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E3 Press Conference Vs. Nintendo Directs


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I didnt think it was unrealistic to want another Metroid from Retro. Problem with the DK game was that it was another platformer game. I can see why they did it though. DKCR did great numbers, problem was that those numbers were inflated due to the expanded audience buying it. Those people are long gone so a more mature/core/dark whatever you want to call it would have been a better option to bring in the core gamers. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

True, but at the time it was revealed, it had been in development for well over a year, before the Wii U's issues occurred. As such, what would they do? Just can it and rush something?

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True, but at the time it was revealed, it had been in development for well over a year, before the Wii U's issues occurred. As such, what would they do? Just can it and rush something?


They could have communicated with other parts of Nintendo when they started making it and thought "Oh, we're making a lot of platformers at the moment. Perhaps we should do something different".

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I can't believe people are actually trying to debate whether a blog is better than directs.... I'm not knocking the blog, I do think it's a good idea, but the directs are way more exciting and get way more attention in the media. If Sony did a monthly show with announcements and unveiling people would be creaming about it. But all communication is good, surely.


As for damaging Nintendo... How, exactly does it damage them? A hell of a lot of people always watch them, it creates lots of discussions and threads on message boards, all the media cover it... A few people moan about then, but how is it "damaging"

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Again, the question is "why not both?".


As for damaging Nintendo, the majority of opinions on the internet seem to be negative after most directs. And, unlike the actual game releases, the main people watching are the ones who post their opinions on the internet.


Considering that Nintendo created their own social network specifically for their consoles, Nintendo themselves don't feel like they're part of the community.

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Again, the question is "why not both?".


As for damaging Nintendo, the majority of opinions on the internet seem to be negative after most directs. And, unlike the actual game releases, the main people watching are the ones who post their opinions on the internet.


Considering that Nintendo created their own social network specifically for their consoles, Nintendo themselves don't feel like they're part of the community.

The vocal people are negative about Nintendo no matter what they do. It's not actually the majority of the opinions. It's just how the Internet works. The more vocal people are the ones who have negative views.

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Again, the question is "why not both?".


As for damaging Nintendo, the majority of opinions on the internet seem to be negative after most directs. And, unlike the actual game releases, the main people watching are the ones who post their opinions on the internet.


Absolutely. Why both? But does anyone actually think they won't do a conference? I didn't think there was any doubt.


Strange about the negativity, I usually find everything really positive, especially from the actual sites who report on it. As for message boards I really only use here and it isn't so bad, no worse than bloody normal, and in fact there's still new stuff, we always want more, but "stuff" is still better than nothing!

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But it completely lacks Zaz. :heh:


But I can look at my phone and see news straight away. Hell, in a few months I could get the blog posts to appear on my watch when they're posted. Blogs are better for convenience, while Directs can still be used for Zaz, and E3 for extreme hype overload.


I also think that a Nintendo would benefit even more from a blog due to Miiverse, and it could be integrated directly into a Miiverse smartphone app with the option for alerts (the app could also have options for notifications and viewing the directs).

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I think Serebii makes a good point. When Retro's new game was announced (which turned out to be Tropical Freeze), people were demanding a new IP, a new Zelda, or F-Zero, or Starfox, or even Metroid Prime 4. Out of those, only the new IP and maaaaybe Zelda were plausible options, but when the actual game was something more underwhelming than this, people called it a disappointment, despite being them who set the bar unrealistically high.


And we're talking about the sequel to one of the most acclaimed Wii games of the previous generation, so that speaks volumes about what people were expecting.


Here lies the problem. Why is it unrealistic in the first place to expect new IPs? I don't get that logic at all.


Nintendo's consoles and Nintendo pride themselves on variation. At the moment, the variation seems to be "2D platformer with Mario, 3D platformer with Mario, platformer with Donkey Kong, 2D Platformer with Luigi instead of Mario."


I love platformers as much as the next person, but it was obvious even at the end of the Wii's lifecycle that the console had enough platformers. The sensible money would be to give us something different for the next system. Instead, Nintendo seemingly stuck to "what they're good at" and gave us...more platformers. People had a right to be annoyed.

