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1 minute ago, Ashley said:

Surely you can just claim GDPR reasons. 

At a former job someone on another team once got in touch with someone else while they were on leave to ask trivial questions. Always felt if they did that to me I would put in a formal complaint upon my return. Nothing is that urgent.

I've just told her no and it'll be done next week when he gets back. Just annoys me with people like that. They think their issue is so much more important than anyone else's time. Not long ago I would have actually put in a lot of effort to try and get the information myself but this place has just worn me down to the point where I will do exactly what my job requires and nothing else. As soon as I can find another job (or win the lottery!) then I'm out of here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 20/10/2021 at 10:56 AM, Happenstance said:

Just been asked by someone at work  to contact a staff member who is on holiday to get a load of information because they don't want their boss to have to work during their holiday next week so need it now. They then got all arsy with me when I said it should have been asked for before we broke up for half-term and someone by the end of the conversation (it had moved on so I don't think I'm responsible for this!) she had started crying about working too many hours...


So it turns out the other IT guy that was on holiday was contacted for the info after all. He did reply with it immediately but set the reply as a scheduled email for 9am on Monday when his holiday had ended :laughing:

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 01/11/2021 at 3:35 PM, Happenstance said:

So it turns out the other IT guy that was on holiday was contacted for the info after all. He did reply with it immediately but set the reply as a scheduled email for 9am on Monday when his holiday had ended :laughing:

thats the passive agressive shit i just love lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay! Will get a pay raise next year! However, no one knows how big it will be. It's just calculated by an algorithm. I find that a bit funny because:

At a performance appraisal I got a score of 3 which translates to "exceeds expectations" - there are 4 in total, 2 being "meets expectations". So based on that score, the pay raise will be calculated from current pay according to my role (my role says that I should be paid within the range of u and w, the role above me v to x where u < v < w < x) and the total amount of money put aside to pay raises, as well as the total number of 3s and 4s. That's a whole lot of variables! The pay raise will be effectuated in January where the amount will be revealed. 

I do know that it'll be more than 1 % raise, though, as that is the recalibration done every year for everyone scoring 2 or more.

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On 25/11/2021 at 3:44 PM, Happenstance said:

Stole a pen from the school office and it just exploded all over my hands. Feels like karma.

oof definitely karma lol


i've been MAD BUSY in my new job.  felt like i was handling super confidential data in my old post (mostly patient medical records) but now ive moved on to governance within mental health which is super intense (adverse incidents, most of which are suicides or serious self harm) and im like eep ok :bouncy:

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  • 1 month later...

We've had new gates put in at our school with a fingerprint scanner (they look like prison gates, it's terrible) but the company have been having issues with them. Engineers were here today and unlike yesterday where they turned everything off so it just worked as a swinging gate, this time they left it turned on and buggered off without telling anyone. I'm then getting frantic phonecalls from people trying to get out, I can't access the software because it's not working anymore and they're not answering their phones. We are lucky that I programmed in a practice code yesterday during their 2 minutes of training and never deleted it. Oh and the gate is still broken as it won't close after being opened unless you lock yourself out and when it does open it only does it 3/4 of the way. Awesome start to term! :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got to write my CV in Italian but as my current CV is designed for people in the very specific niche area I work in that will understand all the things I'm talking about I've first of all got to translate it into plain English and then into Italian. Done the general layout and translated labels/education history. Gonna chip away at the 'objectives' and work experience sections slowly but surely. Going to try using Google Translate as a base, then go through it myself to fix any obvious silliness and then get a native to proof read.

And ironically it's not even for a job. 

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Had the call this morning that my school's inspection is this week. Not surprisingly everyone has gone into a panic and my boss looks like she's about to have a breakdown. Should be an interesting week. Despite what she tried to tell me earlier when she said she had a list of stuff she needs from me for the inspectors, I actually have nothing to do with inspections so I should just be able to sit back and watch.

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On 17/01/2022 at 4:17 PM, Happenstance said:

Despite what she tried to tell me earlier when she said she had a list of stuff she needs from me for the inspectors, I actually have nothing to do with inspections so I should just be able to sit back and watch.

Well I was wrong about this. In their infinite wisdom the school decided to allow the IT tech to have the morning off to go to a job interview (today being the first day the inspectors are in) so I get panicked phone calls to my personal number outside of work hours this morning and then complaints when I say I will try to fix the issue but can't guarantee I can because, despite what they think, I am not an IT technician and not all people who work in IT have the exact same skills and knowledge.

If I had better savings I would have walked out this morning and finally quit this shitty job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been "offered" a job at a pension company as a software developer - "offered" because I just had a coffee talk with the manager, someone I knew from uni. At the moment, I'm working in a software company delivering pension administration systems to pension companies so it'll be a shift to the other side of the table and basically a return to what I did before. It's C# this time, whereas I use Java now - it would be nice to add C# (and F#) to my list of competencies (even though it's not that different from Java). The tasks I would be getting are rather similar to my current tasks but I think that I would be trading technological fidelity with a more social culture. My current workplace is rather serious and since I have worked from home for the past two years, I hardly know anyone at the office anymore. Furthermore, over the past half-year a lot of employees have left the company so my attachment to the company is almost purely that I enjoy the tasks I get. 

However, I'm unsure if I want to change. At the moment I'm on paternity leave and it's very common to use this period to change job, but I feel it's betraying the company you work for a little. They pay me my full salary for 10 weeks while I'm away and then I just end up and leave once that has ended? 

I think changing would be more down to getting more money this time around as having just bought a house and having two children is more taxing on my economy. The other place haven't given me an offer yet but they do come with more vacation days and higher pension contributions as well as a 5 % bonus (of annual salary) - my current workplace offers 1 % bonus and a profit sharing scheme but those two would amount to less than 5 % of the annual salary.

Edited by MindFreak
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Regarding leaving during paternity leave I wouldn't worry too much about it. Some people may be irked but they move on quickly. 

At my former job a few people got promotions just before year-long maternity leave which meant they got the leave at the higher salary (and then we had to backfill both the new and old roles) and some people would grumble but most of employment is designed to squash you so you may as well take advantage of little things if you can. 

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I haven't posted in here for a while, but given I've just had my end of year review, I might as well.

This year has been mad, the role was a step up for me way back in 2020. But I decided to really go for it and push hard to learn everything I could. So this past year has been really interesting and I've had to really try to find a voice. On the other hand, I've had a few (men and that is relevant given the field I am in) really speak out against me, not understanding why I was hired, why I wasn't doing x, why I was doing y. Putting me down about my role and the things I was or wasn't doing.

I told my manager as such in my end of year, to which he was surprised. He's heard nothing but "amazing feedback about you, everyone speaks of you highly". I even later found out that I've been put forward to my director as one of three (out of 50+) to be outstanding. He's pleased I was able to deal with it on my own, but very unhappy that it happened. He's a good chap, which is rare from my own experience of managers. 

This also means I'm getting a promotion, my first internal one if it gets signed. I was thankful I got to chose whether I wanted to continue my career path as it currently is (which was absolutely fine with my manager) or take the step up. I chose to take the step as I want to see what happens. So that's neat. Will hopefully see more about that in the coming months. 

Honestly working in a male dominated field is really, really hard sometimes. I'm the only senior woman in my particular team and the only person in my role in the whole company. I'm glad for the chance to prove myself and people think highly of me, but good lord I need to shake some of this imposter syndrome off. Perhaps 2022 I can finally gain some more confidence...and perhaps the new title. 

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