. I'm honestly getting frustrated just watching this segment.
  • "Will Nintendo ever get serious about real online gaming?" No, Reggie, you freaking won't!
  • He announces that Mario Kart Wii will be online and released in the first quarter the following year. He shows the Wii Wheel off. Gets zero reaction.:heh:
  • Another reel is shown. AGAIN, a bunch of news articles and clips from people playing on the Wii.
  • Iwata shows up now to talk about games for the mass market. He says that he uses the DS cook book software and uses it to make dinner for his family. He enjoys chopping onions.
  • "I know when I talk like this that veteran games think Nintendo has lost it's passion for traditional videogames. I hope that what you have seen a heard today shows this is not the case."
  • He speaks about breaking down the wall of separation and that even if people have different tastes everyone can have a taste for games. He states the best games are the ones that everyone can enjoy. He leaves the stage.
  • Another couple are shown on a video. Once again they waffle on about the Wii. Other people talk about Mario Galaxy and the co-op element. Brain Age is talked about by the family before the video ends.
  • Reggie is back and announces Mario Galaxy will arrive in November.
  • He talks about the expanded market again and how Nintendogs and Brain Training was just the start. He says EA are on board with My Sims on the way. High School Musical is also on the way for the Wii and DS. Rayman Raving Rabbids are coming back to the Wii. Vision traing is announced for the DS. Ubisoft will be bringing My Word Coach and My Life Coach to the platforms. Sigh.....
  • ANOTHER FREAKING NEWS REEL VIDEO. Luckily there's only 15 mins to go. :shakehead
  • Wii Fit time. A video is shown of the software.
  • Miyamoto shows up to show off Wii Fit. A few fitness instructors are on the stage to show how the balance board works. Miyamoto says that the board can be used for a control method on other games.
  • Reggie "My body is ready." This whole segment is hilarious and has been the best part of this abysmal conference.
  • It ends with another video with news clips



Awful, awful conference. So much garbage shown with those videos and far, far too much waffling on from Reggie at the start. The game selection on show was also very poor. No trailer for Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart or Smash Bros. :(


It was probably this conference that showed me what Nintendo's true intentions were that generation and what market was the most important to them.



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It's not exactly surprising that the walking PR machine Reggie trots out press release buzz quotes all the time. He's not meant to be taken word for word seriously.


Crazy that the [Wii] name is now toxic as they come.


Possibly a slight exaggeration!



“ This is important because core gamers always represent our most important audience”








Core Nintendo gamers are their most important audience, they just don't necessarily cater for that all the time, when there's plenty of money to be made with the casuals. It's a tough balance to maintain.

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That 2007 video is painful. They really were out of their depth at that point; the Wii was a success but you can tell there's no future planning. A lack of new announcements was surprising but even more surprising is that they didn't show much more than they showed the following year (where they just showed Animal Crossing and GTA:CW). Bizarre conference. Also the 'fad' stuff is so funny looking back at it.

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In all honesty I think they've gained a lot of ground back (especially since the 3DS onwards), but I agree with @Hero\-of\-Time that this particular conference/era was a real low. There was nothing about the Wii hardware that put core gamers first, absolutely nothing at all. The processing power was kept low so they could include motion controls, and the motion controls themselves were 100% to attract a new crowd. Analogue triggers? Gone. Dual analogue? Gone. So many buttons all gone, resulting in significant compromises to their biggest franchises (Mario and Zelda). Things are actually much better now, but they didn't give two hoots about the core gamer at this time.

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That 2007 video is painful. They really were out of their depth at that point; the Wii was a success but you can tell there's no future planning. A lack of new announcements was surprising but even more surprising is that they didn't show much more than they showed the following year (where they just showed Animal Crossing and GTA:CW). Bizarre conference. Also the 'fad' stuff is so funny looking back at it.


Yeah, I had a chuckle to myself over the fad thing.


The whole conference was really a tough watch. It was bad enough that they harped on about growth and figures constantly but then to keep putting those news video reels up was just cringe worthy. I'm not looking forward to watching the rest of these now that i'm into the Wii generation. Although, I have the epic drummer and Cammie coming up, so I should get a few laughs at least. :D


In all honesty I think they've gained a lot of ground back (especially since the 3DS onwards), but I agree with @Hero\-of\-Time that this particular conference/era was a real low. There was nothing about the Wii hardware that put core gamers first, absolutely nothing at all. The processing power was kept low so they could include motion controls, and the motion controls themselves were 100% to attract a new crowd. Analogue triggers? Gone. Dual analogue? Gone. So many buttons all gone, resulting in significant compromises to their biggest franchises (Mario and Zelda). Things are actually much better now, but they didn't give two hoots about the core gamer at this time.


It's been interesting watching these conferences and the difference between the Gamecube pressers and the Wii ones are night and day. Sure, the Cube one had sales talk but then it was game after game after game. It was all big explosions and epic game footage. This all changed once the DS hit and you could see where they were headed.


As Ronnie said, there was money on the table and it would be stupid not to get a bit of it. I applaud their efforts with the Wii as their marketing, vision and execution was perfect, even if it wasn't aimed at me.


The best thing about watching all of these though is some of the quotes. Some of them are hilarious, while others are just flat out lies. If I was to watch Microsoft and Sony's past conference i'm sure the result would be the same but it just goes to show that Nintendo aren't the exception to the rule, they are just like the rest of them.

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