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E3 2014 - All your wildest hopes and dreams


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Okay so we've all got our guesses on what Nintendo MIGHT do at E3 but what would you LIKE them to do? Lords knows things haven't been as hoped recently at the big N, maybe they'd do well to listen to you. A revival of a forgotten classic, the new franchise of your fantasies, a fitting film adaptation - what announcement would make your Nintendo E3 one to remember?


Personally I just want a brand-spanking new, in-house, HD Starfox game. It's 2014 godammit! Also a new Advance Wars for 3DS would be swell.

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Accept they have a stable of fantastic IP that is outside of the Mario universe and tap into the nostalgia of those titles. They've a 2D/3D and new Mario Kart game out for WiiU, and the 3DS has had the sports games.

Now it's time to approach their core audience through their heritage. They are the major WiiU owners - so show them some love.

StarFox, F-Zero, Metroid, WaveRace, 1080, Earthbound, GC and N64 Virtual console. Getting anything like that off the ground would be a start.


Also - get an app on mobile devices which encompasses Club Nintendo, Miiverse and the latest videos, directs and has notifications for Nintendo news.


Sort your shit out with EA. Not having their sports games is insanity.

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It is time:












Whether they bring back the old characters in the world of Days of Ruin, or the other way around, or you can travel from planet to planet: one dark and gritty and the other old-school and colourful,...I DON'T CARE.


I want a NEW Advance Wars!

Still preferably with all the characters I've come to know and love.

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Just as I posted in the other thread:


-We'll get two of the following: HD Xenoblade/HD Twilight Princess+Skyward Sword/HD Super Mario Galaxy 1+2.

-A trailer for Starfox on Wii U, featuring a full online model. It'll be made by the Pikmin team.

-A 2D/2.5D Metroid made by the NSMBU team.

-Zelda gameplay trailer. It's gonna be awesome. Slated for a 2015 release.

-Majora's Mask 3D.

-Miyamoto new I.P.

-Bayonetta port.

-Baoynetta and X given release dates for this winter, along with Smash.


Now, that stuff will definitely make me happy. To make me very happy, I'd like to see this:


-New F-Zero.

-A new Metroid title (not like Fusion or Other M).


To make me ECSTATIC:


-A 'NEW Legend of Zelda' series, which is basically a new top down Zelda like Four Swords, which features online play.

-A LEGO Nintendo title.

-An Ice Climbers 2D game made by WayForward.


Oh. And I predict that Mango will win the Smash U tournament and that he'll get to play Sakurai afterwards.

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I would like Nintendo to FORGET about recreating history and actually MAKE new History.


I don't really want to see another Mario or Zelda, I want something new. A new series or two that in 20 years time we'll look back on and think, "wow, that was amazing." Where's the new stuff that is going to have a lasting impact on the videogaming industry like Mario or Zelda or Metroid has?


I also want something with depth. A game besides Smash Bros. where you will spend hours and hours on it so that you learn it inside out. I knew Ocarina of Time like the back of my hand. I knew Majora's Mask better than my ex-girlfriend. I want to feel this feel again.


- Something new.

- More depth.

- For the love of God, something NOT from a franchise we already know about.


I have serious reservations on whether Nintendo have what it takes to create another game with the depth of A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Ocarina, etc. Super Metroid in particular. Make me believe, Nintendo.

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I would like Nintendo to FORGET about recreating history and actually MAKE new History.


I don't really want to see another Mario or Zelda, I want something new. A new series or two that in 20 years time we'll look back on and think, "wow, that was amazing." Where's the new stuff that is going to have a lasting impact on the videogaming industry like Mario or Zelda or Metroid has?


I also want something with depth. A game besides Smash Bros. where you will spend hours and hours on it so that you learn it inside out. I knew Ocarina of Time like the back of my hand. I knew Majora's Mask better than my ex-girlfriend. I want to feel this feel again.


- Something new.

- More depth.

- For the love of God, something NOT from a franchise we already know about.


I have serious reservations on whether Nintendo have what it takes to create another game with the depth of A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Ocarina, etc. Super Metroid in particular. Make me believe, Nintendo.


Unfortunately it's become harder and harder for things like this to happen, given Nintendo have disbanded most of their western development teams since the GC days and NoJ is barely large enough to support 2 consoles, and that's before QoL comes in. Even with Miyamoto's new I.P, I'm not confident it'll be anything ground breaking, but maybe something niche like Pikmin or the Nintendo funded TW101.


They know a lot of Nintendo fans haven't purchased the Wii U yet so it'll likely be stuff that appeals to them..I think Starfox and Metroid are really likely.

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It is time


Whether they bring back the old characters in the world of Days of Ruin, or the other way around, or you can travel from planet to planet: one dark and gritty and the other old-school and colourful,...I DON'T CARE.


I want a NEW Advance Wars!

Still preferably with all the characters I've come to know and love.


I bet you'll get your wish this year. IS have been hinting not too subtly at exactly this ever since releasing FEA...


