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Job woes/wins


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What's your job? IT technician or something of that sort?


We've had inset today and yesterday. So unbelievably boring. Sitting on your arse for hours and hours whilst people talk at you. Always find it stupid when, as teachers, you get told not to do that, yet they see this as a fine way to talk to adults for a prolonged period of time.


Two of my teacher friends actually fell asleep in the afternoon during the talk. They're both near 60, so can't blame them. Aahahhha.


Im just the School Office Assistant but our IT technician is off ill at the moment so I may as well be. We've got our Inset days on Monday and Tuesday.

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Despite the extra time off over the summer its actually felt busier for me than term time. Ive spent ages updating the database with the new children and all the various permission forms we send out, learning how to use and then editing the new website and photocopying science revision packs for each student which took bloody forever.

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We've got a new manager at work. Previously we've pretty much managed ourselves, so things were a little "interesting" when we found out. I personally didn't mind as I thought our department was a bit of a shambles, but the guy who gunning for a managers job was pissed.


The manager has so far turned out to be awesome. Pretty much the first things he noticed about the department was that we didn't have any design books around and that we only had one screen each. Within a day we all had 2 screens and within 3 days he brought in a shitload of books for research.


We've basically turned from a bunch of amateurs designing school stuff to a potentially decent design studio. Hopefully it'll carry on this way.

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We've got a new manager at work. Previously we've pretty much managed ourselves, so things were a little "interesting" when we found out. I personally didn't mind as I thought our department was a bit of a shambles, but the guy who gunning for a managers job was pissed.


The manager has so far turned out to be awesome. Pretty much the first things he noticed about the department was that we didn't have any design books around and that we only had one screen each. Within a day we all had 2 screens and within 3 days he brought in a shitload of books for research.


We've basically turned from a bunch of amateurs designing school stuff to a potentially decent design studio. Hopefully it'll carry on this way.


So a department that managed themselves got a new manager who essentially helped you guys to manage yourselves?


That's a manager right there if so. No power bullshit, no ambitions to 'make a mark' with change or being seen to be doing something as new in post even if it doesn't need to be done, someone who comes in, recognises the good and productiive of the team that is(the people who really do the work, too), and fosters that.


And I think that's the kind of 'manager' I have. Which is why I'm still working my job. A good manager gives you the tools and support to organise and manage yourself and grow whilst remaining on hand to help. It irks me so much when I see 'management' who are just fucking so self-interested they forget that management is entirely about everyone else but yourself, really. Just as Josh's story earlier might have illustrated.

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Following on from this post...




I had an interview for the role today. I was originally asked to sit some online assessments but they changed their mind because I did some earlier on in the year. And then things all went a bit quiet because the manager is swamped being so under staffed.


There has been strong pressure from high within in the business to demand that people in these roles have certain professional qualifications and lots of relevant experience... of which I have neither - I'm just quite experienced and very good at what I currently do because I put in a load of effort. I'm also not some fly by night cowboy out for a quick buck who will disappear after 6 months like a recent hire.


My manager said to me at the start of the week "don't drop me in it". I replied with "I'd never do that to you" but a bit unsure what she was on about and asked her the next day. It turns out that there had been some discussions of putting me in the role on a secondment basis so that they get to see how I work and then make an assessment later as to whether to offer me the role on a more permant basis or let me return back to my current dept - that also benefits my current dept as I'm pretty much the linchpin that holds over half of it together and they'd not risk losing that if the other role didn't work out. The dropping her in it part comes from the fact that I'm only on a 1 week notice and as it's all internal, they could tell me to start straight away and there would be no hand over time for whoever my replacement might be. So it's almost like their trying to do their best to give me the chance to come in and show what I can do.


So I've been trying to prepare for this interview today but everytime I read through the docs I was sent, I was letting the HR speak get to me. I know a lot of it is hyperbole and rubbish as I have to write it for roles in my team but when you know you're really stretching yourself anyway, it's quite intimidating and hard to focus through on what you do well and how best to sell yourself and bring it back to how they have phrased it.


So I went in and it went a lot better than I was expecting overall. I felt a mess going in but came out a lot more relaxed and positive and even if I don't get it, I feel I represented myself well and showed them what I was about. Plus, they know more about me and next time, I'll be better placed to answer their questions, although I don't think I did too badly overall. I was expecting to be thrown for a complete loop with the technical questions, but I don't feel like I let myself down, so yeah, we'll see what happens.


He said I should hear something next week about it.

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We've had inset today and yesterday. So unbelievably boring. Sitting on your arse for hours and hours whilst people talk at you. Always find it stupid when, as teachers, you get told not to do that, yet they see this as a fine way to talk to adults for a prolonged period of time.

Do you have your kids standing up at times when you talk to them?

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Guess you're right. :heh:


That is EXACTLY how it happened!


Had to have the same discussion with him last night. He was in a right strop and wouldn't tell me what was up. I told him to stop acting like a bitch and just tell me and he did. Told me I was slow and didn't do half of the stuff on the list. Told him I didn't because I do things that aren't on the list because if I didn't do that shit, he wouldn't have been able to have done the shit ON the list. He aired out his problems with me, I aired out mine with him. We got stressed because the stuff that should have been done the day before had to be done yesterday so we were so behind. We kicked off a little and I told him that he can think all he likes that he's 'Head Supervisor' but it's not happening because we both know he's the same role as me. He said he can't listen to me when I tell him what to do and I said "but yet you want me to do as you're told? It doesn't work like that".