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I also think that a Nintendo would benefit even more from a blog due to Miiverse, and it could be integrated directly into a Miiverse smartphone app with the option for alerts (the app could also have options for notifications and viewing the directs).
Still don't reckon it's anything Nintendo need to look at doing.


I mean when a Direct is on the way, it already gets mentioned on their website, on Twitter/Facebook/Miiverse/whatever, posted on NeoGaf, on here etc...

Do we really need it to also appear on a blog? :blank:

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I didnt think it was unrealistic to want another Metroid from Retro. Problem with the DK game was that it was another platformer game. I can see why they did it though. DKCR did great numbers, problem was that those numbers were inflated due to the expanded audience buying it. Those people are long gone so a more mature/core/dark whatever you want to call it would have been a better option to bring in the core gamers. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


MP4 would be excessive. It was so clear the team ran out of ideas by the end of MP3 (a game that closed the story shut, too). Asking for more Metroid truly is lacking imagination, and it is unrealistic thinking they would go back to the franchise so soon, especially after they publicly said they wanted to let Metroid rest (at least I remember them saying something along those lines).


Also, "inflated numbers"? What kind of excuse is that? If it makes Top 10 in a console, it makes Top 10 in a console. Next you're going to tell me that the sales of the GTA and Dragon Quest franchises are inflated due to being released on popular systems.


Finally, "hindsight"? I've held this opinion since before the game was announced :heh: I laughed when I saw it.


I have no idea what Nintendo are like on social (which might be an indicator of what they're like)


Well, before this thread, I had no idea of what Sony did with their fans (and I still don't know about Microsoft). Is that also a sign of what they're like, or is it just a sign that we're fans of different companies? :heh:



Keeping more to the thread's topic, there is one thing I like about the Direct videos: you can actually see Nintendo representatives and developers bothering to put on a show, and there's always something to talk about and look forward to beforehand, creating some enthusiasm. With a blog, it's more along the lines of "something is suddenly posted". When Smash Bros does it, sure it's Smash Bros, but with anything else, I find it hard to care. With a press conference, well, those only happen twice a year, so there's that :heh:


Saying one is better than the other is splitting hairs, though. They're all good, they're all good ways of communicating. As long as they don't do it by Twitter, I'm peachy.


Here lies the problem. Why is it unrealistic in the first place to expect new IPs? I don't get that logic at all.


I did say the new IP was the only plausible option. I think it was, out of the ones being thrown around at the time.


Nintendo's consoles and Nintendo pride themselves on variation. At the moment, the variation seems to be "2D platformer with Mario, 3D platformer with Mario, platformer with Donkey Kong, 2D Platformer with Luigi instead of Mario."


I love platformers as much as the next person, but it was obvious even at the end of the Wii's lifecycle that the console had enough platformers. The sensible money would be to give us something different for the next system. Instead, Nintendo seemingly stuck to "what they're good at" and gave us...more platformers. People had a right to be annoyed.


Fair point. The market is a tad saturated with the same genre on every console, I find (just a different genre on the Wii U)

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Well, before this thread, I had no idea of what Sony did with their fans (and I still don't know about Microsoft). Is that also a sign of what they're like, or is it just a sign that we're fans of different companies? :heh:


I despise a lot of what Microsoft do, I'm still aware of how they deal with social media. They're pretty hit and miss, but they were much better than Sony use to be.


So what are Nintendo like on social?

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I despise a lot of what Microsoft do, I'm still aware of how they deal with social media. They're pretty hit and miss, but they were much better than Sony use to be.


So what are Nintendo like on social?


To be fair to them they do post quite a lot and frequently too covering a lot, games/VC/eShop/deals & offers etc.


They don't respond to anything though, you'll never get a question answered on their social media.

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I despise a lot of what Microsoft do, I'm still aware of how they deal with social media. They're pretty hit and miss, but they were much better than Sony use to be.


So what are Nintendo like on social?

They're very good. Always tweeting about new features of games, new game announcements, trailers of upcoming games etc.

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What about other social channels like Facebook, YouTube and Instagram? Is it easy to get responses from execs and stuff?


Edit: Missed this.


