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It seems clear that this new department i'm in don't want to be fair with a lot of things, especially over the Christmas leave. Basically they've said those whom booked the week leading to Christmas can have it no problems. Those whom booked the week following Christmas would have to compromise their leave (aka can't have the entire week). Not exactly fair, seeing as most have both weeks requested (and a lot of time off). I only requested 3 days, and got 1. I've already had a word with my manager whom will look into it, but it is clear that a lot of people don't believe how they are doing this is fair either. Quite a few have gone to managers about it as well.


Oh well, i plan to leave this department in the new year as well. Seeing as they've also given me a shift which requires me to work lates 5 days a week starting next year.

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I can't get Christmas or New Year's off because "too many people are taking holiday (read: "The other supervisor is taking holiday and I know we're supposed to have a 3rd but I can't be bothered to get it sorted").



Edited by gaggle64
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  • 3 weeks later...

Another issue i'm having, this place seems to change the goalposts on how work is meant to be done every 10 minutes. It's getting frustrating as i could be doing something right one minute, and it's wrong the next. And they don't even pass on the information to us. So we continue to get it wrong.

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I can feel a similar situation with Christmas working hours happening to myself soon.


On our department we all got taken aside individually for our "Christmas Working Arrangements", everyone in the store has one, tisn't a big deal. Department Manager basically asks about normal shifts and if we can work X days (boxing, new year etc). I managed to get all mine booked off as Bank Holidays.


Today our bell-end Team Leader* was asking all of us if we were working boxing day etc. Apparently our manager had booked us all off as Bank Holidays (signed papers and everything) and thought that "We'd settle it between ourselves"... If he's just booked us off for Christmas in a standard meeting, why would we discuss who was going to work when it no longer concerned us?



*Who my girlfriend royally insulted at a coworkers house party. For many it was the first time they'd met her and instantly love her because he's such a prick.


The guy who employed handed in his notice and then got sacked for gross misconduct. I don't know what I have gotten myself into here....

Depends. If you can do your gross misconduct and hand your notice in sooner, you won't get fired before you can get away.


You'll be fine kiddo.

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That didn't come out right. I meant to say it was my boss who employed me, handed in his notice then was quite unproffesional in his attitude about the company towards customers leading to him being dismissed instantly!


This firm is so backwards its crazy, they have turned away over 300k worth of orders that I could have had because of "margins". I could sell at that price when buying the items from competitors but we cant supply direct?! I wonder how much money they think they can make!

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Today our bell-end Team Leader...


Today he decided to make an enemy of every person in the stock control department and beyond today by upsetting one of the nicest and most hard-working staff member we have. Bar myself.


Myself and this other girl (let's call her Jess) are working on sorting out the warehouse, myself doing hardware upstairs and Jess doing health and beauty downstairs. We both get a lot of stock that our PDA's tell us is discontinued but is still current stock on the shelf. Jess spent 3 hours sorting through a shitload of stock yesterday as instructed by our manager and the manager of health and beauty. Matt (bell end TL) today just threw it all with the other actual discontinued stock, saying it's all discontinued (despite being told it can go out) and that she shouldn't do this (despite being told people above him have asked her to) and all the other managers are wrong and he is right. Pissing on all her hard work in the space of five minutes. Another team leader and myself kept telling her that if people above him have ordered something she should follow that and if Matt has a problem he can go speak to them, something which sadly she for some reason couldn't grasp, much to our frustration.


Naturally she was very upset with the situation and did break down crying. Which has pissed off all of us and any thoughts that we could dislike him any less were immediately disproven. Hopefully he'll get his ass handed to him, because Jess and I can't be bothered to put up with his bullshit for much longer.

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Been told i have to go back on the phones in January to help out in a peak. I've voiced my opinions to my manager and they'll see if there is any way i can avoid taking calls. I'm not the only one, there are about 6 or 7 others whom do not want to take phone calls and have also voiced their opinions to the manager. Have heard they'll take individual concerns into account before deciding whom goes.


Seriously thought i'd left the call centre for good in September.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I thought things would be different in the new job/department. In the most part, they are not. All roughly the same when it comes to passing on information. When i left the last job in September, i thought that was it. No more call centre, but alas that was not to be. Was told i'm needed to go back for 3 weeks to help in a busy period, along with many others. Tried my damn hardest to avoid going back, even going as far as advising them how bad i got on the phones. And with my old operations manager now my current operations manager in the new department, thought i'd stand a chance. Alas no, twas told to simply "put up and shut up". Can't even go on a referral that others have had to avoid going on the phones, no longer an option.


In one way, my manager is nice enough to try and get me away from the contact centre. In another they ain't. Manager said do the training, any issues to let her know. The trainers want us on the phones this afternoon, and i'm simply put cacking it. Full of dread, full of stress and anxiety. I contemplated just not coming in, did that once before. So at the moment, i'm sitting in the office writing a message to my union rep for some advice (also writing on here as i need to vent).


I'm not alone with not wanting to go on the phones, about 20 out of the 100 they need don't want to go back on and are also voicing their concerns. The ops manager did say any conerns, raise them and we'll accomodate. Bull.

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I don't understand why you need to contact your Union about something like this? Surely it's in your job description/contract what duties you may have to carry out?


It's not in the new contract at all, it doesn't even mention anything about taking calls or swapping departments in busy periods. It does mention being flexible with hours for weekend/evening work, but that's about it. But it was in my old contact centre contract to be flexible between departments in busy periods.

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Bloody Marketing Manager at work. She is constantly told to stop leaving things until last minute but once again she has dumped a load of printing on me to get done by tomorrow evening, firstly not checking if we had the right card (which we didnt) and having to order it in quickly and then the printer has started acting up and all the images are shifting. We've got an engineer coming out to fix it but theres no guarantee that he'll be here in time and all she keeps telling me is that these must be done by tomorrow night, while in the same sentence telling me she wont be in because its her day off. Fridays are also my bloody day off! It just so happens that I was coming in anyway to help cover the school office but this printing job is a Marketing one and she has an assistant for that. To be honest if it isnt done by 5pm then I'm not staying any longer to finish her work.

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Launching a new helpdesk system on Monday (my job is so exciting) and this week has been kicking my arse. With a butt-load of meetings a lot of what I've had to do has been pushed into early/late parts of the day and I'm mostly there but I'm trying to finish it off now and the remote desktop connection keeps closing before even taking me into there. It's all web based so I can do it without the RD but my to do list is on the desktop. ARGH.


Roll on the end of Monday.


This is the last big project I do, I swear. My previous one (whereby I created an online training booking system) was a good learning experience, but I rolled straight from that to this and it's eating too much time. I'm going to start delegating projects to my staff instead.

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I've been in my current job now for 9 years this year. Ive progressed up and done loads of different roles in my time there, but at the minute, though I'm doing a role that I like and I'm comfortable in, I feel like I haven't made much progression in a while.

Partly down to making some shit decisions work wise a couple of years ago that left me stuck doing something I didn't want to do for a while.


Anyway, a secondment opportunity has come up on our job board for a project manager role, business analysis - that kinda thing. Need to email my interest with why I'd be suitable by Wednesday. Spoke to my team leader about it yesterday and she's happy to give me some time to go and sit with them Monday or Tuesday to look at the role for a bit and ask some questions. Which I'm hopefully gonna do, but I've already decided to go for it as it's the kind of work I'm looking to get into.


All I know is that every man and his dog seems to be interested in it, so there's probably going to be a lot of competition! :blank:

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