I pulled him up on his behaviour towards a member of staff too because he swore in the middle of the shop floor, loudly, with customers standing in earshot of him. He shouted "GET IN THAT FUCKING OFFICE NOW!" to staff. Worst thing of all was that we had a mystery shop. A customer complained as well because she had kids and rightfully so, to be honest. Pulled him up after he had a word with the staff member and he knew he did wrong and said "I get wound up" and I said "You think I'm not! I'm wound up so much right now but I still know to act professional, dude! Come on, man!". He explained it's like looking after kids with them and I do know what he means but there's ways of behaving and sorting things. He tried to make the staff member feel small because the staff member made him feel small.


Hopefully, he'll be okay today but now I've seen what he's like when he's stressed, it's more stressful in some ways.


Still, got everything done because I'm a sexy beast! :p


You stupid school people and your easy summers. Summer is our busiest time :(


It's mine too. Retail is a bitch when it's the school holidays.

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That is EXACTLY how it happened!


Had to have the same discussion with him last night. He was in a right strop and wouldn't tell me what was up. I told him to stop acting like a bitch and just tell me and he did. Told me I was slow and didn't do half of the stuff on the list. Told him I didn't because I do things that aren't on the list because if I didn't do that shit, he wouldn't have been able to have done the shit ON the list. He aired out his problems with me, I aired out mine with him. We got stressed because the stuff that should have been done the day before had to be done yesterday so we were so behind. We kicked off a little and I told him that he can think all he likes that he's 'Head Supervisor' but it's not happening because we both know he's the same role as me. He said he can't listen to me when I tell him what to do and I said "but yet you want me to do as you're told? It doesn't work like that".


I have the CCTV on how the confrontation ended.


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Do you have your kids standing up at times when you talk to them?


u avin a giggle m8?


Actually, the answer to that would be yes, sometimes! It's good for when you're about to send them off on an activity where they'll be moving about. The longer you keep them sat down and listening to you speak, the greater the chance that they'll stop listening and then you'll just end up wasting more time going over the same stuff again and again. The majority of primary school classrooms are quite dynamic, so it's unlikely the kids will be sat down listening for that long.

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School holidays are a nightmare in my place as well, all you want to do is take the details from someone. And what you get is screaming kids down the phone. Resulting in angry customers because you are asking them to repeat something and a major headache.


Not much longer to go, then that will be it.

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I feel like I've gone to Long Eaton.



[Chavvy portion of Nottingham]


u are 1 fucking cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u. i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend w/ a fit mum & fakebling. ill waste u and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper scrap. A roomble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it.

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After a week of new stock coming in and not being able to go out, the management have finally realized that:

A] The warehouse for our department is shit and,

B] Because of A we've been unable to do our job.


So our lil posse got asked this morning after coming into work if we would go home right then (after being there for 2 hours) and come back and help work out the new stock on nights for the next four days.


Because during a busy time of year where we order suplus of home/stationary supplies for new/returning students, it's obviously the perfect time to remerchandise the toy, sports, and car care sections.

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So me and my manager have come to an agreement. I'm having the week after the one I planned. We had a long discussion about it and we just came to a compromise about it.


My job is pretty cool. As with every job, there's problems but even the problems I have don't compare to the ones I used to have in the shoe shop. The problem I have at the moment is the supervisor thinking he's a level higher than me because he was in the store first and can't deal with the fact there are two supervisors now. The thing is, he's still on probation for another three months because his references haven't come in whereas my references have been cleared so my probation ends in a couple of weeks.


I was angry with him today. He tried telling me what to do again and he said the usual "I was here first. Everyone thinks I'm 'numero uno'" and I just snapped. I told him he was becoming annoying and that he was on the same level as me. He claims he does it to help me and I'm like "How on earth is annoying the fuck out of me helping me?".


I'm looking for another job but that's not because of him (it partly is but it's a VERY small reason). It's because, even though I really like the job, it's the most disorganised company I've ever known. I don't get paid on time (my first payday was a week ago and I had to wait two months for it), head office have lost my Right to Work and tried blaming it on me, the holidays I was told was confirmed wasn't actually confirmed, deliveries are late half of the time...it's mad! lmao.

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Does/has anyone ever applied and interviewed for a job just for the sake of the experience/knowing? Someone's sent a posting my way for a similar job to what I do in a different place - I'm tempted to apply just to see if I would even get to interview and how that might then go, but I have little to no intention of actually wanting the job.


Is that weird? I think it's because of how I've sort of slipped into my current role I sometimes wonder at what sort of level I'm at, if that makes sense?

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Had my interview for the self-owned care home today. This one only has 6 residents but that's because they need more attention, ranges from autism to bi-polar with depression.


Weirdly, I got on really well with the interviewer, I felt so relaxed and it didn't really feel like an interview. Which is good for me as I'm naturally nervous speaking to anyone new, especially at interviews. There was another woman in the interview room too who runs 5 other homes in my area and said there are 4 positions available, so if I'm interested, I could be considered for those too. So I said yes. So will find out on Tuesday if I have a job at either the care home I visited or one of the others she runs.


Then on the walk home got a call from Wickes. I'd left a CV there 2 months ago and kind of forgot about it. I'm not especially looking at going back into retail now but it's an option! So I've got an interview for there on Wednesday!

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