To be fair to them they do post quite a lot and frequently too covering a lot, games/VC/eShop/deals & offers etc.


They don't respond to anything though, you'll never get a question answered on their social media.


That's pretty lacking if true. That's (unsurprisingly) the biggest part of 'social'.

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Not having an E3 presentation just furthers the notion that Nintendo aren't a part of the game industry anymore. A lot of people seem to believe that Nintendo are on the verge of bancrupcy.


A strong, confident presentation could do a lot for Nintendo.

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Not having an E3 presentation just furthers the notion that Nintendo aren't a part of the game industry anymore. A lot of people seem to believe that Nintendo are on the verge of bancrupcy.


A strong, confident presentation could do a lot for Nintendo.


Yeah, they've had one year of loss and are projecting their second. They've been expanding like crazy and they're nowhere near bankruptcy, but people continue to push it. Some have believed the various things and believe Nintendo have completely drained their finances.


Conversely, Sony is doing well with the PS4 but is losing money, laying off people like crazy and is categorised as likely to go bankrupt soon. Yet people all think they're doing amazing.


It's all about image, not about facts. Nintendo can't really afford not to have a conference, even though I find them pointless.

Edited by Serebii
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I mark certain dates in my calender/brain that I don't let slip by me. Certain dates for huge football games, the girlfriend's birthday (can't fuck that one up, people) and E3. I love E3. It's Christmas for gamers. For me, it's a huge deal.


I'm the same and, like I alluded to in my previous post, I would love Nintendo to do a conference again this year :yay:


The last few years have been disappointing for me, regardless of whether they have had a show or a Nintendo Direct, but you can't get much than getting caught up in the pre-E3 build up, making sure your body is ready and climbing firmly aboard the hype train : peace:


The GIFs that get produced before and after the shows are genuinely hilarious sometimes and a lot of that awesomeness stems from what has been witnessed at the Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo conferences, whether good or bad :heh:


The Antonio Banderas GIF may get me every time I see it, but I can't wait to see what usurps it over the coming weeks :bouncy:

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Conversely, Sony is doing well with the PS4 but is losing money, laying off people like crazy and is categorised as likely to go bankrupt soon. Yet people all think they're doing amazing.


...January this year there was a 78% chance of Sony going bankrupt in two years.


Three months later it's down to 46%.


You have such a tiny grasp about what you're talking about and cherry pick your sources (if we're lucky enough that you provide any sources at all, that is). Sony aren't 'laying people off like crazy' either. Hyperbole, hyperbole, blah, blah, blah *hot air*...

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I did say the new IP was the only plausible option. I think it was, out of the ones being thrown around at the time.




Fair point. The market is a tad saturated with the same genre on every console, I find (just a different genre on the Wii U)


But why would a new Metroid be out of the question, I just don't get that either? It's a long-running Nintendo franchise and certainly has a place with the core gamers. A Metroid game is exactly the sort of thing that the Wii U needs.


Yes, I agree witht he saturation, but that's why I have a Nintendo console. They're meant to be the ones who provide the extra-ordinary. They're just as much of a problem as Microsoft and Sony, perhaps more so.

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...January this year there was a 78% chance of Sony going bankrupt in two years.


Three months later it's down to 46%.


You have such a tiny grasp about what you're talking about and cherry pick your sources (if we're lucky enough that you provide any sources at all, that is). Sony aren't 'laying people off like crazy' either. Hyperbole, hyperbole, blah, blah, blah *hot air*...

Yeah, totally not laying people off




Yes, Sony's rating got reduced, but that's only because they did some really drastic stuff. Stop losing context in your posts.


But why would a new Metroid be out of the question, I just don't get that either? It's a long-running Nintendo franchise and certainly has a place with the core gamers. A Metroid game is exactly the sort of thing that the Wii U needs.


Yes, I agree witht he saturation, but that's why I have a Nintendo console. They're meant to be the ones who provide the extra-ordinary. They're just as much of a problem as Microsoft and Sony, perhaps more so.

Problem is that Metroid games don't sell well on successful consoles, let alone on flailing ones. That's why it's unlikely we'll hear it.

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