... But man I'd love to finally get the chance to play Famicom Wars and Super Famicom Wars in English (officially! Fan translations just aren't the same) one day...

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Wildest, you say? :heh:




Metroid Dread - Nintendo's acknowledgement of the awesomeness and sheer quality of Fusion/Zero Mission. It would of course be Metroid V, and follow Samus after all that Metroid/X parasite hoo-ha.


Dragon Quest XI - The aim of this would be to create another experience like DQ IX - character creation, customisation and optional online modes. We can team up to take on those Legacy Bosses!




Dragon Quest XII - The aim of this one would be to finally outclass VIII. It would have an enormous overworld, stunning visuals and cheeky characters.


The Legend of Zelda - I'm optimistic about this one. When I played Wind Waker, I wondered what the next big jump forward for the series would be. Arguably, with the Wii U being a big jump over GC/Wii, this is the very first time in 12 years or so that sort of leap will be possible. However it turns out, I hope it has shield control and the Mirror Shield.


Metroid Prime 4 (or new trilogy) - Whatever I've said about 1st-person versus 3rd-person, I do like Metroid Prime and think it's important for Nintendo's image. I don't think Nintendo is "kiddie", but Prime does help it be seen as "grown-up". Plus, it's a great series in its own right!


F-Zero - Nuff said.


Ice Climber - An atmospheric game where you have to ascend an enormous 3D mountain. Much spookier than the NES original, you would have to hide from Yetis, find better grappling hooks etc. It would take hours to explore the caves and find hidden routes. If you became injured, wolves might stalk you, but you can frighten them off with flare guns etc.


WaveRace: Salty Cove - Bad name, but you get the idea.


1080 Snowboarding: Frozen Assets - As above.


Dragon Negotiator - A cross between Shadow of the Colossus and the original Legend of Zelda. Your task would be to save a village from dragons (bad ones) that have been attacking it. Totally non-linear, there would be an enormous overworld to explore, with it possible to locate any of the dragons in any order. You'd be wise, however, to find the Ice Armour before you fought the Blizzard Dragon, or the Fire Shield before you fought the Fire Dragon etc, etc. I'm a pacifist, so the aim would be to negotiate with the dragons first. If that fails... well, you've got a sword. The dragons would wait in their lairs and when you'd battled your way to them (past smaller enemies and dangerous terrain), the fights would last a long time as well, maybe even hundreds of feet in the air as the dragons take off and try to throw you to the ground.


Shantae 3D - WayForward putting Shantae into 3D. Really cartoony, with the same sort of tone as the DSi one.


Etrian Odyssey V - It's time for this awesome series to go big screen. The polygon graphics are getting better and better, and I just think it might attract some new players on console.


...And when none of that happens, at least we can moan about SNES Remix. ;)

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One exclusive core game a month for the Wii U for the next 18 months after E3. Titles include Zelda, 3D Mario, Waverace, Starfox, F-Zero, Pilotwins, 1080 and Excitebike.


Nintendo buy back numerous Rare IP's from Microsoft (including Conker, Banjo, Perfect Dark etc), employ the people who made Rare so great back in the day and call the new team Scarceware. The teams first game is Goldeneye and Perfect Dark HD, because Nintendo now have secured all necessary rights to make it happen.


Nintendo announce purchase of Slightly Mad Studios. Non-nintendo versions of Project Cars are canceled. World of Speed shifts focus from f2p supercar racer, to super-ambitious Gran Turismo killer, set for fall 2015 release.


Rapid expansion of the Virtual Console announced. N64 and Saturn to be added "after this show", Dreamcast and Gamecube coming "this christmas". All 3D VC games will have the option of running in full HD. Online features fully restored.


Retro Studios next game is an entry in the Grand Theft Auto franchise. The game takes place in Vice City and contains two sepparate eras: late 50's and late 80's. Runs on a strongly enhanced version of the GTA V engine.


Miyamoto unveils his new, core-oriented game. Every game designer in the world facepalms and asks himself "why didn't I think of that?".

Edited by Hogge
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I would like Nintendo to FORGET about recreating history and actually MAKE new History.


I don't really want to see another Mario or Zelda, I want something new. A new series or two that in 20 years time we'll look back on and think, "wow, that was amazing." Where's the new stuff that is going to have a lasting impact on the videogaming industry like Mario or Zelda or Metroid has?


I also want something with depth. A game besides Smash Bros. where you will spend hours and hours on it so that you learn it inside out. I knew Ocarina of Time like the back of my hand. I knew Majora's Mask better than my ex-girlfriend. I want to feel this feel again.


- Something new.

- More depth.

- For the love of God, something NOT from a franchise we already know about.


I have serious reservations on whether Nintendo have what it takes to create another game with the depth of A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Ocarina, etc. Super Metroid in particular. Make me believe, Nintendo.


Emphasis should've been on recreating and new not forget and make :)


Also, you bullet points, 1 and 3 are the same...


I find this tricky. I would like something new, I think we all would, but to not want mario, Zelda Metroid and stuff.... My mind can't comprehend it... That IS Nintendo in my mind. Want both? Fine. But not want Zelda....? I just think, maybe get another console if you don't want that... In my brain it's almost like wanting an alien film with no alien in it :)


But I do to want to lessen the bit I do agree with - new ip. It would be amazing to get something new again.


But didn't you spend insane amounts of hours in xenoblade? A new ip? D. You not think x looks like it could do something similar?

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Emphasis should've been on recreating and new not forget and make :)


Also, you bullet points, 1 and 3 are the same...


I find this tricky. I would like something new, I think we all would, but to not want mario, Zelda Metroid and stuff.... My mind can't comprehend it... That IS Nintendo in my mind. Want both? Fine. But not want Zelda....? I just think, maybe get another console if you don't want that... In my brain it's almost like wanting an alien film with no alien in it :)


But I do to want to lessen the bit I do agree with - new ip. It would be amazing to get something new again.


But didn't you spend insane amounts of hours in xenoblade? A new ip? D. You not think x looks like it could do something similar?


The emphasis is on the right bits. ;) They need to let go of the past (forget) and create (make) new things. Yes, the first and third are the same, but it needs reiterating. (also, just so we can't class anything like Mario Kart as new, when it's really more of the same).


To you, Nintendo is Mario and Zelda. To me, Nintendo is supposed to be about creating memorable games and gaming experiences. Nintendo isn't and shouldn't be limited to a few franchises. I remember something a few years back when they revealed the Wii, something about "would you rather go down the same road but faster, or go down a whole new road?" (can't remember the exact quote, but it was to that effect, from Reggie). Well, I want the new road, Nintendo. :p


X looks incredible, but we know almost nothing about it, let alone a release date.


As for not wanting Mario, Zelda, etc: To put it simply, the last Zelda (Skyward Sword) was a bad game. Nintendo also seem very content on covering old ground with the franchise rather than breaking through with the new stuff (Ocarina of Time 3D, Wind Waker HD, even A Link Between Worlds I'd argue did this) I've had enough of Mario and the fact that he's on pretty much everything. Metroid is something Nintendo neglect, considering the output that it received on the DS and so far on the 3DS. It's the one franchise I do want to see again, but I could quite easily live without the other 2 for a while.


Either way, I can dream.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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One BIG wish: I want Nintendo to stop wasting so much performance on the operating system. 100 MB is enough to run Ocarina of time 25 times over and should be enough to run a menu. Then game developers can have access to 1,9GB for their games, instead of just 1GB.

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Nintendo to announce they've been bought and are now 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft... the hardware teams will be integrated into the hardware teams at either place to help bring touches that improve on the consoles (controller design, console build quality etc) and the software teams have free reign to continue what they're doing albeit with the added bonus of a robust and well implemented online system to their multiplayer games.


That's honestly what I actually want these days. Sad times. :(

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Nintendo to announce they've been bought and are now 2nd Party to either Sony or Microsoft... the hardware teams will be integrated into the hardware teams at either place to help bring touches that improve on the consoles (controller design, console build quality etc) and the software teams have free reign to continue what they're doing albeit with the added bonus of a robust and well implemented online system to their multiplayer games.


That's honestly what I actually want these days. Sad times. :(


As I have said on Miiverse I actually wouldn't mind that now. That way I would be able to enjoy 3rd party games and Sony or Microsoft exclusives all at the same time :)

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Shut up you two :) How DULL will the industry be without Nintendo shaking things up :)


Well it ain't happening so get used to it. Have faith they'll learn from their mistakes, and along with their unique ideas end up producing the best! :D

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...Have faith they'll learn from their mistakes, and along with their unique ideas end up producing the best! :D


This. This is what I can't do, I honestly believe Nintendo are too stubborn and stupid to learn from their mistakes. They'd already said they had done and it's blatantly obvious they haven't. As a hardware manufacturer they're a distant 3rd best. As a game developer they're still amongst the best... I wish they'd concentrate on games only.

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My dream? Nintendo to buy SCEI. Sony are bound to let it go at some point due to their spiralling company, so Nintendo gets it. Gets Uncharted etc. as exclusives, and gets a few of their engineers in to help with the next console.


Everybody wins. Sony for 3rd party! Or 2nd party! Afterall, the Vita is dying!

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My dream? Nintendo to buy SCEI. Sony are bound to let it go at some point due to their spiralling company, so Nintendo gets it. Gets Uncharted etc. as exclusives, and gets a few of their engineers in to help with the next console.


Everybody wins. Sony for 3rd party! Or 2nd party! Afterall, the Vita is dying!


Serebii you're not getting it, it's not that the console isn't selling well, it's that it's outdated tech and Nintendo have outdated views towards gaming as a whole these days. That is the probelm, not that the console doesn't sell.

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